Title: Ensemble Kalman Filter Applications: StormScale Analysis and Forecasting
1Ensemble Kalman Filter ApplicationsStorm-Scale
Analysis and Forecasting
Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale
Meteorological Studies, Norman, Oklahoma National
Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
- Severe Weather Analysis and Prediction group at
National Severe Storms Laboratory - Mike Coniglio Kim Elmore
- Ted Mansell David Stensrud
- Lou Wicker Qin Xu
- Nusrat Yussouf
- Collaborators at NCAR, OU, and elsewhere
- Altug Aksoy Jeff Anderson
- Don Burgess Mike French
- Tadashi Fujita Glen Romine
- Bill Skamarock Chris Snyder
- Jenny Sun
3Atmospheric Data Assimilation (DA)
- using all available information -- observations
physical laws numerical model to estimate as
accurately as possible the state of the
4Goals of DA
- Case studies
- optimal analysis of data from multiple sensors
- Initializing numerical forecast models
assimilate obs
assimilate obs
assimilate obs
assimilate obs
assimilate obs
assimilate obs
5Background-Error Covariance Matrix
- Provides information on
- magnitude of error in current atmospheric state
estimate (large variance?large error) - how errors are related spatially and between
different variables (correlation)
6Kalman Filter vs. Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
- Kalman filter -- explicitly evolve entire
background-error covariance matrix - Large matrices for our problems
- (100)3 grid points ? 10 variables2 1014
matrix elements - Even if feasible to store matrix, have to deal
with numerical instability in advancing the
matrix - Ensemble Kalman filter -- when needed, estimate
an individual covariance matrix element from
ensemble statistics
7Favorable Aspects of Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
- Scheme is relatively easy to implement
- Information about forecast uncertainty provided
by the ensemble can be useful - Ensemble forecasting and data assimilation are
conducive to parallel computing
8How the EnKF Method Works
Snyder and Zhang 2003
observed quantity
state variable
9Error Covariances from Ensemble2D Cold Bubble
10Error Covariances from Ensemble2D Cold Bubble
- correlation between temperature field
- and eastward velocity component at point shown
11EnKF Equations
- computation of Kalman gain
adjustment of ensemble mean
N number of ensemble members xf,
xa forecast/analysis of a particular model
field at a particular location H(xf) model
state mapped to the observation type and
location yob observation s2ob observation error
variance _ ensemble mean deviation from
ensemble mean
12Ensemble Data AssimilationGood Model and Good
initial ensemble
before assimilation
after assimilation
t0 Dt
t0 2Dt
13Ensemble Forecasting and DASynoptic Scale
- First attempts to use EnKF method dry,
quasi-geostrophic flows (Evensen 1994, Houtekamer
Mitchell 1998) - State variables observed (u, v, p, T from
soundings), but at sparse locations - Numerical model believed to be a reasonably
accurate representation of the atmosphere - O(100) members in ensemble
- Ensemble variability (mostly) from initial and
boundary-condition perturbations - Representing uncertainty in positions and
strengths of weather systems
14Convective Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecasting and
DA Challenges
- Isolated, small, and unbalanced phenomena
- Multiple scales
- Influence of larger scale systems on storm
initiation and evolution - Larger scale response to heating and cooling by
deep, moist convection
Trier et al. 2000
15Challenges of Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecasting
and DA
- Sensitivity to model parameterizations (e.g.,
precipitation microphysics)
varied parameters in supercell simulations inter
cept parameter and density of hail/graupel
Gilmore et al. 2004
16Challenges of Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecasting
and DA
- Unobserved fields
- Most of the model state variables are unobserved
on these scales (L1 km, T1 min), so
assimilation must retrieve these fields. - Storm-scale observations Doppler radar
- Environmental data surface, satellite,
sounding, etc. - Relatively little information is available for
diagnosing errors in storm-scale analyses.
17Radar Observations
- Doppler velocity
- power-weighted mean over sampling volume of
component of scatterer (rain, hail, etc.) motion
toward or away from radar - reflectivity
- function of scatterer sizes and number
18WSR-88D Network (central plains)
Alexander and Wurman 2004
19Variables in a Typical Cloud Model
- u eastward wind component
- v northward wind component
- w upward wind component
- p pressure
- T temperature
- qv water vapor mixing ratio
- qc cloud water mixing ratio
- qr rain mixing ratio
- qi ice crystal mixing ratio
- qs snow mixing ratio
- qh hail/graupel mixing ratio
20Challenges of Storm-Scale DAUnobserved Fields
- Model variables
- u, v, w, p, T, qv, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh
- Radar observations
- Doppler velocity -- single velocity component
- reflectivity -- complicated function of qr, qi,
qs, qh - Unobserved quantities
- two velocity components
- p, T, qv, qc
- individual hydrometeor categories
21Brief History of Storm-Scale DA
- Static initialization and/or data insertion
- Ziegler (1985) -- first time radar observations
were used in a numerical cloud model (?) - 4DVar
- Since 1990
- Discussed by Jenny Sun tomorrow
- 3DVar
- Since 2004 (?)
- Discussed in Part 2 this morning
- EnKF
- Since 2001
22EnKF Assimilation of Radar DataExperiments with
Synthetic Data(Snyder and Zhang 2003)
- Produce a reference simulation (truth)
- Splitting supercell
- Create synthetic Doppler velocity observations
- Volumetric observations every 5 min
- Random error added to point value of model
velocity component in direction of radar beam - Initialize 50-member ensemble
- Advance ensemble to time of first synthetic
observations, assimilate them, advance ensemble
to time of next observations, etc.
23Synthetic DA Experiments Initialization
- Each ensemble member has the same base state
- Random perturbations are added to the model
fields - Gaussian noise (Snyder and Zhang 2003), or
coherent blobs in random locations (Dowell et al.
2004) - Entire domain, or localized region where storms
develop - Before the first ob. is assimilated, the ensemble
is advanced for a few 10s of min, during which
time some random perturbations initiate
convective storms
localized temperature blobs
vertical velocity 30 min later (first assim. time)
24EnKF Assimilation of Synthetic Radar Data (Snyder
and Zhang 2003)
Vertical velocity at 6 km AGL
EnKF analysis
3 volumes assimilated
13 volumes assimilated
25EnKF Assimilation of Synthetic Radar Data (Tong
and Xue 2005)
RMS errors in model fields over a 100-min period
black line both Doppler velocity and
reflectivity assimilated
26EnKF Assimilation of Synthetic Radar Data (Tong
and Xue 2005)
Correlation between model fields and refl. at
point shown at t80 min
27EnKF Assimilation of Synthetic Radar Data (Tong
and Xue 2005)
Forecast from ensemble-mean analysis at 80 min
20-min forecast
100-min forecast
28Conclusions EnKF Experiments with Synthetic
Radar Data
- The model state in the reference simulation is
reproduced well after several volumes of radar
data are assimilated over 30 minutes - Ensemble covariances between observed and
unobserved quantities are necessary for efficient
retrieval of the atmospheric state - Tested by comparing control assimilation
experiment to assimilation experiment with filter
update of some model variables turned off
29Limitations ofExperiments with Synthetic Data
- These experiments are perfect model experiments
- Same model that produces the reference simulation
is used to assimilate observations - With only a little help from the assimilation,
the model wants to proceed along the correct
trajectory - More realistic experiments must consider the
impact of model error and how to ameliorate it
30Real-Data Storm-ScaleEnKF Experiments
- 17 May 1981 Arcadia, OK supercell (Dowell et al.
2004a) - 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City, OK supercell (Dowell et
al. 2004b, Wicker et al. 2007) - 11 June 2003 southwest OK multicell and squall
line (Coniglio et al. 2007) - 15 May 2003 Shamrock, TX supercell (M.
French) - 29 May 2004 Geary, OK supercell (K.
31EnKF Assimilation of Radar Data17 May 1981
Arcadia, OK Storm
- Idealized model (VDRAS)
- Horizontally homogeneous initial environment
- Warm-rain precipitation microphysics scheme
- Grid spacing Dx1 km
- 50-member ensemble
- Randomness in locations of warm
bubbles that initiate storms - Assimilation
- Cimarron vel. and reflectivity
- Verification
- Dual-Doppler analysis
- Tower measurements
32Arcadia StormEnKF Analysis vs. Dual-Doppler
Vertical velocity (4.0 m s-1 contour
interval) and horizontal wind at 4.25 km AGL
EnKF analysis (5 radar-data volumes assimilated)
Dual-Doppler analysis
33Arcadia StormEnKF Analysis vs. Instrumented
Vertical velocity (m s-1)
Perturbation temperature (K)
EnKF analysis Tower data
34NCOMMAS Assimilation Experiments8 May 2003
Oklahoma City Supercell
- NCOMMAS forecast model
- Grid spacing Dx2.0 to 0.5 km
- LFO/Gilmore precip. microphysics (rain,
hail/graupel, snow, ice crystals) - 50-member ensemble
- Assimilation of KOUN Doppler velocity and
reflectivity data - Verification with independent dual-Doppler
analysis - Sensitivity experiments
- Model resolution
- Observation resolution
- Precipitation microphysics
358 May 2003 Oklahoma City SupercellSingle-Radar
Assimilationvs. Independent Dual-Doppler Analysis
Reflectivity and Wind at 300 m AGL
Dual-Doppler Analysis
90-min Assimilation
image provided by Arthur Witt
368 May 2003 Oklahoma City SupercellForecast from
Ensemble Mean(55 min assimilation 26 min
Reflectivity at 500 m AGL
37Computing Effective Reflectivity Factor
(Reflectivity) from Model Fields
For spherical raindrops,
Assume inverse exponential drop-size distribution
in model
For typically assumed n0 value (Marshall-Palmer)
Reflectivity computations for ice species
(hail/graupel, snow, ice crystals) are more
complicated and less certain. For now, use
method developed by Smith et al. 1975.
38Time-Height Diagrams Differences between
Reflectivity Observations and Forecasts
Mean of (ob. - prior ensemble mean) reflectivity,
in dBZ
11 June 2003 multicell (experiments by M.
8 May 2003 supercell
39Ensemble Data AssimilationModel Error (Bias)
initial ensemble
t0 Dt
before assimilation
after assimilation
t0 2Dt
40Reflectivity Difference8 May 2003 storm, 1.5
deg elevation angle
Forecast (ensemble mean)
418 May 2003 SupercellSensitivity to
Precipitation Microphysics
- Assume all hail/graupel is dry.
- Vary intercept parameter for rain category
- n08?106 m-4 (default -- Marshall-Palmer)
- n08?105 m-4 (fewer drops, larger mean size)
428 May 2003 SupercellSensitivity to
Precipitation Microphysics
Mean of (ob. - prior ensemble mean) reflectivity,
in dBZ
fewer and larger raindrops
438 May 2003 SupercellSensitivity to
Precipitation Microphysics
Pert. Temperature at 250 m AGL (after
assimilation for 85 min)
fewer and larger raindrops
448 May 2003 SupercellRadar and Oklahoma Mesonet
45Conclusions Storm-Scale DA Experimentswith
Real Data
- Current experiments indicate that we are handling
well the initial uncertainty in storm location
and strength - Storm dynamical characteristics determined by
random initialization assimilating several
radar-data volumes - However, analyses of thermodynamical and
microphysical fields, and forecasts of all
fields, are sensitive to model parameterizations
and other characteristics - precipitation microphysics
- resolution
- surface fluxes?
- Limited evidence (e.g., reflectivity analysis)
suggests we are dealing with significant model
error (bias).
46Storm-Scale DA Experiments with Real DataHow to
- Since the only operational storm-scale obs. are
from the WSR-88D, we need special observations to
assess model errors on the storm scale - Time is right for a field program with a
storm-scale DA focus - Design ensembles to account for typical model
errors - more sophisticated microphysics schemes?
microphysics ensembles? - higher (and variable) resolution?
- If successful, can start having more confidence
in probabilistic information provided by the
47Storm-Scale DA Experiments with Real DataHow to
- Learn how to take advantage of future obs. that
will be available in the operational network - dual-polarization radar
- additional information about hydrometeor type and
concentration - satellite
- high-resolution thermodynamic information
Ryzhkov et al. 2005
48National Severe Storms Laboratory
VisionProbabilistic Numerical Forecasts of
Severe Weather
J. Kimpel 2003
49You should consider data assimilation for your
convective storm research if
- Complete 4D analyses (particularly of wind
fields) in storms are useful to you - You are ready to tackle some of the modeling
challenges in simulating realistic convective
storms - You have lots of storage and CPU time available
- You want to increase your chance of a job after
50You should not consider data assimilation for
your convective storm research if
- You dont have a good computer with lots of
storage - You dont want to analyze gigabytes and terabytes
of data - You are happy in a world of only observations
51(No Transcript)
52Ensemble Forecasting and DAMesocale
- Improve mesoscale analyses through ensemble
forecasting and data assimilation - ensemble variability from
- perturbations in initial and boundary conditions
- diversity in model parameterizations
- observations surface, radar,
- Produce forecasts (up to 12 hr) of mesoscale
features - Provide initial and boundary conditions for
high-resolution (convective) numerical forecasts
53EnKF Assimilation of Surface Observationsinto a
Mesoscale Model
- Penn State-NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) with Dx30
km grid centered over central U.S. - Ensemble 25 members, initial and boundary
condition perturbations, physics-scheme diversity - Land surface, PBL, convection, radiation
- Data assimilation 1500 surface observations
(u, v, T, Td) per hour - Experiment 6-hour assimilation followed by
18-hour forecast (emphasis on 6-hour forecast)
54Ensemble of Model Parameterizations
- Land surface NOAAH, 5 layer, Force Restore
- PBL MRF, Blackadar, Burk-Thompson, Eta
- convection Grell, Kain-Fritsch, Betts-Miller
- radiation Cloud, CCM2, RRTM
55EnKF Assimilation of Surface Observations8 May
2003 (tornado outbreak) Case
Ensemble standard deviation of dewpoint (K) at 2
parameterization diversity only
i.c. and b.c. perturbations only
56EnKF Assimilation of Surface Observations8 May
2003 Case
- (Fujita, Stensrud, and Dowell 2006)
Temperature (thick lines) and dewpoint (thin
lines) at 2 m AGL
forecast, no assimilation
57EnKF Assimilation of Surface Observations8 May
2003 Case
- (Fujita, Stensrud, and Dowell 2006)
Temperature (thick lines) and dewpoint (thin
lines) at 2 m AGL
6-hour EnKF assimilation 6-hour forecast
58EnKF Assimilation of Surface Observations8 May
2003 Case
- (Fujita, Stensrud, and Dowell 2006)
0Z Norman sounding
6-hour assimilation 6-hour forecast
forecast, no assimilation
59EnKF Assimilation of Surface ObservationsConclus
- Assimilating surface observations for 6 hours
improves subsequent forecasts for 6 hours. - Improved forecast of storm environment
(boundaries, thermodynamic profiles, etc.) - Improved precipitation forecast (not shown)
- Ensemble design is important.
- Errors in locations of weather systems are
handled by initial and boundary condition
perturbations data assimilation. - Physics-scheme diversity accounts for uncertainty
in processes sensitive to terrain, radiation, etc.