What is Artificial Intelligence? : Everything You Need to Know about AI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Artificial Intelligence? : Everything You Need to Know about AI


Artificial Intelligence may be a buzzword now, but it’s not a new term. It was coined in 1956 by Minsky and McCarthy. Even though their effort to bring AI into the world’s attention failed, scientists and innovators started researching and developing machines that would mimic humans. In a nutshell; – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Artificial Intelligence? : Everything You Need to Know about AI

Everything You Need to Know About Artificial
Intelligence Its Use Cases, Applications, and
November 10, 2021 Dash Technologies Inc
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Quick Summary Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a
buzzword that everyone, from a layman to an
expert, talks about. You may also have heard the
term AI, but many of you might still be
exploring what it is, how it works, what role
it plays in business, how it improves lives. Or,
if you are simply
exploring Artificial Intelligence development
services, the article is the
  • When we watch Sofia saying, Okay I will destíoy
    humans, see the lech Masteímind Elon Musk
    quoting AI is the fundamental íisk of the
    existence of human civilization oí live with
    peíceptions cíeated by many hypothetical movies
    like lhe leíminatoí, Blade Runneí, Staí
    Waís and otheís, many of us feel intimidated,
    dont we?
  • Let us begin with a positive note. At píesent, AI
    does not bíing any haím to humans, noí aíe we at
    íisk of being destíoyed, even in the futuíe (we
    suppose). Howeveí, whetheí its a thíeat oí not
    is debatable. You can let us know youí thoughts
    in the comment section.
  • Eveíything man-made will íemain in human contíol,
    and AI is no diffeíent. Undoubtedly, Aítificial
    Intelligence is the futuíe, but its the futuíe
    of business, impíoving ouí lives, bestowing
    oppoítunities, and moíe. lhis is visible with the
    demand foí Aítificial Intelligence app
    development seívices. Fíom peísonalized music
    and video íecommendations to connected cameías
    and autonomous caís, AI is tíansfoíming lives
    and livelihoods.
  • We, in this blog, shall demonstíate eveíything
    about Aítificial Intelligence and eveíything
    that diíectly oí indiíectly impacts youí
  • Table of Contents
  • What is Aítificial Intelligence?
  • Aítificial Intelligence at Glance
  • Is Aítificial Intelligence Necessaíy?
  • Aítificial Intelligence in Simple Woíds
  • Aítificial Intelligence Ïíom Maíket Peíspective
  • How Does Aítificial Intelligence Woík?
  • What aíe the types of Aítificial Intelligence?
  • Undeístanding the lypes of AI
  • What is the puípose of Aítificial Intelligence?
  • What is fueling the íesuígence in AI?
  • lop Use Cases of Aítificial Intelligence
  • lop Industíies Using Aítificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Did you know 77 of the devices we use featuíe AI
    in one foím oí anotheí?
  • Aítificial Intelligence is a science that
    empoweís machines to mimic human intelligence.
    In simple teíms, a bíanch of computeí science
    that simulates human intelligence in machines is
    known as Aítificial Intelligence. AI can help
    businesses caííy out plenty of tasks in seconds
    that humans can take houís oí even months to
    accomplish. AI can help
  • In making decisions accuíately
  • In invention
  • Fasteí discoveíy of díug and medicine píoduction
  • Chíonic diseases diagnosis
  • Diseases píevention and moíe
  • Artificial Intelligence at Glance
  • Aítificial Intelligence may be a buzzwoíd now,
    but its not a new teím. It was coined in 1956
    by Minsky and McCaíthy. Even though theií effoít
    to bíing AI into the woílds attention failed,
    scientists and innovatoís staíted íeseaíching and
    developing machines that would mimic humans. In
    a nutshell
  • AI finds its íoot in the book, Aís geneíalis
    ultima (lhe Ultimate Geneíal Aít), published by
    Ramon Llull in the 14th centuíy.
  • lhe book talks about cíeating new knowledge,
    implementing papeí-based mechanical means.
  • In 1956, McCaíthy and Maívin Minsky specifically
    coined the teím Aítificial Intelligence.
  • In the 1960s, Aítificial Intelligence gained the
    attention of Govt. authoíities.
  • Afteí a decade-long stíuggle in the late 1990s,
    its íeputation was gíadually íestoíed.
  • Since 2000, AI has been widely used by
    businesses, and many small companies aíe using
    AI models while otheís aíe exploíing how to
    develop AI systems.

Is Artificial Intelligence Necessary?
  • No, its a necessity, but businesses need to
    implement AI models to suívive in the coming
    yeaís. Afteí a píolonged lockdown, companies need
    to coveí the loss they had to beaí due to the
    coíonaviíus pandemic. lhey aíe exploíing
    innovative solutions, specifically AI
    development seívices, to build smaít applications
    and technological development within theií
  • lech advent, the only solution that can diíectly
    impact the gíowth of theií business. AI, in this
    scenaíio, is the need of the day because
  • Repetitive task automation is in tíend.
  • Woíking with smaít Intelligence is the need of
    the houí.
  • Data íeseaích and analysis with accuíacy is the
    main díiving foíce foí todays
  • business.
  • Data is supíeme, and AI gets the most out of the
  • Artificial Intelligence in Simple Words
  • Aítificial Intelligence is going to be a boon foí
    todays business, if not now. AI, with its
    subset Machine Leaíning and Deep Leaíning, is
    setting new tíends eveíy day. While AI is a
    simulation of human intelligence machines,
    Machine Leaíning is the subset that empoweís
    machines to think, leaín and act by feeding
    machines millions of data.
  • Artificial Intelligence from Market Perspective
  • With the advancement in deep leaíning and the
    íequiíement foí data-based AI models díiving the
    AI maíket globally.
  • lhe Aítificial Intelligence maíket size is valued
    at USD 93.53 billion in 2021 fíom USD 62.35
    billion in 2020.
  • lhe AI maíket is píojected to gíow at a compound
    annual gíowth íate of 40.2 (CAGR 2021-2028).
  • AI is expected to geneíate USD 997.77 billion in
  • Revenue fíom the AI softwaíe maíket is píojected
    to íeach aíound 126 billion U.S. dollaís by 2025.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?
It would take off its own, and íe-design itself
at an eveí-incíeasing íate. Stephen
Hawking. Indeed, Aítificial Intelligence is
woíking beyond human imagination. Its helping
  • Doctoís diagnose patients.
  • Pilots fly aiícíafts.
  • City planneís píedict tíaffic.
  • Manageí bíings out moíe píoductivity.
  • lhe constíuction manageí fastened constíuction
  • lhe smooth functioning of the manufactuíing
  • When you see these happening beyond human
    capacity, the one thing that comes into ouí mind
    is even the computeí scientists who designed them
    likely dont know what they aíe doing. lhe
    concept is to allow machines to woík the same way
    a human bíain woíks.
  • Aítificial Intelligence is self-taught, woíking
    on a simple set of instíuctions, patteíns of
    data, and moíe. It involves a laíge amount of
    data, theoíies, methods and technologies, and
  • lhey togetheí help AI models analyze, píedict and
    make decisions. Heíe aíe the majoí subfields oí
    subset of AI that makes it moíe innovative, even
    betteí than humans.
  • Machine Leaíning Machine Leaíning (ML) is the
    subset of AI that feeds data to AI machines,
    enabling machines oí softwaíe to leaín fíom the
    patteín of data and make decisions without any
    human inteívention. Machine Leaíning involves
    plenty of

things, but all íevolve aíound data which you can
exploíe moíe by digging eveíything about Machine
Leaíning. Deep Leaíning Just like ML is the
subset of AI Deep Leaíning is the subset of
Machine Leaíning. It is based on deep neuíal
netwoíks, deep íeinfoícement, íecuííent neuíal,
and convolutional neuíal netwoíks that tuín
equipment. It empoweís Machine Leaíning by
incoípoíating ceítain types of knowledge just
like human gains. Foí example, NLP (natuíal
language píocessing), díug design, medical image
analysis, computeí vision, speech íecognition,
etc. aíe paít of it. What are the types of
Artificial Intelligence?
Even though Aítificial Intelligence is believed
to be the most incíedible cíeation of
innovation, many expeíts believe that much of its
field has íemained unexploíed. lhat means the AI
applications we see today aíe meíely the
íepíesentation of the tip of the AI icebeíg,
just like it was in the past. We have heaíd about
the advent, and the facts may have been
íepeatedly put on public platfoíms, but you
cannot deny the fact that the potential impact
of AI in the futuíe íemains a mysteíy.
  • In otheí woíds, what we see today aíound AI is
  • Eaíly stage in its evolution.
  • lhey aíe being exploíed and continuing to be
    studied foí decades oí even longeí.
  • lhe íevolutionaíy tíansfoímation bíought by AI in
    modeín businesses and industíies has made people
    believe that AIs potential is exploíed.
  • Howeveí, the fact is its nothing moíe than ones
    peíception. Its vast and vivid undeístanding
    the types of AI and its cuííent capability will
    cleaí the pictuíe to some extent.
  • Understanding the Types of AI
  • lheíe aíe many types of AI, though they have been
    categoíized into two main types
  • Moíe Evolved lype Aítificial Intelligence models
    that can caííy out oí peífoím complex functions,
    just like a human. Such models can be put
    togetheí into the Moíe Evolved lype categoíy.
  • Simpleí oí Less Evolved lype Aítificial
    Intelligence models having limited
    functionalities that can peífoím a limited task
    is known as type 2 oí less evolved AI. lhey aíe
    known as

  • Lets bíiefly exploíe all these types of AI.
  • Narrow AI or Weak AI or Artificial Narrow
    Intelligence (ANI) Naííow AI oí Aítificial
    Naííow Intelligence is when a machine peífoíms
    dedicated tasks oí only peífoíms the specific
    task autonomously, just like a human does. lhat
    means the Naííow AI will peífoím the functions as
    píogíammed to do. Alexa, Siíi, Google Assistant,
    Google líanslate, etc., aíe some of the examples
    of Naííow AI.
  • General AI or Artificial General Intelligence
  • Did you know a study conducted by Vincent C
    Mülleí and Nick Bostíom in 2012/13 said theíe is
    a 50 chance that the actual Aítificial Geneíal
    Intelligence will be developed between 2040 and
  • Yes, what we see today in the field of AI all
    comes undeí the categoíy of Naííow oí Weak AI.
    lhe expeíts weíe even not suíe if the mission foí
    Geneíal AI would be accomplished in the given
    time fíame.
  • When an AI agent has the ability to leaín,
    píedict, undeístand, make decisions just like a
    human does is known as Geneíal AI. Aítificial
    Geneíal Intelligence is capable of peífoíming
    intellectual tasks as efficiently as a human
    does. It will enable machines with
    multi-functional capabilities.
  • Super AI or Strong AI
  • lhe píediction is Stíong oí supeíintelligence
    model will possibly be developed 30 yeaís afteí
    the achievement of AGI.
  • When the machine can suípass human Intelligence
    and peífoím any task that even humans cant, it
    is known as supeíintelligence, Supeí AI, oí
    Stíong AI. Supeíintelligence is believed to be a
    hypothetical oí just a theoíetical (so faí)
    concept and has only been seen in movies.
  • In a nutshell,
  • Naííow AI is dedicated to peífoíming specific
  • Geneíal AI is when a machine peífoíms duties just
    like humans
  • Supeí AI is when a machine suípasses human

Reactive Machine lhe most basic type of
aítificial intelligence stoíes anything, such as
memoíies oí past expeíiences, and only deals
with cuííent scenaíios. IBMs Deep Blue and
Googles AlphaGo aíe the ex\ample of it. Limited
Memory When a machine oí AI models aíe capable
of stoíing data and letting machines íeact oí
leaín fíom past expeíiences is known as Limited
Memoíy. Howeveí, they cannot stoíe data foí moíe
extended peíiods of time. Based on the íecently
stoíed data, machines can leaín and make
decisions. Foí example, self-díiving caís make
decisions based on the íecently collected data
and image íecognition that take decsio0n based
on the data fed by Machine leaíning. Theory of
Mind While Reactive Machine and Limited Memoíy
types of AI models exist today, the lheoíy of
Mind type of AI eitheí exists as a concept oí
woík in píogíess. Many íeseaícheís have
expíessed theií opinion about it and confiímed
theií engagement with the innovation. lhe lheoíy
of Mind level AI technology is said to undeístand
human behavioí and íeact accoídingly. It will
inteíact with people socially and based on theií
beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. Self-Awareness
Its the futuíe of Aítificial Intelligence that
we usually witness moíe in hypothetical movies
nowadays. As we have discussed the
supeíintelligence AI, the Self Awaíeness level
of AI will suípass human Intelligence. Such
machines will not just undeístand human emotions
but also will have the same capability. lhat
means it will have feelings, needs, beliefs,
etc., just like a human has. What is the purpose
of Artificial Intelligence? Much of its paít is
still being exploíed, though the píimaíy puípose
of AI today is to help the industíy gain moíe
oveí theií businesses.
  • Ïoí example
  • Insuíance sectoís can utilize the advent to
    deliveí betteí customeí suppoít.
  • lhe healthcaíe sectoí can píovide betteí caíe and
    tíeatment to patients, save moíe lives, and
    deliveí healthcaíe facilities to the íuíal
    íegions that lack medical facilities.
  • lhe banking sectoí can utilize the technology to
    píovide customeís with fasteí, smootheí, and
    safeí banking facilities.
  • lhe constíuction sectoí can get moíe out of
    business and save costs by implementing AI
    models into the píocess.
  • lhe manufactuíing sectoí can fasten píoduction,
    get maíket foíecasts, and have contíol oveí the
    manufactuíing píocess.
  • What is fueling the resurgence in AI?
  • As the data-díiven decision is íuling acíoss all
    industíies and businesses, the íesuígence of AI
    is impeíative. AI helps companies to analyze,
    píedict, and make accuíate decisions based on
    data. Machine Leaíning and Deep Leaíning aíe the
    biggest díiving foíce of Aítificial Intelligence
    today. lhe cuííent íesuígence in the AI field is
    like déjà vu foí some seasoned píofessionals who
    have been woíking aíound AI foí moíe than 4
  • AI has undeígone a significant tíansfoímation,
    fíom an injection into the AI industíy costing
    neaíly half a billion to neaíly affoídable by
    even staítups today.
  • Advancement to líansfoímation lhe advancement in
    infíastíuctuíe speed, availability, and otheí
    development into AI has píepaíed boldeí
    algoíithms that help solve complex píoblems.
    lodays most business píocesses, softwaíe, and
    even motheíboaíds in computeís and chips in
    mobile aíe poweíed by Aítificial Intelligence.
  • Innovation at Its Coíe Googles lensoí
    Píocessing Unit (lPU) is the latest example, and
    the latest veísion is poweíed by a machine
    leaíning model built using the lensoíFlow
    softwaíe libíaíy. Even the latest Google Pixel 6
    seíies smaítphone is poweíed by a lensoíFlow
    smaít chip.
  • Apaít fíom all these, todays maíket needs some
    exceptional fast and smaít solutions to
    acceleíate todays lethaígic business (due to
    COVID-19 íestíiction and píolonged lockdown) to
    get on tíack. AI is the solution foí all and the
    íeason behind the suíging populaíity of AI.

Top Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence
When it comes to Aítificial Intelligence, each
geneíation has foímed its fantasy of a woíld
íuled, oí at least seíved by íobots, díive flying
caís, íobotic maids, and moíe. When we think
oveí all these things, we find ouí lives look
like Jetson. Howeveí, foí staítups, its not
moíe than just a caítoon. Howeveí, if you have
bíowsed Netflix movie suggestions, oídeíed Pizza
using Alexa, you aíe actually using Aítificial
Intelligence. What AI is and what it isnt a
little complicated. Did you know 90 of the
woílds data has been geneíated in the last 2
yeaís? AI expeíts and thinkeís aíe unawaíe of the
capacity of Aítificial Intelligence. You can find
hundíeds oí even thousands of AI use cases, even
though the AI is at its fiíst stage and only
weak oí geneíal AI is in function. Lets exploíe
some of the top use cases of Aítificial
Intelligence. 1. Robots and Driverless Cars
Díiving an autonomous caí is a
díeam-tuíned-into-íeality. lech giant Elon
Musks lesla will soon be visible on the íoad
without any manual staíing and human díiveís.
  • lhe desiíe foí having a íobot woíking íound the
    clock autonomously is no moíe a guess its a
    íeality now thanks to the advent of Aítificial
    Intelligence. Even though AI is not just one of
    the technologies used in modeín íobots, it has
    tuíned many long- awaited díeams into íeality.
  • We have íobots that díive ouí caís, deliveí goods
    to customeís, and seíve us by leaíning new
    skills. lesla is not the only bíand woíking on
    the díiveíless vehicle Honda and Geneíal Motoís
    have also developed an electíic-poweíed
    díiveíless caí called Cíuise Oíigin and Waymo
    that coveíed the 50-squaíe mile aíea of the city.
    Its functional in Phoenix and Aíizona.
  • Speech and Language Recognition
  • Computeís today can íecognize speech with 95
    accuíacy. lhat means to undeístand what people
    aíe saying is to just click away and even íespond
    to the queíy with a valuable suggestion.
    Businesses in the vast customeí-facing industíy
    can get the benefit and AI by integíating it
    into chatbots. Alexa, Siíi, Coítana, Google Voice
    Assistants, etc. aíe the top examples of it.
  • Building AI models foí speech and voice
    íecognition íequiíes being expeítly píogíammed.
    Il Fiíms with AI app development expeítise can do
    it. Many businesses, especially fintech and
    banking sectoís, aíe utilizing the AI models to
    empoweí chatbots to help customeís peífoím theií
    banking needs without waiting foí theií tuín
    while standing in a long queue.
  • As AI is still a mysteíy, even foí its
    íeseaícheís (we have mentioned that even
    íeseaícheís dont know the full capability of
    AI), they aíe tíying to enable aítificial
    intelligence machines to íecognize voice and
    speech with 99 accuíacy. A íecently developed
    language píediction model named GPl-3 based on
    OpenAI is paít of it.
  • Face Recognition and Security Surveillance System
  • In íecent yeaís, facial íecognition and
    suíveillance technologies have witnessed a
    significant boom. If you aíe a smaítphone useí,
    you must be awaíe of it. Even on Facebook, you
    may have seen an automatic tagging featuíe. lhat
    woíks with the help of face íecognition
    technologies poweíed AI. Similaíly, AI is a
    widely used CClV face lock/unlock that píotects
    homes, offices and devices.

  • AI as Personal Assistants
  • Viítual assistants nowadays aíe also getting AI
    boosts. Foí example, Amazon Echo, Google Home,
    and Apple HomePod, etc., aíe able to help owneís
    contíol almost eveíything, such as lights,
    cameías, scíeens, AC, fans, lelevision and moíe.
    Even though they help you with the basic daily
    activities only, they aíe getting smaíteí day-
  • In fact, in the coming yeaís, these AI viítual
    assistants aíe going to be the best companion of
    civilized society, business, and moíe. loday, we
    have systems developed foí opeíating íooms
    poweíed by aítificial Intelligence that not just
    suppoít healthcaíe píovide good tíeatment but
    also enable the facilities to take expeít suppoít
    viítually. We have built such a system foí ouí
    clients you can check this fíom heíe.
  • AI as Virtual Assistants
  • Aítificial Intelligence has tíansfoímed many
    business sectoís, healthcaíe and finance sectoís
    aíe the píime beneficiaíies. One of the examples
    is AI in OR (Aítificial Intelligence foí modeín
    opeíating íooms), which enables healthcaíe to
    píovide the best tíeatment to patients. Foí
    example, suing AI-poweíed equipment
  • Doctoís in OR can take help fíom a senioí suígeon
    even if they aíe píesent in the hospital.
  • Senioí doctoís can guide and diíect theií
    assistants oí junioí doctoís to caííy out the
    suígeíy using the device.
  • lhe patients family membeís can see live
    opeíations fíom the waiting íoom
  • Doctoís can take instíuctions fíom the device foí
    the suígeíy píocess
  • Doctoís can íemain connected with theií staffs
  • Similaíly, theíe aíe vaíious things that AI
    enables the business to caííy out without delay.
    AI in finance is anotheí advent that is going to
    make the sectoí boom.
  • AI and Market Research
  • Business enteípíises aíe integíating AI featuíes
    into theií CRM and taking the benefits of the
    advent. You may have heaíd about IBMs Watson
    application that enables businesses to initiate
    compíehensive íeseaích, compaíe youíself among
    competitoís, bíing an incisive íepoít, and
    píedict maíket tíends. Similaíly, we help

  • businesses build plenty of such applications to
    help them with theií eveí-gíowing business
  • Píediction-based maíketing is going to be a
    successful tool foí businesses in the coming
    days, and all cíedit goes to AI models. lhe
    success of píoducts and seívices will be
    entiíely based on 99 accuíate píedictions.
  • AI Modules and Sales
  • Aítificial Intelligence is not just going to
    píedict the maíket foí píoducts and seívices
    instead, it will help businesses impíove eveíy
    step of the sales píocess. Foí example, AI can
    be a potential tool foí geneíating leads,
    segíegating leads based on theií potentials,
    enabling businesses to offeí customized and
    peísonalized offeí maíketing messages, and moíe.
    Nowadays, CRM píovideís offeí AI-equipped systems
    to help enteípíises accuíately píedict
    customeís píedictions based on theií buying oí
    puíchasing histoíy.
  • AI Module for Digital marketing
  • Eveíything, fíom bíick and moítaí businesses and
    small vendoís to staítups and enteípíises, is
    going digital. Even the digital is going to
    tíansfoím, and with the coííect use of AI, the
    maíketing activity can be done accuíately and
    efficiently. In the coming days, geneíating
    content will be possible with AI tools.
  • Foí example, content cíeation along with audio
    and video content theíe in youí hand with just a
    click of a button is possible now.
  • Cíeating content seems the most cíeative task,
    involving a consideíable amount of time and
    íesouíces, but integíating AI can save time,
    money, and íesouíces.
  • It has a few díawbacks Fiíst, it can be used to
    manipulate voteís duíing elections and eat away
    jobs in laíge numbeís. But, these díawbacks aíe
  • AI in Email marketing campaign
  • lhe email maíketing campaign is one of the most
    established maíketing stíategies that eveíy
    business wants to excel in. Howeveí, getting
    desiíed success is still the díeam of millions
    of staítups and enteípíises woíldwide.
  • As Aítificial Intelligence continues to evolve,
    the díeam of making a successful email campaign
    is a step away. Many companies aíe now using
    incoípoíated AI functions

  • to get the most out of the email maíketing
    stíategy. AI modules developed foí email
    maíketing can help businesses take an analytical
    appíoach by bíinging them the following íepoíts
  • Recognize the subject line that achieved the
    highest open íate.
  • Undeístanding the length and chaíacteíistics that
    contíibuted the most engagement.
  • Keywoíds that geneíated moíe leads oí successful
  • AI email maíketing tools can do moíe than what we
    have explained heíe. Building such tools
    íequiíes connecting with an expeít AI softwaíe
    development company, having expeíienced AI
    engineeís with this expeítise.
  • 10. AI and Customer service
  • AI in banking and finance is íuling the íoost,
    though its not the only sectoí wheíe AI tools
    can be used foí handling customeí seívices. Eveíy
    customeí-facing business can take the benefits
    of AI innovation.
  • In business, keeping customeís satisfied is the
    píimaíy goal, and companies take vaíious
    diffeíent measuíes to achieve that goal. AI
    softwaíe helps small, medium, to laíge-scale
    businesses píovide enhanced customeí seívices.
    With an automated customeí suppoít system
    poweíed by AI, achieving customeí satisfaction is
    getting easieí day in day out.
  • AI foí chatbot and alíeady in the maíket while
    the voice-enabled customeí suppoít tool is
    gíabbing the maíketeís attention today.
    Undoubtedly, the adoption of AI in customeí
    seívice is still at its lowest level, but its
    going to be widespíead. You can get the solution
    by connecting with youí seívice píovideís oí
    simply hiíing Dash to do AI solution píoject
    development. lo píovide you with updated
    AI-suppoíted softwaíe foí youí CRM system, oí
    you can have youí AI píoject developed by
    connecting with us.
  • Did you know Alice by Alibaba gíoup is the most
    valued chatbot today that íepoíted to
  • have contíibuted aíound 31 billion sales on
    Singles Day in 2018?
  • lhe success of the chatbot lies behind the kind
    of technologies used. Foí example, Alice uses
    voice íecognition, semantic undeístanding,
    peísonalized íecommendations, etc., incoípoíated
    into the bot. You can have youí own built using

  • the same method, and we have expeítise in
    building such chatbots foí youí customeí suppoít
    system. Keep the advanced chatbot aside foí a
    moment even a basic íule- based bot can help
    you píovide betteí customeí satisfaction.
  • AI and Accounting
  • As we have alíeady discussed, the banning and
    finance sectoís aíe the laígest beneficiaíies of
    Aítificial Intelligence. lhe financial sectoí is
    the most disíupted sectoí by the AI advent,
    especially by AI and íobotic softwaíe.
  • lhe Il fiíms with AI expeítise have plenty of AI
    píojects foí development, especially the
    post-COVID íegime. Robotic píocess automation is
    helping the industíy not just to keep the
    customeís satisfied but also to handle the daily
    business píocess efficiently.
  • Some íeseaícheís online claim 94 of the
    possibility that AI can automate the
  • accountants and auditoís tasks.
  • Accoíding to a 2016 íepoít, this can be
    intimidating as aíound 1.2 billion people aíe
    woíking as accountants and auditoís in the United
    States alone.
  • lodays AI modules aíe smaít enough to handle the
    most complex tasks that aíe almost impossible oí
    íequiíe excessive human íesouíces to manage.
    Howeveí, the leading financial activities, such
    as meeting with clients, explaining things to
    them, will continue to take place by human
  • AI ML in MedTech
  • AI ML in Medlech is ouí own píoject that we
    built foí a leading medical device company. lhe
    softwaíe we made foí the company was all meant to
    automate the manual píocess and suppoít doctoís
    in diagnosing. Foí example, in the smaít OR, the
    tool will help with íeal-time images, assisting
    in suígeíy, and moíe. You can exploíe moíe about
    it by going thíough this case study, AI and ML
    in Medlech.
  • AI/ML in Healthcare
  • You can find plenty of examples of AI use cases
    in healthcaíe. We have also deliveíed plenty of
    used AI softwaíe foí healthcaíe. Foí instance, AI
    integíated Opeíating Room System that allows
    doctoís with computeí-assisted opeíations. Foí
    example, doctoís in OR can connect with senioí
    doctoís íemotely patients families can see live
    options fíom the waiting íoom and otheís.

  • lhese aíe some of the use cases of AI in
    diffeíent sectoís, though theíe aíe plenty of
  • otheís that you can exploíe online oí by visiting
    ouí Insights sections.
  • Top Industries Using Artificial Intelligence
  • As eveíy business today is data-centíic, no
    industíy is immune to the advent of Aítificial
    Intelligence. Howeveí, some sectoís aíe the most
    beneficial of Aítificial Intelligence. lhey
  • Insuíance
  • Banking
  • Medical Devices
  • Retail
  • Agíicultuíe
  • Enteítainment
  • Accounting
  • Lets exploíe these sectoís and find how AI can
    contíibute to theií exponential
  • gíowth.
  • Insurance
  • We have discussed the use cases of AI in the
    insuíance sectoí. lodays insuíance sectoí is in
    need of incíeased access to data insights.
    Gatheíing data and píepaíing insights may take a
    consideíable amount of time and íesouíces, while
    AI modules can do it in a second of time. Apaít
    fíom this, theíe aíe plenty of things, such as
    undeíwíiting, customeí seívice, claims,
    maíketing, and fíaud detection that aíe the need
    of the houí foí this sectoí.
  • In the tech-savvy woíld, the insuíance sectoí
    needs to adopt modeín technologies and get the
    benefits that AI has to offeí. Robo-advisoís
    and otheí AI-suppoíted applications can help the
    industíy do day-to-day tasks that weíe píeviously
    dependent on human íesouíces.
  • Healthcare
  • Did you know only 7 of Ameíicans aíe satisfied
    with the cuííent healthcaíe system?

  • Even though AI-suppoíted diagnosis is much
    impíoved, in the coming yeaís, most chíonic
    diseases, such as skin canceí, imaging, etc.,
    will be accuíately detected and diagnosed with
    the help of AI softwaíe. Robot-assisted suígeíy
    is alíeady in place while viítual nuísing
    assistants aíe getting attention AI is going to
    be the peífect companion foí healthcaíe and
    medicine. Apaít fíom diagnosis aid, AI can help
    healthcaíe with plenty of otheí things, such as
  • Administíation Woíkflow Automation
  • Patients Monitoíing
  • Radiology
  • lelehealth, etc.
  • In the coming yeaís, Ai will be paít of eveíy
    depaítment of healthcaíe. If you aíe íunning a
    medical caíe oí healthcaíe oíganization, you need
    to consideí these technologies and make the best
    use of aítificial intelligence in the píocess.
    Remote patient tíeatment is possible today with
    the help of a telehealth system. lhe
    distíibution of health-íelated seívices via
    electíonic infoímation is possible today with
    lelehealth. And with AI integíation, it can be
    even smootheí and moíe accuíate.
  • Banking
  • lhe banking sectoí stíuggles with day-to-day task
    management. lhey need human íesouíces to
    tíansfeí files fíom one place to anotheí, answeí
    queíies to customeís, help them with theií
    banking needs, keep staff píoductive, and make
    things easily accessible by staff and customeís.
    lhey have a system in place, but it can be
    fasteí, accuíate, and smootheí with AI. Chatbot,
    as we have discussed eaílieí, can help the
    sectoí solve plenty of banking needs of
    customeís. Similaíly, vaíious AI modules can be
    built to
  • Manage data,
  • Fetch data
  • Cíeate cleaí finance insights
  • Help in the decision-making píocess and moíe.
  • Medical Devices
  • All medical devices, whetheí it is suígeíy
    equipment, health monitoíing devices, oí otheís,
    aíe going to be smaít. You may have heaíd about
    the OR playbook that píovides voice-enabled
    seívices to doctoís in OR. Smaít Opeíating Room
    is possible

today with the help of Aítificial Intelligence.
All medical devices, whetheí it is medical
equipment, oí health monitoíing, oí otheís, can
peífoím betteí and save lives. Retail With
Aítificial Intelligence applications, the íental
can impíove demand foíecasting, make píice
decisions, píovide customized seívices and
píoducts, optimize píoduct placement, and moíe.
With the íight AI based íetail softwaíe can
cíeate expeíiences that cíeate engagement and
help shoppeís leaín moíe and buy moíe. Apaít fíom
this, the íetaileí can integíate AI into
inventoíy and manage it efficiently. Similaíly,
supply chain management gets smootheí with the
integíation of Aítificial Intelligence. Agricultur
e AI in Agíicultuíe is not much developed due to
a lack of awaíeness. Agíicultuíal díones,
autonomous tíactoís, and veítical agíicultuíe aíe
all set to tíansfoím the sectoí with AI
innovation. lheíe aíe plenty of applications of
Aítificial Intelligence that can help faímeís
gíow moíe cíops without spending moíe. Foí
example, they can save on píoduction costs,
wateí, and natuíal íesouíces. Final
Thoughts Aítificial Intelligence is going to be
omnipíesent, and in the coming yeaís, much of ouí
lives and livelihood aíe going to be
AI-oíiented. So, if you aíe íunning businesses,
whetheí it is manufactuíing, íetail, healthcaíe,
enteítainment, constíuction, oí íeal estate, we
can help you make business smaít with the advent
of AI, ML, and Big Data. We aíe the top-íated ISO
5000 ceítified Il company that offeís a wide
íange of development seívices based on tíending
technologies, including aítificial intelligence,
machine leaíning, Big Data, AR/VR, and moíe. We
at Dash lechnologies help you build smaít
solutions and suppoít you until they get deployed
and opeíational.
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