Title: Modern English Grammar
1Modern English Grammar 3.8 A Fragment of the
Grammar of the English Declarative Clause (The
various components of the grammar are arranged in
the order in which they are discussed and
explained in class.)
23.8h npgt (D) (M) H (PM) 3.8i H
n... 3.8j M adj... 3.8k M n... 3.8l D
dart... 3.8m D iart... 3.8n PM
ppgt 3.8o ppgt R OP 3.8p R p... 3.8q OP
33.8i H n... proper, human John common,
abstract, noncount enthusiasm common, concrete,
human, count, chooser, singular
delegate common, concrete, human, count,
chooser, plural delegates common, concrete,
human, count, choice, singular
candidate common, concrete, human, count,
choice, plural candidates common, concrete,
nonhuman, count, place, singular
convention common, concrete, nonhuman, count,
place, plural conventions common, concrete,
nonhuman, count, money, illegal, singular
bribe common, concrete, nonhuman, count, money,
illegal, plural bribes 3.8j M
adj... valuable, positive good valuable,
comparative better valuable, superlative
best emotion enthusiastic
43.8k M n... common, concrete, nonhuman,
count, place, singular convention 3.8l D
dart... identifiable the 3.8m D
iart... specific, singular a/an specific,
plural some generic, singular a/an generic,
plural some 3.8p R p... accompaniment
with location at
53.8t vpgt MP 3.8u vpgt MODHP (SN)
MP 3.8v vpgt PROHP SN MP 3.8w MP
v... 3.8x MODHP modaux... 3.8y PROHP
proaux... 3.8z SN neg...
63.8w MP v... noDO, nonfinite
arrive noDO, finite, past arrived noDO,
finite, present, non3rdsng arrive noDO,
finite, present, 3rd sng arrives yesDO,
nonfinite select yesDO, finite, past
selected yesDO, finite, present, non3rdsng
select yesDO, finite, present, 3rd sng
selects yes/noDO, nonfinite help yes/noDO,
finite, past helped yes/noDO, finite, present,
non3rdsng help yes/noDO, finite, present, 3rd
sng helps yes/noDO, yes/noIODO, nonfinite
give yes/noDO, yes/noIODO, finite, past
gave yes/noDO, yes/noIODO, finite, present,
non3rdsng give yes/noDO, yes/noIODO,
finite, present, 3rd sng gives
73.8x MODHP modaux... possibility, past
might possibility, present may certainty,
past would certainty, present
will 3.8y PROHP proaux... nonfinite
do finite, past did finite, present,
non3rdsng do finite, present, 3rd sng
does 3.8z SN neg... negative not
83.8r advpgt H 3.8s H adv... 3.8s H
adv... manner enthusiastically time
then place there
93.8a declclgt (ICC) S P ( (IO) DO)
(FCC) 3.8b S npgt 3.8c P
vpgt 3.8d DO npgt 3.8e IO npgt 3.8f ICC and
FCC ppgt 3.8g ICC and FCC advpgt