Title: Texas School Survey of Substance Use Among Students on the Border: Grades 712 2002
1Texas School Survey of Substance Use Among
Students on the Border Grades 7-122002
Liang Y. Liu, Ph.D.
- Texas Commission on
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Statewide school survey conducted biennially
since 1988 by TCADA with the Public Policy
Research Institute at Texas AM University - In 1998, schools along the Texas-Mexico border
were oversampled for the first time to examine
substance use among border students in detail - A total of 53,053 students in grades 7-12 were
sampled from 34 school districts in border
counties - 96,167 secondary students were sampled from the
43 non-border school districts for comparison
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
3Survey Participant Composition
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
4Substance UseBorder vs. Non-Border
- 54.0 of border students vs. 52.6 of non-border
students reported using some type of substance
during the past school year - Border students were more likely to
- use cocaine, crack, or Rohypnol
- be past-month users of alcohol or tobacco
- have used multiple illicit drugs
- Border students were less likely to
- use marijuana, hallucinogens, uppers, downers, or
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
5Lifetime Use of Substances
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
6Past-Month Use of Substances
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
7Binge Drinking (5 drinks at One Time)
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
8Past-Year Drug UsersWho Used 1 Illicit Drugs
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
9Lifetime Use of Powder Cocaine and Crack
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
10Lifetime Use of Rohypnol
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
11Demographic Correlates of Substance Use
- Border Hispanic students reported lower lifetime
use of most substances except cocaine, crack, and
Rohypnol than their non-border peers - Differences in cocaine use between border and
non-border students were greater in the upper
grades - Inhalants, beer, and cigarettes were the first
substances tried by both border and non-border
students - Border students who made Cs, Ds and Fs were
two times as likely to use cocaine/crack, uppers,
downers, hallucinogens, Rohypnol, or heroin as
students who made As and Bs
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
12Sociodemographic Status
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
13Past-Month Use of Any Substance by Gender and
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
14Past-Month Use of Any Substance by
Sociodemographic StatusBorder Students
Live With Both Parents
In Other Family Structures
Have a Job
No Job
College -Ed. Parents
No College-Ed. Parents
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
15Protective and Risk Factors Related to Substance
- Border students reported obtaining alcohol from
stores or parties more often than non-border
students - Border students also reported that cocaine,
crack, and Rohypnol were easy to obtain - Border students were more likely to perceive
tobacco and marijuana as dangerous to use, but
less likely to perceive alcohol, inhalants,
cocaine, crack, and heroin as dangerous to use - All students who participated in extracurricular
activities reported lower substance use than
those who did not participate, however, the
difference was more pronounced among non-border
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
16Students Who Said Substances Were Used at Some
Parties They Attended
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
17Students Who Said Substances Were Very Easy to
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
18Past-Month Alcohol Users Who Always/Most of the
Time Get Alcohol from Various Sources
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
19Students Who Thought Substances Were Very
Dangerous to Use
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
20Parental Attendance at School Events Past-Month
Substance Users/Non-Users
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
21Past-Month Use of Any Substance by Perceived
Environment Safety Border Students
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
22Border Students Who Participated in Specific
Extracurricular Activities
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
23Past-Month Use of Alcohol and Marijuana by
Extracurricular Activity Participation
Past-Month Alcohol Use
Past-Month Marijuana Use
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
24Alcohol- and Drug-Related Problems
- Both border and non-border students who missed
class or had conduct problems in school were more
likely to have used alcohol or other drugs than
other students - Border students were slightly more likely than
non-border students to have attended class while
drunk or high on inhalants or illicit drugs other
than marijuana - Border seniors were more likely than their
non-border peers to report driving a car after
having consumed a good bit to drink, but less
likely to report driving while high from drugs
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
25Students Who Attended Class While High on
Substances in Past School Year
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
26Seniors Who Had Driven While Drunk or High from
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
27Sources of Information and Assistance for
Substance Problems
- Border students reported having received
information on substance use from more school
sources than non-border students - 11 of border and 7 of non-border students said
they already had sought help for their substance
problems - Border students seemed more willing than
non-border students to seek help from a counselor
or program in school and out of school, medical
doctor, or school nurse/teacher.
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
28Students Receiving Information on Substances in
Past School Year
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
29Would Seek Help from an Adult Past-Month
Substance Users/Non-Users
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
- Border area youths may be protected through the
strengths of the Mexican family culture, which
can be a foundation for creating strategies to
keep youths drug free - Due to the flow of drugs across the border and
the ease at which drugs can be obtained, parents,
schools, and communities should address youth
risk and resiliency factors - Parents should have ongoing communication with
their children and emphasize their disapproval of
using substances
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12
31- Recent information on prevention, drugs of abuse,
research, clearinghouse services, and training
opportunities can be - found at the TCADA website
Acknowledgement to Brian D. Robertson, graduate
student at the Texas AM University System Health
Science Center, for creating this presentation.
2002 Texas School Survey G7-12