Born near Leipzig - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Born near Leipzig


... same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame. ... 'Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman a rope over an abyss. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Born near Leipzig

  • 1844-1900
  • Born near Leipzig
  • The son of a Lutheran priest
  • Studied philology at Bonn and Leipzig
  • Influenced by Schopenhauer and Romanticism
  • 1868 Appointed as the Chair of classical
    philology at Basle University.
  • 1879 Retirement (for health problems)

  • Major Works
  • The Birth of Tragedy (1872)
  • Untimely Meditations (1873-6)
  • Human, All Too Human (1878-9)
  • 1880-1889 With the exception of brief periods,
    he abandons intellectual life and lives in
    France, Italy, and Switzerland (with his
    pension). In this period he writes
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra
  • On the Genealogy of Morals (1887)
  • 1889 Nietzsche becomes insane while watching a
    horse being flogged(EE 689) and will remain
    physically and mentally handicapped until his
    death in 1900.

Main themes
  • Radical critique of Western philosophy
  • Slave/Master mentality
  • Jewish/Christian/Modern philosophy/the French
    revolution (decay)
  • Death of God
  • revaluation of values (life-affirming)
  • The will to power
  • Eternal recurrence (life grows within this
    cosmic drama)
  • Overman/aristocratic values

  • Problem Western civilization has degenerated and
    makes us sick (sickness of spirit)
  • I understand corruption as you will guess, in
    the sense of decadence. () I call an animal, a
    species, or an individual corrupt when it loses
    its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers,
    what is disadvantageous. (700)
  • Triumph of a slave morality through Socratic
    philosophy, Christianity, the Enlightment, the
    French Revolution, and Socialism.

Socrates the beginning of the End
  • Aesthetic Socratism is the principle behind its
    death. we may call Socrates the opponent of
  • we need only see him as the prototype of a new
    and unimagined life-form, the prototype of
    theoretical man. (72)

The Birth of Tragedy
  • Morality itself might morality not be a will
    to the denial of life, a secret instinct of
    annihilation, a principle of decay,
    trivialization, slander, the beginning of the
  • Jewish/Christian/Western/Modern Morality Denial
    of Life
  • A Life Affirming position requires to be against
    morality (what in Western modernity means also
    being anti-Christian).
  • What should I call it? As a philologist and man
    of letters, I baptized it with the name of a
    Greek god I called it the Dionysiac.

  • Let these serious people know that I am
    convinced that art is the supreme task and the
    truly metaphysical activity of this life in the
    sense of that man, my noble champion on that
    path, to whom I dedicate this book.
  • Man is no longer an artist, he has become a work
    of art the artistic power of the whole of nature
    reveals itself to the supreme gratification of
    the primal Oneness amidst the paroxysms of
    intoxication. (18)

Neither Universals nor Progress
  • Nietzsche rejects the possibility of Universal
    truths, and Christianity and the Enlightenment
    with it (Kant and Hegel overall)
  • Truth consists only in the philosophers
    particular viewpoints they call truth
  • Truth is an exercise of power Whatever a
    theologian feels to be true must be false This
    is almost a criterion of truth.(701).

Challenge Equilibrium
  • Civilization must provide life with order and
  • The Apollinean forces should be developed in such
    a way that they allow and facilitate the
    expressions of the Dionysian forces.

  • I teach you the Superman. Man is something that
    is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass
    man? All beings hitherto have created something
    beyond themselves and ye want to be the ebb of
    that great tide, and would rather go back to the
    beast than surpass man? (695)
  • What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a
    thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to
    the Superman a laughing-stock, a thing of
    shame. (695)
  • Man is a rope stretched between the animal and
    the Supermana rope over an abyss. A dangerous
    crossing, a dangerous way-faring, a dangerous
    looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting.

  • This book belongs to the very few.() One must
    be honest in matters of the spirit to the point
    of hardness before one can even endure my
    seriousness and my passion. ()The predilection
    of strength for questions for which no one today
    has the courage the courage for the forbidden
    the predestination to the labyrinth.(699)

  • This modernity was our sickness lazy peace,
    cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous
    uncleanliness of the modern Yes and No.(699)
  • Progress is merely a modern idea, that is, a
    false idea. The European of today is vastly
    inferior in value to the European of the
    Renaissance. (700)

Good Evil
  • What is good? Everything that heightens the
    feeling of power in man, the will to power, power
  • What is bad? Everything that is born of
    weakness. (699)
  • The weak and the failures shall perish first
    principle of our love of man. And they shall even
    be given every possible assistance. What is more
    harmful than any vice? Active pity for all the
    failures and all the weak Christianity. (700)

  • a proud people needs a god it wants to
    sacrifice. Under such conditions, religion is a
    form of thankfulness. Being thankful for himself,
    man needs a god. Such a god must be able to help
    and to harm, to be friend and enemyhe is admired
    whether good or destructive.() What would be the
    point of a god who knew nothing of wrath,
    revenge, envy, scorn, cunning, and violence?()
    No one would understand such a god Why have him
    then? (701)
  • The Christian conception of GodGod as god of
    the sick, God as a spider, God as spiritis one
    of the most corrupt conceptions of the divine
    ever attained on earth. (702)

The Genealogy
  • The Genealogy intends to serve as a clarification
    to Beyond Good and Evil
  • It is an attempt to rise above the slave
    morality, but it is also an attempt to rise above
    the faith in opposite values.
  • He invites us to go beyond established parameters
    of morality which cannot be done without passing
    through them before.

  • Western civilization has degenerated and makes us
    sick (sickness of spirit)
  • Triumph of a slave morality through Socratic
    philosophy, Christianity, the Enlightment, the
    French Revolution, and Socialism.

Systems of Morality
  • Arise from the struggle between social groups

Basic Principles
  • Life Affirming
  • Life Denying
  • Ideas and practices

Master Slave Moralities
  • Aristocratic ideal of morality embodied by the
    noble type of man -a free spirit solitary,
    courageous, honorable- who creates his own
    values, according to what is pleasant or harmful
    for him (life affirming principle).
  • Slave morality oppressed individuals gather
    together and create a morality of resentment.
    Universal Values that seek to end suffering (and
    seek social change without suffering, so
    suffering is denied)
  • ? Herd morality (yet, the herd morality is

  • Nietzsche fosters a New Beginning, in which we
    may become innocent like children and life turns
    into a game.
  • Amor Fati Nietzsche invites us to embrace Fate
    (Ecce Homo)

GM. Problem the origin of moral values.
  • Where our good and evil really originated. (16)
  • Why is the unegoistic (pity, self-abnegation,
    self-sacrifice) considered good ?
  • What is the value of morality? (17)

  • Let me articulate this new demand we need a
    critique of moral values, the value of these
    values themselves must first be called in
    question and for that there is needed a
    knowledge on the conditions and circumstances in
    which they grew, under which they evolved and
    changed (morality as a consequence, as symptom,
    as mask, as tartufferie, as illness, as
    misunderstanding but also morality as cause, as
    remedy, as stimulant, as restraint, as poison)

  • We never doubt the good man is of greater value
    than the evil man...
  • But what if the reverse were true? (20)

  • The project is to traverse with quite novel
    questions, and as though with new eyes, the
    enormous, distant, and so well hidden land of
  • As a genealogist of morals (21) (deciphering
    hieroglyphic records of the moral past of
  • A Genealogy of Morals cannot be serious (as it is
    science), but cheerful...

(The Noble) Man
  • an animal with the right to make promises
    and the capacity to forget, that is to digest
  • Memories Forgetfulness
  • Promises make a future for us (58)

This emancipated individual, with the actual
right to make promises, this master of a free
will, this sovereign man how should he not be
aware of his superiority over all those who lack
the right to make promises and stand as their own
guarantors, of how much trust, how much fear, how
much reverence he arouses he deserves all
three- and of how this mastery over himself also
necessarily gives him mastery over circumstances,
over nature, and over all more short-willed and
unreliable creatures? (60)
The free man... Also possesses his measure of
value (60)- the strong and reliable (those
with the right to make promises) that is, all
those who promise like sovereigns, reluctantly,
rarely, slowly... Whose trust is a mark of
distinction these men also show -responsibility
-power over overselves and over fate
Only what never ceases to hurt stays in the
The human species created a mnemonics through a
system of cruelty (and religion is but a
sophisticated such a system) ASCETICISM Memory
is needed for us to live in society (promises)
  • Asceticism
  • The ascetic ideal serves individual to gain
    release from his torture (p.106,) converting
    suffering in sth. meaningful (he suffered from
    the problem of his meaning(p.162)
  • There is no cure for suffering, and we must face
  • The ascetic ideal has preserved the Will
    throughout history, even if in an isolated form.
    It also has constructed new kinds of stronger
    individuals it seems not to be necessary anymore.

To see others suffer does one good, to make
others suffer even more...Without cruelty there
is no festival... (67)(ancient Gods, the
friends of cruel spectacles)
A legal order thought as of sovereign
universal-as a means of preventing all struggle
in general would be a principle hostile to life.
Legal Developments...
Contracts Debts Guilt Compensation
Punishment (duty appears in the sphere of
legal obligations structuring all social
relationships and morality) the feeling of
guilt... Is the oldest and most primitive
personal relationship (70)
Punishment ? WarYet, as the power and
self-confidence of a community increase, the
penal law always become more moderate (72) and
Forgetfulness Mercy tend to replace
  • Man needs enemies (p.85) The violence that we do
    not employ, turns into ourselves, and will turns
    against life (resentment, illness)
  • Every single good value has a background of
    cruelty and violence in its development
  • Spiritualization and deification of cruelty
    (without cruelty there is no festival)--- Wars
    festival plays for the goods.

The State
  • the oldest state thus appeared as a fearful
    tyranny, as an oppresive and remorseless machine,
    and went on working until this raw material of
    people and semi-animals was at last not only
    thoroughly kneaded and pliant but also formed.

The State
  • some pack of blond beasts of prey, a conqueror
    and master race which, organized for war and with
    the ability to organize, unhesitatingly lays its
    terrible claws upon a populace perhaps
    tremendously superior in numbers but still
    formless and nomad. That is after all how the
    state began on earth... (86)

So, how did the bad conscience come into the
  • Unavoidability and senselessness of Suffering...
  • Leads suffering to be made into an argument
    against existence (67)

All instincts that do not discharge themselves
outwardly turn inward this is what I call the
internalization of man thus it was that man
first developed what was later called his
soul. (84)
Hostility, cruelty, joy in persecuting, in
attacking, in change, in destruction all this
turned against thepossessors of such instincts
that is the origin of the bad conscience. (85)
The bad conscience is an illness
(86)(developed out of guilt fear of ancestors
turned into Gods...Fear is turned into
LoveThe Christian God expresses the maximun
guilt ever developed)
Subjectivity constitutes a territory of power.
The Genealogy of morals is the genealogy of our
modern subjectivity. Nietzsches approach is
unique. He presents in a unique way the processes
by which we became not only a territory of power,
but still more we are the work of power, power
makes us souls.
Nietzsche shows us that each one is not only an
alienated being, but that inside each individual
there is a whole universe of power, made of
power, in struggle with power. In sum, he reveals
before us an entire new dimension of power our
subjectivity, our soul.
v    Power operates from the inside, our guilt
functions as a fishhook by which I am
increasingly tied to power. This would show how
revolutions failed up to the present because
people united in herds.v    The struggle is
fundamentally internal. and is it also
Human subjectivity is a product of power in
itself. The challenge of gaining our will for
ourselves to become sovereign of ourselves is
still and will be open.
  • Atheism and a kind of second innocence belong
    together. (87)
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