Behavior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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B.F. Skinner's Skinner Box: rat in box with lever. Push the lever & food comes out. ... Jane Goodall (distantly related to Mr. Chessman) studied chimps, saw them fake ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Behavior

  • Ethology Study of behavior

  • Behavior is what an animal does and how it does
  • Behaviors have both ultimate and proximate causes
  • Certain stimuli trigger innate behaviors called
    fixed action patterns
  • Learning is experience based modification of
  • Rhythmic behaviors sync. Activities with temporal
    changes in the environment
  • Environmental cues guide movement
  • Sociobiology places social behavior in an
    evolutionary context
  • Competitive social behaviors often represent
    contests for resources
  • Mating behavior relates directly to an animals
  • Communication
  • Inclusive fitness can account for most altruistic

Babies make noise when no one is around
  • Trying to fit their vocalizations to internal
  • Eventually turn into complex sounds
  • Communication is the result of genetic cues
    modified during development by environmental
  • Bird song works like this too

Bird songs vs. calls
  • Long vs. Short, arbitrary distinction
  • Crows have more than 20 different calls
  • Ludwig van Beethoven, for example, included
    imitations of the Nightingale, Quail and Cuckoo
    in his Symphony No. 6 (the Pastoral).
  • Pink Floyd's 1969 albums More and Ummagumma

Behavior what an animal does and how it does it
  • Study of animal behavior is as old as we are.
  • Need it to hunt
  • Cave art a study of behavior?
  • Domestication control of behavior

Early 1900s Ethology becomes formal discipline
  • Due to work of 3 ethologists
  • K. Lorenz studied waterfowl and other organisms
  • N. Tinbergen studied gulls and other organisms
  • K. Von Frisch studied communication in bees

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the
light of evolution
  • Natural selection is going on so animals have to
    maximize their fitness
  • Recall fitness doesnt exactly mean the strongest
  • How we feed
  • What mate we choose

Genetic component of behavior
  • If genes werent involved behavior wouldnt be
    subject to natural selection and wouldnt change
    over time
  • Genes set up the neural network that lets us
  • Behavioral ecology animals increase fitness by
    optimal behavior
  • Best explanation for the data

Studying genetic components of behavior
  • Can study twins If Jacob is smart is Mack also?
  • Can study adoptees. If your real parents were
    alcoholics but your adopted parents are
    teetotalers what will you be?
  • Some example studies
  • Novelty seeking personality, ear wiggling,
    perfect pitch
  • propensity for smoking,Alcoholism, homosexuality
  • http//

Not really twins, but hey.
  • Lovebirds show innate behavior modified by

Behaviors have both ultimate and proximate causes
  • Ultimate cause Why did this happen?
  • Ultimate causation - historical explanations
  • Explains why a behavior evolved
  • Study by measuring influence on survival or

  • Proximate cause How did this happen?
  • Proximate causation - immediate causes
  • Explains how behavior works - what stimulates
    behavior to occur
  • Study by measuring or describing the stimuli that
    elicit behavior
  • Internal - physiological events (hormones,
    nervous system)
  • External - environmental stimuli

Example - bird migration
Proximate causes External stimuli- changes in
daylength Internal stimuli - hormone levels
  • Ultimate causes - birds that migrate have a
    selective advantage over birds that don't/didn't,
    selected for over time, could be due to long term
    climate changes, glaciation, disease, taking
    advantage of food sources, etc.

Components of Behavior
  • 2 Components
  • Nature/innate instinct and genes determine
  • Nurture/learned experience and learning
    influence behavior
  • Two extremes are not mutually exclusive, but work
    together to influence behavior

Examples of innate behavior
  • egg ejection by cuckoos (brood parasites)
  • freezing behavior of nestling birds when exposed
    to silhouettes (raptors versus waterfowl)

Components of Innate Behavior
  • Components of Innate Behavior
  • FAP - fixed action pattern, all or none response
  • Once started most animals will finish activity
    even if new stimuli show the activity to be
  • Sign stimulus - causes release of FAP
  • Usually obvious aspect of morphology

Sticklebacks attack red
Were sensitive to some stimuli more so than
  • Frogs are sensitive to movement of prey
  • Will starve if surrounded by dead/unmoving flies
  • Supernormal stimulus artificial stimuli that
    elicit a stronger response
  • Oystercatchers will rather incubate a giant model
    of an egg instead of the real thing

Learned behavior
  • Learning modification of behavior in response to
    specific experiences

Learning vs. Maturation
  • Doing something faster doesnt mean youve
  • Experiment they kept baby birds from flapping
    their wings until they should be old enough to
    fly and they flew normally and immeadiately.

Learning Habituation
  • Loss of responsiveness to unimportant stimuli or
    stimuli that dont provide appropriate feedback.
  • Banner blindness in web design

  • Lorenzs study
  • Chuck Jones study
  • Salmon spawn back to stream of their birth from
  • Olfactory imprinting
  • Critical period happens to young and adults

Conservation issues
  • minimize/eliminate human presence while raising
    California Condors

Classical conditioning
  • Associative learning one stimulus goes with
    another, the roar goes with the lion
  • Pavlov married the concepts of feeding and the
    sound of a bell in his dogs mind
  • Alpert Watson conditioned an 11 month old orphan
    named Alpert to fear rats
  • California Sea Slug ? has 20,000 neurons but can
    be habituated, and sensitized
  • Methods useful for dealing with phobias

Learned helplessness
  • Results from inescapable punishment
  • continued failure may inhibit somebody from
    experiencing agency
  • Experiment A dog had earlier been repeatedly
    conditioned to associate a sound with electric
    shocks didnt try (later in another setting) to
    escape the electric shocks after that sound and a
    flash of light was presented, even though all the
    dog would have had to do is jump over a low
    divider. The dog didn't even try to avoid the
    "aversive stimulus" the dog had previously
    "learned" that nothing it did mattered.

Learned helplessness
  • people doing mental tasks in the presence of
  • Given a switch that would turn off the noise,
    performance improved, even though subject rarely
    bothered to turn off the noise.
  • being aware of the ability to have control was
    enough to substantially counteract its
    distracting effect.

Evidence of optimism?
  • Not all of the dogs became helpless.
  • About 1/3 of the 150 dogs tried to find ways out
    of unpleasant experiences even if they previously
    had no control.

Im an optimistic Steeler Fan
Operant conditioning
  • Trial and error learning
  • B.F. Skinners Skinner Box rat in box with
    lever. Push the lever food comes out. It
    learns to push the lever.
  • Acetycholine is released through cerebral cortex
    as we try things
  • In nature good / bad tastes
  • Remember genes tell us what will taste good and
    bad, we learn from there

Observational Learning
  • watch me
  • Banduras Bobo doll experiment kids who watched
    adults beat up doll also beat up doll.
  • Kid watched Beavis start a fire
  • Started fire
  • Cartoon makers are now careful to not create
    copyable behavior.

  • Activity with no goal, but is similar to
    goal-directed behavior.
  • Risky behavior
  • practice hypothesis play learning
  • But do they really get better?
  • exercise hypothesis
  • Fat babies arent going to bring home the bacon

Insight Learning
  • Getting it right the first time with no prior
  • Corvidae Crows, ravens, Jays can do similar

Animal Cognition
  • Cognition Ability to be aware and make judgments
    about your environment.
  • Are nonhuman animals cognitive?
  • Conscious?
  • Do they feel pain?
  • Are they humiliated when we dress them up?
  • Are animals just computer programs?
  • They cant think to the ability we can
  • Is this a question of degrees?

Cognitive ethology
  • In Donald Griffins Question of Animal Awareness,
    he argued that animals have conscious minds like
    those of humans.
  • Jane Goodall (distantly related to Mr. Chessman)
    studied chimps, saw them fake injuries to get
  • Lying thinking about reality and others
    perceptions of it

  • Jay Gould of Harvard reported bees forming
    mental maps of foraging areas
  • Most people who spend time with animals feel that
    they can think.
  • Implications about how you view mankinds
    position in the world.

  • Why do you sleep when you do? How does your body
    know to wake up?
  • External or internal cues?
  • Can you tell yourself to wake up in 4 hours and
    do so?
  • In controlled environments all light, all dark,
    or twilight Humans have an internal clock of
    around 25 hours
  • What about long term things? If you kept animals
    in controlled environments for years would they
    mate at the same time as animals in the wild?

  • No doc. Cases of humans dying directly from lack
    of sleep.
  • Maybe from sleep deprived caused accidents
  • Studies of people awake for 10 days shows
    temporary decreases in cog. functions, but
    nothing long term
  • Microsleep
  • Can lead to our ability to metabolize glucose ?
    cause of diabetes
  • Rats kept alive for 28 days die.

Bags under eyes Inheritable Etiologies bone
structure, pigments, eye ailments, nutrition,
pregnancy, dehydration, circulation
Fatal Familial Insomnia
  • 28 families have it
  • Late onset Autosomal dominant 50/50 chance of
  • Mutates a protein into a prion
  • Causes plaques on thalmus sleep responsible
  • Progression over 2 years increasing insomnia,
    odd phobias, panic attacks, hallucinations,
    panic, agitation and sweating, dementia, total
    insomnia and sudden death after becoming mute.

Movement from external cues
  • Kinesis change in activity rate in response to
  • Cold blooded animals
  • Taxis automatic movement towards or away from
  • Trout orient so they face upstream
  • Geotaxis King crab larvae orient down toward the

  • How do gold plovers go 13,000 km from arctic to
    S. America?
  • How do birds find Hawaii every year?
  • Pilot from landmark to landmark
  • Orient yourself on a straight line for the trip.
  • Navigation ? complex mental mapping
  • Animals navigate like sailor from sun and stars

  • Indigo Bunting orients on North Star ?
  • Can they sense the magnetic field?
  • Magnetite a magnetic mineral is found in heads of
    some birds, abdomens of some bees
  • Nothings been firmly established
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