Mason Public Schools Developmental Asset Survey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mason Public Schools Developmental Asset Survey


Definition Family life provides high levels of love and support. ... Families in Mason need to look for creative ways to 'invite' their kids to talk ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mason Public Schools Developmental Asset Survey

Mason Public Schools Developmental Asset Survey
  • Kirk Petee
  • D. Robert Whitman

Mason Public Schools Developmental Asset Survey
Introduction In March of 2002 Mason Public
Schools conducted a Developmental Asset Survey a
survey dedicated to assessing the health and
well-being of middle and high school aged youth.
The assets represent a common core of building
blocks crucial for all youth, regardless of
community size, region of the country, gender,
family economics, race/ethnicity. This report
examines the positive assets and the negative
high risk behaviors found in the Mason student
population surveyed.  
What is an asset?
  • Critical factors for young peoples growth and
  • Two types
  • External
  • Internal

  • External Assets
  • The first 20 developmental assets focus on
    positive experiences that young people receive
    from the people and institutions in their lives.
    Four categories of external assets are included
    in the frameworks 
  • Support-Young people need to experience support,
    care, and love from their families, neighbors,
    and many others. They need organizations and
    institutions that provide positive, supportive
  • Empowerment-Young people need to be valued by
    their community and have opportunities to
    contribute to others. For this to occur, they
    must be safe and feel secure. 

  • External Assets Continued-
  • Boundaries and expectations-Young people need to
    know what is expected of them and whether
    activities and behaviors are "in bounds" and "out
    of bounds." 
  • Constructive use of time-Young people need
    constructive, enriching opportunities for growth
    through creative activities, youth programs,
    congregational involvement, and quality time at

  • Internal Assets
  • A community's responsibility for its young does
    not end with the provision of external assets.
    There needs to be a similar commitment to
    nurturing the internal qualities that guide
    choices and create a sense of centeredness,
    purpose, and focus. Indeed, shaping internal
    dispositions that encourage wise, responsible,
    and compassionate judgments is particularly
    important in a society that prizes individualism.

  • Internal Assets Continued-
  • Four categories of internal assets are
    included in the framework
  • Commitment to learning-Young people need to
    develop a lifelong commitment to education and
  • Positive values-Youth need to develop strong
    values that guide their choices. 
  • Social competencies-Young people need skills and
    competencies that equip them to make positive
    choices, to build relationships, and to succeed
    in life. 
  • Positive identity-Young people need a strong
    sense of their own power, purpose, worth, and

Mason students that were surveyed...
(No Transcript)
Why was this survey conducted?
  • The Power of Assets
  • Assets have tremendous power to protect youth
    from many different harmful or unhealthy choices.
  • In addition to protecting youth from negative
    behaviors, having more assets increases the
    chances that young people will have positive
    attitudes and behaviors.

National Average of High-Risk Behaviors
This graph is based on surveys of over 217,000
6th- to 12th-grade youth in 318 communities and
33 states during the 1999-2000 school year.
Promoting Positive Attitudes and Behaviors
This graph is based on surveys of over 217,000
6th- to 12th-grade youth in 318 communities and
33 states during the 1999-2000 school year.
Mason Developmental Assets
  • The following slides deal with these assets were
    proud of
  • Family Support (External Asset 1)
  • Safety (External Asset 10)
  • Religious Community (External Asset 19)
  • Integrity (Internal Asset 28)
  • Positive View of Personal Future (Internal Asset

Mason Developmental Assets Compared to U.S.
National Averages...
Data Analysis - Mason Developmental Assets fall
below National averages in the areas of
Religious Community and Family Support.
Asset Family Support (External Asset
1)Definition Family life provides high levels
of love and support.
I get along with my parents (75)
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis The results are consistent for
gender and grade levels.
Asset Family Support (External Asset
1)Definition Family life provides high levels
of love and support.
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis The results are consistent for
gender and grade levels.
Asset Family Support (External Asset
1)Definition Family life provides high levels
of love and support.
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis The results are consistent for
gender and grade levels.
Asset- Family Support (External Asset
1) Definition Family life provides high levels
of love and support.Statement
  • Mason kids feel loved and supported in their
    families. We reported above Search Institutes
    national average of 64 for this Asset.

Asset Safety (External Asset 10)Definition
Young person feels safe at home, school, and in
the neighborhood.
How often do you feel afraid in your neighborhood?
Data Analysis - No significant difference between
males and females. 11th graders more often feel
safe as compared to 7th graders, who report
feeling more vulnerable with 3 always feeling
Asset Safety (External Asset 10)Definition
Young person feels safe at home, school, and in
the neighborhood.
How often do you feel afraid of getting hurt by
someone in your school?
Data Analysis 74 of all grades (7th, 9th, and
11th) surveyed said, never afraid. 7th graders
report never feeling afraid 25 more often than
11th graders and there was no significance
between gender differences and as kids get older
they report feeling less afraid.
Asset Safety (External Asset 10)Definition
Young person feels safe at home, school, and in
the neighborhood.
How often do you feel afraid of getting hurt by
someone at home?
Data Analysis - As students get older, they
report feeling less afraid and only 16 report
getting hurt at home.
Asset Safety (External Asset 10)Definition
Young person feels safe at home, school, and in
the neighborhood.Statement
  • Kids feel safe in our neighborhoods, homes and in
  • Every never is greater than 60 (62-92) on all
    three questions.
  • We are 5 above the national average as reported
    by Search Institute.
  • We have the resources to move ahead even further
    with this Asset especially for middle school
    aged youth.

Asset Religious Community (External Asset
19)Definition Young person spends one or more
hours per week in activities in a religious
During an average week, how many hours do you
spend going to programs, groups, or services at a
church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious or
spiritual place?
Data Analysis 60 go one or more hours each
week to religious programs or services. 40 say
they do not attend and 9th grade seems slightly
lower than 7th and 11th graders in attendance.
There is no significant gender differences
Asset Religious Community (External Asset
19)Definition Young person spends one or more
hours per week in activities in a religious
  • This Asset reinforces teaching of, as well as,
    opportunities to talk with other adults and peers
    in a supportive environment.
  • Overall, 61 of students surveyed reported a
    positive response to this item.

Asset Integrity (Internal Asset 28)Definition
Young person acts on convictions and stands up
for his or her beliefs.
Doing what I believe is right, even if my friends
make fun of me
Data Analysis As students get older percentages
increase. Female scores in this area are higher
than males.
Asset Integrity (Internal Asset 28)Definition
Young person acts on convictions and stands up
for his or her beliefs.
Standing up for what I believe, even when it is
Data Analysis - As students get older,
percentages increase and female scores in this
area are higher than males.
Asset Integrity (Internal Asset 28)Definition
Young person acts on convictions and stands up
for his or her beliefs.Statement
  • Students are making difficult and correct
    decisions in spite of peer pressure.
  • Students are making difficult and correct
    decisions in spite of ridicule and popular
    opinion of friends.

Asset Positive View Of Personal Future
(Internal Asset 40)Definition Young person is
optimistic about his or her personal future.
When I am an adult, I am sure I will have a good
Data Analysis Overall, 76 of students surveyed
reported a positive response to this item. 76
agree or strongly agree while only 4 disagree or
strongly agree.
Asset Positive View Of Personal Future
(Internal Asset 40)Definition Young person is
optimistic about his or her personal
  • A vast majority of our students are optimistic
    about having a good life.
  • As students get older their optimism increases
    from 73 in 7th grade to 84 in 11th grade.
  • Of the 40 Assets, this score was the high at 76

Mason Developmental Assets
  • The following slides deal with these assets of
  • Positive Family Communication (External Asset
  • Caring School Climate (External Asset 5)
  • Community Values Youth (External Asset 7)
  • Youth As Resources (External Asset 8)
  • Restraint (Internal Asset 31)

Mason Developmental Assets Compared to U.S.
National Averages...
Data Analysis - Mason Developmental Assets fall
below National averages in the areas of Caring
School Climate, Community Values Youth and Youth
as Resources.
Asset - Positive Family Communication (External
Asset 2)Definition - Young person and his or
her parent(s) communicate positively, and young
person is willing to seek parents advice and
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis - Overall, only 31 of students
surveyed responded yes to this item.
Asset - Positive Family Communication (External
Asset 2)Definition - Young person and his or
her parent(s) communicate positively, and young
person is willing to seek parents advice and
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis - Overall, 39 of students are
either not sure or disagree.
Asset - Positive Family Communication (External
Asset 2)Definition - Young person and his or
her parent(s) communicate positively, and young
person is willing to seek parents advice and
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis - 11 of youth report none of the
time, 14 report 7 times per week.
Asset - Positive Family Communication (External
Asset 2)Definition - Young person and his or
her parent(s) communicate positively, and young
person is willing to seek parents advice and
  • Finding time to be available and approachable for
    deep conversations with kids in the home can be
  • Dinnertime is one time when this opportunity may
    occur however, it may not be the best time for
    all families.
  • Families in Mason need to look for creative ways
    to invite their kids to talk about the
    important concerns of young people.
  • Parents of young children should be encouraged to
    talk openly and often with their children to
    develop open lines of communication at an early

Asset - Caring School Climate (External Asset 5)
Definition - School provides a caring,
encouraging environment.
Data Analysis - No significant difference between
males and females. 7th-graders agree more often
and are 3 times more likely to strongly agree
than disagree. High school students are much
less likely to strongly agree.
Asset - Caring School Climate (External Asset 5)
Definition - School provides a caring,
encouraging environment.
Data Analysis - Overall, 29 disagree that they
receive encouragement at school (an additional
30 are unsure). Two times as many strongly
agree as strongly disagree in 7th-grade - just
the opposite is reported in 9th grade and fewer
high school students agree overall. Females
agreeing slightly more than males.
Asset - Caring School Climate (External Asset 5)
Definition - School provides a caring,
encouraging environment.Statement
  • There is a trend in high school students noting a
    definite change in their school climate. They
    may need more support for the transition to the
    responsibilities of high school.
  • Research has indicated that we learn best when we
    have positive, encouraging relationship with our
    educators. Building these kinds of relationships
    within our schools is what kids need to succeed.
  • While Mason reports being slightly higher than
    the national average (24) we feel we have the
    resources to improve upon this Asset.

Asset - Community Values Youth (External Asset
7)Definition - Young person perceives that
adults in the community value youth.
Data chart based on total students
Data Analysis - As students get older they report
feeling less important to their community. There
is a large group that responded unsure (33).
Asset - Community Values Youth (External Asset
7)Definition - Young person perceives that
adults in the community value youth.
Data Analysis - As students get older they report
feeling less important to their community.
Asset - Community Values Youth (External Asset
7) Definition - Young person perceives that
adults in the community value youth.Statement
  • A large group of unsure responses might
    indicate that 30-40 do not know of any clear
    opportunities to feel valued, or students have
    low contact with adults in leadership roles
    within their community.
  • Young people feel valued when adults take time to
    be with with them and take them seriously. If
    adults take time to solicit their input, this is
    doubly empowering.

Asset - Youth As Resources (External Asset
8)Definition - Young people are given useful
roles in the community.
Data Analysis - As students get older they feel
like they have less input when making decisions
for what goes on in school.
Asset - Youth As Resources (External Asset 8)
Definition - Young people are given useful roles
in the community. Statement
  • We wonder if older students getting jobs and cars
    begin to pull them away from schooljust when we
    need them most. Or, do we need to provide more
    opportunities for them.
  • Students invest in communities when they feel
    included and respected.
  • We report slightly below the national average for
    this asset (24) and believe our community has
    the resources to include our youth in more useful

Asset - Restraint (Internal Asset 31)Definition
- Young person believes it is important not to be
sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
Data charts based on total students
Data Analysis - Both charts show that a large
percentage of students (33 - 36) are either not
sure or disagree with the value (drinking
alcohol or having sex).
Asset - Restraint (Internal Asset 31)Definition
- Young person believes it is important not to be
sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
Data Analysis - As students get older their
attitude towards drinking alcohol changes
dramatically. The majority of 7th-graders are
against drinking alcohol while 11th-graders are
the opposite.
Asset - Restraint (Internal Asset 31)Definition
- Young person believes it is important not to be
sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
Data Analysis - As students get older their
attitude towards sex changes dramatically. The
majority of 7th-graders are in favor of
abstaining from sex while 11th-graders carry the
opposite opinion.
Asset - Restraint (Internal Asset 31)
Definition - Young person believes it is
important not to be sexually active or to use
alcohol or other drugs. Statement
  • While the overall percentage of students who
    choose not to use alcohol or restrain from having
    sex is concerning, the dramatic decrease in these
    values from 7th to 11th grade must be addressed.

Where does Mason Public Schools go from here?
  • Continued, all-inclusive approach
  • Mason Public Schools must continue its analysis
    of the various assets and needs.By doing so,
    along with implementing new and different
    strategies, higher levels of assets will be
    obtained. Finally, informing the community of
    our findings looking for a collective effort
    toward higher communal involvement can only
    increase essential needs gained by students.
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