Title: PolishSwedish Bioenergy Conference Integrated Bioenergy Systems Development 070531
1Polish-Swedish Bioenergy ConferenceIntegrated
Bioenergy Systems Development07-05-31
- eddie.johansson_at_enae.se
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15Fertilizer production
16Spreading of Ash/Digested sludge
- 2-2500 ton sludge and ash/year.
- Within limits for heavy metals
PhotoRolf Slagbrand
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19Metalcycle in Enköping CHP-plant
Electrostatic precipitator
Flue-gas condenser
Chips Sawdust Willowtree Bark
Total fuel input 350 GWh
Cd 90 Cu 50 Cr 40 Hg 80 Ni 70 Pb 80
Zn 80
Salix uptake from ground
Cd 10 Cu 50 Cr 60 Hg 20 Ni 30 Pb 20
Zn 20
Cd 9,8 Cu 55 Cr 41 Hg 0,34 Ni 28 Pb 9.86
Zn 731
g/ha year
Fly ash
Cd 0,75 Cu 194,5 Cr 26,1 Hg 0,33 Ni 12,9 Pb
15 Zn 324
g/ha year
Bottom ash
Ash/sludge mix
Condensed water 30 000 m3/year
120 ha willowfield
Digested sludge
Waste water treatment plant
Cdlt1,1 Cu 183 Cr lt13 Hglt0,4 Ni 25 Pb 13 Zn
g/ha year
76 ha willowfield
Irrigation project
Enköping river
Clean water
Clean water sludge water
3,8 milj. m3/year
200 000 m3/year
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22Bioenergy resourses and consumtion
- ENA Energi AB need 350 GWh/år
- Yearly natural groth Enk 100 GWh/år
- Today 860 ha Salix 25 GWh/år
- If 10 of farming land
- 5200 ha 140 GWh/år
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24Enköpings municipality
- Area 1184 km2 118 400 ha (293 000 acre)
- Farming land 46 54 500 ha
- Forrests 37,5 44 400 ha
- Others 16 19 000 ha
- Rivers 0,5
25Full speed ahead!
- Salix cheaper than coal. 16 9,5/MWh
- New actors necessary, low interest from farmers.
- Knowledge and experience exist.
- Creating a lot of local employments
- Who is holding the brake?
26Restart Salix Projekt 2004
- 50 GWh new Salix before 2008
- Within Enkoping municipality
- Production cost lower than 8 /MWh
- Rent appr. 2200 ha farming land
- Use existing experteese from Universities,
Agrobransle, Landscape arkitects, Hunters ass. to
create a winning concept.
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28Future Ena Kraft AB
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30Socio-economic benefits of using bio energy
- Farmers get long term contracts for energy supply
and takes part in the local cooperation - Uses the waste products from society as
fertilizer - Solves nitrogen leakage to Baltic see
- Clean farming land from heavy metals
- Produce energy from waste, but through solar
energy - Everybody can see the energy growing
- Local energy needs society planning
- Local energy needs local interests/owners