Canadian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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23 cows, bulls, and oxen. 15 pigs. 3 camels. 2 horses. 189 chickens (yes, there are nearly TWICE as many chickens as people in the Global Village! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Canadian

Nature of Food and Poverty
  • Canadian World Issues

The Importance of Food
  • In the Global Village of 100 people, the
    villagers have many animals. They help to
    produce food or are a source of food. They are
  • 31 sheep and goats
  • 23 cows, bulls, and oxen
  • 15 pigs
  • 3 camels
  • 2 horses
  • 189 chickens (yes, there are nearly TWICE as many
    chickens as people in the Global Village!)

The Importance of Food
  • There is no shortage of food in the Global
    Village. If all the food were divided equally,
    everyone would have enough to eat. But the food
    is not divided equally. So, although there is
    enough food to feed the villagers, not everyone
    is well fed
  • 60 people are always hungry, and 26 of these are
    severely undernourished (chronic persistent
  • 16 other people go to bed hungry at least some of
    the time (famine)
  • Only 24 people always have enough to eat.

The Importance of Food
  • In 1966, the United Nations declared that people
    have a universal right to adequate food. In your
    opinion, is an adequate food supply a human
  • Feed the family and trade the leftovers.
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat
  • to prosperity everywhere.

Profiles of Hunger
  • Read the four profiles of Hunger and answer the
    questions which accompany it.
  • This will be taken up in ____ minutes.

In A Series On Hunger
  • Each group will be given a different article
    with questions that accompany it. You can discuss
    and share ideas, but all completed work will be
    handed in individually.

The Importance of Food
  • Why do we eat?
  • Meets the physiological (cell replacement
    growth), psychological, and cultural needs
  • Food is also required for ENERGY
  • The body burns kilojoules (produced from food
  • 1 kJ the amount of energy required to move a
    mass of one kilogram a distance of 1 meter at an
    acceleration of 1 m/s
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a
    standard of 10 350 kJ/person on a daily basis

The Importance of Food
  • How is energy consumed?
  • Metabolism basic body functions such as
    breathing, muscle action, blood circulation,
    maintaining constant body temperature (36.9C/
    98.6 F)
  • Physical Growth requirements peak at 15 17
    years of age, body maturity and cell replacements
  • Physical Activity walking consumes 1000 kJ/day,
    energy required for work varies depending on type
    of work

The Importance of Food
  • What are the sources of kilojoules?
  • Carbohydrates
  • Sugars and starch
  • Wheat, corn, rice and potato
  • Easy to produce food and widely available
  • Proteins
  • Meat, milk products, eggs, fish (first class
    proteins), wheat, vegetables (second class
  • Are used as a measure of the quality of a
    nations diet
  • Are often expensive and scare
  • Are the basic building blocks of cells (amino
  • Average intake of proteins should be 56 g/day

The Importance of Food
  • What are the sources of kilojoules? (continued)
  • Fats
  • Butter, lard, egg yolk, vegetable oil
  • Most concentrated form of food energy
  • If energy is not burned, it is stored by the body
  • The body also needs
  • Minerals such as calcium and iron
  • Vitamins such as A, B, C
  • Fibre good for digestion
  • Water

The Importance of Food
  • What are the factors affecting energy intake?
  • Age
  • Size
  • Climate (the colder the climate the more kJ
  • Sex
  • Activity
  • Eating habits

The Importance of Food
  • Daily Average Food Availability
  • There are 4.186 kilojoules (kJ) in 1 calorie
  • National average food availability is measured in
    kilojoules per capita per day (kJ/c/d)
  • Calculate the percentage of each countrys
    national average food availability to the
    Standard Nutrition Unit of 10 350 kJ/c/d
  • e.g. Canadas national average food availability
    14 576
  • 14 576 10 350 x 100 140
  • Create a shaded pattern to illustrate over/under
  • Describe overall pattern and any anomolies

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • The next few slides are to be read silently by
    everyone in the room.
  • Take the time to internalize each slide as you
    read it.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • We have all been hungry at some time a missed
    meal, a delayed dinner. Perhaps you have been
    sick and unable to eat.
  • You have felt the gnawing pain of hunger.
  • You may recall being tired or cranky as your body
    adapted to the lack of energy.
  • Think back to such a time and remember that
  • Feel it again now.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Now imagine you are in a situation where you
    cannot get food and this feeling continues for a
    whole day.
  • How does the feeling of hunger change?
  • Imagine it.
  • How does your body react to the lack of food?
  • Imagine the consequences of a day without food.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • It is one week later and the only food youve
    eaten is some bread and water.
  • You have lost weight as your body draws from its
  • Imagine the feeling of hunger now.
  • Imagine how your ability to perform simple tasks
    has been affected.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Imagine the situation continuing for months
  • years
  • or a lifetime
  • Any thoughts, feelings, or consequences of hunger
    that you mentally visualized?

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • What is the most important factor contributing to
  • Weather
  • Poverty
  • Population
  • War

  • Although natural disasters and war have caused
    temporary famine, they have not been a major
    cause of hunger. These represent about 10 of the
    overall hunger problem.
  • Overpopulation seems obvious, but wrong!
  • Consider the following
  • Japan has 385 people per square km and a daily
    calorie intake of 2932
  • Chad has 6 people per square km and a daily
    calorie intake of 2032
  • Amount of calories deemed acceptable is 2400!
  • Poverty is the answer. Poor people lack the
    money to buy food, lack access to the means to
    produce food, and lack the social infrastructure
    to protect the poorest.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • 2. On which continent(s) is hunger NOT
  • South America
  • North America
  • Africa
  • Asia

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • The income gap between the rich and poor around
    the world is growing. True or False?

  • Although some countries are working towards
    making the gap between the rich and poor smaller,
    most have been unsuccessful.
  • The area that is expected to close this gap is
    East Asia

Geography of Poverty and Hunger
  • 4. An acre of cereals can produce _____ protein
    an acre devoted to meat production can produce.
  • one fifth the
  • the same amount of
  • ten times the

  • Recent studies suggest that, using present
    food-producing technologies, the world could feed
    7.8 billion people, as long as grain is used for
    human consumption and not fed to animals.
  • It takes an average of 9.8 calories of grain to
    produce 1 calorie of beef.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • 5. Small farms are much less productive than
    larger farms. True or False?

  • Read the article titled, Poverty and
  • Comment on the statement, Small farms are better
    than larger farms.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Why do diets differ around the world?
  • Culture Taboos according to certain
    religions, certain foods may or may not be eaten
  • Money Canadians have the opportunity to
    purchase many types of exotic foods
  • Nutrition many people focus on eating healthy
    often times nutritious foods are rather costly
  • Environment many diets are based in what can be
    grown in a certain area

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Watch Supersize Me
  • Write a one-page position paper on The North
    American Perception of Food

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Myths Facts - Read the dozen statements
    regarding world hunger and determine whether they
    are myths or facts.
  • Explanations - Identify as many reasons for
    global hunger that you can.
  • Solutions What sorts of steps could governments
    take to try to ensure that everyones needs are
    met (large-scale farmers, small-scale farmers,
    and the hungry poor)? What could YOU do?

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Research and Complete
  • Factors Affecting Food Supply
  • What is it?
  • Examples?
  • Solving Food Shortages
  • Positives and Negatives

Factors Affecting Food Supply
  • Did you know that
  • In Canada crops are purposefully not grown or are
    destroyed in order to keep supply in line with
    demand so that prices stay higher.
  • The FAOs latest estimates indicate that in
    1997-1999, there were 815 million undernourished
    people in the world
  • 777 million in developing countries,
  • 27 million in countries switching to a market
    economy, and
  • 11 million in industrialized countries.

Geography of Poverty Hunger
  • Read The Geography of Poverty and Wealth by
    Jeffrey Sachs, Andrew Mellinger, and John Gallup
    from Scientific American and answer the questions
    that follow it.
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