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    What Masks Are Best For Cystic Fibrosis? PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: What Masks Are Best For Cystic Fibrosis? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: I’m glad you asked, people are aware of cystic fibrosis, but a lot don’t know what it is and how it affects the person’s body. CF is a genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas and other major organs causing persistent lung infections and can limit the body’s ability to breathe; mucus can also blog the airway which can trap germs and bacteria leading to and causing inflammation, respiratory failure, infections, and other major issues. While CF is not curable, but it is treatable there are almost 2,000 different mutations that affect more than 70,000 people worldwide with 1,000 new diagnosed cases each year. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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