SAFESEAS Workshop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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(starting with OB-4) merges previously done customizations with ... Channel 4. Channel 4 refers to the 10.7 micrometer infra-red satellite image. Fog Product ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SAFESEAS Workshop

  • Wednesday, August 04
  • and
  • Thursday, August 05
  • 2004
  • National Weather Service Headquarters
  • Silver Spring, Maryland

  • Key Terms
  • Localization
  • Customizing Your Monitoring Area
  • Customizing Your Monitor Thresholds
  • The SAFESEAS Monitor
  • Customizing Your Display Thresholds
  • The SAFESEAS Display

SAFESEAS OverviewKey Terms
  • Area of Responsibility
  • An offices area of responsibility (AOR)
    consists of all the zones and counties for which
    it normally has the responsibility of issuing
    forecasts, watches, and warnings.
  • Monitoring Area
  • An offices monitoring area (MA) consists of its
    AOR plus the AOR of each adjacent office having
    marine responsibilities. For offices along the
    borders with Canada and Mexico, the MA also
    includes all Canadian/Mexican area within 125
    statute miles of the centroid of any
    zone/county in the MA. Finally, for moving
    platforms (ships and drifting buoys), the MA
    includes all area within 200 nautical miles of
    the centroid of any marine zone in the MA.
  • Nominal Hour
  • The nominal hour is the whole hour with which a
    report is associated. Reports associated with a
    nominal hour are those from 30 minutes before the
    hour to 29 minutes after the hour. As an
    example, all reports from 1430 to 1529 are
    considered 15Z nominal hour reports.

SAFESEAS OverviewLocalization
  • determines the default MA.
  • which zones and counties are included in the
  • which fixed stations are in the MA.
  • in which zone/county is each fixed station
  • generates the default (factory setting) monitor
  • generates the default (factory setting) display
  • (starting with OB-4) merges previously done
    customizations with the results of the above.

SAFESEAS OverviewLocalization (continued)
  • SAFESEAS localization uses
  • US county shape files,
  • marine zone shape files,
  • (OB-5 and beyond, oconus site only) forecast zone
    shape files,
  • the metarStationInfo.txt file, and
  • the maritimeStationInfo.txt file.
  • It is the responsibility of each office to make
    sure it has the current
  • versions of these files before localization is

SAFESEAS OverviewLocalization (concluded)
  • (OB-3 and OB-4)
  • In addition, for mesonet stations, SAFESEAS
    localization uses the following files in
    directory /awips/fxa/ldad/data/
  • LDADinfo.txt.
  • one location information file for each external
    data source. these files have names
  • of the form xxxStation.txt, where xxx is a
    data_root value from LDADinfo.txt.
  • one dataset information file for each external
    data source. these files have names of
  • the form yyy.desc, where yyy is a data_type
    value from LDADinfo.txt.
  • It is the responsibility of each office to make
    sure these files are correct and up-to-date
    before localization is run. See the
    documentation in file /awips/fxa/data/localizatio
    n/scripts/ for more
  • (OB-5 and beyond)
  • Current OB-5 SAFESEAS localization code for
    mesonet, maritime, and METAR stations is the same
    as OB-4. But we are seriously considering using
    .spi files instead of the metarStationInfo.txt
    , maritimeStationInfo.txt, LDADinfo.txt,
    xxxStation.txt, and yyy.desc files.

SAFESEAS OverviewCustomizing Your Monitoring Area
SAFESEAS provides a GUI for customizing the MA.
Specifically, the office can
  • add and delete zones and counties.
  • add and delete fixed stations.
  • customize the association of fixed stations with
    zones and counties, that is, which stations are
    monitored to determine each zones / countys
    threat level.

SAFESEAS OverviewCustomizing Your Monitor
  • SAFESEAS provides a GUI for customizing the
    monitor thresholds. Thresholds are
    zone-specific, and so may be customized for each
    zone individually.

  • The SAFESEAS monitor is a persistent background
    process, much like the SCAN and FFMP processors.
    Currently, it monitors METARs, C-MAN reports,
    buoy reports, ship reports, and mesonet reports.
    Only reports from within the MA are monitored.
    From these reports, wind speed, wind direction,
    wave height, and visibility are monitored.
    Starting with OB-4, swell height, swell
    direction, and swell period are also monitored.
  • Once every four minutes, it gets all new point
    observation reports. Based on the observation
    values and the monitor thresholds, an overall MA
    threat level is determined. The result is the
    threat level of the most severe observation from
    within the MA during the past two hours. The
    threat level is written to the file read by the
    SAFESEAS D-2D threat level button (the anchor).
    Finally, the anchor and the SAFESEAS display are
    signaled to update themselves.

SAFESEAS OverviewCustomizing Your Display
  • SAFESEAS provides a GUI for customizing the
    display thresholds. Thresholds are
    zone-specific, and so may be customized for each
    zone individually.

  • the SAFESEAS Plot.
  • consists of D-2D METAR, fixed buoy, moving
    buoy, and mesonet plots bundled together.
  • includes reports for stations within the MA
  • report plotted for the nominal hour is that
    which is closest to the top of the hour.
  • the Zone Table.
  • observation values and threat levels for each
    zone and county.
  • values shown are from the most recent reports
    for the nominal hour for each station
  • associated with the zone.
  • sorted by user-selected product/variable
    (default is zone ID).
  • the Station Table.
  • observation values and threat levels for each
    station within a zone.
  • values shown are from the most recent report
    for the nominal hour .
  • sorted by user-selected product/variable
    (default is station ID).
  • the Trends
  • (OB-3) shows all observation values for most
    recent three hours.
  • (OB-4 and beyond) shows all values for a
    variable for most recent 24 hours.
  • the Single-Station 24-Hour Observation Table.
  • new to OB-5.
  • shows observations from all reports for the
    most recent 24 hours.

Fog Monitor Overview
  • Theory and Method
  • Localization
  • Customizing Your Monitoring Area
  • Customizing Your Monitor Thresholds
  • The Fog Monitor
  • Customizing Your Display Thresholds
  • The Fog Monitor Display

Supporting theory
Fog monitoring is a kind of object-oriented
processing All we have to know is how to
describe a fog object its properties and its
Spectral feature of fog in multiple satellite
channels 1. Scattering radiation feature
(Daytime) (a) VIS Channel (b) 10.7
(3.9) µm Channel 2. Emitting radiation feature
(Nighttime) (a) 3.9 µm Channel (b) 10.7
µm Channel Kinematic feature of fog
Scattering/Reflecting Radiation(1) 1
According to Mie scattering theory In the VIS
channel, reflectivity mainly is related to the
depth of the cloud/fog. In channel 3.9µm,
fog/stratus has maximum scatter rate with its
size equivalent to 3.9 µm.
  • Comments
  • Here two differences can be used to distinguish
    fog and cloud 1) VIS difference 2) 3.9 µm IR
  • The fog region in satellite image should be
    smooth, edge-clearregular.
  • Snow cover and sea ice are bad reflectors in
    channel 3.9 µm, while fog and stratus are good.

Scattering/Reflecting Radiation(2)12
Data Normalization of the VIS satellite data
Normalization with fine tuning
Scattering/Reflecting Radiation(3)
Scattering/Reflecting Radiation(4) 21314
Assumed that all objects are black bodies so
TBemit3.9 TB11 Treal , and according to the
Planck radiation law,
This is how reflective product of RAMSDIS ONLINE
is generated . Because of the assumption of
black body and TBemit3.9 TB11 , it is an
approximated reflective product and it does not
take the angular correction into consideration
So in our algorithms, it is not adopted for fog
detection but for sea ice/snow cover
exclusion. http//
sol/main.html http//
ro.html Allen, R.C., P.A. Durkee, and C.H. Wash,
1994 Snow-cloud discrimination with
multispectral satellite images. J. Appl. Meteor
Emitting Radiation(1)2
?0 means can be ignored ?1 means major
Without the presence of sun light, in fog region,
a positive value with 10.7 µm channel - 3.9 µm
channel. This difference is caused by the
emissivity difference of fog between 10.7 um and
3.9 µm. Above will be good only during the night
time Other water/ice clouds like AC/AS also look
similar to Fog in fog product 7. But in 10.7
µm channel , the brightness temperature of fog is
higher than that of higher water/ice cloud
(AC/AS). This can in a degree help distinguish
Emitting Radiation(2) 23
R(satellite) R(ground) - R(absorbed)
R(cloud) Different emissivities of different
cloud types Absorptivity is related to emissivity
and the depth of the cloud/fog Planck radiation
Thin cloud (night) TB(10.7 µm ) -
TB(3.9 µm ) lt 0 Thick cloud (night)
TB(10.7 µm ) - TB(3.9 µm ) 0 Fog
(night) TB(10.7 µm ) - TB(3.9 µm ) gt
0 ice cloud (night) TB(10.7 µm )
- TB(3.9 µm ) lt 0 Water/ice cloud (night)
TB(10.7 µm ) - TB(3.9 µm ) gt 0
Comment So fog product should be checked to
eliminate other higher water/ice cloud (AC/AS) by
using TB derived from 10.7 µm channel.
Sea Fog Discrimination Chart from Gary Elrod
SAFESEAS Fog Monitor
  • process only those parts of the images that cover
    the monitoring area.
  • Daytime
  • use the visible image
  • Based on thresholds, apply feature extraction
    algorithm to identify fog areas.
  • apply smoothness filter to eliminate noise.
  • Apply a filter to eliminate snow/ice (optional)

Twilight No Detection
  • Nighttime
  • use 3.9 and 10.7 um infra-red images to produce
    night time fog product.
  • Apply feature extraction to identify fog area
    based on night time fog product threshold
  • Filter out high cloud using channel 10.7 um
  • Apply a filter to eliminate very tiny size area
    as noise. (optional)
  • Apply a filter to eliminate edge-irregular
    detected area (Optional)

SAFESEAS Fog Monitor
Smoothness Definition
Smoothness (1- deviation/mean) 100

X denotes the gray value at the VIS pixel and n
is the number of pixels
SAFESEAS Fog Monitor Fog Monitor D2D display
SAFESEAS Fog Monitor Fog Monitor D2D Display
Limitations (1)
  • When the sky is overcast with high level (thick)
    cloud, fog can not be seen through by satellite.
  • During the transition of daytime and nighttime,
    neither VIS product nor fog product is good. And
    twilight is exactly the time when fog mostly
    affects marine interests.
  • Lack of observations in marine zones causes
    problem for verification
  • No effective approach to distinguish fog from
    stratus just using satellite data

Limitations (2)Data normalization
At very low solar elevation, in the clear air
region , there will still be small brightness
values. After normalization, they will be
enhanced to look like fog areas and will be
detected by the Fog Monitoring Processor.
Limitations (3)
Radiation from the ground goes through thin
cirrus/high cloud ,which makes cirrus look like
fog in VIS
Limitations (3) (continue) 14
Use fractal dimension to try to reduce the
detection of the irregular area This is still not
a good solution but supplied as an optional
filter for user
FD 2ln(P/4)/ln(A) P perimeter A Area
  • Count the outside edges of the grid boxes as the
  • Amount of the grid boxes as the area.

Limitations (3) (continue)
Application of Fractal Dimension to filter out
irregular area
Limitations (4)
Limitations (4) (continue)
  • 1 Liu Jian, Xu Jianmin, Fang Zongyi Analysis
    of the particle sizes at the top of cloud and fog
    with NOAA/AVHRR data Quarterly Journal of
  • 2 http//
    tml fog product tutorial
  • 3 http//
    Fog/stratus tutorials
  • 4 Chen Weimin, Satellite Meteorology (Chinese
    version) Beijing Meteorological publishing house
  • 5 Ellrod G P. Advances in Detection and
    Analysis of Fog at night Using Advanced Very
    High Resolution Radiometer(AVHRR) Imagery J
    Meteo. Magazine
  • 6 http//
    satellite products on METED
  • 7 http// GOES
    channel selection on METED
  • 8 http// satellite service
    division homepage
  • 9 http//
    r_center.html Aviation Weather Center
  • 10 http// Cooperative
    Institute for Research in the Atmosphere,
    Colorado State University
  • 11 http// Naval Research
    Laboratory Monterey
  • 12 ALBERS S. 1992 Photometric correction of
    GOES visible satellite images. Preprints, Sixth
    conf. on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography,
    Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 223-225.
  • 13 Allen, R.C., P.A. Durkee, and C.H. Wash,
    1994 Snow-cloud discrimination with
    multispectral satellite images. J. Appl. Meteor
  • 14 Olsen, E.R., R.D. Ramsey and D.S.Winn. 1993.
    A modified fractal dimension as a measure of
    landscape diversity.Photogram. Eng. Remote Sens.
    59 1517-1520
  • 15 http//
    ain.html RAMSDIS ONLINE

Fog Monitor OverviewKey Terms
  • Area of Responsibility
  • An offices area of responsibility (AOR) will
    consist of all the zones and counties for which
    it normally has the responsibility of issuing
    forecasts, watches, and warnings.
  • Monitoring Area
  • An offices monitoring area (MA) will consist of
    its AOR plus the AOR of each adjacent office.
  • Channel 2
  • Channel 2 refers to the 3.9 micrometer infra-red
    satellite image.
  • Channel 4
  • Channel 4 refers to the 10.7 micrometer
    infra-red satellite image.
  • Fog Product
  • The fog product is the image derived by
    subtracting 10.7 micrometer image brightness
    temperatures from 3.9 micrometer image brightness

Fog Monitor OverviewLocalization
  • will determine the default MA.
  • which zones and counties are included in the
  • (OB-6) which fixed stations are in the MA.
  • (OB-6) in which zone/county is each fixed
    station located.
  • For the alpha test, the default MA will be based
    on the same shape files used for OB-4 SAFESEAS.
    It is the responsibility of each office to make
    sure its systems have the current versions of
    these files before localization is run.
  • will generate the dummy fog threat image to
    display for incomplete image sets.
  • will generate the default (factory setting)
    monitor thresholds.
  • (OB-6) will generate the default (factory
    setting) display thresholds.

Fog Monitor OverviewCustomizing your Monitoring
  • The Fog Monitor will provide a GUI for
    customizing the MA. Specifically, the office
    will be able to
  • add and delete zones and counties.
  • (OB-6) add and delete fixed stations.
  • (OB-6) customize the association of fixed
    stations with zones and counties, that is, which
    stations are monitored to determine each zones /
    countys threat level.

Fog Monitor OverviewCustomizing Your Monitor
  • The Fog Monitor will provide a GUI that will
    enable offices to
  • customize the range of
  • normalized brightness values that should be
    considered fog in visible images.
  • temperature differences that should be considered
    fog in fog product images.

Fog Monitor OverviewCustomizing Your Monitor
Thresholds (continued)
  • The customization GUI will also allow offices to
    enable/disable filters in the
  • fog recognition algorithm
  • in channel 2 images, each pixel colder than a
    customizable threshold temperature should be
    considered snow/ice.
  • in channel 2 images, each pixel having a
    brightness temperature colder than a
    customizable threshold temperature should be
    considered cloud.
  • in channel 2 images, each pixel having a
    brightness temperature warmer than a customizable
    threshold temperature should be considered ground
    or water surface.
  • in visible images, a group of contiguous pixels
    having a brightness variation greater than a
    customizable threshold cannot be considered fog.
  • in visible images, a group of contiguous pixels
    having fewer than a customizable number of pixels
    cannot be considered fog.
  • a pixel within a configurable number of degrees
    from the terminator should not be monitored.

Fog Monitor OverviewCustomizing Your Monitor
Thresholds (concluded)
  • In OB-6, a GUI will also be provided that will
    enable offices to customize the thresholds used
    for monitoring point observations (METARs, C-MAN
    reports, ship reports, buoy reports, and mesonet
    reports) for fog. We will negotiate details
    for this tomorrow!

Fog Monitor OverviewThe Fog Monitor
  • The fog monitor will be a persistent background
    process, much like the SAFESEAS, SCAN, and
  • FFMP processors. The alpha test version will
  • visible imagery at those times and in those
    places that the sun is sufficiently above the
  • the fog product at those times and in those
    places that the sun is sufficiently below the
  • In all cases, channel 2 images are used for
    certain kinds of filtering (unless the office has
  • the filters).
  • The OB-6 fog monitor will also monitor point
    observations. The details of this will be
  • tomorrow.
  • The fog monitor will determine a fog threat level
    for each zone/county in the MA, and an overall
  • fog threat level for the entire MA. The threat
    level is the most severe of all the individual
  • (OB-6 and point observation fog) threat levels
    for the past two hours.
  • The fog monitor generates a fog threat level
    image and a zone fog threat file for use by the
  • Monitor display. Finally, the Fog Monitor threat
    level indicator and the Fog Monitor display are
  • signaled to update themselves.

Fog Monitor OverviewThe Fog Monitor Display
  • the Fog Monitor fog threat level image
  • black this location is not within the MA.
  • gray insufficient data is available for
  • the fog threat level for this location.
  • green there probably is not fog at this
  • yellow there may be fog at this location.
  • red there probably is fog at this location.
  • (OB-6) the Fog Monitor station plot
  • only reports from within the MA are plotted.
  • variables to be plotted will be negotiated

Fog Monitor OverviewThe Fog Monitor Display
  • the alpha test Fog Monitor zone fog threat table
  • two columns zone ID and fog threat level
  • click column header to sort by that column.
  • the OB-6 Fog Monitor zone/station fog threat
    tables and trends
  • except for variables, same as SAFESEAS.
  • variables to be included will be negotiated
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