sell house fast nj

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Title: sell house fast nj

sell house fast nj
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Sell house fast NJ
  • So, you need to get rid of your house and you
    need to do it quick. Perhaps you have an
    adjustable rate loan that is about to skyrocket,
    or maybe you just got a job in another city.
    Whatever the reason, dont panic. This may not
    seem like the best time to dump your house, but
    if you follow my advice, it's possible.
  • Below are the five biggest mistakes struggling
    homeowners make when selling their home. Ill
    also show you some foolproof home-selling tactics
    that will get you the highest sticker price for
    your house.

Sell house fast NJ
  • The five big mistakes overanxious homeowners make
  • Making small price reductions again and again
    Nothing smacks of desperation more than
    incremental price drops. The longer a property is
    on the market, the more jaded the buyers become.
    The more times the price is cut, the staler the
    offering appears. Buyers reason that a lot of
    people must have seen it and that a lot of people
    must have rejected it. And if that is the case,
    then why even bother to consider it?
  • Instead, slash the price. Find out what your
    house is worth by looking at similar properties
    in the neighborhood and price it 10 below them.
    The most enticing houses on the market are the
    newest and the cheapest. If you can be both,
    youll offload yours in no time at all.

Sell house fast NJ
  • Hiring the wrong broker There are many ways of
    finding a good broker. Personal recommendations
    from friends and colleagues are often the best
    way to go. If someone outside the real estate
    business with nothing to gain is bringing up a
    broker, you can be pretty sure youre on to a
    winner. The best brokers   the top 10 percent
      do 90 percent of all the business. So dont
    get stuck with a lemon. You want someone with
    enthusiasm and drive, someone who will give you
    the attention you need and steer you through the
    whole messy process with courtesy and

Sell house fast NJ
  • Waiting it out If you decide to wait, you are
    joining the thousands of other homeowners who
    have also decided to wait. When a few decide its
    time to take the plunge, you are already too
    late. If you need/want to sell now, then sell
    now. There will never be a better time.

Sell house fast NJ
  • Showing your house before you get rid of your
    clutter You wouldnt try to sell your car
    without first clearing it out, would you? Trying
    to sell your house when it is full of clutter is
    the same thing. People dont see charming family
    mementos and alluring bric-a-brac they see
    visual noise, like empty soda cans and banana
    peels strewn on the back seat of a Chevy. The
    buyer doesnt want to see your house they want
    to see their house of the future. Find a
    temporary home for all of your cherished
    possessions and let the house speak for itself.

Sell house fast NJ
  • Not taking the first quick bid This happens time
    and time again. The buyer gets a bite early on
    and they are suddenly filled with confidence. It
    feels like youre standing over a pond packed
    with a million hungry fish. The first offer
    doesnt seem great and you naturally assume there
    are bigger and juicier fish to be had. So you
    throw the tiddler back in. Big mistake. That
    tiddler is often the catch of the day.
  • Here are some tactics that will help you lure
    more buyers in

Sell house fast NJ
  • Rent a wide-angle lens (24 to rent for three
    days) Buyers today shop by photos. Lots of good
    photos on a sunny day make your home look larger
    and brighter.
  • Sell your house on eBay This is a foolproof way
    to get your home attention with really zero risk
    involved. The only cost is a 150 fee. Ebay draws
    a lot of traffic to your home and what makes it
    really great is that you can walk away at the
    end. The auction is noncommittal. Even if someone
    meets your price, you can always change your

Sell house fast NJ
  • YouTube your house A YouTube tour gives the
    buyer your personal perspective on whats special
    about your house and can be linked with most
    major search sites. If you choose this method,
    you should be proactive in getting the video
    seen. Send links of the video to any interested
    parties and make sure your broker is doing the
    same. Insist that your broker get it on to their
    companys Web site.
  • Go beyond traditional realtor networks Two out
    of three homebuyers start their search online.
    The five highest-traffic Web sites are 
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 
  • Make sure people visiting these sites are seeing
    your home. If you are unable to do this yourself,
    ask your broker to do it for you.

Sell house fast NJ
  • Organize a neighborhood open house Join up with
    other neighbors on a Sunday to lure more buyers
    in. Include a latte cart or a giant inflatable
    house in the backyard for kids to jump on.
  • Include a financial goody bag for the buyer For
    example, you could offer to prepay taxes or
    closing costs. You can also pay for a year of
    landscaping, pool cleaning or maid service. Be
    creative and see what kind of incentives you
    think would entice a buyer.
  • Offer a big broker incentive Consider offering
    your broker a weekend in Paris or a luxurious day
    at the spa.
  • Advertise
  • Hire a professional home-stager You can check for local members.
  • Remember to promote your own house On average,
    it takes eight lookers to get one bid. The more
    people in, the more bids you get.
  • Rent a local billboard in your neighborhood This
    may sound far-fetched, but it is not as expensive
    as you might think. You could also create magnets
    for your car to advertise your home (with house
    picture and contact information). Or dress your
    kids and their friends in Buy My House T-shirts
    and send them to town. Sometimes whacky tactics
    like these pay off.
  • With all this in mind, get out there and see if
    you cant buck the trend. If you are willing to
    do what is necessary, there is no market you
    cant sell your house in.

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  • Sell house fast NJ
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