Title: Performance of Pervious Concrete Pavements Marty Wanielista, Manoj Chopra, Matt Offenberg Joshua Spe
1Performance of Pervious Concrete Pavements Marty
Wanielista, Manoj Chopra, Matt Offenberg Joshua
Spence and Craig Ballock
- Stormwater Management Academy
- University of Central Florida
- Orlando, FL 32816
- wanielis_at_mail.ucf.edu
2Outline of Presentation
- Overview
- Background and Current State
- Objectives of this On-going Project
- Research Plan
- Progress to Date
- UCF Test Site
- Field Tests
- Discussion
- Pervious or No-fines Concrete mixture of coarse
aggregate, Portland Cement, admixtures and water - Increased Porosity due to limited fines and
15-20 air voids - Strong need for Current and Updated Assessment of
Pervious Pavements due to new regulations pending
for Stormwater Management
- Issues to be addressed
- Design Section
- Construction Methods
- Acceptance Criteria
- Infiltration Rate Performance
- Credit for Replacement of Impervious Area
- Our research will initially address
- Design Section
- Infiltration Rate Performance
- Credit for Replacement of Impervious Areas
5Background and Current State
- Replacement of Impervious Areas with Properly
Designed and Constructed Pervious Paving Surfaces
is Desirable - Treating pervious concrete as a system with
pavement and sub soil - ACI Committee 522 has been formed to develop
Guidelines for the use of Portland Cement
Pervious Concrete
6Historical and Literature Review
- PC Pervious Pavements have been used for past 20
years in Areas of Lower Traffic Loads (parking
lots, shoulders, airport taxiways, some state and
local roads). - Must have suitable
- Subsoil Conditions
- Groundwater Locations
7Historical and Literature Review
- Field et al (1982) Water Resources Bulletin
detailed information on PP. - Florida Concrete and Products Association (FCPA)
Portland Cement Pervious Pavement Manual (No.
605) - EPA (1999) Stormwater Technology Fact Sheet on
Porous Pavements - Several recent articles from USC and Purdue, as
well as UK, Japan and China.
8FDOT Interests
- Need for a permit, or credit (partial or total)
for substituting pervious surfaces - Based on Volume of water that can be Stored and
allowed to Replenish the Aquifer - Want answers to
- What is design materials, dimensions, GWT?
- What are proper construction methods?
- What is the infiltration rate for the system?
9Advantages and Disadvantages(EPA, 1999)
- Advantages -
- Recharge to Local Aquifer
- Water budget retention and pollution removal
- Less need for Storm Sewers
- Disadvantages
- Lack of Construction Experience and Expertise
- Clogging
- Cold Weather Problems
10Construction Specifications
- Specifications for contractor certification,
materials and mix design, construction practices,
and post construction care - Sources from EPA, California-Nevada Cement
Promotions Council PC Specs, and PCI Systems,
LLC. PC Specs
11Construction Specifications
- Appropriate mix proportions
- /- 5 lbs/CF of design unit weight
- Discrepancies are generally related to water
content - Too much water reject load
12Construction Specifications
- Concrete should be stricken off ¼ to ½ of an inch
about the form boards and compacted to level - Compaction roll with a 10-inch schedule 40
steel pipe - Curing Time pavement should be covered a
minimum of 7 days
13Construction Specifications
- Limit frequency of heavy traffic e.g.
construction vehicles, garbage trucks, etc. - Remove or Limit sources of sediment
- Signage such as ADOPT A LOT
- Curbing should be used to direct infiltrating
water downward and to prevent erosion at the
edges of pervious concrete slabs.
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15Proposed Design Section (Preliminary)
16Design and Construction Specifications
- Cities of Stuart, Zephyr Hills, Winter Park, and
Titusville and the Counties of Citrus, Hernando,
Pasco, and Hillsborough have adopted
specifications. - Credit is being determined for use by other
Cities and WMDs. - A goal is to have 24 cities and counties with
pervious concrete code language for pervious
concrete. - Contractor Certification will be an Important
Factor - Soil Preparation, Curbing, Field Infiltration
Tests and Inspections will be Important.
17How are Pervious Systems Working?
- Develop New Embedded Single Ring Test Method to
Measure Infiltration rates - Laboratory Testing Build Two Test Cells at the
UCF Stormwater Laboratory Site and a Control
Chamber - Field Testing Four field sites in Central
Florida and one in Tallahassee
18Preparation of Test Cells
- Stormwater Laboratory Field Sites
- Two 6 ft.x 6ft. x 4 ft. deep Chambers
- 5 inch thick pervious concrete pavement
- One cell has a reservoir of 3/8 inch coarse
aggregate to increase storage - Soils were Sandy (Type A hydrological) compacted
in 8 inch lifts to 92 Standard Proctor to about
104 lb/ft3
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20Development of Embedded Single Ring Infiltrometer
- Double Ring Infiltrometer on the surface of
Pervious Pavement not Suitable due to Preferred
Lateral Migration of Water - Led to Concept of Single Embedded Infiltrometer
- Depth of Embedment is an Important Parameter
(Initial Assumption 14 inches including the 6
inches of pavement) - 12 inch Diameter (11-5/8 ID) with 11-Guage Steel
21Embedded Single Ring Infiltrometer
22Embedded Single Ring Infiltrometer
- Advantages
- One dimensional flow (no horizontal flow between
pavement and soil) - Representative of site existing conditions
assuming same soil types, - and concrete conditions.
23Results at Test Cells
- Using ASTM D3385-03 (Double Ring) procedure
adapted to embedded Single Ring - Initial Double Ring Tests on Bare Subsoil before
Concrete Placement have yielded infiltration rate
of 2.6 in/hr - Without compaction, the rate for the soil was
12-20 in/hr
24Results of UCF Embedded Ring Tests
System or concrete core plus soil infiltration
25Preliminary Observations from UCF Test Chambers
- Pervious Concrete Pavement and Subsoil System
displays Infiltration Rates nearly equal to
Subsoil Alone - Infiltration rates of the system are greater than
the minimum rates of 1 in/hr used for the design
of FDOT retention areas.
26Strength Tests
27Laboratory Control Chamber
- Better Control
- Address issues such as Clogging and Water Table
Impact - The Chamber was Filled with Sandy Soils from UCF
Stormwater Lab. (Type A Hydrologic Group ) - Filled in 8 lifts to 92 Standard Proctor
28Laboratory Control Chamber
29Laboratory Control Chamber
30Field Site Reconnaissance
- Vet Office in Sanford
- FCPA Office in Orlando
- Sunray StoreAway Lake Mary
- Strang Communications Lake Mary
- FDEP Office - Tallahassee
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33Field Testing Progress
- Six cores at Sunray Storaway, Three at Strang
Communications, Three at FCPA, Six in
Tallahassee, and Three at Murphy Vet Clinic. - Field infiltration tests completed at all
locations - Laboratory tests using Control Chamber on-going
34Field Testing Process
- 12-in diameter cores
- Run field tests
- Collect soil samples
- Lab work on soil samples
- Lab test on core infiltration rates
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38Field Test Results
39Field Test Results
Age of concrete varies from 10 to 20 years
(except for Site 4 Area 1, which is 1 yr).
- Proper construction is important (water in mix,
curing) Certification program is needed. - Specifications need to be followed for design and
construction Good design practices (curbing,
pavement thickness). - Pavement and Subsoil must be treated as a SYSTEM.
- Infiltration rates are comparable to Stormwater
Retention Ponds. - Water storage is directly proportional to the
porosity and the depth to the water table.
Modeling efforts currently underway
42Thank You!For additional informationPlease see
www.stormwater.ucf.eduor call 407.823.4143Quest