Personality%20Psychology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Barcelona, Actas del Congreso Nacional de la SEIDI ... Control of impulses. C5. Psycho-motor control. C4. Phisiological control. C3. Morphological control ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Personality%20Psychology

Personality Psychology
  • Systems Net Theory
  • Josep M. Lluís-Font
  • Recent publications
  • Lluís-Font, J.M. (2002), Personalidad Esbozo de
    una teoría integradora. Psicothema, 4 (14), págs
  • Lluís-Font, J.M. (2003), Teoría de la Red de
    Sistemas. Barcelona, Actas del Congreso Nacional
    de la SEIDI
  • Lluís-Font, J.M. (2004), Mente y Personalidad Un
    nuevo modelo integrador. Madrid Biblioteca Nueva
  • Lluís-Font, J.M. (2005), Personality Systems Net
    Theory. Individual Differences Research, 3,(4),
  • Lluís-Font, J.M. (2006), Mind and Personality
    Systems Net Theory (submitting)

Systems Net Theory (SNT)
. Theory of Personality and Multiple Intelligences . Biological theory . Evolutionary theory . Integrative theory . Theory formulated in 25 statements (Lluís-Font, 2004)
  • Teoría de la Personalidad y de las Inteligencias
  • Teoría biológica
  • Teoría evolucionista
  • Teoría integradora de teorías y paradigmas
  • Teoría formulada en 25 enunciados

Hierarchic trait structure in classical models
Psychological nomenclature
High self-esteem
Reward sensitivity
Positive emotions
Hierarchic trait structure in classical models
Psychological and biological nomenclature
EXTRAVERSION (Approach system)
Sociability (Social system)
Surgency (Behavioral system)
Activity (Energetic system)
High self-esteem (Self-concept system)
Reward sensitivity (Instinctive system)
Positive emotions (Emotional system)
Non-hierarchic trait structure in Systems Net
TheoryTypes of traits General dimensions,
specific dimensions and primary traits
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) 1 2 3 4 Emotional system Emotionality 6 Emotional system Emotionality 6 Emotional system Emotionality 6 8 9 10 11 12 13
Inhibition system A Anxiety Nature
Rapid action system H Hostility
Approach system E Extraversion Function Positive emotions E6 (primary trait) Positive emotions E6 (primary trait) Positive emotions E6 (primary trait)
Self-regulation system C Self-control
Cognitive integration I system Intellect
Personality structure in Systems Net Theory
Organizing axes
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological system Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Pychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percep tive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognitive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 I13
Structural matrix of systems and factors in
Systems Net Theory
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological system Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Pychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percep tive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognitive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A Amygdala Cortisol A1 Ecto morphy A2 Rapid metabo lism A3 Psychomotor inhibi tion A4 Avoidance Fligth A5 Negati ve emo tions A6 Shy ness A7 Abulia A8 Over-control led BIS A9 Super ego Obsessive A10 Low self-esteem A11 Analyti cal style A12 Fluid intelli gence Gf A13
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H Amygdala Testosterone MAO (-) H1 Meso morphy H2 Frigth H3 Hyper kinesis H4 Aggressiveness H5 Emotio nal though ness H6 Autho ritaria nism H7 Hiper activity H8 Impulsi veness H9 Ego Anti- social H10 Narci sism H11 Intuition H12 Spatial intelli gence Gv H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E Amygdala Dopamine E1 Endo morphy E2 Slow metabo lism E3 Expan- sive mobility E4 Nutrition Sex E5 Positive emo tions E6 Sociability E7 Activity E8 Surgency E9 Id Bohe mian E10 High self-esteem E11 Holistic style E12 Crystal-lized intel. Gc E13
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C Neurophi siological control C1 Morphological control C2 Phisiological control C3 Psycho-motor control C4 Control of impulses C5 Emotio nal control C6 Social control C7 Volitive control C8 Beha vioral control C9 Moral control C10 Control of self-image C11 Cognitive strate gies control C12 Cognitive control C13
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I Neurophy siological intelligence I1 Perceptive corporal intelli gence I2 Functional corporal intelli gence I3 Kines thetic intelli gence I4 Instinctive intelli gence I5 Emotio nal intelli gence I6 Social intelli gence I7 Executive intelligence I8 Adaptive intelli gence I9 Moral intelli gence I10 Self-perceptive intelli gence I11 Strategic intelli gence I12 Generalintelli gence g I13
Personality components in Systems Net Theory
. Five general, functional, horizontal systems . Five general dimensions originated by the reactivity of these systems . Thirteen specific, structural, pentafactorial systems . Thirteen specific dimensions originated by the reactivity of these systems . Sixty five primary traits originated by the interaction of a general system and an specific one
  • Cinco sistemas generales, funcionales,
  • Cinco dimensiones generales originadas por la
    reactividad de esos sistemas
  • Trece sistemas específicos, estructurales,
  • Trece dimensiones específicas originadas por la
    reactividad de esos sistemas
  • Sesenta y cinco rasgos primarios originados por
    la activación simultánea de un sistema general y
    otro específico

Illustration of an horizontal and a vertical
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological system Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Pychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percep tive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognitive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A Negati ve emo tions A6
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H Amygdala Testosterone MAO (-) H1 Meso morphy H2 Frigth H3 Hyper kinesis H4 Aggressiveness H5 Emotio nal though ness H6 Autho ritaria nism H7 Hiper activity H8 Impulsi veness H9 Ego Anti- social H10 Narci sism H11 Intuition H12 Spatial intelli gence Gv H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E Positive emo tions E6
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C Emotio nal control C6
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I Emotio nal intelli gence I6
Components of an horizontal system (Authors)
Inhibition system Anxiety Neurophysiological components Somatic complonents Affective components Conative components Cognitive components
Inhibition system Anxiety Amygdala (?) Serotonin (?) Cortisol (?) Ectomorphy Asthenic Rapid metabolism Psychomotor inhibition Flight Negative emotions Shyness Abulia Over-controlled Guilt Low self-esteem Selective attention Analytical style Fluid intelligence (Gf)
Authors Gray, Cloninger Damasio, Dabbs Knutson Zuckerman Sigaud Kretschmer Sheldon Mira López Eysenck Cattell Costa, McCrae Norman Caspi y Silva Robins York John Van Lieshout Lluís-Font, Kemler Nelson Smith, Cattell, Mira, Gustafsson
Multiple intelligences in Systems Net Theory
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological system Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Pychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percep tive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognitive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A Fluid intelli gence Gf A13
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H Spatial intelligence Gv H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E Crystallized intellig. Gc E13
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C Cognitive control C13
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I Neurophy siological intelligence I1 Perceptive corporal intelli gence I2 Functional corporal intelli gence I3 Kines thetic intelli gence I4 Instinctive intelli gence I5 Emotio nal intelli gence I6 Social intelli gence I7 Executive intelligence I8 Adaptive intelli gence I9 Moral intelli gence I10 Self-perceptive intelli gence I11 Strategic intelli gence I12 Generalintelli gence g I13
Multiple intelligences and cognitive styles in
Systems Net Theory
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological system Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Pychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percep tive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognitive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A Analyti cal style A12 Fluid intelli gence Gf A13
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H Intuition Non-strategic H12 Spatial intelli gence Gv H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E Holistic style E12 Crystal-lized intellig. Gc E13
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C Cognitive strate gies control C12 Cognitive control C13
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I Neurophy siological intelligence I1 Perceptive corporal intelli gence I2 Functional corporal intelli gence I3 Kines thetic intelli gence I4 Instinctive intelli gence I5 Emotio nal intelli gence I6 Social intelli gence I7 Executive intelligence I8 Adaptive intelli gence I9 Moral intelli gence I10 Self-perceptive intelli gence I11 Strategic intelli gence I12 Generalintelli gence g I13
The components of the three temperamental systems
in different authors
Neurophysiological The three principal neurotransmitters (Cloninger, 1986) Somatic The three constitutional types (Kretschmer, 1921 Sheldon, 1942) Affective The three temperamental dimensions (Eysenck, 1985 Chamove et al. 1972) Conative The three behavioral types (Block, 1971 York John,1992 Van Lieshout Haselager, 1994 Caspi Silva, 1995 Robins et al., 1996) -Cognitive styles The three cognitive styles (Kemler Nelson Smith, 1989) -Cognitive intelligences The three specialized intelligences (Mira, 1947 Cattell, 1971 Gustafsson, 1988)
  • Neurofisiológicos Los tres principales
    neurotransmisores (Cloninger, 1993)
  • Somáticos Los tres tipos constitucionales
    (Kretschmer, 1922, Sheldon, 1942)
  • Afectivos Las tres dimensiones PEN (Eysenck,

Systems Net Theory basic ideas
Systems Net Theory basic ideas
  • Distinction between two types of biological
  • General, functional, horizontal
  • Specific, structural, pentafactorial, vertical
  • Distinction between two types of general systems
  • Three temperamental systems, oriented to survival
    (in humans and animals)
  • Two self-regulation and integration systems
    (exclusive to homo sapiens)
  • Distinction between the nature and the function
    of traits
  • Identification of traits from theoretical
  • Conceptualizing dimensions as a result of the
    reactivity of biological systems
  • Conceptualizing primary traits as a result of the
    interaction of a general system and an specific

Typology of the big general and functional systems
Three temperamental systems, oriented to survival, in humans and animals (S-O-R systems) . Inhibition or self-preservation system (ANXIETY) . Rapid action system (HOSTILITY) . Approach system (EXTRAVERSION) Two human, self-regulatory and adaptive systems . Self-regulation and execution system (SELF-CONTROL) . Cognitive integration system (INTELLECT)
Order of the Big Five, according to different
x y Factors Authors I II III IV V
Norman (1963) E Surgency A Agreeableness C Conscientious-ness N Emotional stability I Intellect
Costa McCrae (1992) N Neuroticism E Extraversion O Openness A Agreeableness C Responsibility
John (1990) (Acronym) O Openness C Conscientious-ness E Extraversion A Agreeableness N Neuroticism
Lluís-Font (2002, 2004) (32) A (N) Anxiety H (A) Hostility E Extraversion C Self-control I Intellect
Structure and dynamics of the three archaic
(independent) temperamental systems in animals
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S R S R S R
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S R S R S R
Neurological connection of the three archaic
temperamental systems in homo sapiens (Transition
towards the five general systems)
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion S
Origin of the specific or vertical systems in SNT
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems Neurophysiological Somatic Affective Conative Specific cognitive system systems systems systems systems
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components S
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect R O
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect R O
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components R O
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect R O
Inhibition system Anxiety Rapid action system Hostility Approach system Extraversion Self-regulation system Self-control Cognitive integration system Intellect Neurophysiological components Somatic components Affective components Conative components Cognitive components R O
Temperamental systems
Regulating systems
Structure and dynamics of a general, functional
and horizontal system
x y Specific systems General system O O O O O S R
x y Specific systems General system Neuro- physiological Somatic Affective Conative Specialized cognitive S R
Inhibition System ANXIETY Anatomical (Amygdala) Morpho-logical (Asthenic) Instinctive (Flight) Volitive (Abulia) Self-concept (Low self-esteem) S R
Inhibition System ANXIETY Biochemical (Cortisol) Physiological (Rapid metabolism) Emotional (Negative emotions) Behavioral (Over-controlled, BIS) Strategic (Selective attention, analytical style) S R
Inhibition System ANXIETY Electrical (...) Psychomotor (Psychomotor inhibition) Social (Shyness) Ethical (Guilt) Aptitudinal (Fluid intelligence) S R
Structure and dynamics of emotional system
x Specific y systems General systems 1 2 3 4 Emotional system Emotionality 6 Emotional system Emotionality 6 Emotional system Emotionality 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 S R O
Inhibition system A Anxiety Negative emotions A6 S R O
Rapid action system H Hostility Emotional toughness H6 S R O
Approach system E Extraversion Positive emotions E6 S R O
Self-regulation system C Self-control Emotional control C6 S R O
Cognitive integration I system Intellect Emotional intelligence I6 S R O
Structure and dynamics of psychomotor system
x Specific y systems General systems Psychomotor system Psychomotor reactivity 4 Psychomotor system Psychomotor reactivity 4 Psychomotor system Psychomotor reactivity 4 S R O
Inhibition system A Anxiety Psychomotor inhibition A4 S R O
Rapid action system H Hostility Hyperkinesis H4 S R O
Approach system E Extraversion Expansive mobility E4 S R O
Sel-regulation system C Self-control Psychomotor control C4 S R O
Cognitive integration I system Intellect Kinesthetic intelligence I4 S R O
Structure and dynamics of specialized cognitive
x Specific y systems General systems Specialized cognitive system Cognitive reactivity 13 Specialized cognitive system Cognitive reactivity 13 Specialized cognitive system Cognitive reactivity 13 S R O
Inhibition system A Anxiety Fluid intelligence Gf A13 S R O
Rapid action system H Hostility Spatial intelligence Gv H13 S R O
Approach system E Extraversion Crystallized intelligence Gc E13 S R O
Self-regulation system C Self-control Cognitive control C13 S R O
Cognitive integration I system Intellect General intelligence g I13 S R O
Structure and dynamics of personality in Systems
Net Theory
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophysiologicalsystem Somatic systems Somatic systems Somatic systems Affective systems Affective systems Affective systems Conative systems Conative systems Conative systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems Specific cognitive systems
x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) x Specific systems y and dimensions (vertical) General and functional systems and dimensions (horizontal) Neurophy siological 1 Morpho logical 2 Physio logical 3 Psychomotor 4 Instinc tive 5 Emotional 6 Social 7 Volitive 8 Beha vioral 9 Ethical 10 Self-percptive 11 Strate gic 12 Specia lized cognive 13
TEMPERAMENT Inhibition system Anxiety A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
TEMPERAMENT Rapid action system Hostility H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13
TEMPERAMENT Approach system Extraversion E E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13
CHARACTER Self-regulation and execution system Self-control C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13
INTELLECT Cognitive integration system Intellect I I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 I13
Symbolic FigurativeS Semantic

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