The means of finding out about a decent course at a decent university in a ... or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
The Times http// and_style/education/good_university_guide/
4 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
Go to university Open Days with a friend or a parent
Ask searching questions
The course
Does it look interesting, does it have a good reputation?
The university
Does the campus look good, how far is it from the town centre, how near are the halls of residence go and see them?
5 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
5. Ask searching questions (contd)
The lecturers
Did they make a good impression on you?
How highly thought of are they e.g. in industry/commerce?
How did they come across i.e. were they kind, unstuffy, considerate, interesting, funny?
The Administration
What was the administration on the day like?
Did you get a good follow-up from the Open Day?
Were the university prepared to allow you to email them with further questions?
6 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
6. Check out the city/town
Is it exciting?
Would you want to live there?
Does it have lots of night life, good shopping?
Is it a fun place after all who wants to spend three years in a boring sleepy town?
BUT a quieter town might suit you e.g. compare Oxford with Leeds
7 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
7. Home or Away?
I think university is all about broadening horizons.
My advice would be choose a university away from home.
Its an opportunity to be independent and far enough away for your parents to think twice about visiting you.
Make new friends.
It can be lonely, so join clubs, societies.
Experience a new city, and all it has to offer.
BUT living at home is cheaper, you have someone to clean up after you (your long suffering mum), and if you live in a halls of residence you dont get to choose your flatmates.
HOWEVER you could miss out on a whole lot of fun!
8 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
8. Make sure your personal statement sings
I cannot tell you how many really dull personal statements I have read.
So make yours interesting, lively and informative - does it give a good picture of you?
What universities look for are well-rounded students who are not only academically bright, but who are involved in extra curricular activities.
Ensure too that your spelling, grammar and sentence composition stack-up.
9 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
9. Work hard, play hard
Dont waste the opportunity.
If you really want to go to uni, now is the time to put in the effort.
Fulfil your potential get good grades
If you dont youll probably get to uni, but which one? Do you really want to waste three years of your life studying on some 2nd rate course, at a 3rd rate university in a 4th rate town?
After all you could end up with a 20,000 loan to repay and nothing to show it, save for a second-rate degree.
Employers do rank universities, they know which ones are good, which courses they really rate and sometimes even the calibre of lecturers who teach on them.
10 Make It Work For You
10 Steps To Success
10. Get yourself sorted be IT aware
Get a decent laptop, plenty of memory - a well known brand that has good. reputation. Buy an all-in-one device i.e. printer/photocopier, plus two USB sticks you can put in your pocket, or a removable hard drive to back up your work.
Remember about personal safety, get good household insurance.
Sort out a part-time job - youll need to afford all those nights out!
Ensure you get a mobile with decent tariffs, you can rack up a whole lot of costs
Think of getting an internet phone it could save you a bundle of money.
11 Whats It Like?
What does it all mean?
Semester term.
Lecture being spoken to via a PowerPoint presentation in a theatre with up to 200 other students. You're supposed to take notes!
Tutorial follows a lecture, a time to ask questions, review work, with up to 25 students.
Tutorial group where you are divided into groups for group work.
Tutor the ones who teach you in groups.
Personal Tutor your Uni mum or dad who helps sort out your problems.
12 Why Do Students Fail?
They hate the course.
Because they did not check it out before they arrived.
13 Why Do Students Fail?
They have not visited
the university.
city/town they have chosen to study in.
14 Why Do Students Fail?
There are only 8-12 hrs a week of class work.
The rest of the week you are expected to study on your own.
So you need to be incredibly well organised and have self-discipline.
15 Why Do Students Fail?
Those students who have been spoon fed at A level find independent learning very difficult at university.
16 Why Do Students Fail?
Attendance at lectures tutorials is not compulsory.
So its easy to miss vital ones and fall behind.
Some tutors refuse to hand out notes to those that don't attend.
17 Why Do Students Fail?
Being away from home can be hard
If you are not used to city life.
Are not that independent.
Its easy to get lonely and depressed.
18 Why Do Students Fail?
The change from sixth-from to university is like going straight from nursery to secondary school.
Its that dramatic and some students cant handle it.
19 Why Do Students Fail?
BUT over 90 of students have a great time.
Get a fulfilling experience at university.
Look back on it as the best years of their life!
20 A Great Book!
The Smarter Student Skills Strategies for Success at University by Kathleen McMillan and Jonathan Weyers. Published by Pearson. 2006. Costs 6.49 (a 50 discount on published price) from
(Given 5 stars by readers.
Robert Minton-Taylors view? Well worth the money and a great read. Indeed you would be very wise to buy it and read it before you go to university!