Title: Tauwehe
- Tauwehe a photographic exploration of
dIsplacement as contained in Maori oral histories
of land kinship. - Aue, Marsha, its awfullook what theyve done
to the land, aue, aue. - I heard inflections of despair, sadness and
regret in my mothers voice as she saw the new
coastal development cutting into what was once
her tupunas land. Taking in its mutilation of
topography, scraped of all vegetation back to
dirt and its Bare Land for Sale sign, my mother
felt she and Maori culture were under assault.
- This research project originated with custodians
of Te Tii Waitangi describing how the loss of
their land affected living practices. The
Tauwehe project inquires how abstracted
photography can employ codified patterns to probe
themes of dislocation and displacement as
contained in Te Tii Waitangi land kinship oral
histories. -
3PaperTauwehe Te Tii RewovenThis paper
explores tukutuku panels as an exemplar of
codified patterns as narrative devices to
generate abstract photographic visual language to
weave new stories for Te Tii.
4- Record Maori land kinship oral histories of Te
Tii Waitangi and identify themes of dislocation
and displacement contained in them. - Photograph in the Te Tii environment with themes
and stories in mind. - Scan images and explore them in the workspace.
Create. - Reflect, read, review, research. Look for
outcomes and disparities.
5Do you think we can only know things by comparing
them to other things? (Barth, 2006).
Images credited to Uta Barth. blog.styleserver.de
6Is the practice of oral history the ordinary
mans way of combating the denial of access to
history? Portelli (1991).
Image credit to Star Gossage
7- Tukutuku
- Tukutuku may be seen as a model of patterns in an
arranged systematic collection as a technique for
symbolic representation of accounts of
experience. - As a model tukutuku like other models has
parameters and rules which regulate its use and
application which can be explored.
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9Double Poutama tukutuku panels in the
Christchurch Cathedral
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12Koru by Tanya Ruka tanyaruka.blogspot.com/2008_04_
...'We live by stories, we also live in them. One
way or another we are living the stories planted
in us, early or along the way, or we are also
living the stories we planted - knowingly or
unknowingly - in ourselves. We live stories that
either give our lives meaning or negate it with
meaninglessness. If we change the stories we live
by, quite possibly we change our lives'.- Ben
Okri(quoted in The Truth About Stories by Thomas
King )
OTHER ARTISTS WORK - Image credit to Tanya Ruka
13Examples of contemporary tukutuku patterned
mapping and symbolic association. Trying to set
14The unpretentious thing evades thought most
stubbornly. Heidegger (date)
15A typical work space where images are moved to
and compared, contrasted, sized, layered,
preferred, etc.
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28Insider Researcher and immersion  Vidich and
Lyman suggest that the postmodern ethnographer
takes Simmels tragedy of culture to be a fait
acompli and that such a stance makes both the
researcher and the researchers field
problematic. This suggests there is no way to
clearly separate the field from the insider
researcher especially since postmodernism is
concerned with what lies at the periphery of a
field. In pointing out the dangers of immersion
it might also be noted that immersion may be
considered a form of thorough mapping consistent
with rigor and that in its thoroughness it has
the ability to be self regulating especially in
context to cross discipline research.