Special Diets Lifestyle With a Smile

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Special Diets Lifestyle With a Smile


Ground beef or turkey can be pressed to about 1/2' thick for quick thawing. ... Carolyn's favorite simple recipes (see mini cookbook handout) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Special Diets Lifestyle With a Smile

Special Diets LifestyleWith a Smile!
  • Support For Moms and
  • Time and Money Saving Tips
  • By Carolyn Lewis
  • DietarySupport.com

Support For Moms
  • Brian was difficult from birth, and he didnt
    sleep through the night for the first two years
    of his life. I was exhausted caring for him, and
    the feeling of isolation was strong. We moved
    away from friends and family just after Brian was
    born. It was a very lonely life for me.

Support For Moms
  • My daughter Rachael kept me going as my
    husband worked as a pediatrician. However, the
    isolation from other adults along with the
    extreme challenges I had with Brian were almost
    too much for me to bear. Ive never felt so
    alone and helpless in my life. My reaction to
    stress was causing me to become ill. I didnt
    know how to cope.

Support For Moms
  • I quickly realized that action had to be taken
    to reduce stress in my life.
  • Stress induced illnesses have now replaced
    infectious diseases as the most prevalent health
    afflictions affecting the industrialized
  • - Leon Chaitow, author of Your Complete
    Stress-Proofing Programme

Support For Moms
  • It wasnt until after Brians diagnosis of
    autism that I began to meet other parents who
    understood what I was going through. It was then
    that I began a dietary support group not only to
    share what I was learning, but to become
    connected to others. Knowing these incredible
    women still keeps me going.

Support For Moms
  • Others have shared their stories of isolation
    and the improvements in their lives after making
    a few lasting friendships with other moms who
    understand. It is the kind words, lending an ear
    for support, just having someone to talk to that
    can make all the difference in the world to
    survive SURVIVAL MODE.

Support For Mom
  • Express your feelings to a friend
  • Expression means being able to express the
    full range of emotions in ways which are
  • Congruent with the situation
  • Expressed to the appropriate person
  • Expressed at the appropriate time
  • and then released.

Support For Mom
  • Any emotion held longer than five days
  • can result in physical and mental illness.
  • There is nothing wrong with experiencing
    happiness. On the contrary, it is an emotion for
    which most people strive, and which they usually
    enjoy in others. Any other emotion, if not
    released may well result in a mild form of mania.

Support For Mom
  • FEAR held for too long leads to ANXIETY or WORRY
  • SADNESS held for too long leads to DEPRESSION or
  • ANGER held for too long leads to RESENTMENT or

Support For Mom
  • Spiritual Needs/Needs of the Soul
  • An achievable purpose
  • To recognize and express its uniqueness
  • To grow and evolve
  • A loving and nourishing social support group to
    feel connected

Support For Mom
  • Spiritual Needs/Needs of the Soul
  • 5. The freedom to know and express itself fully
  • 6. To feel it is contributing in some way to the
    Greater Plan
  • 7. To feel secure.

Support For Mom
  • Source
  • Mind Body Spirit Workbook A Handbook of Health
  • By Dr. Christine Page Keith Hagenbach

Support For Mom
  • These are the words from author Ken Careys
    words of wisdom from his book, Terra Christa
  • Taking accountability allows a great shift of
    major proportions, one that allows you to become
    the master of your Self and your universe.

Support For Mom
  • All that is necessary is to be willing to be
  • Your own feelings
  • Your own thoughts
  • Your own words
  • Your own actions

Support For Mom
  • Replace negative feelings with positive
    feelings while Scripting. The following examples
    are just a few of many taken from the book,
    Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K.
  • AngryForgive, Love, Peaceful, Calm, Merciful
  • AnxietyTrust, Reassured, Calm, Peaceful
  • Beaten DownLifted Up, Elevated, Invigorated,
  • IsolatedConnected, United, Linked, Accepted

Support For Mom
  • If you notice your child wearing you down,
    take action to improve your situation. You may
    be in a state of deprivation, either because you
    are isolated from supportive relationships or you
    lack time to yourself.
  • Get into regular, helpful relationships, or
    arrange for some time to yourself to fill up your

Support For Moms
  • If you are afraid to reach out and connect with
    others, face your fear. You will become stronger
    and better able to cope with your situation if
    you make a new friend. One friend might make all
    the difference in the world.

Support For Mom
  • Kids with parents who have a life learn both
    that they arent the center of the universe and
    that they can be free to pursue their own
  • Source Boundaries with Kids
  • By Dr. Henry Cloud Dr. John Townsend

Support For Mom
  • Schedule time away from your children out of
    the house. This time could be spent alone at a
    book store or with a friend over coffee. You
    dont have to spend a lot of money, just BE
    somewhere for an hour or two, taking in life in a
    comfortable setting. This should be free time,
    not catching up on your to do list.

Support For Mom
  • Take moments every day to relax at home.
    Whether you enjoy a hot bath, reading a romance
    novel, watching your favorite show, make it your
  • If your child is screaming during a therapy
    session in the next room, find a way to separate
    yourself from the noise. Ear plugs or headphones
    may be the answer. Take time for yourself each

Support For Mom
  • Start a Journal. Write down what you are
    thankful for every day. Document anything
    positive that happens in your life, whether it is
    a great therapy session with your child, or
    simply stating you saw the most beautiful
    flowers. Even a few notes in your day planner
    may be enough. Keep it positive!

Support For Mom
  • Get connected to other moms through various web
    sites for autism. The ANDI pass list at
    AutismNDI.com is a good place to get connected to
    other moms who are doing dietary intervention.
    Also, the Community Bulletin Board at the
    GFCFdiet.com web site is another great resource
    for meeting others.

Support For Mom
  • Find other local resources through word of
    mouth from other parents and from therapists in
    your area.
  • You might be surprised by how easy connecting
    with others can be.
  • Make the effort to be a friend, and see how
    rewarding it can be!

Support For Mom
  • Brian is now a delightful boy who is doing
    well in mainstream first grade. He has play
    dates with kids in his class, and he gets along
    well with his sister Rachael. We see so much
    normal behavior these days that we dont worry
    too much about Brians future. He has not
    recovered from autism, as he still has a few
    quirks, but he looks normal most of the time. We
    are thrilled with his continued progress!

Support For Mom
  • (Current photos of Brian and Rachael shown at
    conference only.)

Support For Mom
  • Dietary intervention is a huge part of
    Brians life, and the entire family benefits from
    eating a healthier diet. We avoid gluten for
    Brian and limit it for the rest of the family.
    We avoid most food additives including MSG,
    nitrates, sulfites, artificial sweeteners and
    dyes. We eat organic meat, poultry and produce
    whenever possible. We enjoy simple meals that
    take little time to prepare.
  • Brians diet keeps him on track, and I love the
    benefits of the Special Diets Lifestyle for the
    entire family!

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • If you are a mom on the go, get in the habit of
    using a crock pot or slow cook meat or poultry in
    the oven for several hours. Simple meals can be
    thrown together in minutes and enjoyed hours

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Meal planning is the key for success!
  • Keep it simple! Prepare basic meals with basic
    ingredients. Stay away from complicated recipes
    until youve mastered the basics.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Plan time to shop, preparing meals for home or
    school, and having snacks available for home or
    on the go.
  • Be prepared for emergency situations such as last
    minute trips in the car. Keep a cooler in the
    car with ice packs ready to go. By being
    prepared, you will save time and money!

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Keep a supply of frozen cuts of meat and poultry
    in your freezer along with frozen veggies and
  • Freeze small portions of meat/poultry if the
    entire package will not be used all at once.
    Small portions can be frozen in quart sized
    freezer bags for quick thawing. Ground beef or
    turkey can be pressed to about 1/2 thick for
    quick thawing.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Keep a list of food that is getting low in the
    house and plan to purchase more before you run
  • Purchase food on sale whenever possible.
  • Keep track of expiration dates, and always check
    them at the time of purchase (especially on sale

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Do not purchase large amounts of food if you are
    planning on allergy testing right away. I wasted
    a lot of money on mail order GFCF food one week
    prior to Brians allergy testing, and I ended up
    giving most of the food away.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Dont purchase large quantities of food at all
    unless you know for certain your family will eat
    it before the expiration date.
  • If you get stuck preparing two separate meals to
    accommodate all family members, keep it simple!
    One child could have a beef patty for a main
    course while the other family members have Sloppy
    Joes, tacos, or meat loaf.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Freeze a portion of baked cookies or cake batches
    for future use. Freeze in quart size freezer
    bags - only a few cookies or cup cakes in a bag.
    This way your child wont be tempted to eat the
    entire batch over a few days, and you wont have
    to bake as often.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Always mark which recipes are good/accepted and
    which recipes are bad/rejected by your child in
    cookbooks, or keep a note attached to the page to
    remind you of the reaction.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Plan to cook and freeze a few days worth of meals
    if you know you will have a busy week ahead.
    Some meals freeze well, so take advantage of
    keeping a few meals in the freezer ready for
  • Be sure to keep a log of which meals or snacks
    freeze well and which ones dont.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Plan shopping trips to discount grocery stores
    for food items that are consistently lower priced
    compared to your favorite grocery store. In
    fact, make it a habit to shop the discount stores
    for food, clothing, and household items first.
    You may be surprised at the savings that youve
    been missing out on!

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Improve the quality of food for your family as
    money and time permits. The prices at health
    food stores vary, and the travel time may limit
    your trips, but do learn where to shop for the
    best food money can buy.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Take a good look down each isle of the grocery
    stores and health food stores. You might find
    some items you need are available at reasonable
    prices at the local grocery store. Simply
    walking all of the isles once in a while may save
    you time and money.

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Ask other moms in your area where to shop.
  • Ask other moms if they might be willing to pick
    up a few things at the store for you if you agree
    to return the favor. Sharing shopping trips can
    be a huge bonus - especially on the time factor!

Time and Money Saving Tips
  • Time saving kitchen appliances/tools
  • High quality blender and food processor
  • Bread machine
  • Multiple cutting boards that can be thrown in the

Special Diets LifestyleWith a Smile!
  • Summary
  • Moms need to take time to care for themselves!
  • Moms need to get connected with others!
  • Take action to save time and money on dietary
    intervention, so you can properly care for

Special Diets LifestyleWith a Smile!
  • Recommended Books
  • Special Eats Simple, Delicious Solutions for
    Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Cooking by Seuson Louise
  • Lets Eat Out! Your Passport to Living Gluten
    and Allergy Free by Kim Koeller Robert La
  • Food Allergy Field Guide A Lifestyle Manual for
    Families by Theresa Willingham

Special Diets LifestyleWith a Smile!
  • A separate comprehensive booklist and resource
    list will be given out at the conference which
    will include many resources to support moms in
    all aspects of their lives.
  • Recommended resources will cover cooking,
    parenting, empowering women, as well as
    information on improving intimate relationships,
    and addressing issues of verbal, emotional, and
    physical abuse.

Special Diets Lifestyle With a Smile!
  • Carolyns favorite simple recipes (see mini
    cookbook handout)
  • Recipes can be sent free of charge via e-mail
    (PDF file) by contacting Carolyn at

Special Diets Lifestyle With a Smile!
  • Visit my web site, DietarySupport.com
  • Contact me via e-mail
  • Carolyn_at_DietarySupport.com
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