Neurons and the Brain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Neurons and the Brain


Discussion: Why isn't a memory just in your head? The nervous system is the information highway of the body. ... LOLA ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Neurons and the Brain

Neurons and the Brain
  • 3/21-23/05

Next TestNeurons, Emotions and Beyond
  • Jansens lecture notes
  • Bedells notes and handout
  • Jacobsons lecture notes
  • Reading on emotions
  • Clark Reading
  • TEST 4/12
  • Presentations 4/14 4/19 4/21 4/26

  • And its consequences
  • Discussion Why isnt a memory just in your

  • The nervous system is the information highway of
    the body. It consists of the central and
    peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous
    system is composed of the brain and the spinal
    cord. The peripheral nervous system is made up of
    neurons and nerve endings. The neuron is the
    basic unit and messenger of the peripheral
    nervous system. It is composed of dendrites, a
    cell body, an axon and axon terminals. When a
    nerve signal is sent by the nervous system, the
    dendrites receive the signal. The axon then
    transmits the nerve signal to the axon terminals
    which synapse with dendrites or other tissues
    such as a muscle.
  • There are two types of axons, myelinated and
    unmyelinated. Unlike unmyelinated axons,
    myelinated axons have a sheath of fatty tissue
    called myelin wrapped around them. There are
    breaks in the myelin called Nodes of Ranviers
    which allow the nerve signal to jump from node to
    node. This causes the nerve signal to be
    transmitted faster.

  • The Nerve Action Potential
  • Nerve action potentials are the electrical
    signals sent out by the body to control bodily
    processes such as muscular movement. They are
    controlled by ions and their concentrations
    around the nerve cell. They propagate uniformly
    along the nerve cell and are governed by the
    all-or-none phenomena. This means that a nerve
    action potential will not occur unless the
    depolarization threshold is met. The
    depolarization threshold is the potential that
    must be reached before depolarization of the
    nerve cell will occur. As a nerve action
    potential propagates along a neuron it goes
    through several phases which are shown in the
    graph below.  
  • where(A) Resting state the membrane potential
    at rest(before the nerve action potential
    occurs)(B) Depolarization occurs when there is
    a drastic reversal in membrane potential(C)
    Repolarization occurs when the membrane
    potential is returning to the resting state(D)
    Undershoot occurs because the potassium gate
    stays open too long

The Role of Ions
  •   The concentration of ions around the nerve cell
    controls the action potential. There are two ions
    that are essential to a normal action potential.
    These ions are Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K).
    The Depolarization phase is controlled by Sodium.
    An external stimulus causes an influx of Sodium
    in the nerve cell. This depolarization, or action
    potential continues down the neural pathway,
    until it reaches its destination. After the cell
    depolarizes, it must repolarize to its resting
    potential before it can depolarize again. This
    repolarization phase is controlled by Potassium.
    An efflux of Potassium causes the potential to
    return to its resting state. The influx of
    Sodium ions and the efflux of Potassium ions are
    controlled by protein gates in the plasma
    membrane. The influx and efflux of these ions
    occurs by diffusion. Diffusion is the process by
    which ions move from an area of higher
    concentration to lower concentration. For
    example, after the nerve cell has been stimulated
    by an external stimulus, an influx of Sodium
    occurs because the extracellular concentration is
    higher than that of the intracellular.The
    Sodium-Potassium Pump is a separate protein
    channel that replenishes the extracellular
    environment with Sodium, and the intracellular
    environment with Potassium. This protects the
    extracellular environment from becoming saturated
    with Potassium and the intracellular with sodium.

Camillo Golgi
  • Biographical Sketch and Scientific Work
  • Camillo Golgi was born in July 1843 in Corteno, a
    village in the mountains near Brescia in northern
    Italy, where his father was working as a district
    medical officer. He studied medicine at the
    University of Pavia, where he attended as an
    'intern student' the Institute of Psychiatry
    directed by Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909). Golgi
    also worked in the laboratory of experimental
    pathology directed by Giulio Bizzozero
    (1846-1901), a brilliant young professor of
    histology and pathology (among his several
    contributions, Bizzozero discovered the
    hemopoietic properties of bone marrow). Bizzozero
    introduced Golgi to experimental research and
    histological techniques, and established with him
    a lifelong friendship. Golgi graduated in 1865
    and was, therefore, a student during the last
    years of the fights for the independence of Italy
    (Italy became a united nation in 1870). Seated
    left to right Perroncito, Kölliker, Fusari In
    1872, due to financial problems, Golgi had to
    interrupt his academic commitment, and accepted
    the post of Chief Medical Officer at the Hospital
    of Chronically Ill (Pio Luogo degli lncurabili)
    in Abbiategrasso (close to Pavia and Milan). In
    the seclusion of this hospital, he transformed a
    little kitchen into a rudimentary laboratory, and
    continued his search for a new staining technique
    for the nervous tissue. In 1873 he published a
    short note ('On the structure of the brain grey
    matter') in the Gazzetta Medica Italiana, in
    which he described that he could observe the
    elements of the nervous tissue "studying metallic
    impregnations... after a long series of
    attempts". This was the discovery of the 'black
    reaction' (reazione nera), based on nervous
    tissue hardening in potassium bichromate and
    impregnation with silver nitrate. Such
    revolutionary staining, which is still in use
    nowadays and is named after him (Golgi staining
    or Golgi impregnation) impregnates a limited
    number of neurons at random (for reasons that are
    still mysterious), and permitted for the first
    time a clear visualization of a nerve cell body
    with all its processes in its entirety.

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  • hippocampus means "sea horse", and is named for
    its shape. It is one of the oldest parts of the
    brain, and is buried deep inside, within the
    limbic lobe. The hippocampus is important for the
    forming, and perhaps long-term storage, of
    associative and episodic memories. Specifically,
    the hippocampus has been implicated in (among
    other things) the encoding of face-name
    associations, the retrieval of face-name
    associations, the encoding of events, the recall
    of personal memories in response to smells. It
    may also be involved in the processes by which
    memories are consolidated during sleep. 

Santiago Ramon y Cajal
  • Cajal turned all his efforts to improving the
    silver nitrate technique. As Golgi had developed
    it, the staining involved including soaking the
    tissue in various substances. Cajal added several
    levels of preparation and made other refinements
    as the debate over the true structure of the
    central nervous system was intensifying. While no
    one had yet seen an entire nerve cell, or could
    tell whether it was independent or just part of a
    larger structure, some scientists already
    questioned the old "single network" theory.
    Fridtjof Nansen, better known today for his
    Arctic explorations, had joine several others in
    theorizing that nerve cells were independent,
    basic structures. Still, almost everyone else,
    including Golgi and Cajal, believed in the
    network structure.
  • In 1887, Cajal became chair of Normal and
    Pathological Histology at the university in
    Barcelona. His most consuming work, however, was
    slicing, soaking, staining and affixing to glass
    slides, slivers of the cerebellum of the embryo
    of a small bird. Then he carefully drew what he
    saw under the microscope. He became an ardent
    convert to the independent-cell camp. In 1889, he
    was invited to show his drawings to the Congress
    of the German Anatomical Society at the
    University of Berlin. It could easily have been a
  • The "short, powerfully built Spaniard with
    penetrating black eyes set up a small exhibit of
    drawings done on paper with colored inks,"
    Everdell writes, reconstructing the scene. Cajal
    had explanatory papers delivered to the German
    scientists in advance, but few who tried to read
    them knew any Spanish. Cajal delivered his speech
    in fractured French, but still won his case on
    the strength of his drawings and slides.
  • "Each stained cell stood out perfectly against a
    background of staggering complexity," writes
    Everdell, "and no matter how many times the tiny
    fibers of one nerve cell met those of another,
    there was clearly no physical connection between
    them. The basic unit of the brainthe neuronhad
    been isolated." To this day, Cajals meticulous
    drawings are a defining fixture in neuroscience

The Nobel and Beyond
  • In 1906, Cajal and Golgi shared a Nobel Prize for
    medicine. The two met for the first time in
    Stockholm, and while Cajal was tactful about
    sharing the prize, the two still disagreed about
    the structure of the brain. Golgis speech
    attacked Cajals concept of the independent
    neuron, while Cajals speech the next day
    defended it.
  • Cajal continued his research, introducing four
    major new hypotheses, three of which are now
    accepted by neuroscientists. He died in Madrid in

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The Nervous Sytems
  • Structure of the Nervous system
  • 1. Central Nervous system (red)
  • Brain
  • Spinal Cord
  • 2. Peripheral Nervous System (blue)
  • Somatic
  • sensory-afferents from skin/muscle
  • motor-efferents controlling movement
  • Autonomic
  • sympathetic- Active in emergency "fight or
    flight" reactions
  •  Parasympathetic-dominant in functions related to
    life maintenance (eating, storage of fuels)

Medial Saggital View
Coronal SectionMid-Brain/MRI
  • The brain is surrounded and protected by the
    rigid, bony skull and three membranes, or
    meninges. The tough, fibrous outer membrane is
    the dura mater. The intermediate membrane, named
    the arachnoid, is thin and weblike. The pia mater
    is the innermost covering and is the most
    delicate. It is molded to the shape of the brain.
    The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounds the brain
    and spinal cord and flows through open chambers
    in the brain, known as ventricles, and out an
    opening to the spinal cord. The brain actually
    floats in the shock-absorbing CSF, and is thus
    protected from trauma. The CSF also brings
    nutrients to the brain and removes wastes.

Gyrus and Sulcus
  • gyrus a fold or convolution in the cerebrum
  • Sulcus a cleft or fissure in the cerebrum

Central Sulcus
Brain Development
  • The brain develops, in utero, in three separate
    portions, reflecting evolutionary history the
    hindbrain, the midbrain, and the forebrain.
  • The bottom-most part of the brain is the brain
    stem. The brain stem is attached to the spinal
    cord. It relays information between parts of the
    brain or between the brain and body and regulates
    basic body function. It is made up of the
    midbrain, medulla and the pons.
  • Midbrain The midbrain contains the major motor
    supply to the muscles controlling eye movements
    and relays information for some visual and
    auditory reflexes.
  • Pons The pons is a mass of nerve fibers that
    serves as a bridge between the medulla and
    midbrain above it. The pons is associated with
    face sensation and movement.
  • Medulla The medulla (also known as the medulla
    oblongata) is located at the base of the brain
    stem and controls many of the mechanisms
    necessary for life, such as heartbeat, blood
    pressure and breathing.

  • The hindbrain (the oldest part of the brain)
    develops into the cerebellum, the pons and the

  • The outermost and top layer of the brain is the
    cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is the most
    recently evolved and most complex part of the
    brain. As one moves lower into the brain, the
    parts have increasingly primitive and basic
    functions and are less likely to require
    conscious control.

  • At the back of the head, in between the brain
    stem and cerebral cortex, is the cerebellum. The
    cerebellum controls balance and coordination and
    is where learned movements are stored. Purkinje
    neurons that control the refinement of motor
    movements are found in the cerebellum. The
    cerebellum receives input from many parts of the
    brain regarding pressure on the limbs, limb
    movement, and the position of the limbs in space.
    The dentate nucleus, located within the
    cerebellum, coordinates skilled movement. Damage
    to this region, as a result of HD, causes
    movements that were once smooth and refined to
    become jerky. Movements must also be constantly

Frontal lobe
  • Frontal Lobe - Front part of the brain involved
    in planning, organizing, problem solving,
    selective attention, personality and a variety of
    "higher cognitive functions" including behavior
    and emotions.
  • The anterior (front) portion of the frontal lobe
    is called the prefrontal cortex. It is very
    important for the "higher cognitive functions"
    and the determination of the personality.
  • The posterior (back) of the frontal lobe consists
    of the premotor and motor areas. Nerve cells that
    produce movement are located in the motor areas.
    The premotor areas serve to modify movements.
  • The frontal lobe is divided from the parietal
    lobe by the central culcus.

  • Occipital Lobe - Region in the back of the brain
    which processes visual information. Not only is
    the occipital lobe mainly responsible for visual
    reception, it also contains association areas
    that help in the visual recognition of shapes and
    colors. Damage to this lobe can cause visual
  • Parietal Lobe - One of the two parietal lobes of
    the brain located behind the frontal lobe at the
    top of the brain.
  • Parietal Lobe, Right - Damage to this area can
    cause visuo-spatial deficits (e.g., the patient
    may have difficulty finding their way around new,
    or even familiar, places).
  • Parietal Lobe, Left - Damage to this area may
    disrupt a patient's ability to understand spoken
    and/or written language.
  • The parietal lobes contain the primary sensory
    cortex which controls sensation (touch,
    pressure). Behind the primary sensory cortex is a
    large association area that controls fine
    sensation (judgment of texture, weight, size,
  • Temporal Lobe - There are two temporal lobes, one
    on each side of the brain located at about the
    level of the ears. These lobes allow a person to
    tell one smell from another and one sound from
    another. They also help in sorting new
    information and are believed to be responsible
    for short-term memory.
  • Right Lobe - Mainly involved in visual memory
    (i.e., memory for pictures and faces).
  • Left Lobe - Mainly involved in verbal memory
    (i.e., memory for words and names).

  • Studies done by Brodmann in the early part of the
    twentieth century generated a map of the cortex
    covering the lobes of each hemisphere. These
    studies involved electrical probing of the
    cortices of epileptic patients during surgery.
    Brodmann numbered the areas that he studies in
    each lobe and recorded the psychological and
    behavioral events that accompanied their
  • The Frontal Lobe contains areas that Brodmann
    identified as involved in cognitive functioning
    and in speech and language.
  • Area 4 corresponds to the precentral gyrus or
    primary motor area.
  • Area 6 is the premotor or supplemental motor
  • Area 8 is anterior of the premotor cortex. It
    facilitates eye movements and is involved in
    visual reflexes as well as pupil dilation and
  • Areas 9, 10, and 11 are anterior to area 8. They
    are involved in cognitive processes like
    reasoning and judgement which may be collectively
    called biological intelligence.
  • Area 44 is Broca's area.
  • Areas in the Parietal Lobe play a role in
    somatosensory processes.
  • Areas 3, 2, and 1 are located on the primary
    sensory strip, with area 3 being superior to the
    other two. These are somastosthetic areas,
    meaning that they are the primary sensory areas
    for touch and kinesthesia.
  • Areas 5, 7, and 40 are found posterior to the
    primary sensory strip and correspond to the
    presensory to sensory association areas.
  • Area 39 is the angular gyrus.
  • Areas involved in the processing of auditory
    information and semantics as well as the
    appreciation of smell are found in the Temporal
  • Area 41 is Heschl's gyrus, or the primary
    auditory area.
  • Area 42 immediately inferior to area 41 and is
    also involved in the detection and recognition of
    speech. The processing done in this area of the
    cortex provides a more detailed analysis than
    that done in area 41.
  • Areas 21 and 22 are the auditory association
    areas. Both areas are divided into two parts one
    half of each area lies on either side of area 42.
  • Area 37 is found on the posterior-inferior part
    of the temporal lobe. Lesions here will cause
  • The Occipital Lobe contains areas that process
    visual stimuli.
  • Area 17 is the primary visual area.
  • Areas 18 and 19 are the secondary visual areas.
  • Brodmanns Areas

Limbic System
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Rods and Cones
  • two kinds of photoreceptors of vertebrate eyes
  • rods very light sensitive, and sensitive to wider
    range of wavelengths, useful at night and under
    low light conditions, incapable of wavelength
  • in moderate light, both rods and cones contribute
    to vision, at high light levels, rods saturate
  • cones useful in higher light conditions,
    populations with differing wavelength sensitivity
    form basis for color vision

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  • Optic nerve fibres from the eyes terminate at two
    bodies in the thalamus (a structure in the middle
    of the brain) known as the Lateral Geniculate
    Nuclei (or LGN for short). One LGN lies in the
    left hemisphere and the other lies in the right

Visual System
Areas of the Visual Cortex
Macque Monkey VS
The binding problem
  • Visual information processing takes place in
    parallel with different areas processing
    different image attributes. How does brain keep
    track of how these attributes relate to one
    another? Our phenomenal experience is of a
    singular unitary visual world, how does this
    relate to the multiple visual maps of our brain?

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