Title: Chapter 11 The Islamic World Section 1: The Rise of Islam
1Chapter 11 - The Islamic WorldSection 1 The
Rise of Islam
2- The Story Continues
- By the end of the AD 400s, the Western Roman
- Empire had collapsed. In the eastern part of the
- empire, the Byzantine culture thrived and
- preserved the learning and scholarship of
- ancient Greece and Rome. Meanwhile, south and
- east of the Byzantines, another vast empire was
- developing in the Arabian Peninsula. It had its
- own thriving economy based on trade. In this
- chapter you will learn about a new religion that
- inspired this empire and encouraged its growth.
- You will also learn about the achievements of
- this culture in the arts and sciences.
3I. Arabia Its Geography and People
- Except for a narrow strip along the coasts,
- most of the Arabian Peninsula is desert
4I. Arabia Its Geography and People
- Bedouins, nomadic Arab desert dwellers,
- were organized into tribes led by a sheikh
5I. Arabia Its Geography and People
- In the milder climate along the coasts,
- towns grew up and the townspeople became
- traders
6I. Arabia Its Geography and People
- One important trade center was Mecca,
- located on a caravan route running north
- across the desert
7II. The Prophet Muhammad
- About A.D. 570, Muhammad was born in
- Mecca and made a living as a caravan trader
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad
8II. The Prophet Muhammad
- When Muhammad was about 40, the angel
- Jibreel (Gabriel) appeared and told him he
- was called to be a prophet of Allah
Muhammad's Call to Prophecy and the First
9II. The Prophet Muhammad
- Meccas rulers of opposed Muhammads
- teaching because his ideas threatened their
- authority
Muhammad Teaching About Islam
10II. The Prophet Muhammad
- They also feared that his teachings might stop
- pilgrimages to the Kaaba
11II. The Prophet Muhammad
- In A.D. 622, Muhammad and his followers
- moved from Mecca to Yathrib - the hijrah
12II. The Prophet Muhammad
- Yathrib was renamed Medina and 622 became
- the first year of the Muslim calendar
13II. The Prophet Muhammad
- Muhammad gained many followers and
- tensions between Mecca and Medina led to
- war
Muhammad and his companions advancing on Mecca.
The angels Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Azrail,
are also in the painting
14II. The Prophet Muhammad
- In A.D. 630 Mecca was defeated and
- Muhammad returned, destroyed the idols in
- the Kaaba and dedicated it to Allah
Muhammad re-dedicating the Black Stone at the
15II. The Prophet Muhammad
- By Muhammads death in 632, Arabs united
- under Islam, which spread across the Middle
- East and into North Africa
16III. The Faith of Islam
- Islam is based on the belief that there is only
- one god (Allah) and each believer must obey
- gods will
Allah is One
17III. The Faith of Islam
- Followers of Islam are called Muslims and
- their holy book is the Quran (Koran)
18III. The Faith of Islam
- The Quran contains rules and instructions for
- right living, the Five Pillars of Islam, and the
- importance of the jihad
19III. The Faith of Islam
- At first, the Quran was written only in Arabic
- because Muslims believed that gods words
- might be lost or changed
20III. The Faith of Islam
- Arabic became the common language of
- Muslims in religion, law, and literature
21III. The Faith of Islam
- Muhammad accepted the Torah and Bible as
- part of gods teachings - Muslims, Jews and
- Christians were all People of the Book
22III. The Faith of Islam
- Sharia (Islamic law) regulates moral conduct,
- family life, and other aspects of a Muslim
- community
23III. The Faith of Islam
- Islam affirmed the spiritual equality of women
- and they gained greater protection under
- the law