CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation/cjs240masterdotcom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation/cjs240masterdotcom


CJS 240 Week 1 checkpoint Statistics Checkpoint CJS 240 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 2 Assignment Individual Theories Assignment CJS 240 Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response CJS 240 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJS 240 Week 4 Checkpoint Case Study Critique Checkpoint (Appendix C) CJS 240 Week 4 Assignment Gender and Family Assignment CJS 240 Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice Systems (Appendix D) CJS 240 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJS 240 Week 6 Checkpoint Probation CJS 240 Week 6 Assignment Corrections and Treatment CJS 240 Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development and Control Checkpoint (Appendix E) CJS 240 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation/cjs240masterdotcom

CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation/cjs240ma
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
www.cjs240master.com CJS 240 Week 1 checkpoint
Statistics Checkpoint CJS 240 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ
2 CJS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency
Deterrence Response CJS 240 Week 2 Assignment
Individual Theories Assignment CJS 240 Week 3
Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response CJS 240
Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 CJS 240 Week 4 Checkpoint
Case Study Critique Checkpoint (Appendix C) CJS
240 Week 4 Assignment Gender and Family
Assignment CJS 240 Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice
Systems (Appendix D) CJS 240 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ
2 CJS 240 Week 6 Checkpoint Probation CJS 240
Week 6 Assignment Corrections and Treatment CJS
240 Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development and
Control Checkpoint (Appendix E)
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 1 Checkpoint Statistics Checkpoint
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1.
CheckPoint Statistics   Complete the Uniform
Crime Report (UCR) and Self-Report Data Matrix in
Appendix B. To complete this matrix, list two
pros and two cons of using UCR data and two pros
and two cons of using self-report data.   
Locatetwo Web resourcesone official and one
unofficialwith information about occurrences of
delinquency in the United States. Copy and paste
the URLs into Appendix B.    Post Appendix B as
an attachment.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. Discussion
Questions   Are juveniles truly capable of
understanding the seriousness and consequences of
their actions? If so, at what age are they
capable of understanding? At what age should
juveniles be tried as adults? Explain your
answers.    Is the participationin delinquent
activities a normal part of maturing or are there
specific factors that initiate this behavior? If
taking part in delinquent activities is part of
maturing, what contributes to the progression
from normal adolescent behavior to chronic
offending? Explain your answers. 
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 2 Assignment Individual Theories
www.cjs240master.com 1. Assignment Individual
Theories   Resource pp. 47-80 of Juvenile
Delinquency The Core.   Write a 500- to
750-word paper explaining why some adolescents
are motivated to commit crimes while others in
similar circumstances are not. Support your
explanation by applying at least two of the
following individual theories of delinquency  o
Routine activities theory o General deterrence
theory o Specific deterrence theory o Biochemical
theory o Neurological theory o Genetic theory o
Psychodynamic theory o Behavioral theory o
Cognitive theory  
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence
www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint Delinquency
Deterrence Response   Write a 300- to 350-word
response explaining how the threat of punishment
does or does not deter juvenile delinquency.
Provide examples of general deterrence, specific
deterrence, and situational crime prevention
strategies. Additionally, identify which concepts
of deterrence you believe offer the best method
for controlling juvenile crime.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories
www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint Sociological
Theories Response   Resource pp. 101-105 of
Juvenile Delinquency The Core.   Locateby
searching the Internetfederal, state, or local
programs with elements that exemplify the
application of each of the sociological theories
listed below  o Social structure theories o
Social process theories o Social conflict
theories   Write a 100-word description of each
program. You must have one program that
exemplifies social structure theories, one that
exemplifies social process theories, and one that
exemplifies social conflict theories. Include
each programs main elements and explain the
aspects of each program that address the focus of
the relevant theory.   Cite your references in
APA format.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. Discussion
Questions   Describe a community in your city
or state that currently exemplifies the concept
of social disorganization. What solutions might
you implement to revitalize that community?   
During the 1960s, social structure theories
strongly influenced the development of
delinquency prevention programs. Why did many of
the earliest programs fail? What is being done
differently today in the development of
prevention programs?
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 4 Assignment Gender and Family
www.cjs240master.com 1. Assignment Gender and
Family  Ch. 6 7 discuss the influence gender
and family have on delinquency. In addition, you
have read briefly about gender and the juvenile
justice system.   Write a 700- to 1,050-word
paper answering the following questions   o How
does gender affect delinquency?   ? What are some
current explanations for gender differences as
they relate to delinquency?   o How does family
affect delinquency?   ? How does family makeup
affect delinquency?  ? How does family behavior
influence delinquency? 
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 4 Checkpoint Case Study Critique
Checkpoint (Appendix C) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint Case Study
Critique   Read the case study provided in
Appendix C.  Write a 200- to 350-word response
answering the following questions    o What are
some possible reasons caseworkers were not aware
of the conditions in the Jackson home?    o From
the information presented in the case study,
determine whether the nine members of the
Division of Youth and Family Services staff
should have been fired. Why or why not?    o Was
justice served in this case? Why or why not?  o
Could this situation have been prevented? If so,
how? If not, why? 
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice Systems
www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint The Justice
Systems   Complete the System Comparison
Matrix, the 200- to 300-word response on
controversial issues in the juvenile court
system, and the selection of your final project
position in Appendix D.    Post Appendix D as
an attachment. 
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. Discussion
Questions (Students will be placed in small
groups to answer DQ 1 this week)   What is more
importantfreedom of press to publish pictures
and names of juvenile offenders or juveniles
rights to private court proceedings? Explain your
answer. Should certain juvenile offenders be
waived to adult courts? Why or why not? Should
juveniles who commit serious capital crimes under
the age of 16 be eligible for the death penalty?
Why or why not? What are the benefits of a
comprehensive juvenile justice strategy? What
aspects of a comprehensive strategy contribute to
those benefits? What are the drawbacks to
implementing a comprehensive juvenile justice
strategy? Discuss specific programs that
contribute to a comprehensive juvenile
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 6 Assignment Corrections and
www.cjs240master.com 1. Assignment Corrections
and Treatment   Write a 350- to 700-word paper
summarizing information on juvenile corrections
and community-based treatment programs. Include
the following in your paper  o Community-based
treatment  ? Describe two or three
community-based treatment efforts. ? Briefly
explain the purpose and importance of these
treatment efforts.  o Institutionalization  ?
Describe two or three issues affecting
institutionalized juveniles. ? Address why the
juvenile justice system should be concerned with
those issues.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 6 Checkpoint Probation FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1.
CheckPoint Probation Presentation   Create an
informative 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation about probation and the roles and
responsibilities of probation officers. Assume
the role of a juvenile probation officer
recruiter and address the presentation as if to
an audience of individuals interested in applying
for the position of a juvenile probation officer.
Your presentation must include  o General
information regarding probation  ? What is
probation? ? Who is on probation? ? What are the
conditions of probation?  o Roles and
responsibilities of juvenile probation
officers  ? What are the duties of probation
officers? ? When are probation officers involved
in the court process?
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development and
Control Checkpoint (Appendix E) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint Gang
Development and Control   Complete the Gang
Development and Gang Control tables in Appendix
E. Post Appendix E as an attachment.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. Discussion
Questions   How do peers affect delinquency? Do
delinquents seek out antisocial and delinquent
peers as friends or does having delinquent peers
cause an individual to become delinquent? Explain
your answers.    How is academic failure
related to delinquency? Do delinquents fail at
school or is academic failure responsible for
delinquency? Explain your answers.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 8 Assignment Drug Czar
www.cjs240master.com 1. Assignment Drug Czar
Presentation   Read the Applying What You Have
Learned Scenario on p. 256 of Juvenile
Delinquency The Core.    Create a 7- to
10-slide MicrosoftPowerPointpresentation on the
advantages and disadvantages of the three drug
control policy strategies presented during the
open hearing in the scenario. Assume the role of
the drug czar in the presentation. Present the
policy or policies that you believe are the best
strategies for reducing youth drug use.   
Include detailed speaker notes for each slide. 
Cite at least two sources in APA format to
support your statements.  Post your
presentation as an attachment. 
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 8 Checkpoint Drug Use and
Delinquency Response FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cjs240master.com 1. CheckPoint Drug Use and
Delinquency Response   Research the University
Library for two current, scholarly journal
articles that highlight the reasons of youth drug
use and the link between drug use and
delinquency.  Write a 200- to 350-word response
answering the following questions according to
the journal articles    o What are the main
reasons of youth drug use? o How does drug use
relate to delinquency?   Cite the articles in
APA format.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 9 Capstone DQ FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cjs240master.com 1. Capstone
Discussion Question   The future of the
juvenile justice system under debate. There has
been a movement supporting aggressive measures on
juvenile crime while researchers see more public
support for prevention and intervention methods.
Consider the future of the juvenile justice
system. Should there be a juvenile justice
system? Why or why not? Should there be a
comprehensive juvenile justice strategy or should
the juvenile justice system focus on one
particular strategy? Explain your answers.
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
CJS 240 Week 9 Final Punishment versus
www.cjs240master.com   1. Final Project Justice
System Position Paper  Throughout this course you
have become acquainted with explanations of
juvenile delinquency, correlates of juvenile
delinquency, and the intricacies of the juvenile
justice system. For your final project, assess
one of the controversial issues regarding the
juvenile justice system.   Resource Appendix
A Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word position paper
arguing one of the following positions  o The
juvenile justice system should focus on
rehabilitation. o The juvenile justice system
should focus on punishment.   Include the
following in your paper  o Why should the
juvenile justice system adopt the focus you have
chosen? o Explain how the specific focus you have
chosen affects the following
CJS 240 MASTER Leading through innovation
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