Operations ResearchManagement Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Operations ResearchManagement Science


Case 1: Continental Airlines Survives 9/11 ... Continental Airlines (con't) Strategic Objectives and Requirements are to accommodate: ... Continental Airlines (con't) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Operations ResearchManagement Science

Operations Research/ Management Science (OR/MS)
  • OR/MS at Our Corporation

What We Do
  • Our Accomplishments
  • Our Mission
  • Our Expertise
  • Our Scope
  • Our Approach
  • Our Products

Our Accomplishments
  • Example 1 OR/MS has benefited key clients in
    our organization in a major way
  • The business problem
  • The OR/MS solution
  • The benefits we brought - and how much we helped

Our Mission
  • Help you cope with the challenge of making
    complex decisions by
  • doing quantitative analysis that provides insight
    into our organizations problem
  • providing you with sensible options and
    recommending courses of action

Our Mission (cont)
  • OR/MS models can have a dramatic, positive impact
    on a projects bottom line

Our Expertise
  • Provide internal business consulting
  • Conduct modeling analysis
  • Math modeling, simulation, decision support, data
    mining, optimization, revenue management, supply
    chain management, logistics

Our Expertise (cont)
  • Develop analyses, methodologies, tools
  • Give technical support, training

Our Scope
  • Any business unit, any function, any geographic
  • Top customers, key suppliers
  • Assistance from strategy through execution

Our Approach
  • Partner with management to frame and prioritize
    the issues
  • Focus on business impact and implementation
  • Establish a disciplined, consultants approach
    through teamwork and collaboration

Our Approach (cont)
  • Build an objective, quantitative structure for
  • Transfer technology to your department so you can
    take over the project

Our Services
  • Strategic planning
  • Supply chain management
  • Pricing and revenue management
  • Logistics and site location
  • Optimization
  • Marketing research

Our Services (cont)
  • Scheduling
  • Portfolio management
  • Inventory analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Sales analysis
  • Auctioning
  • Risk analysis

A Few Words About OR/MS
  • What is it?
  • Conventional computing isnt enough
  • Combinatorial explosion
  • The distinct nature of operations research
  • and management science

OR/MS What is It?
  • Operations research (also known as management
    science) is a collection of techniques based on
    mathematics and other scientific approaches that
    finds solutions to your problems.

Conventional Computing Is Not Enough
  • Cannot enumerate alternatives
  • Combinatorial explosion of viable options

Never Got Outside the Box
Few Alternatives
Combinatorial Explosion Example 1
  • Shortest path through 10 points
  • Assume a super-powered" computer analyzes,
    quantifies, and compares a million alternatives
    every second
  • Answer found in less than one second
  • Now find the shortest path through 20 points
  • Same computer would take over 39,000 years to

Combinatorial Explosion Example 2
  • Construct a five-stock portfolio out of 100
    possible stocks
  • Evaluate for risk and return
  • Same computer as example one
  • Answer found in 1.25 minutes
  • Now diversify to nine stocks - 220 Days
  • Add one more stock - 5.5 years!

Distinct Nature of OR
  • Simultaneously analyzes all variables
  • Seeks global, balanced solutions defined by
  • Multiple criteria
  • Multiple, conflicting objectives
  • Helps mitigate risk and reduces uncertainty by
    modeling different scenarios
  • Goes beyond single-issue management

OR/MS Successes
  • Best cases from the annual INFORMS Edelman
  • 2002 Continental Airlines Survives 9/11
  • 2001 Merrill Lynch Integrated Choice
  • 2001 NBCs Optimization of Ad Sales
  • 2000 Ford Motor Prototype Vehicle Testing
  • 1996 Procter Gamble Supply Chain
  • 1991 American Airlines Revolutionizes Pricing

Case 1 Continental Airlines Survives 9/11
  • Business Problem Long before September 11, 2001,
    Continental asked what crises plan it could use
    to plan recovery from potential disasters such as
    limited and massive weather delays.

Continental Airlines (cont)
  • Strategic Objectives and Requirements are to
  • 1,400 daily flights
  • 5,000 pilots
  • 9,000 flight attendants
  • FAA regulations
  • Union contracts

Continental Airlines (cont)
  • Model Structure Working with CALEB Technologies,
    Continental used an optimization model to
    generate optimal assignments of pilots crews.
    The solution offers a system-wide view of the
    disrupted flight schedule and all available crew

Continental Airlines (cont)
  • Project Value Millions of dollars and thousands
    of hours saved for the airline and its
    passengers. After 9/11, Continental was the first
    airline to resume normal operations.

Case 2 Merrill Lynch Integrated Choice
  • Business Problem How should Merrill Lynch deal
    with online investment firms without alienating
    financial advisors, undervaluing its services, or
    incurring substantial revenue risk?

Merrill Lynch (cont)
  • Objectives and Requirements Evaluate new
    products and pricing options, and options of
    online vs. traditional advisor-based services.

Merrill Lynch (cont)
  • Model Structure Merrill Lynchs Management
    Science Group simulated client-choice behavior,
    allowing it to
  • Evaluate the total revenue at risk
  • Assess the impact of various pricing schedules
  • Analyze the bottom-line impact of introducing
    different online and offline investment choices

Merrill Lynch (cont)
  • Project Value
  • Introduced two new products which garnered 83
    billion (22 billion in new assets) and produced
    80 million in incremental revenue
  • Helped management identify and mitigate revenue
    risk of as much as 1 billion
  • Reassured financial advisors

Case 3 NBCs Optimization of Ad Sales
  • Business Problem NBC sales staff had to manually
    develop sales plans for advertisers, a long and
    laborious process to balance the needs of NBC and
    its clients. The company also sought to improve
    the pricing of its ad slots as a way of boosting

NBC Ad Sales (cont)
  • Strategic Objectives and Requirements Complete
    intricate sales plans while reducing labor cost
    and maximizing income.

NBC Ad Sales (cont)
  • Model Structure NBC used optimization models to
    reduce labor time and revenue management to
    improve pricing of its ad spots, which were
    viewed as a perishable commodity.

NBC Ad Sales (cont)
  • Project Value In its first four years, the
    systems increased revenues by over 200 million,
    improved sales-force productivity, and improved
    customer satisfaction.

Case 4 Ford Motor Prototype Vehicle Testing
  • Business Problem Developing prototypes for new
    cars and modified products is enormously
    expensive. Ford sought to reduce costs on these
    unique, first-of-a-kind creations.

Ford Motor (cont)
  • Strategic Objectives and Requirements Ford needs
    to verify the designs of its vehicles and perform
    all necessary tests. Historically, prototypes sit
    idle much of the time waiting for various tests,
    so increasing their usage would have a clear

Ford Motor (cont)
  • Model Structure Ford and a team from Wayne State
    University developed a Prototype Optimization
    Model (POM) to reduce the number of prototype
    vehicles. The model determines an optimal set of
    vehicles that can be shared and used to satisfy
    all testing needs.

Ford Motor (cont)
  • Project Value Ford reduced annual prototype
    costs by 250 million.

Case 5 Procter Gamble Supply Chain
  • Business Problem To ensure smart growth, PG
    needed to improve its supply chain, streamline
    work processes, drive out non-value-added costs,
    and eliminate duplication.

PG Supply Chain (cont)
  • Strategic Objectives and Requirements PG
    recognized that there were potentially millions
    of feasible options for its 30 product-strategy
    teams to consider. Executives needed sound
    analytical support to realize PGs goal within
    the tight, one-year objective.

PG Supply Chain (cont)
  • Model Structure The PG operations research
    department and the University of Cincinnati
    created decision-making models and software. They
    followed a modeling strategy of solving two
    easier-to-handle subproblems
  • Distribution/location
  • Product sourcing

PG Supply Chain (cont)
  • Project Value The overall Strengthening Global
    Effectiveness (SGE) effort saved 200 million a
    year before tax and allowed PG to write off 1
    billion of assets and transition costs.

Case 6 American Airlines Revolutionizes Pricing
  • Business Problem To compete effectively in a
    fierce market, the company needed to sell the
    right seats to the right customers at the right

American Airlines (cont)
  • Strategic Objectives and Requirements Airline
    seats are a perishable commodity. Their value
    varies at times of scarcity theyre worth a
    premium, after the flight departs, theyre
    worthless. The new system had to develop an
    approach to pricing while creating software that
    could accommodate millions of bookings,
    cancellations, and corrections.

American Airlines (cont)
  • Model Structure The team developed yield
    management, also known as revenue management and
    dynamic pricing. The model broke down the problem
    into three subproblems
  • Overbooking
  • Discount allocation
  • Traffic management
  • The model was adapted to American Airlines

American Airlines (cont)
  • Project Value In 1991, American Airlines
    estimated a benefit of 1.4 billion over the
    previous three years. Since then, yield
    management was adopted by other airlines, and
    spread to hotels, car rentals, and cruises,
    resulting in added profits going into billions of

Some Important Points
  • Differences Between OR/MS and IT
  • Keys to Success
  • Conclusion

Differences Between OR and IT
  • IT
  • Focuses on data as a corporate resource
  • Stores, retrieves, formats, displays data
  • Understands business process and transactions
  • OR
  • Uses data as input
  • Provides improved solutions
  • Gives global focus
  • Multiple objectives
  • Multiple criteria
  • Evaluates tradeoffs

Key to Success OR/MS
  • Focuses on business impact and implementation
  • Improves decision processes
  • Helps operations become stronger
  • Establishes a disciplined, consultants approach
  • Transfers technology to your department so you
    can take over the project

  • Operations Research/Management Science provides
    analytical tools that help leverage information
    technology to solve complex business problems
    involving millions of variables.
  • OR/MS departments collaborate easily with other
    departments to achieve goals.
  • OR/MS can realize savings and benefits in
    dollars, time, customer satisfaction, and

Next Steps
  • Establish operating budget
  • Approve pilot project
  • Establish a team
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