Title: We help our customers to increase their profitability and improve cash flow
1- We help our customers to increase their
profitability and improve cash flow
Corporate Presentation September 2005
- Business introduction
- Financial review 2004 and Q2(05)
3Business Mission
- Intrum Justitia is the leading Pan-European group
that offers credit management services to
corporate clients - We contribute to improved profitability and
cash-flow by more efficiently managing our
clients customer receivables - Our combination of Pan-European coverage and
local expertise creates unrivalled client value
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5Leader in Credit Management Services
Only true pan-European, with operations in 22
countries, market leader in 15 countries in
CMS Revenues of SEK 2,741M (EUR 300M) 2,800
employees Listed on Stockholm Exchange
Intrum Justitias market position
Market leader
Top-five position
6Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
Purchased Debt
Credit services
Debt Surveillance
Debt Collection
Market offering
- Information
- Decision
- Guarantee
- Consumer
- Commercial
- International
7Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
- Credit information from Intrum Justitia
makes it easier for the customer to assess
risks and makes the lending more secure. - Credit decision provides a fully interpreted
credit decision and recommendation whether or
not credit should be granted. - Credit guarantee is service offered by Intrum
Justitia in the form of screening applications
for new credit and debit cards on behalf of
card issuers
Credit services
Market offering
8Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
- Invoicing By allowing Intrum Justitia to
produce and send invoices, the customer
releases time and resources. - Sales Ledger Management Intrum Justitia
receives and books payments. Routine
reports and continuous status updates
on-line provide customers control over their
sales ledger.
- Reminder management Intrum Justitias quick
and efficient routines increase the
likelihood of getting paid. - Interest invoice It is important for
profitability that the customer is also
compensated for extended credit periods.
Market offering
9Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
- Consumer and Commercial
- Collection services have been the Groups
core business since the start. Thanks to long
experience, established processes and
reliable analytics, Intrum Justitia is
efficient in getting paid, even for debts that
are long overdue. - International Because of global coverage with
own offices in 21 European countries - and partners in another 160 countries Intrum
Justitia can assist - customers also when their debtors are located
other countries than - themselves .
Debt Collection
Market offering
10Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
- Debt surveillance Intrum Justitia monitors
written-off receivables and works actively to
collect them. Measures to re-instate time
limits and cost-effective processes are
important parts of this work.
Debt Surveillance
Market offering
11Our Market Offering Credit Management Services
Invoice date
Due date
Write-off date
Time line
Purchased Debt
Market offering
- Purchased Debt As part of its business,
Intrum Justitia buys written-off receivables
and collects on them in the same way that it
collects on behalf of customers.
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13Key Factors Driving Growth
ConsumerReceivables CharacteristicsAutomatisat
ion due to large volume of cases with low nominal
value Key driversIndebtednessOutsourcingDe-re
CommercialReceivables CharacteristicsCases
with high nominal value require specialist
skills Key driversIndebtednessFocus on
coreEU initiatives
14Diversified Client Base
- 90,000 clients across Europe in all industries
- 88 client retention rate
- Largest client less than 2 of revenue
- Bank/finance/insurance and telecom/internetprovi
ders are the two most important client segments - Strong growth in utility segment
15Intrum Justitia Strong Partner in Outsourcing
- Well-known brand
- Scoring Proprietary data bases combined
with experience - Concepts for each customer segments
- Fair Pay Skilled agents
- Tailor-made IT solutions
- Own operations in 22 European countries and
a network of 160 partners world-wide
16Code of Ethics
- Business shall be conducted so as to foster and
maintain respect and confidence in the CMS
industry - Laws and regulations shall be strictly observed
in all dealings with clients, debtors and
authorities - Cases shall be handled speedily, professionally,
efficiently and correctly - Clients contacts shall be maintained throughout
case processing - Clients funds shall be held in separate accounts
- Strict security shall be maintained regarding all
information acquired be the collection company - The debtors integrity shall be respected at all
- Business introduction
- Financial review 2004 and Q2(05)
18Financial Targets
- Intrum Justitias financial targets are as
follows - Average organic growth of at least 10 percent per
year over a business cycle. Moreover, Intrum
Justitia actively seeks opportunities to grow
through selective acquisitions. - A net debt/equity ratio (interest-bearing net
debt as a percentage of shareholders equity and
minority interests) that does not exceed 100
percent over the long term.
- Focus on national offerings and operations
- Complement with international service offerings
- Offer a comprehensive range of CMS
- Work continuously to improve quality and
efficiency - Complement organic growth with acquisitions
- Continue to build the brand
20Customized service offering
Mature markets
Established markets
Developing markets
Level of maturity
21Parts of Growth from acquisitions
Examples of recent acquisitions
2005 2005 2003 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000
Creditexpress Legal Trade Collections Cofreco Je
an Riou Contentieux Stirling Park Via
Ejecutiva Dun Bradstreet RMS Intrum Justitia
Portugal Cashpar Intrum Justitia UAB
Slovakia Ireland France France UK/Scotland Spain/P
ortugal European Portugal Finland Lithuania
22Significant sales across Europe
Poland, Czech Rep Hungary, 6
France, Spain Portugal, 11
Sweden, Norway Denmark, 26
Finland, Estonia, Latvia Lithuania, 11
United Kingdom Ireland, 13
Netherlands, Belgium Germany, 20
Switzerland, Austria Italy, 13
Revenues 2004 SEK 2,741 M
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24First six months in summary
25History of Intrum Justitia
- 1923 Founded by the father of Bo Göransson
- 1970s Acquired by Bo Göransson in 1970 and
developed into the dominant player in the
Swedish market - 1980s International expansion in Europe
- 1987 Quoted in Luxembourg and 1990 in London
- 1990s Further international expansion through
organic growth and incremental acquisitions - 1998 Intrum Justitia taken private by Industri
Kapital and Bo Göransson - 2001 Acquisition of Dun Bradstreet, Europe
- 2002 Listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange
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27CEOJan Roxendal
Group Staffs CFO Bo Askvik Business
Development Anders Carlström Corporate
Communications IR Anders Antonsson Group
IT (CIO) Rob de Vries Human Resources
Thomas Fredholm Mergers Acquisitions Kent
Hansson Public Affairs Leif Hallberg
Assistant to the CEO Elisabeth Grahn
John Easden United Kingdom(England
Wales)John Easden (Stirling Park) Ann Wood 1
Ireland Nick Biggam
Lennart Laurén SwedenLennart LaurénNorway Rune
Viermyr DenmarkGregers Kofoed-Hansen
Marcel van Es NetherlandsMarcel van Es
Belgium Robin Vieveen
Henning Bensland PolandGrzegorz DmowskiCzech
RepublicIvo KlimeSlovakia Viktória
Grossová HungaryPeter Félfalusi
Benno Oertig SwitzerlandThomas
HutterAustriaMichael FischerGermany Benno
Thomas Feodoroff FinlandThomas
FeodoroffEstoniaIvar TammenmäeLatviaAgnese
Priedite LithuaniaAudrius Astrauskas
Pascal Labrue FrancePascal Labrue Spain Luís
SalvaterraPortugalLuís SalvaterraItalyFrançois
Credit Committee
Kari Kyllönen Purchased Debt
International Collection Vacant
Debt Surveillance Susanne Bruce 2
1 Managing Partner 2 Reporting to Lennart
Laurén Profit center Center of
28The shareholders structure, 31 Aug
29Financial calendar 2005/06
- Interim Report JanuarySeptember 200526 October
2005 - Full-Year report 200515 February 2006
30Intrum Justitia GroupEuropes leading Credit
Management Services company