Events, Methods, Functions, and More - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Events, Methods, Functions, and More


Visual Basic objects have properties, methods, and events. ... Rather, you must change them using Visual Basic code. The syntax for setting a property is: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Events, Methods, Functions, and More

Events, Methods, Functions, and More
  • Advanced GIS
  • 10-23-03

  • Visual Basic objects have properties, methods,
    and events. Properties can be thought of as an
    object's attributes, methods as its actions, and
    events as things that happen to the object. You
    write code to execute when events occur.
  • An event is always associated with an object. You
    make an application work by setting object
    properties, and perform actions using object
  • In Visual Basic, the easiest type of object to
    conceptualize is a control with which users
    interact. In the graphic below, command buttons,
    labels, and text boxes are all examples of
    control objects. The form itself is also an
  • Other less tangible Visual Basic constructs, like
    collections, are also objects. An object is an
    object if it can be controlled or manipulated
    with code by setting properties, invoking
    methods, or responding to events. In ArcInfo 8,
    you will find objects like Maps, PageLayout, and
    Layers. In MapObjects, objects include Map
    controls, MapLayer, and symbols. Not all objects
    have events for example, in MapObjects, only the
    Map control has events

  • Properties describe an object's characteristics.
    In Visual Basic, examples of an object's
    properties include Name, Appearance, and
    BorderStyle. The Map object in ArcInfo 8 has
    properties of Scale and MapUnits. A MapLayer
    object in MapObjects has properties including
    Extent and Visible.
  • You can set many object properties at design time
    in the Properties window. Below, Form1's
    BackColor and Caption properties are set in the
    Properties window. The BackColor has been set to
    a red color, and the Caption, which appears in
    the form's title bar, has been set to "My Form."
  • The Properties window is used here to set two
    properties of the form object, Caption and

Properties -2
  • Some properties, such as Left, Top, Width and
    Height, change automatically when you move or
    resize controls. During run time, you cannot
    change object properties in the Properties
    window. Rather, you must change them using Visual
    Basic code. The syntax for setting a property is
  • Object.Property Value
  • Not all properties can be set (written) at run
    time however, almost all properties can be
    evaluated (read). The Name property for any
    object, for example, can be set only at design
    time. It is said to be read-only at run time.
  • The following example shows how to set and read
    Label1's Caption property and assign the result
    to Text1's Text property. The Text property of a
    text box object is the text displayed in the text
  • Label1.Caption "Welcome to VB"Text1.Text

  • Methods are actions which objects know how to do.
    In Visual Basic, objects come equipped with the
    code to perform predefined methods. The syntax
    for using methods is
  • Object.Method (Arguments)
  • The example below shows a list box using an
    AddItem method to add items to itself. "Hello" is
    the argument for the AddItem method.
  • Some methods, like AddItem, have arguments, while
    others do not. Not all methods need arguments.
    For example, a list box's Clear method does not
    need an argument to remove all the contents from
    the list box.
  • List1.Clear
  • When a method returns a value that you accept
    (i.e., assign to a variable and use in the code),
    you must surround its arguments with parentheses,
    as in the MapObjects example below. There, the
    AddRelate method requires three arguments. It
    also returns a True or False value, indicating if
    the AddRelate action was successfully performed.
    If you assign the returned value (either True or
    False) to the bItWorked variable, you need to
    surround its arguments with parentheses. If you
    don't want to assign the returned value to a
    variable, you don't need to include the

Is Like Object.Request in Avenue
  • 'MapObjects example--parentheses required
    bItWorked myLayer.AddRelate("APN", parcelTbl,
    "APN")'MapObjects example--no parentheses
    requiredmyLayer.AddRelate "APN", parcelTbl,
  • Some methods don't return a value by default,
    like the AddItem method of the list box control.
    When a method does not return a value, you must
    not surround its arguments with parentheses
  • List1.AddItem "Welcome to VB"

  • Events are actions that an object can recognize.
    When a command button object is clicked, the
    command button reacts according to the code
    supplied by the programmer.
  • In Visual Basic, forms and controls have their
    own associated events. The possible events for
    forms and controls are listed in the Procedure
    list box in Code Editor window. For example, a
    command button can have events such as Click,
    DragDrop, and DropOver.

Events 2
  • The Visual Basic syntax for an event procedure is
    shown below
  • Object_event(arguments)
  • Some events, such as the Click event, have no
  • Command1_Click()
  • Others, such as the MouseDown event, have several
  • Command1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  • Any argument of an event can be used
    programmatically within the event procedure.
  • Although many events happen as a direct result of
    user interaction, other events happen indirectly
    or may be completely removed from any user
    interaction whatsoever. The Timer control, for
    instance, has a Timer event that is triggered at
    regular intervals (e.g., every second), while the
    Form object has a Load event that occurs when the
    Form is first initiated.

  • Procedures are the building blocks of a Visual
    Basic application. Procedures allow you to break
    the program into smaller logical units and to
    debug (find errors) easily. Procedures are also
    useful for repeated or shared tasks.
  • A simple event procedure is shown below
  • Private Sub cmdApply_Click()
  • MsgBox "Hello"
  • End Sub
  • Each procedure has template code as the first and
    last lines of a procedure. Within the template
    code (sometime called wrapper code) is the actual
    executable code. In the above example, a message
    box displays "Hello" when the command button
    cmdApply is clicked

  • Statements are Visual Basic commands which
    provide much of the syntax and structure for the
    Visual Basic language. Statements are the
    building blocks of a procedure.
  • Statements initiate an action. Some statements
    take one or more arguments (sometimes referred to
    as parameters) that specify how the action is to
    be performed.
  • In the example below, the Unload statement needs
    an argument so it knows which form to unload,
    while the Beep statement does not need any
  • 'Statement with argumentUnload Form1'Statement
    without argumentBeep

  • Functions are statements which return a result,
    or value. There are two types of functions
    Visual Basic intrinsic functions and functions
    created using a function procedure.
  • Intrinsic functions are provided by the language
    itself. Examples of intrinsic functions are
  • Mathematic function Sqr, Sin
  • InputBox function
  • Time/Date function Now
  • The syntax for a function is
  • ReturnedValue Function()
  • The example below uses the intrinsic function
  • theAngle Sin(txtAngle.Text)
  • Functions can be nested.
  • theAngle Sin(InputBox("Enter an Angle"))

Functions - 2
  • All functions return a value however, you don't
    always need to retain the value. If the returned
    value needs to be saved, parentheses must be
  • In the following example, the MsgBox function
    returns which button (Yes or No) is clicked by
    the user. If the value is not saved, you do not
    have to use parentheses. If you need to track
    which button is clicked, however, use
  • 'Value not retainedMsgBox "Save changes to the
    file?", vbYesNo 'Value retainedtheButton
    MsgBox("Save changes to the file?", vbYesNo)

  • Variables are used to temporarily store values
    during the execution of a program. In Visual
    Basic, a variable has a name and a data type.
  • You declare a variable with the Dim statement.
    "Dim" is short for Dimension--Dimension means
    size. In Visual Basic, the equal sign "" is
    often used as the symbol of assignment. The
    statement X Y means to take value of variable Y
    and assign it to variable X. Variable X now
    stores the value of variable Y.
  • In the following example, an integer variable is
    used to store the user input information. The
    information is incremented and reported back to
    the user.
  • 'Declare the variableDim intAge As Integer
    'Assign the variableintAgeInputBox("Enter your
    age")'Increment the variableintAge intAge 1
    'Retrieve the variableMsgbox "Next year you are
    " intAge

  • A constant is a meaningful name used to replace a
    fixed number or string that is difficult to
    understand and remember. For example, colors are
    stored in Visual Basic using integer numbers. The
    color red in Visual Basic is 65280, to which a
    constant vbRed is assigned. To change the
    background color of a form to red, you can write
    either of the following two lines of code.
  • frmColor.BackColor 65280'orfrmColor.BackColor
  • Obviously, the second example is easier to write
    and understand.
  • Hundreds of constants come with Visual Basic, and
    you can also create your own.
  • Const conPi 3.14159265358979Const conVersion
  • Code created with Visual Basic constants is
    forward-compatible. According to Microsoft, while
    the numeric codes might change, the constants
    will be updated with each new release to point at
    the correct new number.

Naming convention
  • Understanding and practicing Visual Basic
    programming conventions will help you write
    well-structured and documented code. Following
    defined conventions makes code easier to
    understand and maintain.

  • The following table shows common prefixes and
    name examples for some common controls.
  • Object  Prefix  Example
  • Form frm frmSelect
  • Label lbl lblSearchString
  • Combo boxcbo cboEditFeature
  • Command button cmd cmdCancel
  • Directory listbox dir dirPath
  • Drive listbox drv drvDrive
  • Image img imgBitmap
  • Listbox lst lstSelectedFile
  • Menu mnu mnuFileSaveAs
  • Option button opt optTopology
  • Timer tmr tmrAlarm
  • Common dialog dlg dlgSaveAs

  • Comments are not just for your coworkers and your
    employer, they can be invaluable to you. If you
    don't include comments in your code, you might
    find yourself completely lost, trying to figure
    out a program that seemed perfectly logical and
    understandable when you created it a few months
    ago. Comments are especially important in Visual
    Basic, because code does not usually flow from
    top to bottom, which can make it difficult to
  • The single quote is the character that denotes a
    comment in Visual Basic. By default, commented
    lines turn green. Comments can follow a statement
    on the same line or they can occupy an entire
    line, as shown in the example below
  • Name InputBox("Enter your name") 'Get the
    name'Get the number of characters in
    nameGetNameLength Len(Name)

Comments - 2
  • You can use the Edit toolbar to quickly comment
    and uncomment highlighted blocks of code.
  • The Edit toolbar provides two tools you can use
    to comment or uncomment highlighted blocks of
    code at once.

  • You can press Tab and ShiftTab to indent and
    outdent code, respectively. The number of spaces
    to indent is your choice, but a minimum of two
    spaces is recommended for clarity. To set the
    Code Editor tab width, choose Options from the
    Tools menu

Line continuation in code
  • Often, an individual line of code can become
    quite long. Some developers feel that code is
    more readable if long lines are split into
    several shorter lines. If you split a line of
    code, you must place an underscore character (_)
    at the end of the line and after a space, to
    indicate that the line continues on the next line
  • 'Get the number of characters in user's name
    GetNameLength Len(InputBox _("Please enter
    your full name."))
  • The continuation character cannot be placed
    inside quotes or be followed by a comment on the
    same line.
  • Other developers feel that line continuation can
    lead to confusion--what is really one line of
    code appears as several. Whether you use line
    continuation or not, just remember that readable
    code is the goal.

Homework 7, 30 points, due on 10/30/03 midnight
  • You are asked to create a VB form that converts
    geographic degrees in (degree,minutes,seconds) to
    decimal degrees. Add label,commands and text box
    to this form and add code to calculate the
    conversion. (DD degrees minutes/60
  • Write code in cmdConvert_Click() event
  • txtDD txtDegrees txtMinutes/60
  • Remember to have two parts of the code for
    differentiate into positive and negative degrees.
  • Add Clear and Exit commands to the form
  • Save your project and forms as DMSConvert
  • Use comments to describe each step

Homework 7 continued
  • Control Name Caption
  • Form frmDD Homework 7 DMS to DD
  • Command1 cmdConvert Convert
  • Command2 cmdClear Clear
  • Command3 cmdExit Exit (you need End)
  • Label1 lblDegrees Degrees
  • Label2 lblMinutes Minutes
  • Label3 lblSeconds Seconds
  • Label4 lblDecimalDegrees Decimal Degrees
  • Text1 txtDegrees
  • Text2 txtMinutes
  • Text3 txtSeconds
  • Text4 txtDD

Notes Be careful with the negative degrees (such
as in western hemisphere). Use
Format(variable, 00,000000) to set the dd
Homework 8Browse files, 20 points, due on
11/1/03, midnight
  • Name Caption
  • Form frmMain Slide Show
  • DriveListBox drvFile
  • DirListBox dirFile
  • FileListBox filFile
  • Label1 lblSlideInShow Slides in show
  • List1 lstSlides
  • Command1 cmdAdd (font)Add 10 pt Bold
  • Command2 cmdClear (font)Clear 10 pt Bold
  • Once user click on the drvFile, the dirFile
    will refresh the change and then the filFile will
    refresh its contents accordingly.
  • The highlighted file in the filFile will be
    added to the lstSlides if users click on cmdAdd.
    If cmdClear is clicked, the contents of the
    lstSlides will be cleared.

  • Once user click drvFile, dirFile should have an
    updated list (use dirFile drvFile.Drive in the
    event drvFile_Change())
  • Once user click dirFile, filFile should have an
    updated list (use filFile dirFile.Path in the
    event dirFile_Change()).
  • Once user double-click on the file list, the file
    will be added to the List (in the event of
    filFile_DblClick() add the following code-
    lstSlides.AddItem (filFile.FileName)), or use
    cmdAdd to add the highlighted file to the list
    (in the event of cmdAdd_Click())
  • In the event of cmdClear_Click() add following
  • If List1.ListCount 0 Then
  • MsgBox "No file listed here"
  • ElseIf List1.SelCount 0 Then
  • MsgBox "Please select file from the list"
  • Else
  • List1.RemoveItem (List1.ListIndex)
  • End If
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