Title: F o u n d e d 1 8 7 0 R o l l a , M i s s o u r i
1I want to be a nuclear physicist! Advising
STEM students and their families. 2008 MSCA
Conference Osage Beach, MO
Jay W. Goff Vice Provost Dean for
Enrollment Management http//enrollment.m
F o u n d e d 1 8 7 0 ? R o
l l a , M i s s o u r i
2What is STEM?
- S cience
- T echnology
- E ngineering
- M athematics
- The Liberal Arts Degree of the 21st Century
- A preferred preparation by many businesses and
entrepreneurs - Incredible career and salary opportunities
3Current Future Challenges
- Energy
- Environment and Resources
- Communications and networking
- Information technology and computing
- Biotechnical and biomedical
- Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Food
- Manufacturing and productivity
- Aerospace
- Defense, Security and Counter-terrorism
- Entertainment and Recreation
450 Fastest Growing Occupations
- 1. Network systems data communications
- 2. Computer software engineers, applications
- 4. Veterinarians
- 7. Forensic science technicians
- 11. Computer systems analysts
- 12. Database administrators
- 13. Computer software engineers, systems software
- 16. Network and computer systems administrators
- 18. Multi-media artists and animators
- 19. Environmental engineers
- 20. Environmental scientists and specialists
- 23. Hydrologists
- 26. Actuaries
- 27. Surveyors
- 35. Geoscientists
- 36. Pharmacists
- 37. Computer and information scientists, research
- 38. Industrial-organizational psychologists
- 39. Biomedical engineers
- 40. Industrial engineers
- 41. Cartographers
- 42. Medical scientists
- 47. Technical writers
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
5STEM Professionals in the U.S.
Source Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Spring
625-35 of the U.S.s Current Hi-Tech Workforce
Will Retire in Next 10 Years
Percent Growth in U.S. Population, 1986-2006 by
Age Bracket
Source U.S. Census Bureau
7Average Wage-and-Salary Earnings
Source Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Spring
8Potential U.S. Undergraduate Engineering Majors
All College Bound, ACT Tested Students
Interested in ANY Engineering Field
Source ACT, Inc.
9Career Success
- Americas Largest Technological Career Fair
is held in MISSOURI! - 673 Companies 4,392 on-campus interviews
- Average starting salary for all graduates
- 55,975
- 96 of 2008 Missouri ST graduates reporting
secured a job in their field or were attending
graduate school within 3 months of graduation.
10Co-op vs. Internship
- Over 500 Missouri ST students completed a co-op
or internship for 150 companies around the US in
2007-2008. - 63 of graduates complete a co-op or internship.
- 2,647 average monthly co-op salary
- 2,875 average monthly internship salary
- Co-op (Cooperative Education)
- 1 Semester 1 Summer
- Longer time, more professional experience
- Internship
- 1 Semester -or- 1 Summer
- Shorter time frame
Michelle, a senior Aerospace Engineering major
from Marshfield, MO, while completing a co-op at
NASAs Dryden Research Center in California.
11What does it take?
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Life-Long Learning
- Creativity
- Ability to use math and computers and tackle
tough challenges
12What does it take?
- High School Preparation
- College-prep coursework(physics, advanced math,
chemistry, economics, computing etc.) - Easy GPA-raising coursework WILL NOT prepare
students for studying a STEM-field in college! - French III Class vs. Chemistry Class?? Go for
Chemistry - Extracurricular activities
- Community involvement team-building experience
- Competitive ACT/SAT scores
- Take good notes
- Practice writing and proofreading
- Take a public speaking class
- Learn to be self sufficient
- Read
- Core Curriculum
- English (4 years)
- Speech, debate, journalism
- Math (4 years)
- Algebra I and higher(8th grade Algebra I is
GREAT!) - Science (3 years)
- At least one lab course
- Many premier universities dont accept general
science - Social Sciences (3 years)
- Fine Arts (1 year)
- Foreign Language (2 years)
- Same language
13Fun Facts
- 80 of grads actively involved in student
organizations - 1-2 organizations (37)
- 2-3 organizations (14)
- 3-4 organizations (14)
- 5 organizations (15)
- 60 held a leadership position
- 30 changed their major at least once
- How likely to attend graduate school?
- Very good chance (56)
- Some chance (23)
- Very little chance (12)
- No chance (7)
- Havent considered (1)
- 24 went to grad school directly after completing
a B.S.
Source Missouri ST Institutional Data
14University Curriculum
- First 3-4 semesters
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Calculus III
- Analytic Geometry
- Chemistry I w/ Lab
- Chemistry II w/ Lab
- Engineering Physics I
- Engineering Physics II
- Differential Equations
- College English
- Intro to Engineering Design Lab
- Careers in Engineering
- Statics/Dynamics
- Materials w/ Lab
- Statistics
- Economics
- In STEM fields, the first 2-3 semesters are not
only the most academically rigorous, they are
fundamental to students future success - Parents help students not get discouraged early
on - Can I graduate in 4 years? Yes!
- Is it likely?
- Depends on your individual course load,
internship and co-op choices, AP credit, etc. - Average for STEM majors 5-6 years with a
15I expect to complete my degree at Missouri ST
Source Missouri ST Institutional Data
16On average, how many hours per week do you
expect to study at Missouri ST?
Source Missouri ST Institutional Data
17By the end of your first year at ST, within
which of the following ranges do you expect your
GPA to fall?
Source Missouri ST Institutional Data
18What if students might not be ready for a major
universitys engineering/science program?
- Transfer students are every bit as academically
successful as students who start as freshmen
- Articulation agreements ensure credits transfer
- Greater access to foundational coursework
- Transfer scholarships
19Women in Science Engineering
- Historically, young women have sought careers in
helping professions - Think about it this wayWho helps the village
more?the doctor that treats a sick patient
-or- the engineer that corrects the water
pollution problem and keeps the entire village
from getting sick ever again? - In 2004
- 55 of all AP exams were taken by women
- 48 of all AP Calculus exams were taken by women
Source Society of Women Engineers and the
National Science Foundation
20Women in Science Engineering
- Male vs. Female Engineering Students
virtually even
National Average 20Missouri ST 24
Source Society of Women Engineers and the
National Science Foundation Source Missouri ST
Institutional Data
21Under-represented Minorities in Science
- In 2002
- 28,000 out of 690,000 minority students who
graduated from high school had taken enough
math and science courses to qualify them for a
college program in engineering - only 17,000 enrolled in engineering programs as
freshmen (gt2) - only 7,426 graduated from college with an
engineering degree - Under-Represented Minority African American,
Native Alaskan, Native American and Hispanic
American students
Source National Center for Education Statistics
22Under-represented Minorities in Science
- Minority students are EXTREMELY successful in
STEM programs(if they find a path that suits
their needs) - from 1995 to 2005, the percentage of Associates
or pre-engineering degrees earned by minority
students increased from 4 to 10 - top institutions awarding engineering degrees to
minority students continue to be HBCUs - In Missouri
- Emerson Electric Company Minority Scholars
Program at St. Louis Community College - Sprint Minority Scholars Program at Metropolitan
Community College - Minority Engineering Program at Missouri ST
- Atlanta University Center and Missouri ST
partnership - Student Organizations
- AISES American Indian Society for Engineering
and Science - NSBE National Society of Black Engineers
- SHPE Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Source National Center for Education Statistics
23Scholarship Financial Aid Supportfor STEM
- MOHELA Engineering Loan Forgiveness Program
- Transfer Scholarship Programs
- SMART Grants
- Academic Competitiveness Grants
- ROTC Programs(Navy, Air Force, Army ROTC
programs ? engineers scientists) - Teaching Scholarships for STEM education majors
- Minority Scholarships
- Corporate Scholarships(examples Boeing,
Anheuser-Busch, GM, Microsoft, NASA encourage
students to spend some quality time on Google.com
or Fastweb.com) - Professional Organization Scholarships(example
Missouri Society of Professional Engineers)
24Pre-College Summer Programs
- Engineering Summer Campshttp//summer.mst.edu
- Engineering Career DaysSt. Louis STL Science
CenterSpringfield Engineering Career Day _at_
Hillcrest HS - Career Shadow and Summer Internship programs for
high school students - FIRST Robotics Competitions
- Science Olympiad, Math Counts,Odyssey of the
Mind, JETS - Field Trips to College CampusesMissouri ST
KiDahn Jones 573-341-4165 kjones_at_mst.edu
25http//pltw.mst.edu http//www.pltw.org Dr.
Ralph Flori, State Coordinatorreflori_at_mst.edu
- Engineering and Biomedical Science tracks
- National program forming partnerships among
public schools, higher education institutions and
the private sector to increase the quantity and
quality of engineers and engineering
technologists graduating from the country's
educational systems. - hands-on, project-based approach to learning
- incorporates Math, Science, English, and
Technology skills needed for success - utilized by 90 Missouri high schools and middle
26Comparing STEM Programs and Universities
- Visit academic departments
- Talk to faculty
- Tour lab facilities
- Tour residential life options
- Access course catalogs
- Meet priority application dates
- Explore tutoring and student success programs
- Explore career placement programs
- Undergraduate research programs
- Questions to Ask
- Are classes taught by faculty or teaching
assistants? - What co-op and internship programs are available?
- Is there a common freshman coursework program?
- Are you required to declare your degree right
away? - What is the average class size? Largest class?
Average lab size?
27College Decision Factors
- Majors Career Programs Offered
- Location/Campus Characteristics
- Cost/Affordability
- Campus Size/Safety
- Characteristics of Enrolled Students
- Selectivity
- and the top influencer in choosing a college
- Campus Visit
28Experience By Design
14 Award Winning Student Design
Teams http//experiencethis.mst.edu
Human Powered Vehicle
Solar House
Formula SAE
Solar Car
Mini Baja
Aero Vehicle
29What fields of engineering are involved in
planning and constructing the International Space
Mining extract specialized construction
materials Geological sensing equipment for
imaging earth's surface Petroleum raw materials
for polymers fuels Metallurgical Al Ti
alloys for structural members Nuclear evaluate
radiation hazards
Electrical power systems Computer control
systems, computers Mechanical Aerospace
maneuvering systems Interdisciplinary
electromechanical systems Biochemical
hydroponics systems Environmental life support
systems Architectural modular design Ceramic
fuel cells, solar panels
30Aerospace Engineering
- Become an astronaut
- Design the next generation of aircraft
- Monitor global habitat via remote sensing from
space - Develop environmentally clean energy
transportation systems - Send rockets to space
- Design and build supersonic jet fighters
- Develop life support systems for long-term space
travel - Produce more affordable launch systems for space
Average Starting Salary 56,075
31Mechanical Engineering
- Any product that you can see, hear, smell or
taste - has been designed or manufactured by a
mechanical engineer
Almost EVERY company has a need for mechanical
engineers in some capacity
- Manufacturing
- Robotics
- Automation
- Hydrogen Transportation
- Nanotechnology
- Composites
- Fluid Solid Mechanics
- Transportation
- Hydraulics
- Materials Stresses/Fatigues
- Smart Sensors
- Dynamics Controls
- Solar Energy
Average Starting Salary 57,009
32Chemical Engineering
- Convert discoveries into useful products and
- New Materials
- Cheaper and Better Products
- Greener Products
- Medical Breakthroughs
Average Starting Salary 64,504
- Chemists work with grams of materials. Focus
on the molecular level - Chemical engineers work with tons of materials.
Focus on applying chemistry solutions to problems
- Scientist
- Doctor/Physician
- Research Chemist
- Dentist
- Analytical Chemist
- Technical Sales and Marketing
- Environmental Chemist
- Teacher
- Food and Drug Inspector
- Biomedical Scientist
- Coatings and Polymer Scientist
Average Starting Salary 45,106
- Biochemical Engineering graduates may work in the
same jobs as chemical engineers but prefer to
work in those industries involved in
Biotechnology such as pharmaceuticals and
agriculture. - Engineering Science Medical Professions
- Food
- Medicine
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Biotechnology
Average Starting Salary 64,504
35Civil Engineering
- Transportation
- Structures
- Drainage
- Soils
- Construction
- Hydrology/Hydraulics
- Public Utilities
Average Starting Salary 51,632
36Architectural Engineering
- Structures
- Foundations
- Building Systems
- Construction Management
- Construction Materials
- Green Buildings
Average Starting Salary 49,291
37Environmental Engineering
- Water and Wastewater Resources
- Geo-Environmental
- Air Pollution
- Soil Pollution
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Microbiology
- Mine Reclamation
Average Starting Salary 51,666
38Computer/Software Engineering
- VLSI Design
- Embedded Computer Systems
- Microprocessor Systems
- Computer Networking
- Digital Systems Design
- Computational Intelligence/Neural Networks
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Systems
Average Starting Salary 59,576
39Electrical Engineering
- Power/Machinery/Drives
- Power Generation, Transmission Distribution
- Electronics
- Electromagnetics and Solid State Devices
- EMC, Electro-optics
- Solid State Materials
- Communications Digital Signal Processing
- Wireless, Satellite Communications
- Circuits and Network Synthesis
Average Starting Salary 56,910
40Computer Science
- 1. representation, storage, manipulation, and
presentation of information - 2. study of symbol-manipulating machines, with
communication between man and machine, and with
the application of these machines - Operating Systems
- Computational Science
- Programming Languages
- Architecture
- Intelligent Systems
- Automata Theory
- Information Systems
- Software Engineering
- Internet Computing
Average Starting Salary 60,416
41Information Science Technology
Information Science
- Job opportunities include
- system and network administration and
maintenance - web development, design, and administration
- e-commerce
- usability and human-computer interaction
specialist - user support services
- information and database architecture
Average Starting Salary 52,131
42Ceramic Engineering
- Traditional Ceramics (whiteware, clay, glass)
- Modern (advanced) Ceramics
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- Electronics
- Biomedical
- Fiber optics
- Sensors
- Superconductivity
- Heat Shields
- Nuclear Waste Storage
Average Starting Salary 55,415
43Metallurgical Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Design
- Manufacturing of Metal Parts
- Machining
- Research development
- Failure Analysis
- Metal Smelting
Average Starting Salary 59,553
44Geological Engineering
- Design and construct groundwater wells/systems
- Investigate and clean up contaminated soil and
groundwater - Design building foundations according to
subsurface conditions - Fix geologic hazards such as landslides
Great example of a GE Missouris Taum Sauk Dam
Average Starting Salary 58,389
45Petroleum Engineering
- Petroleum provides energy
- power generation for lighting and heating our
homes - fuel our transportation system
- Sparks the creation of thousands of products
- Medicines, plastics, textiles, cosmetics
- Drilling
- Production
- Reservoir Engineering
Average Starting Salary 83,875 100,000 is
realistic for some students including benefits
46Mining/Explosives Engineering
- Exploration
- Evaluation
- Extraction
- Processing
- Reclamation
- Utilization
- Explosives Specialist
Average Starting Salary 59,624
47Geology Geophysics
- Plate tectonics
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Seismology
- Beach erosion
- Soil erosion/stability
- Soils Minerals
- Ecology
- Paleontology
- Petroleum Exploration
Average Starting Salary 54,840
48Nuclear Engineering
- Uranium Exploration, Mining, Milling
- Enrichment Fuel Fabrication
- Nuclear Power Production
- Nuclear Engineering
- Waste Disposal Environmental Remediation
- National Security
- Space Nuclear Power
- Nuclear Reactors
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nuclear Fusion
Average Starting Salary 59,875
49Management / Industrial / Manufacturing /
Systems Engineering
- Project engineering
- Industrial engineering
- Production planning and control
- Manufacturing engineering
- Packaging engineering
- Safety engineering
- Quality engineering
- Plant engineering
- Information technology
- Operations management
- Cost control
- Sales engineering
- Engineering administration
Average Starting Salary 55,373
50Management / Industrial / Manufacturing /
Systems Engineering
- Management of Technology - administration and
decision-making aspects of an organization. - Industrial Engineering - acquiring, analyzing and
interpreting data to improve productivity,
quality and safety. - Manufacturing Engineering - designing, operating
and improving manufacturing and packaging
systems. - General Engineering
Salary Potential 20 Years After
Graduation 125,000
51Interdisciplinary / Design Engineering
- A new engineering discipline that knows no
boundaries - A career that lets you to work in emerging
areas of engineering and science and
performing arts
Average Starting Salary varies
52Technical Communication
- Bridge the gap between specialists and
non-specialists - Writers, illustrators, editors, designers,
translators, and project managers, who work in
both the private and public sectors - create help systems and tutorials for users of
new software - design multimedia presentations for special
interest groups - write instructions and dialogue boxes for video
games - edit print manuals or online documentation for
government agencies - conduct training seminars and lead project teams
in industry - common job titles
- documentation manager
- information developer
- online help developer
- technical editor
- technical writer
- usability specialist
- Web designer
Average Starting Salary 42,000
53K-12 Education
- America faces a shortage of 283,000 secondary
math and science teachers by 2015 - Scholarship support for new STEM teachers
- Unique programs example Missouri
STs education program which grants B.S.
degrees in STEM fields with emphasis
in education - Gives students a STEM degree they can use if
they change their career plans. Provides great
depth knowledge of STEM fields.
Source Business Higher Education Forum, 2006
54Biological Sciences
- Focus on living organisms and the things that
impact their environment/existence
- Natural Resources
- Conservation
- Pharmaceutical Research
- Doctor/Physician
- Biotechnology
- Bioinformatics
- Agriculture
- Education
- Scientist
- Environmental Biologist
Average Starting Salary 47,475
55Pre-Med / Pre-Vet
- Most popular options for student considering
medical professions - Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biological Engineering
- Interdisciplinary Engineering
- Do you have to go to medical schoolto pursue a
medical profession? NO - Genetics / Reproduction Research
- Pharmacists
- Dentists
- Optometrist
- Medical Scientists
- Law
- Agriculture
- Veterinary School
- Volunteer at local hospitals
- Focus coursework on Chemistry, Biology, Physics,
Communication - Build good study habits
- Finance
- Telecommunications
- Electronics
- Medicine
- Astronomy
- Meteorology
- Education
- Materials Science
- Oceanography
- Climatology
- Cartography
- Broadcasting
- Acoustics
- Naval Construction
- Military
- Space Exploration
Average Starting Salary 52,313
57Applied Mathematics
Almost EVERY company that (1) has a research
division, (2) deals with complex financial
transactions (3) relies heavily on complex
computing -or-(4) keeps detailed
statisticshas a need for mathematicians in some
- Actuarial Science
- Insurance Liability
- Algebra/Discrete Mathematics
- Applied Analysis
- Computational Mathematics
- Statistics
- Education
- Corporate Law
Average Starting Salary 49,736
58Ocean/Naval/Marine Engineering
- Design, construction, maintenance of ships,
boats, and harbors - Study ocean environments
- Study effects on vessels
- Deep sea exploration
- Vessel recovery
Average Starting Salary varies
59Americas Technological Research Universities
- A university with
- At least 25 of students studying engineering
- A majority of students studying mathematics,
engineering, science, business and computing - A robust graduate program
- Strong research culture
- Exceptional liberal arts, humanities and social
sciences degree programs thrive so as to
complement and lend context to the technological
strengths of the university
60Americas Technological Research Universities
Michigan Tech
SD Mines
New JerseyTech
Colorado Mines
Missouri ST
New Mexico Mining Tech
61Americas Technological Research Universities
Engineering, Business, Science Math Enrollment
Average Enrollment5,615
Engineering Enrollment
62Missouri ST At-A-Glance
A Top Public University Missouri ST ranked 54th
among the nations top public universities (U.S.
News World Report, 2008 Americas Best Colleges
Guidebook, September 2008). Top 15 Public
Colleges for Getting Rich 1 in the Midwest!
Missouri ST ranked 12th on Forbes magazines
list of Best Public Colleges for Getting Rich
(www.forbes.com, Aug. 2008) Top 20 STEM
Research University Missouri ST named in
Academic Analytics Top 20 Specialized Research
Universities - STEM (www.academicanalytics.com,
Jan. 2008) Top 25 Starting Salaries 1
in the Midwest! Missouri ST named in
payscale.coms list of highest average starting
salaries for graduates (www.payscale.com, Aug.
2008) Top 25 Entrepreneurial Campus
Missouri ST ranked 22nd on Forbes s list of
Americas Most Entrepreneurial Campuses
(www.forbes.com , Oct. 22, 2004). Top 25
Connected Campus Missouri ST named in
Princeton Reviews Americas 25 Most Connected
Campuses (www.forbes.com, Jan. 19, 2006). Top
30 Safest College Campuses Missouri ST ranked
27 in Readers Digests Campus Safety Survey
(www.rd.com, 2008). Top 50 Engineering
School Missouri ST ranked 48th among the
nations best engineering schools (U.S. News
World Report, 2007 Americas Best Colleges
Guidebook, September 2006).
63Missouri ST At-A-Glance
- Enrollment 6,300 Ugrd 4,900 Grad
1,400 Freshmen 1005 - 23 female
- 10 underrepresented/ minority
- 70 Missouri residents
- Average ACT 27.4 top 10 in the nation
- Average HS GPA 73 have a 3.5 GPA
64Missouri ST At-A-Glance
- Our Fall 07 freshman class
- 63 are 2nd generation college students
- 58 plan to attend graduate school
- 33 would like to study abroad
- 20 plan to get involved in music/theatre
- 88 are interested in math/science/engineering
- 67,355 average family income
- 73 plan to work while enrolled
- 75 are receiving financial aid 24 qualify
for Pell Grants - 91 plan to join a student organization (51 in a
leadership role) - 78 chose Missouri ST as their 1st -choice
institution 18 chose Missouri ST as their
2nd -choice institution - 94 plan to meet with faculty outside of the
classroom - 97 plan to earn a 3.0 or higher GPA
- 70 started to research Missouri ST in their
junior year of high school
65Missouri ST At-A-Glance
40 or more students
10 - 39 students
1 - 9 students
No students
- Total Enrollment
- 47 states 51 nations
- 70 Missouri residents
- 10 minority students
- 9 international students