Fuzioni i ftohtë, Tesla, Valë Skalar, Rrotullim Fushë, "Energjia e Lirë", "Mbi-bashkimit" .. = Të Vërtetë të Gjithë Shkenca Pseudo? / Cold fusion, Tesla, Torsion field, "Free energy"...(1of9) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

About This Presentation

Fuzioni i ftohtë, Tesla, Valë Skalar, Rrotullim Fushë, "Energjia e Lirë", "Mbi-bashkimit" .. = Të Vërtetë të Gjithë Shkenca Pseudo? / Cold fusion, Tesla, Torsion field, "Free energy"...(1of9)


Vjen Ndryshim Paradigmë në Komercializuar Teknologjinë e Pastër të Energjisë me Pasoja Gjeo-socio-financiare. / Quietly Started New Paradigm Shift by Ultra efficient Cleantech with Disruptive Scientific & Economical impact. Part 1 of 9 series: Entire part 1 to 9 can be viewed at or less controversial version at – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Updated: 12 November 2017
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Provided by: NewNatureParadigm


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fuzioni i ftohtë, Tesla, Valë Skalar, Rrotullim Fushë, "Energjia e Lirë", "Mbi-bashkimit" .. = Të Vërtetë të Gjithë Shkenca Pseudo? / Cold fusion, Tesla, Torsion field, "Free energy"...(1of9)

Fuzioni i ftohtë, Tesla,
Valë Skalar, Rrotullim Fushë,
Energjia e
Lirë, Mbi-bashkimit ..
Të Vërtetë të
Gjithë Shkenca Pseudo?
(përmbledhje - gjuhën shqipe)
Cold fusion free energy PSEUDO SCIENCE?
PART 1a OF 5
Vjen Ndryshim Paradigmë në Komercializuar
Teknologjinë e Pastër të Energjisë me Pasoja
THE new PARADIGM on cleantech energy
with geo-socio-financial impact
Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, Updated Oct, 2016

  • ABSTRAKT Fuzioni i ftohtë - LENR në fuqi në
    vetvete është pranuar pothuajse nga shkenca
    kryesore, dhe aktualisht ajo është në përhapjen
    gradual të industriale, "periferi", dhe
    jo-perëndimore media Energjia e prodhuar me
    "lëndë djegëse" në thelb të lirë kosto
    pajisjeve dhe operacion. Edhe pse i papranuar nga
    interpretimet krijuese, termodinamik
    mbi-bashkimit apo "e tepërt" e vazhdueshme e
    tanishme është vërejtur diskutohet për pajisjen
    nano nivel kuantike, si dhe në raport me tej
    Shockley-Queisser kufiri efikasitetit qelizë
    diellore, dhe jo-lineare optike / laser /
    spintronics teknologji . Që nga shtator 2016, ka
    rrjedhë miratuar pajisje LENR ekziston, por 1MW
    gjenerator të energjisë elektrike industriale
    "ECAT" është shitur nën parakushte. Kosto të
    ulët, rezonancë bazuar reducers mëdha të
    emetimeve me 10 efikasitetit shtesë të
    karburantit, shteti të ngurta termo photovoltaics
    elektrike/termo ngrohje-to-energjisë të
    sistemeve, dhe shumë efikas i mbeturinave-te-karbu
    ranti / sistemeve energjetike me katalitik, ujë
    supercritical, Ftohtë apo avulli mekanika plazma
    kanë filluar të bëjnë në rrjedhë në heshtje në
    disa vite të fundit. Këto lloje të ndryshime
    tregojnë vjen rishikimin e parë shkencor të plotë
    të hiper kërkesave të efiçiencës së energjisë
    tallur shpikësit ende përsëritur "dhe instalimeve
    të komercializuara vogla psh 1-Nxjerrjen
    energji ambientit-rrezatues si energji elektrike,
    2-Korrje të energjisë kundërt tensionit, pa
    përdorimin e forcës për të anulluar atë (mbrapa
    EMF), 3-Rezonancë katalizuar gaz
    HHO/Oxy-hidrogjen, si kilometrazhin përforcues,
    4-Elektromagnetike apo të ftohtë plazma puls /
    vorbull krijimi në ujë të mbyllur/gaz inert,
    5-Ajër i ngjeshur dhe COPgt 1 ngrohjes exchanger
    konvertuar në fuqi mekanike, 6-Katalizuar
    karburantit emulsioni me përtej 50 H2O, 7-
    Hidrokarbureve rritur me std photocatalyzed O2
    nanobubble bazuar emulsioni karburantit ujë,
    kur mbushur me CO2 në temp dhomë / presion.
    variacione, 8-Kombinuar fuqi nënujore ajrore
    lundrues gravitetit, 9-Makinë propellantless,
    10-Ngrohës hydrodynamic cavitation, 11-Betz
    kufizojnë turbinë tepërt hidro / e erës,
    12-Prodhuesi pyromagnetic ngrohjes operativ vetë
    me kompozim plehra, etj. Ata shpesh duket për të
    kandiduar në mekanikë dhe të shoqëruara me efekte
    anësore fizika aktuale zyrtare nuk mund ta
    shpjegoj (shpjegohet nga fizika rus rrotullim ose
    para-Heaviside Maxwell ekuacionet), me kosto të
    ulët, dhe janë të konvertueshme për techs të
    lartë të reja që mund të zëvendësojë shumicën e
    shtytëse, moti, mjekësore, rehabilitimit
    bërthamore, zgjerim koha, psikologjia, dhe disa
    procese të rëndësishme të minierave-industrial-buj
    qësore - nëse plotësisht rishikime në shkencë. Në
    këtë paradigmë ndryshim fazë, ajo mund të bëhet
    gjithashtu i rëndësishëm për referencë rritjen
    dokumentet / dëshmitë mbi fizikën alternative më
    sipër bazuar fshehtë "open-end pseudo shkencë"
    Hulumtim dhe zhvillim nga grupet e të gjithë
    agjencive të qeverisë / hapësirës ajrore /
    ushtarake / Intel dhe kontraktorët privatë, të
    mbrojtura në bazë të sigurisë kombëtare , por për
    të cilat mbi drejtuesit e organizatave shpesh nuk
    kanë qasje dmth projektit "jozyrtare" të zezë. Ky
    është i izoluar tërësisht nga "Shkenca konsumi
    publik", e cila monitorohet dhe e kufizuar me
    "ligj shkenca" psh Në një komb të përparuar,
    madje edhe të dhënat zyrtare tregojnë, 1000
    shpikje në fushën enviro-energji-motor-mjekësore,
    shumë patentuar, janë klasifikuar me ligj
    sekretit, dhe aplikuar për aleatët. Përkundër
    gjithë kësaj, ka shenja delikate, por
    kolektivisht qartë se shumica e krijimit është
    duke u përpjekur për lirimin e pakufizuar "të
    sistemit të hapur" teknologjive të reja
    paradigmë. edhe pse të dyja gaz-vaj-qymyr bazë në
    procesin industrial dhe të energjisë alternative
    konvencionale mund të mbetet nga risi,
    komercializimi rrjedhë nga "0 type emisionit
    prodhimit të pakufizuar të energjisë" Sistemi-së
    është e pashmangshme dhe ajo rrezikon përçarje
    sociale, pjesëmarrja kështu publik është e
    dobishme për të diskutuar nëse, ose të çfarë
    norma dhe se si të gjitha tech / info në lidhje
    me të dalë zyrtarisht dhe miratuar.

Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
  • Ben Rusuisiak, New Nature Paradigm Tech Analysis,
    Vancouver Canada

  • ABSTRACT LENR-Cold Fusion effect itself has been
    virtually accepted by mainstream science Energy
    produced with basically free fuel equipment
    operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative
    interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity or
    Persistent Current is officially observed in
    quantum level nano device, beyond
    Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell,
    non-linear optic/laser/spintronics,
    magnetocaloric technology. Long taboo of
    academic articles with photon extraction or
    electron fluctuation in vacuum, along with
    affirming quantum ratchet, maxwell's demon,
    violation of 2nd low are finally being seriously
    considered at mainstream journals. No publicly
    endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW electricity
    generator "Ecat" has been claimed to be sold with
    pre-conditions. ?

    Low cost
    resonance/magnet based major emission reducers
    with 10 extra efficiency, solid state thermo
    Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy
    systems, highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy
    systems with Catalytic, SuperCritical water, Cold
    or Steam Plasma mechanics are starting to make
    inroads quietly. Above types of changes might
    foreshadow first full science review of recurring
    inventors' hyper energy efficiency claims
    commercialized installations e.g. 1-Extracting
    nano oscillation/radiant energy as electricity,
    2-Harvesting reverse voltage power instead of
    using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance
    catalyzed HHO/Oxy-hydrogen gas, also as mileage
    booster, 4-Electromagnetic or cold plasma
    pulse/vortex creation in confined water/inert
    gas, 5-Compressed air COPgt1 heat exchanger
    converted to mechanical power, 6-Catalyzed
    emulsion fuel with far beyond 50 H2O,
    7-Hydrocarbon increased by std photocatalyzed O2
    Nanobubble water fuel emulsion, when infused
    with CO2 in room temp/pressure. variations,
    8-Combining underwater air floating force down
    gravity, 9-Propellantless drive,
    10-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 11-Betz
    limit excess hydro/wind turbine, 12-Pyromagnetic
    self running heat producing trash decomposer,
    etc. They often seem to run on mechanics
    accompanied by side effects current official
    physics cannot explain(explained by Russian
    Torsion physics or pre-Heaviside Maxwell
    equations), low cost, are convertible to
    superior new techs that can replace majority of
    propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear
    remediation, time dilation, psychology,
    algorithm, key mining-industrial-farming
    processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science.?

    At this
    paradigm changing time, it is worth fully
    investigating media censored increasing
    documents/ testimonies on above alternative
    physics based covert open-end pseudo science
    RDs by groups across Govt/Aerospace
    /Military/Intel agencies private contractors,
    protected under national security, but to which
    above organizations executives often have no
    access i.e "unacknowledged" black project. They
    seem to be totally segregated from dead-end
    public consumption science" education that are
    monitored restricted by science law
    enforcement e.g. At an advanced nation, even
    official data indicates, 1000 inventions in
    Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many
    patented, are classified by secrecy law,
    applied to allies. Despite this, there are subtle
    but collective signs that a majority of
    establishment is gradually releasing unlimited
    Open System technologies as well as reducing
    tech suppressions. Overall, mainstream
    commercialization of unlimited energy production
    is inevitable it risks social disruption, hence
    public discussion on how all related
    tech/geopolitical info to be officially released
    endorsed can be valuable.

linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
  • p06 Looked over science legal high efficiency
    energy generators
  • p26 Solar Wind power efficiency beyond
    official science law.
  • p43 Utilized but sometimes forgotten
  • P68 Biomass II, Largely ignored clean natural
  • p78 Ten categories of over-unity claims
  • p99 Commercialization attempts
  • p116 Law of Thermodynamics, Dissident
  • p119 Scalar wave, Standing wave resonance,
    Torsion field..
  • p145 Terahertz Far Infrared waves, No
    light Photo Catalysis, ORMUS..
  • p168 LENR/Cold Fusion update, Losers Gainers
    by its success
  • p181 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm
    smooth transition models
  • p191 Ramifications if inventor tech becomes
  • p224 Already in use? - Zeropoint Energy
    related "outrageous" claims
  • p258 Summary Macro level recommendations

Part 1a Part 1b Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part
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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

Qualification of information
  • This presentation primarily focuses on less known
    but latest science consensus forming
    technologies, while some of highest efficiency
    low cost techs contradict predominant view,
    especially of Wikipedia Western media/NGOs.
    Hence attendants/readers are recommended to
    re-assess the data from own independent
  • Regarding Controversial But Future Critical
    Technologies Discussed

    Term Free energy or Over-unity in this
    presentation is defined as seeming as if

    -1 Drawing
    of more energy than exerted to generate

    -2 Continuous
    motion without energy input

    -3 Using free
    material generally not considered as fuel?

    their claims might involve higher likelihood of

    -4 Fabrication,
    reliability exaggeration, or statistical error
    chance of observed effect

    -5 Significant quality gap between inventions,
    yet -
    -6 At
    least far above collective majority seem to
    repeatedly produces claimed effects
  • Currently more detailed reference list is being
    produced will be published separately

    The research is updated based on
    reviewing academic papers journals, books,
    speeches, presentations, patents,
    lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints,
    publications public records of
    NGOs/media/research institutes/think
    tanks/military/space gov't agencies/industry
    associations. Most effects quoted have
    accumulative-consistent evidence from unrelated
    era source, but mechanics listed are
    hypothetical. Commercialized company/products are
    shown in Boldface Navy
    SCRIBDclick here or ISSUUclick here

quest for free energy 1
CLAIMS STARTED well before 1800S
  • Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted
    commercialized free energy by early
  • 1- Free Ground Earth Battery regularly
    demonstrated self charging or inducing
    electricity capacity in low moisture, also power
    generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap
    depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins,
    Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear,
    Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont )
    invention rush for telegraph use, Along with
    strong claims of pre-dated telephony
    wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla),
    Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air
    engine/residential-industrial system,
    Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France
    etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges)
  • Non earth battery free energy claims mixed Data
    lack/fabrication, some can be valid, Involved
    mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no
    commercialization(also p100-103)
  • Science legal 12 disappeared from
    schooling/research while other types of free
    energy(p78-98) repeated side effects in
    combination didnt fit with science package
    then now gradually became irrelevant/pseudo
    science, which matched major business-financial
    lobby interest then

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
quest for free energy 2
towards Modern era
  • Same mechanics side effects repeated by
    unrelated inventors, but linear progress often
    limited to recent Western mainstream
    academia(LENR, Cavitation), also Russia-Soviet
    had some development(Cavitation, Torsion, Ion
    heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse) at official level.
  • Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p78-98)
    with similar tendency
    ? Often energy is triggered in by
    rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin,
    plasma-magnetic field, cavitation, transmutation,
    or anomalous electron movement causing standing
    wave resonance, or antioxidant prone "field
    effect", linking to quantum coherence

    ? Manifest as anomalous cooling/heat, water
    hammer, coupled vibration, electrical breakdown,
    spike, surge, implosion, spontaneous corona
    discharge, ball lightning, vibration, vortex,
    similar to Electron Avalanche, Field Emission
    effect etc, thought of as short circuit

    ? Above is avoided
    by extra energy use or design change, seeming
    influence by geophysical/cosmo-physical elements,
    its side effects also contradict science law
  • i.e. not closed system? some techs(p78-90)
    efficiency fluctuates, by time-location,
    altitude, humidity, position direction etc
    similar to ground-earth battery(p6), Rare cases
    emotion(O Carr, Jo Keely, Ra Ring, Th Ludwig, Dan
    Davidson,Vogel, Seelhofer)
  • Occasional rift1- Mainstream Western scientist
    vs 2- Inventor, sidelined Non-Western
    scientist(Russia, China), Some mainstream
    scholars in West as exception(Austria, Italy)

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy Plant/thermionic
  • FREE ENERGY TYPES staying microscale, seems
    voluntarily limiting growth, withdrawn etc, but
    increasing actively commercialized exceptions(in

    Ground/Tree/plant Electricity
    harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas Voltree,
    Helder Plant-e), Properly grounded
    electricity conductive kite or rod extracts
    atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann,
    Dalibard, De Romas), easily replicated by
    amateurs, completely ignored by mainstream,?
    Low temperature
    dif. Thermoelectric device Widely known to
    generate power only from a few degrees
    difference(Lumen Eternal Flashlight R
    Zhuravskiy) and easily made as garage project(A
    Makosinski) commercializable(Fujitsu, Yahama
    has test products, Citizen Eco-Drive Thermo,
    Vodaphone PowerPocket), mass produceable by
    easy printing(AIST Japan), can be woven into
    fabric(KAIST South Korea)(Gr Moriarty),
    industrial type(see p22 2),?

    Ambient temperature run perpetual
    thermionic device(GD Mahan, Hagelstein, Xinyong
    Fumagnetic demon), higher performance than
    thermoelectric, ?

    ElectroMagnetic(EM) sound wave electricity
    converter, Infrared Rectenna (Vanke, Briscoe, R
    Phillips, P Cutler)(eg RCA Airpower, Already
    used for military type implants-sensors),
    Negative resistance/self entraining oscillators
    in high freq. microwave, mm-wave etc
    ElectroMagnetic wave of any frequency,

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 2 MEMS/Spin Current
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES

    Metamaterial based
    harvester(A Katko), or MEMS(MicroElectroMeciahica
    l Systems) can also convert any EM wave even
    Acoustic waves into electricity.

  • a Cantilever use Electret Electrostatic power
    harvester from minute oscillations (Boisseau)
    Explainable even under mainstream idea as
    Oscillation of Brownian Ratchet/Ambient Thermal
    noise(hence impossible to harvest as ratchet
    rotation but oscillation existsFeynman) is
    actually extracted as energy by

    ß TriboElectric
    NanoGenerator (TENG) harvests static from
    ambience, air flow or most minute
    contact-friction(Contact Electrification) at 20
    efficiency, and can become significant power
    source along with conventional ElectroMagnetic
    Induction Generator(EMIG)(Youfan Hu), above a
    ß can quickly become disruptive tech getting
    very close to science illegal versions(p78,79),

    ? Not fully established
    but carrying electrical current by Spin current
    related methods, or by fractionally charged
    quasi-particle in quantum hall effect regime(as
    opposed to conventional charge current), seem to
    strongly imply overunity(Cyr Smith) 1-Spin
    rectification at Larmor precession freq to
    control spin to produce DC current(YS Gui),
    2-Spin Battery EMF (Electromotive force) of spin
    origin generated by static magnetic field in
    magnetic tunnel junction(S Maekawa). Also see
    "Orgone" or "Orgonite" p126, p211-6. --gtgtcont

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 3 auto micro current
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES


    Permanent Tourmaline electrode electrolysis(Kubo
    effect), or
    ii Self generating micro-current
    minerals Acos Terahertz Face Roller(Kun
    Sasaki). As mesoscopic quantum phenomena,
    mainstream approved largely ignored Persistent
    Current observed in ring structure metals is up
    to 1-2 orders of magnitude larger(over-unity, in
    addition to perpetual current itself!)(KB
    Efetov) than any wishful mainstream theory
    allows to be(Pri Mohanty) it demonstrates
    unknown time dependent fluctuations, deemed phase
    coupling/phase coherence to be critical
    factor(Mar Büttiker). Instantly commercializable
    Macroscopic Persistent Current is almost entirely
    ignored but virtually science approved(C van der
    Wal, Hir Koizumi), Violation of 2nd law?(Cápek,
    Da Sheehan)?

    iii also Zamboni
    Pile/Duluc Dry Pile(Battery) of certain set up(eg
    Oxford Electric Bell) or what is called Orgone
    also self-generates ElectroMotive Force or
    "self-flows" unlimited microcurrent when layers
    of different electric potential matter are
    pressed together wedged by dielectric
    material(electrically neutral/blocks electron
    flow, but allows electrostatic/polarize to
    develop dipole moment) in addition to chemical
    type reaction(limited), but perpetual current
    effect of "iii" is pseudoscientized even above i
    ii effects are mainstream approved as "science
    legal", also similar "erroneous" over-unity
    claims were made by top physicists back when
    battery was invented(Volta),

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 4 piezo electric
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES

    Efficient Piezoelectricity/Magneto-Ristr
    iction Mid-large power 200kw/km at busy hwy
    (Edery-Azulay/Innowattech), Polyvinylidene
    Fluoride based flexible Piezoelectric polymer
    woven fabric photovoltaic coating(El Siores /
    FibrLec), Micropower device MicroGen Systems,
    40times more efficient types than Western
    mainstream tech(KAIST Keon Jae Lee),?

    Solar Chimney Initial high cost, mainstream
    selectively quoting high LCOE, less electricity
    produced at night, many side benefits Hyperion
    Energy, Enviromission, Claims of more efficient,
    far less land use versions from pilot tests,

    Gradient Solar Pond Ormat, suitable only with
    low cost land near salt water, tech maintenance

  • a Water-Oil emulsion fuel Massive gap in fuel
    saving ability, also depends on type of
    boiler/engine used for 1-25(beyond this is
    "science illegal"see p91-93), Cuts emission(PM
    10-80, NOx/SOx 10-50), There is significance as
    one of few official mainstream instantly large
    scale useable partial "free energy tech"
    commercialization exist world wide but remains
    low key in most nations rarely referred even by
    cleantech media, minimum public funding for
    research in West. Groups of Western Mainstream
    (WM) business establishment promoted Emulsion
    Fuel under "excuse" of emission decrease(with no
    reference to fuel saving) in 2001-2003. Some are
    still offered(Lubrizol PuriNOx, Pirelli Gecam,
    Total Aquazole ), while others withdrew(Shell,
    BP, Chevron)

science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 5 Emulsion Fuel
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES a Water-Oil
    emulsion fuel

    A few companies serving world wide mainly for
    diesel but some also gasoline market ?Europe(Eco
    Energy Holding AS, IncBio, EFuel SA, Toeps
    innovation), ?North
    America(Nonox, Fierce Fuel Systems, Next
    Alternative Inc),
    ?Japan(AIT Emulsion, NanoFuel co),
  • ?Operations in Russia openly serve
    mainstream(?????????????????-??????, Vodmazut
    ??????, ????????????????? ?????????? ??? -
    est-m.ru, ?????? - messka.ru), ?Middle East(4C
    Technologies), ?India(Creatnet Technology Pvt
    ), ?South Korea is unique amongst Western ally
    to openly focus at government level(CoxOil kr,
    Green Hitech kr, Sampower kr), ?Other Asia(Solar
    Emulsi PT Pertamina, Singapore Emulsion Fuel),
    ?China is mainly served by own state company
    inhouse Taiwanese companies(Comaxima Eco-Green
    Technology, Shine Bond ?????????? ),

    Sector Base Finally mainstream maritime
    industry open debut by European back up Quadrise
    MSAR, in Asia Monohakobi. Tech Variation ?
    Biofuel Emulsion(Gruppo Forini), ? Works down to
    -30C storage(SulNOx Fuel Fusions),
  • Equipment can be expensive actual cost saving
    is often on par or less than far lower cost best
    performing magnetic flowing fuel treatment
    device, or Far InfraRed or Torsion Wave emitting
    mineral/matter/fluid wrapped around fuel line
    with 5-15 saving range(this is pseudoscientized
    at media level superficial science level).

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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 5 Coal-Water Slurry
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES

    b Coal-Water Slurry(CWS) 30-50 H2O(also note
    regular coal itself may contain high water
    content), Historically competed against oil
    seriously then "lost" along with plant alcohol
    fuels(US Prohibition), electric cars/hydrogen
    cars(all 1880s-1920s)/, Has by far the most
    significant short term potential as partial "free
    energy" tech. At boiler/gasification, thermal
    efficiency is coal20 while fuel vol itself
    increases, storage transferability made easier
    as liquid fuel, Lower emission(CO2, NOx, SOx)
    than Diesel fuel boiler, Can utilize unrecovered
    fine coal, or coal sludge/tailing, to turn
    environmental hazard into revenue fuel product.?

    With its
    mainstream approved status, this almost forgotten
    low tech can exert enormous influence on shorter
    term energy market geo-econo-political
    situation largely dormant massive coal reserve
    evenly distributed world wide can made into
    diesel equivalent with 1/2-1/4 of cost to destroy
    fossil fuel supply shortage, liquid fuel market
    price, existing crude oil refining/sorting
    system. Potential to replace entire diesel/heavy
    oil supply if modified special engine type(no
    nozzle wearing etc) is introduced(eg Micronised
    Refined Carbons(MRC) consuming DICE Direct
    Injection Carbon Engine US gov't backed
    program(also GE, GM etc participation) bet
    1970s-2000s, recently Australia CSIRO many
    Australian coal companies)
  • US Unsuccessful gov't participated movement to
    promote CWS to replace majority of higher priced
    imported oil in 1980s. Also clean coal burning
    IGCC(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)
    power plants in US are using coal water slurry
    for boiler feeding (wet feed gasification to
    produce extra H2)(CBI E-Gas, Texaco-GE) though
    almost never reported. Regular fuel use US CWS
    system installer(ecoTECH Energy, AuraSource

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energy 6 Coal-Water Slurry2
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES b Coal-Water
    Slurry(CWS) ?
    China is tech leader CWS is high
    profile tech nationwide led by state companies
  • Russia ex-soviet Relatively active
    use(????????-?????? vodougol, ?????
    Cotes-Group) Rather surprising US controlled
    Ukraine gov't has declared CWS as national energy
    priority with Chinese financial back
    Rest of
    world CWS is overall even lower profile
    commercialization than emulsion fuel with very
    small of players considering its science legal
    status(EET CWS, JGC, Kawasaki Heavy, Cynergi
    Holding SA), Often small one-man show type
    operation or main business is other
    engineering(Advanced Coal Water Slurry
    Technologies, LeMar LLC, KEM-jp.com).
  • Likely due to its very disruptive nature of
    abundant energy, scientifically approved status,
    CWS and Emulsion fuel are both carefully ignored
    by major Western environmental NGOs mainstream
  • (???????????? - China Coal Technology
    Engineering Group Corp, ?????? Shangdong Energy
    Group, ???? Yuankuang Group - ?????????????????
    Slurry Gasification and Coal Chemical Engineering
  • ??????????????? - Zjxianchuang, ??????????????
    GCPMC, jf NAIC), High moisture content low end
    lignite slurry focus (???????????????? -
    ???????????? Yulin Western Coal Technology
    Research Centre), Taiwan(Neofuel tw).

science-legal INACTIVE newly active free
energy 7 Bacteria generator
  • Atmos clock(C Drebbel), use of self
    oscillating Torsion pendulum - Electro-mechanical
    transducer, ambience change, can combine with
    Foucalt pendulum element, Bacteria generator
    Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor
    (Pankratov), Geobacter Microbial Fuel
    Cell(MFC)(Lovley) or its overunity
    electrolysis(Microbial Electrolysis Cell - MEC),
    Magnetotactic Bacteria based types etc.,

    Levitrontype, or Drinking
    Bird generator,

  • Hydrodynamic heater(TEKMASH, CT Systems),
    (also see p87 G Ivanenko, Bespalko),
    inconsistent Self running ability but happens
    often, valid mainstream science until it becomes
    Temperature based volume changing ultra
    sensitive Phase Change Material (PCM) driven
    Hydraulic Motor SOLO-TREC(J Jones Y Chao),
  • Atomic/Nanogenerators, 24hr Infrared
    Solar(Hong Liu), Particulates(Da Yurth), Atomic
    Hydrogen Welding(Langmuir), Negative electrical
    resistance carbon fibre(De Chung),

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energy 8 ionic move in water
  • gtgtcontinued FREE ENERGY TYPES

    a Small water flow/Thermal Ionic
    movement in water harvested as electricity by
    Graphene/CarbonNanotube, Harvesting unlimited
    ionic thermal motion in water with asymmetric
    electrodes, or water in nanotube dragged to flow
    directionally by an external electric field to
    generate electromotive force(EMF) etc, many
    academic replications, sub different methods
    possibly already military type use(Pe Král, S
    Gosh, Zihan Xu, Jun Yin, Seung Ho Lee, VI Petrik,
    P Dhiman, Hui Cao, Jianwei Liu, Koratkar at
    least since 2001),
  • b Water evaporation driven ElectroScavenging
    effect generator(Rub Borno) this also relates
    to advanced non cloud seeding weather
    modification(for more details go to this link
    four levels of..and search "ElectroScavenging"),
    c Reverse Electrowetting power
    harvester(Instep Nanopower) lot more efficient
    than piezoelectricity, can be disruptive if
    installed in road etc ?

    Some free energy
    actually costs more than existing system such as
    Blue Energy Reversed electrodialysis, Pressure
    Retarded Osmosis(PRO)/Osmotic power, Hydrocratic
    ocean energy. But Capacitive(mix) energy
    extraction by Double Layer Expansion(CDLE)(Br
    Logan), or by Donnan Potential(CDP), and Two
    stage PRO(Wei He) might become super low cost in

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super low cost tech efficient engine
    treatment as free energy(p78-98) stopped, stay
    microscale, suddenly retracted without
    explanation, some suspected internal only
    corporate use, Selective, under-exaggerated,
    outdated data for efficiency cost performance
    in mainstream reporting contradicts manufacturer
    or academic/field-lab data(particularly in fast
    advancing tech like Solar/Wind/Ocean energy, etc,
    But again now emerging exceptions,

    Non UV H2 Photolysis from water
    by Sn3O4(H Abe), many other artificial
    photosynthesiss, 50-200 increased
    efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle,Covey, Pogue,
    Castellini, Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano,
    Belland, Purushottam Pipaliya, Holland, Ch Brown,
    Fish) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor),
    Specific angled screen in carburetor
    accidentally improved 50 mileage in
    1960s(Ford), but model was soon recalled to
    correct it back to factory spec(Pantone).
    Pneumatic engine(science illegal, p86-88)
    Peugeot 208 Hybrid Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata
    MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some Japanese
    cars mostly sold only in Japan(30km/l),
    Volkswagen XL1(100km/l, 250 test units only)
    discontinued Lupo(35km/l). In1920s mainstream
    predicted 80mpg norm with test cars 100mpg(Byr
    Wine, Al Wallace, Bru McBurney), Now available
    95 efficient Shinsei Electrostatic Motor,
  • Super efficient Phase Change Material(PCM) for
    housing to release or absorb heat at preset
    temperature BioPCM, DuPont Energain, PCM
    injected wood Enertia Home,

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super low cost tech Ammonia

    ammonia maker from H2Oair by compression cycle
    etc for engines(J Fleming), (N2H4)Hydrazine Fuel
    Cell small, no precious metal, easy high power
    fuel(Daihatsu co), Aluminium Air
    Battery1700km run range 100kg weight for
    electric cars(Phinergy), ThoriumUS in 70s,
    Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less
    radiation, re-starting (India, Russia, China, US,
    Norway, Israel), portable(Dratch),
  • Biofuel(Ethanol) from cellulose only(grass
    straw, tree branches, broken trees etc), Some
    produce with lt1/2 cost of retail petrol of high
    fuel price nation(Kawasaki Heavy - within 2weeks
    of intending commercialization, key board members
    CEO fired, and project shelved), others also
    announced tech success without commercialization
    intention since 2006(Taisei Kensetsu Sapporo
    Beer, Honda), as often happens in Japan,
    domestic only or 3rd world use intention seems
    allowed?(Kita-Akita city forestry coop, Sumitomo
    Forestry, Mitsui Zosen) But stagnant
    commercialization situation started to change
    world wide since around 2014(see Biomass p48,
    50, 58)

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super low cost tech Geothermal

    Coal based
    Gas/Oil/Direct power Natural gas like
    CENfuel(Lloyd Turner ) Low Temp Coal
    Carbonization LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved
    Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol, Similar
    Lurgi process active in China(70 plants), EM
    wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata), Low fume DCFC
    (Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL) mechanics avail
    since 1890s(W Jacques), A few of IGCC
    (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle,
    usually said to be more expensive than regular
    coal combustion, but high efficiency low cost
    data can be hidden by high startup cost etc)
    more on gasification see p45-46, p60-65

  • Super high density Enzymatic fuel cell(YH
    Percival Zhang)?

    customized Geothermal heating Heat Pump,
    Gradient Energy Harvesting etc e.g. Discarded
    oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat
    exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat
    area useable even without heat pump cost etc,
    Cooling use
    OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some
    water areas(Sea Water Air Conditioning)(Makai,
    Bluerise nl), PCM used OTEC engine,
  • Betavoltaics types Tritium Light or Battery(P
    Brown), Zinc sulfide or Radium Paint Solar
    Cell, Optoelectric Nuclear Battery(Kurcharov
    Inst), Radioisotope Generator(NASA)
    mininuclear heat converted to electricity by
    thermoelectric device. Hydrothermal vent power
    extraction large scale indicated by test
    Orimulsion Water(30) emulsified bitumen by
    Venezuelan state corp broke "taboo" of not
    making bitumen emulsion for road pavement/sealant

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super low cost tech Hydrogen

    configurations Limited to pilot success
    Advanced Compressed air energy storage by
    additional full recovery of both Heat compressed
    Cold air released, Pneumatic engine(Negre,
    illegal version p86-88), Magnetic Energy
    Recovery Switch (Shimada) legal back
    EMF(electromotive force), Water-carbon rod
    low powered electric arc gas AquaFuel(H
    Eldridge, W Richardson, Rug Santilli),

  • Exotic Hydrogen Production methods Aluminium
    based metal alloy water Hydrogen fuel cell
    lab results as all similar mechanics but mostly
    uncommercialized (also p95) eg?

    i Slow oxidizing low cost
    focused alloy pellets(B Froats),

    ii Rapid shock cooling-heating as catalyst to
    crack oxidized film of nano aluminium particles
    to reactivate(Dynamix-Muroran univ Mas
    Watanabe), ?
    iii Use
    of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not
    consumed) to prevent/delay aluminium oxidation
    (Hy-Energy Erl Andersen),

    iv Undisclosed catalyst accelerates
    pitting of aluminum powder surface to
    prevent/delay passivation(AlumiFuel Jas Anand),
    v Chloride ion use pitting to dissolve oxidized
    film(Hydergy India AVK Reddy),

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super low cost tech Hydrogen 2

    Hydrogen Production methods Aluminium based
    metal alloy water Hydrogen fuel cell eg
  • vi Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which
    prevents/slows oxidized layer from fully covering
    aluminum(HydroAlumina Ge Woodall, Chemalloy
    Freedman), vii CatalyticCarbon and aluminum in
    80C hot water DC pulse(not electrolysis) to
    prevent almost all aluminium oxidation, this
    on-board generator makes 110L/minute of H2, low
    quality-dirty-sea water ok(Phillips Company 4T
    Haw Phillips)
  • Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp),
    Ultrasonic H2 generation from water with
    non-oxidizing nanocrystal ZnO fibers BaTiO3
    dendrites (Xiaochun Li), Molecular Molybdenum
    Persulfide catalyst H2 dissociation from water(JR
    long), 84 efficiency pure water Electrolysis
    by Cathode 35Mpa high pressure Solid Polymer
    Electrolyte use, fluctuating power input workable
    like wind(Honda RD),

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super low cost tech heat

    HEAT RECOVERY(as Electricity Heat or Torque),
    also leads to emission reduction part of
    mainstream focus in many, particularly Western
    nations, while almost ignored in others
  • 1. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by
    Kinetic Power Generators Often as industrial
    CHP(Combined Heat Power), or Combined Cycle at
    power generator common installation in at least
    as new system in Chemical, Pulp Paper, Wood,
    Petroleum Refining, Metal, Gas turbine/Nuclear
    power generation industries, use of Regular 1
    Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)(Nooter/Erikse
    n, Alstom, GE etc most large mainstream
    industrial conglomerate types offer),
    Specialists(2G Energy AG) can improve more with
    rarely used Radial Flow Organic Rankine(Exergy
    SpA), Kalina Cycle(Wasabi Global Geothermal), or
    further efficient its 2nd generation(Kalex
    Systems), CO2 SuperCritical Rankine, Trilateral
    Flash Cycle etc. Other Higher Rate various
    scale applicable, 2 Sterling engine type
    (Qnergy, Calnetix), 3 Deluge Engine(Hageman)
    runs from 30C diff,
  • 2. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by
    Solid State Harvesting device, real available
    tech is more competitive against combustion
    engines or steam generators(J Fairbanks) 1-10

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  • gtgt cont 2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by
    Solid State device, 1-10

    Thermoelectric(same unit with temp gap between
    one end to the other) used in Soviets since
    1940s, other nations for military/space
    application after 1960s, recent western
    mainstream use Evident Thermo, acquired 43
    efficiency claimed GMZ tech, Carnot limit far
    exceeding MicroPower Global ex-ENECO inc,
    Kucherov, Sevastyanenko, Hagelstein LENR
    researchers), 15 range(Je Snyder),
    Komatsu/KELKs 40 rating device with other
    Japanese peer likely slightly lower
    rating(Yamaha, Toshiba), Alkali-Metal
    Thermal-to-Electric Converter(AMTEC)by C-TEC Nano
    Conversion at least 20 range etc.
    But as of 2016, 10 efficiency is
    possibly too disruptive to openly commercialize.
    And even regular 4-7 low efficiency (Melcor,
    TECTEG, Gentherm, ?????? Ecogen many others)
    products are space saving energy recovery, also
    with success track record. Thermo-responsive
    material and Osmotic power use Osmoblue(E
    Dahan)works from 30C temp difference,?

  • 2 Thermionic device(electron discharged from
    one electrode to the other as collector across
    vacuum when there is temp difference between
    them)(NASA use with 12 efficient in 1976), 3
    Pyro-electric(Wenxi Guo et. al, 30 efficient by
    Sc Hunter/ORNL) for time variant temp. gap of
    whole device, can be hybridized with
    piezoelectric generator(Ju-Hyuck Lee),

    4 90 efficient Nirvana

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  • gtgt cont 2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by
    Solid State device 5 Heat
    pipe/pump 30 extra energy saver Fisonic
    Cavitation(Fisenko), 6 Micron-gap
    ThermoPhotoVoltaics MTPV corp(DiMatteo)
    generally ignored Near Field TPVs efficiency is
    upto a magnitude ahead of mainstream Far Field
    TPVs, 7 Jx Crystals TPV Jx Crystals (Fraas)
    already measured 35 efficiency in 1989,
  • 8 Some high heat generating Fuel Cells can
    build in CHP to boost efficiency up to 90(heat
    included) level PAFC(Phosphoric acid) Fuji
    Electric, MCFC(Molten Carbonate) FuelCell
    Energy, SOFC(Solid Oxide)Bloom Energy, Ene
    Farm/Kyocera - Osaka Gas - Toyota, Ene Farm is
    for house based unit, its SOFC is at 52
    electrical efficiency produces lower cost power
    than retail price and can be sold to grid(Japan
    only), PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane) Ene
    Farm/Panasonic, 9 Paintable heat recovery
    system can significantly benefit Thermo Diode
    Coating(Ne Chernoff) or Spin Seebeck - Reverse
    Spin Hall Effect Paint(Ei Saito), Ultrasonic
    spray coating hetrojunction perovskite solar cell
    of 11 efficiency(AT Barrows),
  • 10 Recovery increase if high temp
    electro-conductive waste heat exhaust or hot
    molten salt like flow is recovered first by MHD

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super low cost tech heat 4
  • gtgt continued. Heat Recovery as HEAT, Can be
    more than double efficiency with conventional
    tech use, surprisingly low use in some
    nations(Japan, France, Sweden), but well
    established in others (Denmark, Finland, Russia,
    Netherlands, many ex-soviet allies, often as
    centralized District Heating System, this set up
    allows all types of new heat recovery like Solar
    thermal, biomass to incorporate later on)
  • General Combined Heat and Power(CHP,
    Cogeneration) system, Combined Heat Power
    District Heating(CHPDH), Industrial CHP.
    Further efficient Combined Cooling, Heat
    Power(CCHP, Trigeneration, use of absorption
    chiller) when there is also cooling need,
  • 3. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Nitinol engine
    Negative fatigue temperature shapeshift metal
    with significant torque, US Navy link(Rid Banks,
    Sandoval, Ginell, McNichols, Hochstein, A

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super low cost tech solar
  • SOLAR Rapid cost dropping(most competitive
    LCOELevelized Cost Of Electricity is on par
    with std Wind lt6cents/KWh), as of 2016 certain
    solar electricity generation techs indicate
    lowest cost at LIMITED direct sun avail remote
    areas, individual house, high cost nations(eg
    Europe), high day time cost(eg Japan), or remote
    islands(eg Vanuatu, Hawaii). Fastest advancing
    major energy tech due to direct link with
    microelectronics, computer, semiconductor,
    spectroscopy, laser-optics, photonics, nanotech,
    space many are linked to inventor free

    Open discussion
    active pursuing of how to violate
    Shockley-Queisser limit(S-Q limit) quantum
    efficiency COPgt1, by theoretical/experimental
    level at mainstream academic with
    corporate/NGO/Govt sponsored. Although academic
    socio-economical ramification is much bigger,
    this is a sharp contrasted attitude towards
    windBetz Limit, nuclear remediation(p202) or
    thermodynamics2nd law, p113,
  • And this mainstream handling method of S-Q limit
    can be applied/simulated to the way of embracing
    inventor tech classic level over-unity
    electricity/energy extraction, as LENR-Cold
    Fusion gets officially accepted (p188-190), but
    this requires powerful Western interlocked
    mainstream sponsor back up(p104-106) which is
    fractured support at best currently(p181-190)
    excess S-Q is far less disruptive for business

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super low cost tech solar 2
  • gtgt cont SOLAR But Direct Solar Heat(solar
    thermal) application is universally lower cost in
    most of the world up to high latitude Southern
    Scandinavia or Middle of Western Canada.
  • Following solar pages list up potential cost
    reduction ideas, also some techs are installable
    as lowest cost energy in some areas (Note due
    to photovoltaics high tech nature, production
    process, choice of material how it is used
    affect costing much more than most other energy
    tech but this report doesnt cover it)

    1. Over
    S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar
    Cell(SC) Significant number of SJ cell
    Shockley-Queisser Limit 33 exceeding efficiency
    at lab level experimental claims or strong
    indications/theoretical ideas discussed at
    conference without criticism/risking loss of job,
    articles pass mainstream journal editorials, and
    embraced by influential business/NGO/Govt
    lobbies funders, Examples i Light
    concentrating property Standing Nanowire
    (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral), ii Solar
    Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV, thermal upconversion
    absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for
    capture Boriskina)(also see p24 6,7) with
    specific geometric emitter-absorber
    combo(Rephaeli), gtgt continue

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super low cost tech solar 3
  • gtgt continued- 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell

    iii Multiple Exciton
    Generation(MEG) by Quantum Dot Solar Cell(Nozik,
    Oc Semonin, Ra Ellingson) Electron avalanche
    effect triggering(Br Parkinson, W Tisdale),
    Beyond thermodynamic efficiency limit Electron
    Carrier Multiplication? Tuneable Quantum
    Dot(also does instant photon capture before
    disappears) to make photon disappear into vacuum,
    then reappear(p192) with Electron/exciton
    multiplying effect singlet fission effect, 7
    excitons at cost of 1/ Quantum efficiency
    COP7( indication on over-unity like actual
    electricity yield?), linked to Population
    Inversion - Self Powering Laser(VI Klimov, RD
    Schaller US Govt at Center for Advanced Solar
    Photophysics CASP), Similar replication at
    NREL(H Brody), Outside US(BL Oksengendler),
  • iv Plasmon types Surface Plasmon Solar Cell(use
    collective oscillation-resonance of electron) to
    trap light increase absorption(Mi Burns),
    Plasmonic enhancement of Dye Sensitized SC
    DSSC)(Co Andrei), Plasmonic nanostructure with
    upconverter-doped dielectric core(A Atre),
  • v Infrared Capture 24hr solar(Solterra Solar
    Squires Jabbour),
    Lead selenide nanocrystals to convert
    Infrared ray to visible photons for increased
    capture(Bardeen), Trap infrared photon to
    directly generate electricity(Fr Meseguer),
    Infrared capturing nano solar rectenna arrays
    made by atomic layer deposition(Br Willis), gtgt

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  • gtgt continued- 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell

    vi Others vi-a Down
    conversion(split 2x too high energy photons for
    band-gap into two lower energy photons to recover
    both), vi-b Hot Carrier Solar Cell(Le Bris)
    keep low heat transfer from electron to phonon,
    vi-c Intermediate Band Solar Cell(Yo Okada) with
    photon ratchet for extra light recovery,
  • vi-d Single Junction Tandem Solar cell(Wl
    Walukiewicz), Perovskite oxides
    photo-ferroelectric material to function like
    Multi-Junction cell(An Rappe),
    vi-e Piezo-phototronics(3way
    coupling piezoelectric-semiconductor-photoexcitat
    ion effects) used for beyond thermodynamics
    limit?(Zhong Lin Wang),
    vi-f If cost is low, high performance
    Solid State Device (p22-25) can replace
    photovoltaics to generate electricity up to 50
    times more than photovoltaics per same area(Ka
    Matsubara), vi-g 60-70 level efficiency Solar
    MHD lab success by superconducting type
    magnet(Concentrating Solar Power Utility Inc)
  • vi-h Larger than unity thermodynamic light
    efficiencies, when cooling involved (cold
    electricity link?supercurrent plus p78,79)
    Part of mainstream in Soviet-Russia since
    1930s(SI Vavilov, YP Chukova, Yu Slyusarenko)
    related to over unity anti-stokes excitation
    from lattice energy(Letokhov), laser cooling,
    Converting lattice
    vibrations into infrared photons(Raj Ram),
    Solar cell illuminated by circularly polarized
    light generates charge/spin currents far more
    than spin polarization of carrier density(I
    Žutic, Ja Fabian), gtgt continue

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  • gtgt continued- 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell

    vi-i Quantum efficiency COP gt1,
    Singlet Exciton Fission cell(Congreve, Ma Böhm),
    vi-j Infrared Heat absorbing Iron oxide based
    Charge Ordering RFeO4 solar cell(Green Ferrite
    Na Ikeda) in which electric dipole depends on
    electron correlations(not covalency, ie
    controllable by spin?), 24hr power generation,
    and COPgt1 indication, seemed commercial ready but
    shelved? ?

    vii Heavier on theory
    Fill factor(FF, Available power at the maximum
    point) modelling shows higher limit for Organic
    Solar Cell(VA Trukhanov), Nanostructured cell
    limit doesnt apply(Yunlu Xu), Combine
    Upconversion MEG(Shpaisman), Application of
    Photonic Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) to
    concentrate, amplify, store light etc. Some
    algae-bacterias photon-to-charge
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