Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: What Differentiate Them - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: What Differentiate Them


As we have analyzed the three terms, AI vs. ML vs. DL, we can say that they are all the same, being used interchangeably. However, they are designed to solve different problems. We at Dash design, build and implement AI solutions for healthcare, manufacturing, and retail sectors. Let’s connect and explore the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks in your business. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: What Differentiate Them

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs.
Deep Learning What Differentiate Them
December 27, 2021 Dash Technologies Inc
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Quick Summaíy Compaíe the most tíending
technologies Aítificial Intelligence, Machine
Leaíning, and Deep Leaíning to undeístand what
diffeíentiates them and what íelates. lhe
aíticle gives you an analytical oveíview of all
these thíee technology teíms AI vs. ML vs.
DL. Even though Aítificial Intelligence is not a
new teím, it was away fíom the limelight until
íecently. Howeveí, today AI is all aíound us,
helping us by solving most of ouí
day-to-day complex píoblems. Have you íealized
how you solve the most complex banking issue in
just a second oí minute of time? How do you find
the neaíbout gas station, shopping mall, oí
eateíy with a simple voice command? Similaíly,
theíe aíe plenty of things happening aíound us
that aíe poweíed by AI, ML/DL. Google Assistant,
Siíi, self-díiving caís, weaíables, OR tools,
etc. aíe some of the gíeat examples of AI. In
fact, the global Aítificial Intelligence maíket
is expected to gíow to a 126 billion maíket by
2025. lhe demand foí AI solutions is gíowing
unexpectedly and the tíait is expected to
continue in the yeaís to come. Howeveí, the
gíowing populaíity of AI, ML, DL, etc. has also
caused a huge confusion and we have íeceived
many questions if they aíe all the same. No
doubt, AI, ML, DL, oí even NL (Neuíal Language)
aíe connected, they aíe diffeíent in effect. So,
keeping eyes on tíending technologies like
Aítificial Intelligence, Machine Leaíning, and
Deep Leaíning, we have decided to end the dilemma
of many. Lets exploíe What is Artificial
Intelligence An Overview When a machine is built
oí developed with the ability to act oí peífoím
like a human. In technical teíms, AI is a
science in which machines aíe píogíammed with
cognitive ability. lhat means once the data is
fed to the machine, it can mimic and act like
humans oí animals. Based on data, (píedefined)
paíameteís, and conditions, machines can help
businesses caííy out most tasks, including
customeí caíe, planning píocesses, undeístanding
complex business communication (veíbal context),
íecognizing complex images/sounds (AI voice
assistant is an example), and helping to cíeate
wise stíategies. Simply put, Aítificial
Intelligence is a machine that acts and peífoíms
like a human with little oí no involvement of
humans. Read moíe Eveíything You Need to Know
About Aítificial Intelligence Its Use Cases,
Applications, and Moíe
History of AI
  • Even though Aítificial Intelligence is widely
    associated with the Fouíth Industíial
    Revolution, the AI teím was coined in 1956 by
    John McCaíthy. No doubt, eaílieí it was
    visualized thíough movies, such as leíminatoí,
    Staí Waís, and otheís. Howeveí, in the last few
    yeaís, AI has expeíienced a íesuígence thíough
    íeal-woíld application. Now, healthcaíe,
    fashion, and eCommeíce to manufactuíing,
    constíuction, and scientific íeseaích centeís
    aíe heavily íelying on AI.
  • Levels or Categories of AI
  • lhe coíe function of Aítificial Intelligence is
  • Leaín
  • Recognize/Reasoning
  • Impíove, Coííecting
  • It has thíee bíoad categoíies
  • Aítificial Naííow Intelligence oí Naííow AI oí
    Weak AI
  • Aítificial Geneíal Intelligence oí Geneíal AI oí
    Stíong AI
  • Aítificial Supeí Intelligence oí Active AI
  • Narrow AI or Weak AI
  • When an AI-poweíed machine is destined oí
    deployed to peífoím one specific task. Chatbots,
    Google Assistant, Siíi, Alexa, Coítana, etc. aíe
    known as naííow oí weak AI. lhey all answeí
    questions based on the inputs they íeceive fíom
    useís. You cannot see Naííow AI mimicking humans
    íatheí it simulates human behavioí based on the
    set paíameteís. Its just like an infant who acts
    as peí the instíuctions íeceived fíom an adult.
  • General AI or Strong AI
  • When a machine is poweíed to inteípíet and
    undeístand human emotion and tone called Geneíal
    oí Stíong AI. Undeístanding the emotion and tone,
    Stíong AI acts accoídingly. Aítificial Geneíal
    Intelligence (AGI) is designed to be at paí with
    otheí humans. Foí example, it can leaín and
    teach itself. Stíong AI example can be seen In
    the Pokeí game wheíe it teaches itself to act oí
    outsmaít its human opponents.

  • Artificial Super Intelligence or Active AI
  • Active AI oí Aítificial Supeí Intelligence (ASI)
    is when a machine (poweíed by AI) becomes
    self-awaíe and suípasses human intelligence and
    ability. No doubt, Active AI is supeí
    intelligent, though its implementation has been
    questioned by top scientists. Some of the top
    examples of Active AI includes
  • Disease mapping and píediction tools in
  • Image / facial íecognition softwaíe, like
    smaítphones and Google Image Seaích.
  • Manufactuíing and díone íobots to suppoít
    manufactuíing sectoís.
  • Rankbíain by Google / Google Seaích.
  • What is Machine Learning
  • An Overview
  • Machine Leaíning is the subset of AI that enables
    machines with leaíning capabilities thíough
    statistical methods and algoíithms. Machine
    Leaíning poweís machines to leaín automatically
    fíom theií píevious expeíiences. Simply put, ML
    empoweís computeís to tíain themselves and
    automate tasks that aíe exhaustible oí impossible
    foí humans to do.
  • Compaíing Aítificial Intelligence vs. Machine
    Leaíning, ML is basically a language that
    focuses on the use of data and algoíithms to
    imitate, leaín and automate just like a human
  • Aíthuí Samuel is said to be the foundeí of the
    teím Machine Leaíning in the 80s. Based on data,
    ML can peífoím vaíious tasks, such as clusteíing,
    íegíession, oí classification. In simple teíms,
    the stíongeí the data, the highly accuíate
    íesults you will get out of ML. When AI is
    science, ML is its subset a study of computeí
  • Read moíe All You Need to Know about Machine
    Leaíning- Its Use Cases, Industíies and Beyond

What Machine Learning Does to Support Business
lheíe aíe plenty of things that Machine Leaíning
can do to help businesses gíow. Foí example,
sales foíecasting, gauging customeí sentiments,
analyzing customeí behavioí, and helping
businesses act, such as offeíing seívices based
on theií íecoíds. Anotheí example of ML is the
Oll platfoím, such as Netflix and Amazon that
use machine leaíning to help useís with a
íecommendation based on the movies they viewed
in the past. In shoít, Machine Leaíning is
evolving and will continue to gíow oveí time. So,
machine leaíning and aítificial intelligence can
be the same in method, but diffeíent in
action. What is Deep Learning An Overview Its
an extensive paít of Machine Leaíning its the
evolution of machine leaíning and hence can
solve a complex business píoblem that Machine
Leaíning cant. When the data is huge and
unstíuctuíed, Machine Leaíning can take the time
oí may not function while Deep Leaíning can
easily do. In anotheí context, Machine Leaíning
needs human suppoít to solve complex business
píoblems out of complex datasets while machine
leaíning can do without any human suppoít. Its
algoíithms use a complex multi-layeíed neuíal
netwoík that can mimic how the human bíain
woíks. Machine leaíning, deep leaíning, and
neuíal netwoíks aíe diffeíent in names and
action, but they aíe all sub-fields of aítificial
intelligence and aíe designed to function
diffeíently based on the complexity of data. Foí
example, Machine Leaíning is the sub- field of
AI, similaíly, Deep leaíning is a sub-field of
machine leaíning. lhe tíend follows with Neuíal
Netwoíks as well. Foí example, its a sub-field
of deep leaíning. In ML, as we have mentioned
eaílieí, human inteívention may íequiíe while
How AI, ML and DL Correlated
in Deep leaíning, manual human inteívention is
eliminated. Machine Leaíning aka Classical, oí
non-deep, machine leaíning is widely dependent
on manual human inteívention.
AI is science, its cleaí. Wheíeas Machine is the
subset of AI and Deep leaíning is the sub-field
of ML. We have explained how these things woík
and what diffeíentiates them. You can íefeí to
this aíticle again foí moíe claíity. Besides, you
can also connect without an expeít if you want
to build any solution-based AI. Final Thoughts As
we have analyzed the thíee teíms, AI vs. ML vs.
DL, we can say that they aíe all the same, being
used inteíchangeably. Howeveí, they aíe designed
to solve diffeíent píoblems. We at Dash design,
build and implement AI solutions foí healthcaíe,
manufactuíing, and íetail sectoís. Lets connect
and exploíe the possibilities of Aítificial
Intelligence, Machine Leaíning, Deep Leaíning,
and Neuíal Netwoíks in youí business.
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