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Dia 1


Milestones of the Degree Programme in Library and Information Services at TUAS ... A very hectic busy work. An effort to. modelling. the case. Roles of meetings, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dia 1

The Background and Purposes of the CIP WorkLab
Project Preliminary results of the
research Knowledge Creation in the Expertise
Aulikki Holma Turku University of Applied Sciences
Content of the presentation
  • Milestones of the Degree Programme in Library and
    Information Services at TUAS
  • 2. Background and rationale of the CIP WorkLab
    improving routines and generating transformative
  • 3. About the theory and preliminary foundings of
    the research

Also we in the library branch have to have the
courage of thinking look far forwards to the
future, we have to have the courage of thinking
big and bravely. Then we may believe to achieve
a small step forwards, towards the great ideal
goal -- if all the other people do not yet see
the point as clear as we do, they will one day
do, and then they will also understand our
insistence and our desire for reform. Helle
Kannila, at the age of 22, in the general
library meeting, The Finnish Library Association
Meidän kirjastoalalla työskentelevienkin on
uskallettava katsoa kauas tulevaisuu-teen, on
uskallettava ajatella suuresti ja rohkeasti,
silloin ehkä uskoen voidaan päästä pieni askel
eteenpäin suurta ihannepäämäärää kohti --
elleivät kaikki muut asiaa vielä näe niin
kirkkaasti kuin me, tekevät he sen vielä kerran,
ja silloin he myöskin ymmärtävät
itsepintaisuutem-me ja uudistushalumme.
1920 Turku City Library
The milestones of the degree programme in library
and information services in TUAS 1.9.1998 the
first students started in the degree programme of
library and information services in the Temporary
Polytechnic of Southwest Finland, City of Raisio
10 v.
The milestones of the degree programme in library
and information services 1999, August Adult
education, degree programme in library and
information services (2,5 years) (merkonomista
tradenomiksi) 1.8.2000 the fusion The
Temporary Turku Polytechnic and the Polytechnic
of Southwest Finland merged the largest
polytechnic in Finland Autumn 2000 Building of
the vision and the strategy of the degree
programme in library and information services, in
collaboration with the partners and the advisory
10 v.
Spring 2001 a new department (Business and
media, Raisio) the first Specializing Studies in
LIS September 2001 March 2002 International
evaluation by Finnish Higher Education Evaluation
Council - The international group of experts
(PhD professors) as evaluators 19.12.2001 The
first students of the Degree Programme graduated
in Raisio
10 v.
3.-4.10.2002 Beyond the Information Society
Conference in Turku, arranged by all the
libraries and both higher education institutions
in Turku over 200 participants from all over
the country 19.12.2002 the first students of
the specializing studies graduated 7.4.2003 the
2nd Specializing Studies 1.8.2003 a new law for
the Finnish universities of applied Sciences,
emphasizes regional partnership and RD
activities 1.8.2003 DP moved from Raisio to
new premises in Trivium, Lemminkäisenkatu 32,
August October 2005 the CIP Work Lab proposal
planned by Sirje Virkus, Aulikki Holma, commented
by Leena Aaltonen and Ritva Hyttinen December
2005 CIP Work Lab accepted in the Interreg
Programme 1.1.2006-31.12.2007 CIP Work Lab
working supported networked partnership,
collaborative work, curriculum development,
remarkable funding for the regional and
international development 1.8.2006 The new TUAS
premises in the building ICT House,
Joukahaisenkatu 32 C
The future development of the library
information services needs young professionals
The education of library and information
professionals shall be offered in all structures
of higher education to provide the benefit
and development power to the library field
Questions and troubles in the newcomer LIS-DP
Difficulties Small degree programme Difficult to
recruit high quality expertise in very many
branches and specialities How to survive with the
financing? How to survive through the
organizational changes? How to get working all
the necessary actions in the DP RD-activities,
international activities, student and staff
exchange, working driven projects One of the
opportunities is an international development
The rationale to set up CIP Connecting
Information Professionals WorkLab 2006-2007
  • Our interest to develop LIS education and
    students work through international cooperation
  • Demand to strenghten regional cooperation
    between HEI and library practice
  • Ideas about knowledge creation, sharing and

CIP Work Lab and the challenges of the LIS branch
Quickly developing technologies Changes in the
media and information use Changes of the library
users Reforms and changes in the service
structures (in HEIs, in municipalities) Demands
of cost effictiveness Changes in the
funding Retirement of the professional
staff Competition for staff, funding, users
CIP Work Lab - rising to the challenges of the
LIS branch
  • One way to rise to the challenges is to develope
    the know how and competences, in two ways
  • By improving the curricula of HEI
  • by enchanging the workplace learning and
    knowledge creation
  • Our project CIP has aimed to the both goals.

Connecting Information professionals - CIP WorkLab
  • CIP WorkLab 2006-2007
  • Multiprofessional collaboration community
  • Current concrete problems of the libraries
  • authentic learning tasks
  • Librarians
  • Students of ICT-engineering and students of the
    library information studies
  • Lecturers

Two universities Turku University of Applied
Sciences (Finland) Tallinn University (Estonia)
Organisations of working life Library and
information service units -gt the professional
  • Improved regional library services
  • Better learning curriculum development

Taustaa Teollisen yhteiskunnan tuotantotapa
-teollisessa yhteiskunnassa työ organisoidaan
ennalta määritellyiksi tuotantoprosesseiksi jotka
perustuvat tarkkaan ennakkosuunnitteluun ja
johtamiseen ylhäältä alas Työn tekeminen vaatii
että työntekijä omaksuu rutiinit ja sosiaalistuu
olemassa olevaan työtapaan ja organisaatioon Työk
äytännöt rakentuvat rutiiniomaiselle
jokapäiväiselle tekemiselle joka on muodostunut
tavaksi ja sisäistynyt siinä määrin että siitä on
tullut selviö. Rutiini mahdollistaa toiminnan
sujuvan etenemisen.
Tietoyhteiskunnan tuotantotapa
  • Sen sijaan tieto-/palvelu-/verkostoyhteiskunnan
    työkäytännöissä ja ammattitaidossa painopiste
    muuttuu rutiinien omaksumisesta työn
    kehittämiseen koska
  • joustavat tuotanto- ja palvelujärjestelmät
  • työn tekeminen edellyttää yhteisöllistä
    (yhteistoiminnallista) työskentelyä erilaisissa
    verkostoissa monenlaisten kumppanien kanssa
  • Lisäksi rutiinityöstä osa korvataan
    automatisoiduilla prosesseilla, osa siirretään /
    siirtyy asiakkaiden tehtäväksi, osa halvan
    työvoiman tehtäväksi
  • -gt Transformaatioiden tuottaminen ja siihen
    tarvittava korkeatasoisen osaamisen merkitys
    korostuu, erityisesti korkean teknologian maissa

Tietoyhteiskunnan tuotantotapa
Osa rutiinityöstä toki säilyy mutta sekin vaatii
kehittämistä ja toimintojen muuttamista. Rutinoit
uminen ja transformaatio sisältyvät kaikkeen
työkäytäntöihin saman kolikon eri puolia Kun
syntyy ristiriita rutiinin/käytännön ja tilanteen
vaatimusten välillä -gt muutostarve. Voi olla
pieni toiminnan parantamistarve tai toisaalta
tarve transformationaaliseen mutokseen. -gt
Transformaatioiden tuottaminen ja siihen
tarvittava korkeatasoisen osaamisen merkitys
korostuu, erityisesti korkean teknologian maissa.
Tietoyhteiskunnan tuotantotapa uuden ymmärryksen
tuottaminen toiminnasta
  • Transformaatio merkitsee uudelle tasolle
    siirtymistä, laadullista muutosta.
  • Siinä ei ole kyse vain olemassa olevan ajattelu-
    ja toimintamallin parantamisesta, vaan
    laadullisesti uudenlaisen luomisesta,
    systeemisestä muutoksesta
  • Toimintajärjestelmää koskevasta muutoksesta.
  • Transformaatiota voi tapahtua eri areenoilla
    /tasoilla, yksilöistä ja ryhmistä
    toimintaympäristöihin (Geels)

Ammatillinen korkeakoulutus tietoyhteiskunnassa
Ammatillisen koulutuksen haasteeksi muodostuukin
rutiineja ja transformaatioita yhteen sovittavien
oppimisympäristöjen rakentaminen, siten että
niissä tuotetaan asiantuntijoita jotka kykenevät
myös uudistamaan työkäytäntöjä ja kehittämään
kirjastotyötä. Siksi CIP WorkLab!
Knowledge Creation in the Expertise
Organisation From Bottom-Up Ideas to Improved
Project Work Empirical Data, Theoretical Aspects
Preliminary Foundings
Knowledge Creation in the Expertise Organisation
The objective of the research
The purpose is to gain understanding about the
knowledge creation and sharing in the expertise
work (project work). Case the international
pharmaceutical company The present phase of the
research analysis and writing.
Research motivation 1
1.The previous personal interests in research a)
the information behaviour of the ordinary
people a public library as an information
source Heikkilä Holma (1990) Tieto ja elämä.
Helsinki, Suomen kirjastoseura. In Swedish
Kunskapen och livet (1992 Copenhagen, Nordisk
ministerråd) also published a summary in
Estonian, 1992 (Eesti Rahvasraamatukogu). b)
Strong international discussion and research on
knowledge management and creation Holma, A.
Lappalainen, K. Pilkevaara, S. (1997)
Näkymätön näkyväksi tieto, osaaminen ja
Knowledge Management. Espoo, Teknillinen
Research motivation 2
2. Professional interests, work a)Duties as a
head of research and development at the
professionally orientated HEI (Turku University
of Applied Sciences) how new knowledge is
created and shared in the regional innovation
network Holma, A. (2006) Developmental
transitions by the collaboration between the
University and regional ICT Industry Cluster. 1st
European Conference on Practice-Based and
Practitioner Research. University of Leuven.
Holma, A. (2004) Oppivan alueen vuoropuhelu.
In Muusan kuiskaus, pp. 97116. Turku,
Enostone. Holma, A. (2005) Tietämys strategian
perustaksi tietojohtaminen ammattikorkeakoulussa
. In Tiedosta tuottava strategisen
tieto- johtamisen kysymyksiä. pp. 11-50. Turku,
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.
Research vision
- understanding the process of human knowing in
the expertise organisation and in the
collaborative interaction project work - In a
long run, as a result, to generate and pilot in
practice a management model (tools) for
supporting the individual ideas to grow and get
developed into innovations by collaborative work
in the project teams. The subtitle (under
construction) From bottom-up ideas to improved
project work
Knowledge creation needs a community lt- theory
The research has demonstrated that human
intelligent activity takes place within a certain
cultural and social environment in a community.
A community is defined by Wenger (1998) as
follows a group of people with a shared
interest to a certain domain of knowledge,
sharing knowledge and experiences and creating a
shared understanding by interacting both
face-to-face and virtually on an ongoing basis.
The theories of the knowledge creative
communities (Wenger, Haas, Putnam, Hakkarainen,
Community of practice Bonding Between alikes
Epistemic Community Bridging - Between the
The both types of the cultures needed
  • no permanent structures
  • every expert has an authorized status
  • by an external authority
  • new, changing problems and challenges
  • Heterogenious objects
  • Conscious effort towards new solutions
  • expansive learning (over ten limits of
  • the own expertise)
  • Transformations, radical innovations,risks
  • dynamic adaptiv expertise )
  • e.g. schientific research group
  • The permanent structure
  • membership of the community offers the same
    knowledge to all of its members (sharing) -gt all
    have the same knowledge learning via membership
    by socialization
  • solving within forecasted problems
  • incremental innovations,
  • routine expertise)
  • solid, common conservative culture?

) distinguished by Hatano Iganaki (1991)
The forms of social capital in the knowledge
communities (Putnam, Bourdieu, Callahan)
  • Bonding
  • luottamus ja vastavuoroisuus tiheissä, usein
    suljetuissa ja/tai homogeenisissa verkostoissa,
    samanlaisten ihmisten tai ryhmien kesken
  • auttaa jokapäiväisessä työssä
  • Bridging - erilaisten ihmisten tai ryhmien
    keskinäinen verkostoituminen
  • edistää osallistuvan yksittäisen yrityksen
  • mahdollistaa sellaisten resurssien käyttämisen,
    joita on tarjolla toisen ryhmän tai verkoston
  • epävirallisten tai muodollisten ryhmien jäsenten
    erilaisuus ja monipuolisuus kasvattavat
    sosiaalisen pääoman bridging kapasiteettia.

Research data
  • The research data has been collected by using
    semi-structured enquiry by e-mail, which has been
    further completed by group interviews. The
    methods of classical contents analysis are
  • Interviews via e-mail in the company cover 24
    informants, as follows
  • 10 laboratory technicians (vocational education),
  • 14 professional experts (most of them have a
    higher education degree). Themes of the inquiry
    and the group interviews were based on the SECI

Detailed themes of the inquiry
1. Orientation and joining the working
community 2. Written descriptions of the daily
work, routines and unexpected things 3.
Successful experiences getting recognition 4.
Failures and consequences the use of lessons
learned 6. Collaboration and mutual support
internal network 7. Mutual learning in the work
ways to get information 8. Interaction and
communication of the experiences evaluating the
use and effience of organisations different
meetings, e-mails, team work, external network
etc. in information sharing 9. The importance of
the work.
A preliminary summary
Two professional groups - Different targets of
the work - Different type of environment of
knowledge creation Laboratory technicians
community of practise Academic experts
innovative knowledge community (questions and
tasks which cannot forecast) There was
identified two separated types of innovation and
knowledge creation environment in the case
organisation. Is this an advantage or a problem?
A preliminary impression The essentials in
knowledge creation and sharing
An effort to modelling the case
Diverse interactions
A very hectic busy work
1. The quality of interaction
co-operation, collaboration Distance networking
Roles of meetings, teams, working in pairs
2. Power
3. Trust The basis of the interaction and sharing
The definition whose knowledge is estimated as
To benefit the knowledge of success and failure
The struggle of recognition? (Honneth)
  • The slowness and resistance of the structures
  • The model of action systems on three leves
  • (F. Geels 2002)
  • the barriers to transformative changes

Multiple levels as a nested hierarchy a
dilemma of the radical new solutions
The social construction of interpretations and
3. Toiminta- ympäristö
2 Vallitseva toiminta- malli
Small enterprises
A team inside of an enterprise, working group
1. Sovellusalue Ideat, oivallukset
Geels 2001,2004
A dynamic multi-level interaction of system
3 Toiminta- ympäristö
2 Vallitseva toiminta- malli
Teknologia, tieteellinen tieto, regulaatio,
markkinat, käyttötoiminnot, kulttuuriset
merkitykset ja palvelujen tuotantorakenne
1 Rajatut sovellusalueet
Geels 2001, 2004.
Why systemic change/transformation is difficult?
A dynamic multi-level interaction of system
3 Toiminta- ympäristö
2 Vallitseva toiminta- malli
Teknologia, tieteellinen tieto, regulaatio,
markkinat, käyttötoiminnot, kulttuuriset
merkitykset ja palvelujen tuotantorakenne
1 Rajatut sovellusalueet
Geels 2001, 2004.
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