Android Market Monitor July Vol.4

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Android Market Monitor July Vol.4


Android Market is the fastest growing app store today. Keep track of key trends and figures in the Android Market with our free monthly report “research2guidance Android Market Insights”. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Android Market Monitor July Vol.4

Android Market Monitor
  • July 2011

Download the full report here http//www.research
Android Market Insights
  • Julys Headlines
  • Android device shipments currently reach close to
    50 of the smartphone OS market share.
    Altogether, 51.7 million new Android devices were
    added to the stores user base. Another successful
    quarter and Androids reach will top that of

Download the full report here http//www.research
Key Insights in July are
  • Android holds 48 of smartphone shipments in Q2
  • Android Markets potential user base comprises
    28 of total smartphone app users (Apple holds
    37 of total smartphone apps reach).
  • Number of potential Android app users will catch
    up with Apples app user base by the end of 2011.
  • Android is preloaded onto more than 320 different
    handheld devices that can be clustered into 4-6
    groups based on their technical characteristics.
  • As of the end of June the Android Market
    contained 256,445 apps
  • Over the last few months average weekly new adds
    were 4,400 number of apps in store grows around
    2 per week.
  • In July the net new adds featured merely 24 paid
    apps, compared to 42 three months ago.
  • Average selling price in Android store keeps
    slowly decreasing as well, and at the end of July
    2011 equals 3.07.

By the end of 2011 Android Market will have as
large user base as Apple App Store
  • For most developers one of the key criteria in
    selection of a platform is the potential reach of
    an application. Previously Apple was the
    unquestionable leader, with the largest app store
    user base.
  • Over the past few quarters we have seen Android
    take over the smartphone market with
    record-breaking device shipments. In Q2 2011 it
    had already gained 48 of total smartphone
    shipments. However, Apple does not lag far
    behind, and it boasts an extraordinarily
    successful quarter, becoming the largest device
  • Even though Android exceeded Apple in terms of
    smartphones shipped, Apple remains a leader due
    to significant success of other handheld devices,
    such as iPad and iPod Touch. To date Apple has
    shipped over 240 million smart devices (iPhones,
    iPod Touch and iPads) leaving Android behind with
    170 million cumulative device shipments. Given
    the device replacement cycles and other relevant
    factors, actual potential user bases are lower
    but Apple still wins over Android.
  • However, Android is rapidly catching up the
    former largest smartphone operating system, in
    terms of potential app stores reach. The
    narrowing gap is even more obvious if we look
    into the share of each platform of the total
    smartphone application user base.

Android is closing the reach gap
Sources research2guidance
How fragmented is Androids user base?
  • Many would argue here that Androids user base is
    not comparable to Apples, due to significant
    fragmentation. While Apple has launched only
    seven different handheld devices so far (iPod
    Touch, two iPads and several generations of
    iPhone), Android today is preloaded on to at
    least 320 different smartphone models with
    possible customizations in OS. Do developers
    really have to customize their app for each of
    those 320 devices to reach significant majority
    of users?
  • Based on official Androids statistics 80 of
    active Android devices run Android 2.2 or Android
    2.3 operating system versions. Three quarters
    (75) of all devices have normal screen size with
    high density, with another 17 having normal
    screen size with medium density. Based on
    dominant technical characteristics among active
    Android devices, developers need to optimize
    applications for merely 4-6 different device
    types to guarantee good app experience to 80-95
    of all Android users.

Dominant technical characteristics
Source based on Android Open Source Project
resources and used according to terms described
in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.
Android Market key metrics overview developers
embrace free apps
  • The Android Market remains ahead of Apples App
    Store in terms of new additions of content. As of
    the end of July it comprises 256,445 apps, 35 of
    which are paid. In July 2011 Android Market added
    19,246 new apps, growing 2 per week.

Download the full report here http//www.research
App number dynamics in July 2011
Sources research2guidance, AndroidPIT
Over the last few months the level of new
adds remained stable and averaged 4,400 new apps
added to the store per week. However, recently
developers have started to choose a free app
model more often than previously. If in April the
share of new paid apps added was around 40, in
July it dropped to as low as 24.
Download the full report here http//www.research
Number of apps and share of paid/free
Sources research2guidance, AndroidPIT
Number of apps and share of paid/free
Sources research2guidance, AndroidPIT
Share of paid apps per category
Sources research2guidance, AndroidPIT
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