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    Disc Brakes Conversion Can Save Your Life PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Disc Brakes Conversion Can Save Your Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Does your car have disc brakes? The chances are there if it is a new car. However if it's very old it might not. Do you know why car manufactures does full float disc brake conversion? The answer is for safety. The benefits of 14 bolt full float disc brake conversion is that it stops faster and has less fade than the older style of drum brakes. A drum brake simply looks like a flat plate with a large lip. The drum pads sit inside the drum brake and press against the lip. There is little room for the heat build up to escape due to the way the drum brake is packaged. The brake pad overheats with the lack of cooling and starts to lose some of its ability to cause friction with the drum. This is known as brake fading and when you apply brake, it starts to fail and you cannot stop as fast. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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