Title: Predicting Electromagnetic Fields with GEMACS and the CEM Framework
1Predicting Electromagnetic Fields with GEMACS and
the CEM Framework
- Edgar L. Coffey
- Applied Research Associates, Inc.
- bcoffey_at_ara.com
2Ground Vehicle Antenna Radiation
Center-fed at 50 Watts
3Ground Vehicle Radiation Problem
- Modeling Scenario
- Antenna on vehicle over ground plane
- Radiates in all directions
- Observables
- Find where radiation levels are excessive
- Steps
- Build an EM model of the scene
- Execute GEMACS to find fields
- Extract desired observables from raw data
- Use SmartView to render the results
4Start with the Vehicle
- Main Menu
- Edit
- Add Element to Scene
- Geometry
- Select geometry file
- Set rendering features
- Set position at origin
5Add the Ground Plane
- Main Menu
- Edit
- Add Element to Scene
- Ground plane
- Select geometry file
- Set conductivity 0.005
- Set rendering size 100 m
6Excite the Antenna with 50 Watts
- Main Menu
- Edit
- Add Element to Scene
- Impressed Source
- Value 73.38 j0 volts
- Segment No. 16
- Frequency 50 MHz
- (No load)
7Request Surface Currents
- Main Menu
- Edit
- Add Element to Scene
- Surface/Wire Currents
- Value 73.38 j0 volts
- Select Results File
8Request Near-Zone Electric Fields
-40 m lt X lt 40 m -40 m lt Y lt 40 m 0 m lt Z lt 26
m dx dy dz 2 m
(Only a small part of the lattice is shown.)
9Export to GEMACS and Run
- Main Menu
- File
- Export
- Enter file name
- Main Menu
- Execute
- Launch GEMACS 6.11
Frequency and Excitation
Segment and Conductivity
Field Output Request
Results XML File
(Hand-generated GEMACS input shown for clarity.)
10Post-Process GEMACS Data
The Frameworks Component View tool easily
generates requested observables
11Generating Surface Currents
Use Component View to post-process data, then
view with SmartView
12Visualizing Surface Currents
(Currents are color-coded according to their
13Generating Contour Maps
The full 3D field data set is read into Component
View via XMLReader, then the user selects a cut
plane on which to generate contours. The data
are written to a SmartView-compatible file.
14Visualizing Contours of Fields
- Rendered with AEs SmartView.
- Viewing contours from above.
- Vehicle forward direction is x axis.
- YZ-plane is vehicles front face
- Contour is taken at z 2 m
- Color scale units are in Volts/meter
15Generating IsoSurface Contours
This map generates two surface and combines them
with the vehicle
16Visualizing IsoContour Surfaces
2 V/m surface
5 V/m surface
(Front of contours removed for clarity)
17Using Light to Enhance the View
(Previous figure viewed from below)
18Combining Contours with IsoSurfaces (color
19Summary of Ground Vehicle Simulation and
- Building the scene (15 minutes)
- Predicting fields (25 minutes)
- Post-processing the data (15 minutes)
- Visualization and Screenshots (20 minutes)
- All was done on a laptop PC with GEMACS and the
CEM Framework