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    Sasha Dae Why You Struggle To Attract New Guitar Students PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Sasha Dae Why You Struggle To Attract New Guitar Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Sasha Dae Proficient tips provider. When a group of English as a foreign language teachers was surveyed as to what Tepic areas most interested them a surprising variety of Topic areas emerged. As with a growing number of ELT professionals, there is a continuing need for training and development. Many teachers, though wanting to grow their current boundaries, have neither the time, interest or resources to pursue a higher degree or effect a full return to formal education. The answer, in part, may well be for savvy administrators to schedule a series of well-planned, in-depth English Teacher training workshops and seminars beyond what may be available locally or regionally from such organizations as TESOL, IATEFL, ASOCOPI, the British Council and others. In addition, there are other options that could be explored. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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