Abandoning brokenness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Abandoning brokenness


this is to advertise my upcoming book – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Abandoning brokenness

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From the forward
  • He abandoned me I was often heard to say for
    eleven Long years, I was convinced that God had
    abandoned me and that He did not care, in the
    least bit about me. I decided that I did not even
    want to go to heaven, why would I want to spend
    eternity with someone who obviously hated me.

  • He loves me I felt so overjoyed, To realize that
    the God I believed thought no more of me then
    annoyed. Really does want so much more for me.
    Though His desire was to be comforting, He
    allowed me to enter my darkest day Even knowing
    how Id turn away And shake my weakened angry
    fist, At the God who wants my pains to lift. In
    tears, He watched me in my pain, as I found no
    joy in life to gain. He sat aside so patiently
    Until the Day when I would see, the shackles that
    bound my life, could finally lie broken and rise
    to be A mountain of chains set near his nail
    scarred feet.

  • For too many people, God is hidden, He may be
    real, and they might earnestly love Him but it
    seems like He is absent or distant So much of
    the time, especially when difficult times come,
    He feels like the hidden God. I believe God
    wants to be Abba Father to us (intimate) He
    wants more than a passing acquaintance type of
    relationship. This book is about my journey of
    brokenness to healing, despair to delight,
    trouble to triumph, and from a lifetime of
    rejection to a revitalized relationship with the
    creator of the entire Universe.

  • In this story, you will follow a man in His
    Journey to rebuild hope to find new direction and
    dreams, From the embers of a destroyed life. Each
    chapter is divided into three parts
    relationship, in which I share my experience,
    in free form writing, this is followed by a short
    devotional, and finally each chapter is resolved
    in reflection which shares practical advice
    through research on subjects ranging from
    depression and stress management to resilience,
    crises and the process of reestablishing trust.

  • My first realization upon waking up in the
    hospital bed was that I could not move my left
    hand or arm. Terror struck my heart as the
    biggest fear of my life was realized.(losing the
    use of my Dominant hand)Like Job said For my
    sighing cometh before I eat and my roarings are
    poured out like the waters. For the thing, which
    I greatly feared, is come upon me, and that which
    I was afraid of, is come unto me. (Job 324-325)
    At 37 years old, I had experienced a massive
    stroke. (An excerpt from the Introduction) this
    is a book about the reestablishment of faith and
    trust in God after major Crises. The reader will
    encounter thoughts, about the patient Love of God.

1. The master gardener
  • I built a dream, from the embers of past pain
  • a dream of being loved, holding a Child of my
    name Every waking moment I basked in
    the warmth of the hope of finding true Love.
    Then Bitter tears forced surrender of
    compassion from the sun.
  • About my walls a stalwart army then lay,
    An Emotionless troop, determined to
  • With vengeful passion, they set up their
    camps. Protecting me, daring pain my way to
  • Resolutely, I determined that I would never be,
    an open heart where love could er be seen
  • My heart would be an enclosed Garden With strong
    walls, built of iron and clay.
  • I now lay safe with my army, as strong walls
    guarded the way.
  • Yet With time, weeds came to grow, as angry
    thorns sprouted, Laughed, then played.
  • Still the master gardener knew of a certainty
    that the garden would die if left untended this
  • Thus he allowed within, a thief, through a hidden
    gate. The thief now at home camping
    near to the fountain I had hidden to keep safe
    Often from its cool water The thief came to
  • yet As time passed, the thief came to see, the
    walls as a prison needing to break free
  • Thus with hammer in hand to my walls the thief
    ran, Striking with glee, my walls left a
    burning shambles,
  • my army in the wake, My heart then unshackled
    free to Whomever might care come to stay. The
    master then smiled all was now well, without
    Strong walls made bitter by clay.

Second half to the master gardener Poem
  • The second half of the poem came the next morning
    upon waking up. It was a response to a vision
    described in the section of Poetry.
  • Once more my heart now a garden,
    a place of beauty and grace,
    Where flowers grace pathways
    where birds love to play, In the center, a
    fountain stands open today. A fountain once
    hidden bids others its way Death no longer
    dwells here no shadows hide the day I
    thought myself now open endangered by all
    Afraid with no bulwark to hold back my
    fall. But then my eyes opened amazed by what
    I saw,

    A beautiful new wall surrounded what lays in
    defeat. A wall with no shadow to hinder or
    grieve A wall, clear like glass, so others
    could see, The garden unhindered by bitter
    defeat. This wall made by love with wisdom
    and grace. The gate is my master, protecting
    the way, and only those enter he brings my
    way He knows I am lonely, his plans only he
    can say. In my spirit, I am seeing one enter
    the gate

    One he has let enter, I know not
    what to say, I must now make ready we may
    meet today.

Chapter 4 eyes on the horizon
  • The best advice given to me was from a speech
    therapist who, while I was still full time in a
    rehab trying to learn to cope with my loss such
    as relearning how to balance and gage distance
    with faulty depth perception to the left side of
    my body. Since all muscle, groups and nerves on
    the left side of my body had been severely
    affected I had to meet daily with the speech
    therapist. She helped me rebuild the strength in
    my vocal chords and facial muscles. One of the
    first things she told me was, Rick, youll never
    be exactly what you were before the stroke, the
    Question for you now, is what you will be? She
    helped me focus on a new goal in life.

Quiet contemplation
  • for I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
    saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of
    evil, to give you an expected end.( Jer 2911)

    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean
    not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
    acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths..
    (Pro 35,6)
  • One day, I felt God nudge my heart to go down to
    the beach. I love to pray while Im at the beach.
    I think I get better reception there or
    something. As I pulled in, God spoke to me,
    telling me to carry my camera with me. I have a
    Nikon DSLR with interchangeable lenses so I
    picked up the camera and brought it with me.
    After awhile I started snapping Random shots of
    everything (new camera), I looked out at the
    water and saw a boat at a distance so I raised
    the camera to take a shot. Immediately the boat
    disappeared. I pulled the camera down and looked
    out again there was the boat in plain view. I
    raised the camera looking through the viewfinder
    and again the boat disappeared I tried about 6
    times, each time the boat was gone. this felt
    very strange, when suddenly I realized the camera
    was set to Auto focus and its limited sensors
    were focusing  on the nearby Water causing the
    boat to disappear. God then spoke to my heart and
    said youre just like this camera, your limited
    sight can only see what is immediately around
    you, but my infinitely better eyes can see way
    out beyond you to what is out on the horizon.
    Its only when you trust me to focus your vision
    that you can see what I see.

Graphics from Quiet contemplation
What the camera saw
what I saw
3. a. Reconstruction rebuilding your trust in
God after devastation
  • A marathon Runner once told me that a person does
    not just wake up one morning and decide to run in
    a marathon. They start small, months even years
    in advance and slowly increase their speed and
    distance. Yet so many of us expect to, just
    suddenly grasp a strong relationship with the
    Lord, I remember as a kid believing that If I
    could just receive the Baptism in the Holy
    Spirit, that there after I would be a perfect
    Christian( it doesnt work that way, sorry to
    disappoint you.). It might be easy to say, I
    trust the Lord until your faith is put to the
    test. For me, at first I discovered mistrust
    because of the Stroke I survived. I did not
    identify the mistrust for eleven years after the
    stroke. Even Though God had brought me through
    the darkest hours of my life and I was confident
    that God had some kind of purpose for my life.
    Yet a part of me remained reserved, thinking that
    If he allowed me to go through the worst
    experience of my life once, then in all
    likelihood He would have no problem putting me
    through something else.

b. Crisis and Resilience
  • When we hear the word, Crisis, different
    pictures come to mind for different people some
    may think immediately of war or civil unrest in
    developing nations. Some people think of major
    Issues, like the energy crisis. Still others
    think of Economic distress. Then some individuals
    bring it closer to home to personal issues like
    job loss, death, or illness of a loved one,
    middle age crisis, or growing up situations like
    puberty and empty nest syndrome.

Final notes
  • just for those curious, the music is a piece I
    wrote and recorded before my stroke,
    unfortunately Its one I still havent fully
    figured out. Some parts I remember but I still
    cant play most of this one, Im praying that one
    day God will enable me to play it, although there
    is a lot I would change in it. Well truth is
    Miracles still happen. If youll just trust God

In the hospital after the stroke recieving a
breathing treatment
In Rehab1998 being visited by my Parents ( my
Father passed away10/06)
Lost in Indianapolis while on Tour 1990 hey cut
me a break that was 20 years ago
Recent photo 12/10
Update current status
  • I am so blessed currently in the last year since
    12/09 Ive lost 70 lbs and 12 inches.
  • I graduate from Kaplan University 08/06/11 . God
    has given me new dreams and goals while healing
    the deep emotional scars of my past. I AM
  • All Rights reserved, Copyright, Richard L.
    Spooner 2011
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