Galactic Astronomy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Galactic Astronomy


Rot. Transitions of heteronuclear mol.s ... Lifetimes for rot. Excited levels of CO are rel. short. Smaller col. Den. ... Dispersion & rotation measures ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Galactic Astronomy

Galactic Astronomy
  • Radio observation

Dong-hyun Lee 2007/08/15
Radio obs.s
  • Radio telescope most powerful diagnostics of
  • analysis radiation interact with material
  • Specific intensitiy
  • n_i (nu) no. density of atoms (emit i2 ,
    absorb i1)
  • photon of freq. nu
  • Einstein coeff. A_21 prob. for spontaneous
  • B_21 - for stimulated em. B_12 for absorb.

Radio obs.
  • ?
  • Tau optical depth , S source func.
  • In case S is const. along the l.o.s

Radio obs.
  • assume thermodynamic equil. at temp T
  • ? Then I must tend to Planck intensity
  • Limit tau -gt inf. ? S B in T.D.equil.
  • Replace S to B
  • g no. of quantum states (E. level i)

Radio obs.
  • Einsteins rel.s
  • At radio freq. , generally in Rayleigh-Jeans
  • hnu ltlt kT
  • We obtain
  • Brightness temp.

Radio obs.
  • Optically-thin limit
  • T_B is proportional to column density along the
  • Optically-thick, T_B measures temp. rather than
    its col. Density
  • ISM optically thin in 21cm atomic H
  • optically thick in 2.6 mm carbon monoxide
  • Antenna temp T_A alpha T_B - beam dilution

21cm line of atomic H
  • Ground state of atomic H split into 2 hyperfine
  • ? spins of electron proton 6 10-6 eV
  • antiparallel lower than parallel
  • Photon freq. 1.4204 GHz or lambda 21.105cm
  • F0 , F1 states no electric dipole moment
  • ? abs. or em. of 21cm photon forbidden
  • ? lifetime of excited level is long(1.1107
  • A_21 , B_ij are extremely small
  • ? T equl to kin. temp. of gas
  • Calc. the optical depth in 21cm line
  • df

21cm line of atomic H
  • N_1 col. Density of H atoms of abs. at freq. nu
  • N_1 determined by dist. Of atoms over radial-vel.
  • F(v) dv frac. of all atoms on the l.o.s with
    rad.vel in range (vdv, v)

21cm line of atomic H
  • 3 factor detemine f(v)
  • Rand. thermal motions with T
  • Rand. vel.s diff. macroscopic vol.s of gas (ISM
    is turbulent)
  • Large scale ordered vel grad.s in ISM (diff. Gal.
  • Thermal motion char. Width 1km/s to f(v)
  • 21cm em. From face-on gal. s turbulence
  • a width of order 7km/s
  • Width contri. By Gal rotation varies enor. With
    longitude l of l.o.s
  • Fig 8.12 center anticenter direction

21cm line of atomic H
  • Total neutral H col. Den. N_H
  • If optically thin, replace T_tau by
    T_B(brightness temp)
  • T_B is dir. Measured (cf. T tau not easily
  • When we observe ext. gal. , we can determine N_H
    by integrating the HI col. Den. Over the surf.
    Area of sys.
  • ? dS D2 d omega D dist. To gal. omega
    solid angle
  • df

21cm line of atomic H
  • Corresponding mass of H
  • M_H total lum. L of gal. are prop. To D2 , so
    that M_H / L is indep. Of uncertain dist. To ext.

Rot. Transitions of heteronuclear mol.s
  • Spectra of mol.s mm- band lines -gt powerful
    probes of denser colder components of ISM
  • Important line of CO 2.6mm 1.3 mm
  • Diff b/w H_2 heteronuclear mol.(CO)
  • Hetero. Has net dipol moment ? radiate when it
  • Diff b/w relevant Einstein const. for CO HI
  • Lifetimes for rot. Excited levels of CO are rel.
  • Smaller col. Den. Of CO than of HI is required to
    establish a given optical depth in the relevn
  • Table 8.1 fig 8.13

Rot. Transitions of heteronuclear mol.s
  • Mass of a mol. Cloud will be prop. To its val. Of
  • Suppose cloud has rad. R each cloudlet has mass
    m ? M/m cloudlets along a l.o.s through the
    center of cloud there are M/(mR2) cloudlets per
    unit area ? let delta be vel. Dispersion , then
    shadowing will be important
  • 1st factor mean no. of cloudlets 2nd factor
    prob. Vel ranges of 2 cloudlet overlap

Synchrotron rad.
  • Charged ptcl move in B-field spirals around field
    lins radiates (Lorentz force)
  • If ptcl is at sub rel. vel ? Cyclotron rad.
  • If ptcl is at rel. vel ? broad-band rad.
  • Critcal freq.
  • Pitch angle

Synchrotron rad.
  • Power radiated
  • This power is (q/m)2 electrons are
    more than 3 million more eff. Protons 13
    million more eff. Other nuclei
  • Total E dinsity E is concentrated in lowest-E
    ptcl.s, which most midly rel. ? cosmic rays
    should be thought of as comprising suprathermal

Radio-freq. bremsstrahlung recombination lines
  • Comparatively densce ionized gas(that of HII
    regions) is provided by observations of
    radio-freq. bremstrahlung
  • Observed radio-freq. spectrum will be flat if the
    plasma is optically thin
  • Sufficiently low freq. , every thermal plasma
    must become optically thick
  • In a plasm with T 104 K, significant no. of
    free electrons will be captured by protons into
    states principal quantum no. ngt 50k
  • Highly excited H atoms formed are subsequently to
    decay by cascading down through states of smaller
    n , atom emits a photon of freq.

Radio-freq. bremsstrahlung recombination lines
  • Estimate of plasmas temp can be obtained from
    the ratio
  • Where I_l peak intensity of the line
  • I_c intensity of the bremsstrahlung continuum
    at lines central freq.
  • b/c ratio of lines vel.-width to speed of
  • Precise temp. dep. Of q is not easy to calc. ?
    it is sensitive to departures from T.D equil. In
    the plasma ? q prop. to 1/T

Dispersion rotation measures
  • When plane polarized radiation of lambda
    propagates through a plasma ? radiations plane
    of polarization slowly rotates Faraday rotation
  • R_M rotation measure of path
  • Refractive index of plasma

Dispersion rotation measures
  • Group vel.
  • Time for pulse of central freq. to arrive from a
    source at D
  • Where D_M dipersion measure
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