Saddleback Valley Unified School District - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Saddleback Valley Unified School District


Over 410 teachers were trained throughout the school year and summer. ... Resurfacing of the THHS track took place early this summer. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Saddleback Valley Unified School District

Saddleback Valley Unified School District
Strategic Plan Report of Accomplishments
January 2007
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Strategy 1 Provide all students access to a
comprehensive curriculum that will lead toward
achieving academic proficiency or beyond,
graduation from high school, and appropriate
preparation for post secondary endeavors
  • Developed CAHSEE support materials and
    implementation of CAHSEE intervention and
    preparation classes at the high schools,
    continuation and adult education programs.
  • Developed after school CAHSEE supplemental
    instruction programs at each high school and the
    adult education program for students who had not
    passed the CAHSEE. In addition, CAHSEE summer
    school courses were offered in the summer of 2005
    and 2006.
  • Completed Physical Education course descriptions
    and curriculum revisions for grades 912.

We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Strategy 1 Provide all students access to a
comprehensive curriculum that will lead toward
achieving academic proficiency or beyond,
graduation from high school, and appropriate
preparation for post secondary endeavors
  • Provided updated curricular support for Holt and
    Houghton Mifflin. Restructured the English
    Language Arts writing component in the Districts
    Houghton Mifflin English Language Arts series to
    integrate reading and writing instruction and
    focus on standards-based genres.
    Developed/provided K-5 writing plans. New
    English Language Arts writing pacing guides were
    distributed to all elementary teachers.
  • Conducted an annual 6th grade writing benchmark.
    Representative teachers from each school met for
    two days to participate in the district-wide
    scoring of these papers. The writing benchmark
    in the 04/05 and 05/06 school years was
    persuasive writing.

We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Strategy 1 Provide all students access to a
comprehensive curriculum that will lead toward
achieving academic proficiency or beyond,
graduation from high school, and appropriate
preparation for post secondary endeavors
  • Developed and monitored the District Writing
    Portfolio System that was utilized in grades
    7-12. Students collected samples of both guided
    process and on-demand writings, aligned with
    genres specific to grade level ELA standards.
    On-line portfolios were also assembled using
    writing from the EETT project.
  • Facilitated the implementation of new reading
    intervention programs such as High Point and Read
  • Provided targeted support for those schools where
    EL students are not achieving at expected
    proficiency levels.

We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Strategy 1 Provide all students access to a
comprehensive curriculum that will lead toward
achieving academic proficiency or beyond,
graduation from high school, and appropriate
preparation for post secondary endeavors
  • Purchased portions of the Avenues ELD program for
    the primary grade levels. Training was provided
    for representative teachers at grades K, 1, 2,
    and 3.
  • Utilized High Point materials in many 4-6 grade
    special education SDC classes for language arts


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
  • We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
    world through a partnership among school, home,
    and the larger community.

Strategy 2 Promote the social and emotional
growth and development of all students in an
environment that supports positive character
traits and encourages respectful connections
among all students and adults.
  • Introduced Positive Behavior Support at several
    elementary schools. The Pupil Services staff
    provided training and collaboration
  • Provided support for positive school climates.
  • Character Counts (non-Mission Viejo version in
    other schools)
  • The PAL Peer Assistance Leadership Program, a
    peer-to-peer youth development program for
    elementary, intermediate, and high school
    students, is designed to improve school
    attendance reduce drug and alcohol use develop
    a positive school climate increase academic
    success and responsible behavior, and increase
    involvement in the community.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Strategy 2 Promote the social and emotional
growth and development of all students in an
environment that supports positive character
traits and encourages respectful connections
among all students and adults.
  • Currently ten elementary schools, two
    intermediate schools, and one high school are
    participating in the Positive Behavior Support
    (PBS) activities. The PBS program provides
    school wide training to improve behavior for all
    students, and targeted interventions for those
    who need additional support.
  • Three of our intermediate and three high schools
    have Advancement via Individual Determination
    (AVID) programs. AVID targets secondary students
    with potential and drive, who are in the
    middle, to prepare them to enter and succeed at
    a four-year college or university.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall prepare all students for tomorrows
world through a partnership among school, home,
and the larger community.
Strategy 3 Provide a learning environment that
promotes life-long learning habits and
contributes to good physical health and
  • Strengthened physical education and health
    instruction and standards alignments.
  • Adopted new district wide K-12 physical education
    and health materials.
  • Developed the federally mandated District
    Wellness Policy. The policy was adopted by the
    Board of Education. An initial draft of the
    Administrative Regulation was created and is now
    in place for the 2006-07 school year.

Professional Impassioned Staff

Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 1 Attract, retain, and support a
professional staff dedicated to providing the
highest quality educational and experience for
  • Recruited and selected a high quality staff. For
    the 2005-06 school year, 10 administrators, 121
    teachers, 144 regular classified employees, 400
    exempt classified employees, and 153 exempt
    recreation employees were hired. All newly hired
    regular teachers and instructional aides meet the
    requirements for NCLB and have CLAD or equivalent
    EL certification. The NCLB requirements for
    special education teachers are still not fully
    spelled out by the State so in some cases we are
    still hiring some special education teachers who
    are not yet NCLB complainant.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 1 Attract, retain, and support a
professional staff dedicated to providing the
highest quality educational and experience for
  • A number of actions were implemented to increase
    the applicant pool for qualified instructional
    assistants, especially those in the IBI Program.
    Advertisements were placed in the OC Register and
    the local Penny Saver. Brochures were updated
    and mailed with a display folder to branches of
    the county and city libraries within the school
    district boundaries as well as to large local
    churches. Substitute teachers were invited to an
    orientation meeting about the IBI Program and
    asked to consider working in the classified
    positions. Administrators provided tutoring and
    coaching to applicants that had difficulty
    passing the proficiency test. As a result, our
    vacancy rate decreased from 14 to 9.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 1 Attract, retain, and support a
professional staff dedicated to providing the
highest quality educational and experience for
  • Sub Finder, an automated substitute system with
    both phone and web capabilities, was implemented
    for 1,676 teachers and 642 instructional aides.
  • Audit and monitor NCLB Highly Qualified Teacher
    requirements, and implement new procedures for
    the auditing and monitoring of teaching
    assignments based on the Williams settlement. At
    the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year there
    were 25 teachers who were not NCLB compliant at
    the end of the year there were only four
    teachers. Each of these teachers has a written
    plan, approved by the Principal and Personnel,
    and will be compliant by the NCLB deadline of
    June 30, 2007.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 1 Attract, retain, and support a
professional staff dedicated to providing the
highest quality educational and experience for
  • Explored feasibility of implementing an on-line
    electronic application process. During the
    2005-06 school year, staff reviewed on-line
    application processes currently being utilized in
    Capistrano and Irvine Unified School Districts.
    In July 2006, staff attended a county-sponsored
    training on a similar system and will determine
    whether to move forward with such a system.
  • A day-long Asset Building training for all
    teachers and staff at all four intermediate
    schools started the school year off. The purpose
    of the training was to familiarize teachers with
    the connections between the 40 Developmental
    Asset framework and academic success.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 2 Create a structure to promote a
collaborative culture in which employees are
  • Negotiations were completed with all employee
    groups for new collective bargaining agreements.
    A one-year contract was negotiated with SVEA for
    2005-06 the second year of a three-year
    agreement (2004-07) was negotiated with CSEA the
    second year of a three-year agreement (2004-07)
    was negotiated with SVPSA.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 2 Create a structure to promote a
collaborative culture in which employees are
  • Reviewed class size ratios in grades 7-12 and
    made recommendations as appropriate. Over the
    past few years, several factors have combined to
    result in high class sizes in grades 7-12. Based
    on an analysis of class size both within and
    outside the District as well as input from
    secondary principals, it was determined to
    develop a plan to reduce class size. Staff
    recommended and the Board of Education approved
    10 FTE (50 teaching sections) to be authorized on
    an off-ratio basis to lower class size in grades
    7-12. Each intermediate school received 2
    off-ratio sections and each high school received
    10 sections.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Developed and implemented two inservices for high
    school teachers of the special CAHSEE courses
    implemented in January for juniors and seniors
    who had not passed the CAHSEE. During the
    inservices, teachers reviewed standards and
    assessment data, developed curriculum, and
    identified materials to meet the needs of the
    students enrolled in the CAHSEE courses.
  • Provided physical education inservices for all
    K6 elementary school teachers as part of the
    District Staff Development Days. Several schools
    followed up with additional activities at their
    school sites.
  • Provided related staff development options.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Structured two elementary staff development days
    devoted to writing instruction, with specific
    emphasis on teaching and response strategies.
  • Developed an optional full day inservice on 4th
    grade on-demand writing, which was provided to
    interested 4th grade teachers. A District
    handbook on 4th grade writing was distributed.
  • Eighth grade teachers were trained and supported
    in the use of My Access on-line computerized
    writing scoring program.
  • All intermediate English teachers attended
    site-based writing inservices.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Eighth grade English teachers attended the annual
    UCI Writing Project conference in December.
    Funding will be extended into year 3 because the
    writing gains exceeded the program requirement.
  • Provided opportunities for EL certification
    training (AB 2913) and other EL teacher
    inservices for school sites to increase their
    number of highly qualified teachers instructing
    English Learners. Over 410 teachers were trained
    throughout the school year and summer.
  • Utilized High Point materials with many EL and
    at-risk students for language arts instruction.
    Ongoing staff development was provided.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Provided professional development to elementary
    principals and teams of teachers from our title I
    schools by consultant, Dennis Parker, on
    strategic schooling.
  • Several very successful sessions for Special
    Education staff development days. Sessions were
    presented to audiences composed of both special
    education teachers and regular education teachers
    on topics such as autism and behavior disorders.
    All kindergarten and first grade teachers
    received information from three speech and
    language pathologists about the cognitive
    development of language skills and the
    implications for the instructional program.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Planned and supervised two formal days of
    inservice training for all special education
    teachers and instructional aides, psychologists
    and direct service providers, worked
    collaboratively with the instructional services
    department to cross over categorical trainings to
    regular education staff. We sent various staff
    members to over 100 other staff development


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • Increased number of teachers with EL
    certification - The District has 1,676 teachers.
    Of these, 950 are EL certified. Of the remaining
    teachers, 237 have completed the requirements and
    are waiting for CTC to issue the certificate 166
    teachers have completed AB 2713 training and are
    waiting test results from the OCDE 224 teachers
    participated in AB 2913 training in summer of
    2006 or have applied for an emergency permit
    while taking college/university coursework.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Professional Impassioned Staff
We shall foster a positive learning environment
that will result in the creation of and
inspiring and inspired professional Learning
Strategy 3 Design opportunities for
professional growth to reflect staff needs,
interests and District goals to promote
life-long learning and to foster self-reflection
as a professional.
  • In accord with AB 1825, sexual harassment
    training was provided to all supervisors prior to
    January 1, 2006. The Personnel Department
    developed a 2-hour training program to meet the
    requirements of AB 1825 and held four sessions to
    train all District administrators, managers and
  • Authorized credentials for teachers who will
    complete their credential requirements under the
    Districts Induction Program. A total of 27
    teachers completed their second and final year of
    participation in the BTSA/Induction program. Of
    these, 25 have completed the requirements and are
    being recommended for the Professional Clear

Parent Community Involvement

Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 1 Promote the role of parents as
volunteers and partners in the education of their
  • Each school continues to encourage, invite, and
    promote parent participation in booster groups,
    site council PTA, PTO, etc. Schools who
    completed WASC reviews in the 2005-06 school year
    acknowledged the contributions of parent
    participation and the numerous volunteer hours.
  • 100 of the EL parents in the Even Start Program
    increased their volunteer support in the
    classroom during the 05-06 school year.
  • Open Houses/Back-to-School nights were offered at
    all levels.
  • Parent conference days were held at elementary
  • Superintendent Forums are held three times a
    year with PTA representatives from each SVUSD


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 2 Implement a District-wide method for
mass telephone communication.
  • In August 2005 proposals were received from
    eleven companies which provide parent/student
    notification services. A committee of District
    Principals and Staff heard proposals from five
  • In February 2006 Chatter, Inc. (Family First
    Alerts) set up primary accounts for all 36
    schools and provided training to site
    administration. As of June 2006, 18 of the 36
    school have used the system and sent either a
    voice or a text message to parents.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 3 Promote a parent education program
to assist in strengthening skills and in
fostering conditions that enhance student
  • Approximately 50 of the EL parents from Even
    Start meet each week during the summer for
    literacy lessons with their children. Family
    Literacy with Orange County READ summer program
    has also increased in attendance.
  • From Oct 2005 through May 2006, parents in the
    School Readiness Program were enrolled in a
    series of six week parenting classes.
  • Thirty-six eligible parents were enrolled in the
    William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy
    Program to promote English language/literacy
    acquisition for parents and are actively
    participating six hours per day five days per


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 3 Promote a parent education program
to assist in strengthening skills and in
fostering conditions that enhance student
  • Seventy-two parents and students were enrolled in
    the School Readiness and Resource Project, which
    require that their parents attend a one day a
    week class to increase their parenting skills and
    improve their role as their childs first
  • Various elementary schools held Family Science
    Night and Science Fairs. Gates Elementary held
    Family Resource Center and Family literacy every
    week. Nutrition classes and Family Math, Grupo
    Crecer was also held. Project Tomorrow Schools
    also held a variety of Family Nights on different
    topics. Plans are underway to provide a special
    Math Resources page on the District website for
    parents of elementary aged students.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 4 Expand the partnerships between
students, teachers, parents and community which
promote ownership of student and school
  • 100 of the EL parents in the School Readiness
    Resource Center Project increased their volunteer
    support in the classroom as partners in
  • DELAC Officers Planning Mtg. dates 10/13/05
    12/14/05 1/12/06 3/9/06 5/4/06. DELAC Mtg.
    dates 10/27/05 1/19/06 3/22/06 5/11/06. A
    parent forum was held for parents to learn about
    the school district and its programs for English
    Learners. Questions and concerns were addressed.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 4 Expand the partnerships between
students, teachers, parents and community which
promote ownership of student and school
  • Provided Sophomore Counseling to tenth grade
    students and their parents including assistance
    in completing the four-year plan and guidance for
    post-high school options. A total of 2,342 10th
    graders received individual scholastic advisement
    sessions in 2005-06.
  • Adult Education Brochure and Principals
    Newsletters continue to be sent regularly to
    District parents Guidance Newsletter is mailed
    bi-annually to all 9-12 grade parents. All
    information is posted on SVUSD website.
  • Guidance Newsletter Principals Newsletters
    continue to be sent regularly to District
    parents. Educationally sponsored nights are
    posted on the SVUSD website.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Parent Community Involvement
We shall encourage and welcome the involvement of
parents and the broader community in the
educational process and in The celebration of
student and organizational success.
Strategy 4 Expand the partnerships between
students, teachers, parents and community which
promote ownership of student and school
  • CPAC Meeting Dates 11/15/05, 2/7/06, 5/16/06
    Agendas Minutes are housed in Pupil
    Services/Guidance Specialist Office.
  • FAC Meeting Dates 9/21/05, 10/19/05, 3/15/06,
    5/17/06, 5/31/06, 6/7/06. Agendas Minutes are
    housed in Business Services.
  • DLAC Meeting Dates 10/27/05, 1/19/06, 3/22/06,
    5/11/06. Agendas Minutes are housed in the
    Second Language Department.
  • COC Meeting Dates 1/12/06, 4/28/06, 7/20/06.
    Minutes are housed in the facilities Department.
  • The District, in collaboration with CUSD and many
    community agencies, organizes and operates the
    South Orange County Youth Job/Career Fair.

Infrastructure Facilities

Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 1 Evaluate, enhance and communicate
disaster-safety plans.
  • Board presentation and follow-up preparation for
    pandemic flu outbreak.
  • Held a district office emergency drill and all
    school call-in on 6/1/06.
  • Reviewed and updated the districts emergency
    preparedness plan
  • Established a radio communication protocol and
    implemented a two way radio communication drill.
  • Developed a wild fire evacuation plan for Trabuco
    Elementary and conducted an actual campus
    evacuation with students and teachers
  • Conducted small group meetings for Disaster Plan
    Talk Group Teams and school site office managers


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 1 Evaluate, enhance and communicate
disaster-safety plans.
  • Participated in the Orange County Emergency
    Operation Center Emergency Radio Program with
    monthly radio checks.
  • Participated in the OC Emergency Operations Area
    Tsunami Drill.
  • Coordinated with the Red Cross for Disaster
    Shelter in Place Program and site evaluations.
  • Continued the deployment of security cameras at
    school sites throughout the district.
  • Continue the systematic upgrade of fire alarms.
  • Completed the Bi-Annual fire alarm testing at
    each school site
  • Installed the First Alert as the district-wide
    parent notification system


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Del Lago, Montevideo, Lomarena La Madera
  • A multi-purpose room is being constructed at each
    site all are expected to be ready for occupancy
    in February 2007.
  • Cordillera/De Portola Elementary School
  • Construction on new multi-use (three classroom)
    building at both Cordillera and de Portola began
    this summer. Construction is scheduled for
    completion in mid-February 2007.
  • La Tierra Elementary School
  • A portable staff restroom building has been
    installed at this site.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Rancho Canada Elementary School
  • Six (6) new portable classrooms were added to
    this site and three existing portable classrooms
    were relocated to make maximum use of available
    space while not impacting the playground.
  • Los Alisos Intermediate School
  • A large, new band portable classroom has been
    installed at this site.
  • El Toro High School
  • A sports turf and all weather track at ETHS have
    been completed.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Laguna Hills High School
  • Construction began on a new athletic stadium in
    November and will last approximately 8 months and
    should be ready for the 2007 football season.
  • Mission Viejo High School
  • A sports turf and all weather track at MVHS have
    been completed.
  • The Performing Arts Project design is complete,
    and has been submitted to DSA.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Trabuco Hills High School
  • The schematic planning for a parking structure
    and 18 classroom building project has been
    completed and design is currently under way.
  • Resurfacing of the THHS track took place early
    this summer.  
  • All fire alarm changes required by DSA have
    recently been completed.
  • Silverado High School
  • A new modular two-story office/classroom building
    and the relocation of the Adult Education
    building is currently under construction and
    scheduled for completion in April, 2007.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Glen Yermo Elementary School
  • Ten (10) interim portable classrooms were
    installed this summer. The Administration
    office, library, food service area and multiple
    classrooms have been modernized. The entire
    modernization project will be completed by the
    end of February 2007.
  • Rancho Canada Elementary School
  • Nine (9) interim portables classrooms were
    installed this summer.
  • The administration office, kindergartens, library
    and multi-purpose room are complete.
    Modernization was completed December 15.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • El Toro High School
  • Portion 1 - The administration building, library,
    computer lab, food service, ASB, and portions of
    vocational education were completed in early
  • Roofing was also completed on the administration
    building, 300, 400 500 classroom buildings
  • The modernization of the 300 building is
    currently under way.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Esperanza Special Education School
  • Completion of the main office spaces and the food
    service kitchen is expected by the end of January
  • The installation of two modular buildings to
    house Special Education offices and the
    California Childrens Services completed in
  • Laguna Hills High School
  • Modernization has been DSA approved, and State
    funding has been obtained for this project. 
    Modernization is scheduled to begin during
    summer, 2007. 


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Cielo Vista Elementary School
  • A new parking lot was completed this summer.
  • Fencing around the kindergarten playground was
    moved to enlarge the area.
  • A shade structure fabric was installed to cover
    the trellis outside the kindergarten classroom
  • Lake Forest Elementary
  • An additional TLC rental building was installed
    in summer.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Portola Hills Elementary School
  • Slide and soil conditions at this site continue. 
  • No planning for enhancement projects has taken
  • Trabuco Mesa Elementary School
  • A small wall around the playground was
  • RSM Intermediate School
  • Construction on a large band room and a drama
    storage area will begin shortly. Demolition began
    on December 27, 2006.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • ONeill Elementary School
  • Completion on an enhanced teachers work room was
    completed in early fall.
  • Field Renovations
  • The renovation of the play fields have been
    completed at nine (9) elementary schools -
    Melinda Heights, San Joaquin, Cordillera,
    ONeill, Linda Vista, Aliso, Cielo Vista, La
    Tierra and Lake Forest.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • Shade Structures
  • At MVHS, a shade structure now covers both the
    swimming pool bleachers and the outdoor weight
    training area.
  • At RSM, a shade structure covers the food service
    outdoor eating area.
  • Playgrounds
  • Upgraded playground equipment was installed at
    Lake Forest Elementary.
  • New playground equipment for Portola Hills
    Elementary is being installed this month.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 2 Assess and modify facility
requirements for instructional programs and
student needs
  • A food service survey was created and
    administered to 86 of students in grades 4-11.
  • Food service facilities at several school sites
    are in the process of, or will be, reconfigured
    through the Measure B bond program.
  • The Food Service Management contract with Sodexo
    was renegotiated for a one-year extension with
    the goal of reducing the operational costs while
    increasing student participation (Free and
    Reduced Lunch Program) and offering more
    nutritional food choices.
  • A new District Wellness Policy was established
    and approved in spring of 2005, which is
    currently in practice at all schools.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 3 Evaluate basic equipment and
technology needs. Develop standards as necessary
and appropriate.
  • Made improvements to the technology
    infrastructure of the schools, including such
    things as wireless capabilities, security cameras
    and new phone systems at a majority of the
  • Upgraded Cisco firewall to provide better
    security policies to prevent intruders (hackers).
  • Migrated T-1 lines to Cox broadband for better
    and faster access from the sites to the District
    Office and the Internet.
  • Replaced the substitute calling system with an
    online system called "Sub Finder" to enable a
    more efficient method of reserving and calling


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 3 Evaluate basic equipment and
technology needs. Develop standards as necessary
and appropriate.
  • Migrated Special Education management system from
    the VAX to SEIS which is an online database for
    managing the needs of special education.
  • Provided more efficient printing services for
    report cards and school locators by using a new
    printer better designed for this function.
  • Purchased minimal installation of wireless
    capabilities at the school sites with close to
    200 access points.  Installation was completed in
    fall 2006.
  • Provided better web filtering and more complete
    reporting of web activity through a new web
    filtering software called 8e6.  This will allow
    principals to gain access to site reports of any
    internet activity and track a history of this


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
Infrastructure Facilities
We shall provide a safe, fully-functioning
learning environment that enhances educational
programs for all students.
Strategy 4 Review maintenance needs associated
with improving the physical environment of
District wide facilities.
  • Budgeting is monitoring requisitions from
    Facilities to determine the appropriateness of
    the expenditure.
  • Maintenance and Operations conducts annual
    assessment of needs and recommends program of


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 1 Enhance business and community
partnerships for innovative funding alternatives.
  • Board Member/Superintendents office
    participation in South County Regional Chambers
    of Commerce activities.
  • Working with SVEF to invite new directors through
    corporate, civic, and/or community involvement.
    Assisting in membership expansion and the
    redirection of the foundations mission.
  • Principal for a Day event held to bring in new
    business and community leaders into schools.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 2 Research the feasibility of voters
authorizing a Parcel Tax.
  • No action


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 3 Advocate for state and federal
funding reform.
  • More active in taking positions/advocating for
    legislation in Sacramento
  • In March 2006 and October 2006, Field
    Representatives from our local legislators
    offices attended a meeting with Executive Cabinet
    to discuss the legislative issues pertinent to
    SVUSD. Direct contacts were made and a working
    partnership has been established. A Legislative
    Field Representative meeting will continue to be
    held each fall.
  • Participated in OC Superintendents Legislative
    Action Day in Sacramento on March 21, 2006 to
    lobby for educational needs.
  • PTA Council conducted a Sacramento Safari on May
    1-2, 2006 to lobby for educational needs.


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 3 Advocate for state and federal
funding reform.
  • Assembly and Senate activity is tracked on a
    regular basis.
  • Participated in the California Declining
    Enrollment Coalition and reevaluated the
    five-year enrollment projection based on 2005-06
    actual enrollment data.
  • Provided information to Districts lobbyist and
    legislators representatives regarding declining
    enrollment, funding issues and flexibility, and
    the need for local control.
  • Sent several letters to Assembly and Senate
    Committee Members in support (or opposition) of
    bills related to the above and their effect on


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 4 Implement formal and informal
management strategies to ensure the efficient use
of fiscal resources.
  • Provided monthly updates on attendance rates to
    the schools.
  • Provided schools with an Attendance Counts!
    Template to be used in their newsletters.
  • Positive certification was attained for the 1st
    and 2nd interim financial reports.
  • Using all funding flexibilities provided in the
    Mega and AB 825 Block Grants to maintain a
    positive ending balance.
  • Closer scrutiny by executive cabinet of District


Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
We shall increase the net District income by 20
million Through identifying new resources and
maximizing current resources, including time,
money, materials and staff.
Strategy 4 Implement formal and informal
management strategies to ensure the efficient use
of fiscal resources.
  • Changed the investment strategy for the
    Alternative Retirement System (ARS) which
    increased interest earnings to 5 (if old
    strategy had been maintained only 1 would have
    been earned per PARS).
  • Began the process to issue tax revenue
    anticipatory notes (TRANS) for 2006-07 with
    possible earnings of 200K.
  • - End -
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