Title: Illinois Chapter ISA Certification Workshop TREE BIOLOGY
1Illinois Chapter ISA Certification WorkshopTREE
- Chapter 1
- Jennifer Hitchcock
- jenflwr_at_gmail.com
2What is Tree Biology?
- The Study of Structure and Function of Trees
- And the Relationships between the two
3Lecture Summary
- Tree Anatomy Morphology
- The studies of the component parts of the tree
- (inside out)
- Tree Physiology
- Study of the biological and chemical processes
within the tree
4What is a Tree?
- Long lived perennial
- Woody
- Compartmentalizing organism
5Types of Trees
- Hardwoods
- e.g. oaks, maples, poplars, ash, beech, magnolia,
locust, sycamore, sweet gum, willow, etc. - Conifers (gymnospermsnaked seed)
- e.g. cypress, pines, spruces, firs, larches,
junipers, yews - Gingko
6- Excurrent tree
- Strong central trunks (leaders)
- Most young trees
- Conifers, sweet gum
Graphic Urban Tree Foundation
Photo Missouri State University
7- Decurrent tree
- Lateral shoots outgrow original terminal shoot
- Round-headed tree
- Typical of mature trees
- Oaks, elms
Graphic Urban Tree Foundation
Photo Duke University Winged elm
- Main functions
- Grow
- Reproduce
- Maintain/ protect themselves
Photo North Carolina State University
9Tree Anatomy
- Heartwood (darker)
- Non-water conduction
- Non-living xylem
- Sapwood
- Water conduction
- Living xylem
- Cambiumgrowth
- Thin layer of active Xylem Phloem
- Bark
Graphic Colorado State University Extension
10Build a Tree
Photo Goshen College
11Plant Growth
- Cell growth
- A. Mitosis - cell division
- B. Cell differentiation
- Cells change structure to specific function
- Arranged tissues organized into organs (leaves,
stems, roots, flowers and fruit) - Organs organized to function as an organism-tree!
Photo University of
12Tree Anatomy Vocabulary
- Cells Tissues (GROWTH)
- Meristems Cells that produce other cells
- Differentiation Change in the cells structure
to assume a needed function - Apical meristems Meristems located at the ends
of shoots/buds and roots (primary growth) - Cambium Lateral Meristems that produce the
trees vascular system (secondary growth) - Cork Cambium lateral meristem that produces bark
13Tree Growth
- Meristem is the tree growth zone
- 1.Primary meristem
- Responsible for elongation of roots and stems
- Located in the tips of roots and stems (buds)
Graphic Michigan State University Extension
14Tree Growth
- 2. Secondary or lateral meristem increase in
diameter - Vascular cambium produces xylem or phloem
- Cork cambium - produces bark
- Palms lack secondary or lateral growth
- (no increase in diameter size)
Photo UF Herbarium
15Tree Anatomy Vocabulary
- Cells Tissues (GROWTH)
- Cambium produces Xylem and Phloem
- Xylem Is produced on the inside of the Cambium,
it is the wood of the tree. Moves water and
minerals up to the leaves. Supports the tree.
Stores sugars for future use. Made up of vessels
(soda straws) - Phloem Is produced to the outside of the
Cambium (next to the bark). It moves sugars down
from the leaves
16Growth Tissue Cambium
- Where growth occurs
- (Growth rings seasonal cambium)
- Cambium produces
- Phloem (outside)
- Xylem (inside)
Graphic UF Horticulture
17Vascular Tissue - Xylem
- XylemWood of trees
- Functions
- Conduction of water dissolved minerals
- Support weight of tree
- Storage of carbohydrate reserves
- Defense against spread of disease decay
18Vascular Tissue - Xylem
- Composed of dead living cells
- Xylem
- Tracheids water conduction support
- Fibers mechanical strength
- Parenchyma cells-help maintain water balance
store carbohydrates(example ray cells) - Vessels hardwood trees only ( no gymnosperms)
Graphic Sonoma State University
19Vascular Tissue - Xylem
- Transportation of water and minerals
- Transpiration is the loss of water through leaves
- Water molecules are pulled in long,
hydrogen-bonded chains from root to leaf
Graphic University of Washington
20Vascular Tissue - Xylem
- Water conduction occurs in sapwood
- Conifers 2-12 rings may conduct water
- Hardwoods outermost 1 or 2 rings especially elm
trees - Non-water conduction heartwood (darker in color
than sapwood)
Graphic University of Minnesota Extension
21Build a Tree
Photo Pacific Union College
22Vascular Tissue Phloem
- Food transport (requires energy)
- Cells are living
- Sieve tube cells
- Companion cells
- Parenchyma cells
- only sieve cells in gymnosperms
Graphic Pacific Union College
23Vascular Tissue - Phloem
- Translocation conduction of sugars produced in
the leaves to other parts of the plant - Photosynthate moves from source to sink
- Sinks plant parts that use more energy than
they produce - All plant parts at one time are sinks
- Most photosynthate is either utilized or stored
closed to manufacturing site
Graphic UF Horticulture
24Vascular Tissue
- Axial transport materials flow up and down
- (longitudinally)
- Rays parenchyma cells that extend across
(radial) xylem and phloem - Transport sugars
- Store starch
- Restrict decay
25Tree Bark
Photo East Tennessee State University
- Outer, protective covering
- Function
- Moderates interior temperature
- Reduces water loss
- Protects against injury
- Composition
- Nonfunctional phloem corky tissues
- Contain wax and oil to minimize water loss
- Lenticels small openings that permit gas
Photo Colorado State Extension
26Tree Organs
- Leaves
- Stems
- Roots
- Flowers
- Fruits-dry or fleshy
27Terminal Bud
Lateral Bud
Leaf Axil
Leaf Blade
Node Internode
Vascular System
Primary Root
Lateral Root
Root Hair
Root Cap
28Leaf Anatomy
- Cuticle
- Vascular bundles
- Parenchmya cells
- -chloroplasts
- -chlorophyll
- Stomata
- Guard Cells
- Petiole
Graphic Butler University Herbarium
- Primary Purpose
- Photosynthesis
- Carbon dioxide
- Water
- Light
- Yields
- Carbohydrates/sugar(Photosynthates)
- oxygen
Graphic Butler University Herbarium
- Stomata openings
- Control loss of water vapor (transpiration)
- Control gas exchange
- Guard cells open and close stomata in response
to - Light, temperature, wind and humidity
- Open-day
- Close-night
Photo University of Hawaii at Manoa
31Antitranspirant Sprays
- Artificially close stomata cells to prevent water
loss during drought or dormant times - Reduces photosynthesis, cooling of leaves, and
carbon dioxide uptake
32Modified Leaves
- Arid regions
- Thick cuticle, leathery leaves and few stomata
- Succulent, water retaining leaves or dense hairy
Photo Texas AM
33Modified Leaves
- Tendrils
- Spines reduce water loss and protect
Photo FL Exotic Plant Pest Council
- Deciduous - trees that shed their leaves every
year - Leaves lost are the result of cell changes and
growth regulators - Abscission zone at stem
- Enable leaf drop in fall
- Protect leaf area against desiccation pathogen
Graphic University of California Davis
- Fall foliage color
- Triggered by short, sunny days with cool nights
- Sugar accumulates chlorophyll breaks down
- Other pigments show
- Anthocyanins reds purples
- Carotenoids yellows, oranges reds
- Evergreen trees that hold their leaves form
more than one year
Photo USDA
- BudsStemsBranches
- strongly attached underneath but weakly attached
above - Branch collar layers of tissue, bulge around
branch base - Autonomous-function on own
Photo University of Florida (Horticulture)
37Stem Anatomy
- Node-gives rise to
- leaves buds
- Internode-distance between nodes
- Terminal bud-primary growth
- Terminal bud scale scar- start of new growth of
current year
- 1. Terminal or apical buds - located at the end
of a shoot - 2. Lateral or axillary buds - located on the
sides of the stems. - often dormant because of
- apical dominance
- 3. Adventitious buds arise from loss of primary
bud - 4. Epicormic shoots-When dormant buds sprout and
grow - Environmental stress can trigger response
- Can grow from
- Internode of the stem
- Edge of a leaf
- At the cut on a stem or root
Photo by Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service
40Modified Stems
- Spur a compressed stem with short internodes,
usually bearing leaves, flowers and/or fruit.
Many fruit trees such as apples, pears, cherries
and ginkgo - Thorn pyracantha, locust
- 4 Main Functions
- Anchorage
- Storage
- Absorption (sm roots)
- Conduction
- Roots need water air for optimal growth
Photo Louisiana State University
- Absorbing roots
- Small, fibrous
- Grow at ends of roots
- Found in top foot of soil
- Lateral or horizontal roots near surface
- Sinker roots
- Grow vertically downward off lateral roots
- Found w/in few feet of trunk
Photo University of Texas
- Most roots found in upper 1-12 of soil
- Taproot is a downward growing root in young trees
- Roots may extend 2-3 times the tree crown/canopy
- Root extent and directional growth is the result
of the trees environment rather than genetics
- Mycorrhizae (fungus roots) - the symbiotic
relationship of roots with certain fungi - Symbiosis both organisms benefit from the
living arrangement - Fungi get food in turn aid roots in absorption
of water and minerals
Photo Iowa State University Extension
- Water enters young roots or mycorrhizal roots by
osmosis - Osmosis requires fluid transport from higher
concentration to lower concentration - Reverse Osmosis water movement from out of
roots into soil - Example de-icing roads with salt increases
(higher concentration in soil)
Photo Forestry Department South Australia
- Production and release of chemical substances by
one species that inhibit the growth of other
species of plants - Reduced seed germination and seedling growth
- Examples Walnut, red maple, swamp chestnut oak,
sweet bay, red cedar
Photo Texas AM
47Flowers Fruit
- Flower is reproductive structure of plant
- Once pollinated give rise to the fruit or seed
- Most seeds are protected with an ovary or capsule
48Tree Physiology
- Plant growth limited by
- Genetics
- Environment
- Plant hormones
- Auxin
- Produced in shoots
- Alters crown growth
- Involved in tropisms
- Cytokinin
- Produced in roots
- Shoot initiation and growth
Photo University of Nottingham, UK
49Plant Hormones regulate Growth
- Hormones signal
- Cell Division
- Cell Elongation
- Flowering
- Fruit Ripening
- Leaf Drop
- Dormancy
- Root Development
50Plant Response to Environment
- Tropisms
- Geotropism-gravity response
- Phototropism-light response
- Hydrotropism-water response
Photo University of Wisconsin
- Converting light into sugar for food
- Chlorophyll is the green/leaf pigment that
absorbs sunlight - Chlorophyll is stored in chloroplast cells of
leaves - (Chloroplasts is where Photosynthesis takes
- Energy made from photosynthesis is used
- (Sugar or carbohydrates /starch)
- Oxygen is needed
- Carbon dioxide and water are given off
- Tree able to survive in these situations?
- 1. Flooded roots (tree roots cannot
respiredeath) - 2. Defoliated leaves by caterpillars (reserved
53Plant Growth and Development
Photosynthesis Respiration
Produces Food Uses food for plant energy
Stores energy
Releases energy
Cells containing chloroplasts All cells
Releases oxygen
Uses oxygen
Uses water
Produces water
Uses carbon dioxide
Produces carbon dioxide
Occurs in sunlight
Occurs all the time
- Loss of water through stomata (openings) of
leaves - -similar to perspiration in people
- Helps cool leaf during hot times and aids water
uptake in xylem - (Dependent on water, temperature, humidity)
- 90 water absorbed from roots are lost in leaves
55Tree Physiology
- Compartmentalization is a system of defense
- CODITCompartmentalization Of Decay In Trees
Graphic USDA Forest Service
56Tree Physiology
- Shigos model is 4 barrier walls
- Wall 1 resists vertical spread, plugs up xylem
- Wall 2 resists inward spread, plugs latewood
cells - Wall 3 inhibits lateral spread, activates rays
cells to resist decay - These 3 walls form reaction zone
57Tree Physiology
- Shigos model
- Wall 4 is the next layer of wood to form after
injury - Strongest of all 4 walls
- Protects from outward decay
- Barrier zone
Photo Colorado State Extension
- Monocots
- Have no cambium layer
- Have no growth ring of xylem
- Have vascular bundles of xylem phloem
Photo Smithsonian Marine Station, Ft. Pierce
59Helpful Websites for Tree ID
- ISA Tree List Exam Study Guide
- http//www.isa-arbor.com/certification/exams.aspx
- http//wp.nres.uiuc.edu
- http//urbanext.uiuc.edu/treeselector
- http//utgardens.tennessee.edu/ohld220/
- http//www.noble.org/webapps/plantimagegallery/Pl
antList.aspx?PlantTypeID3IndexTypeCommonName - http//www.hort.uconn.edu/Plants/
60Illinois Chapter ISA Certification Workshop
- Jennifer Hitchcock
- jenflwr_at_gmail.com
- 847-826-8763
Photo University California Berkeley