History of Inventions and Ideas - entire course notebook - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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History of Inventions and Ideas - entire course notebook


History of Inventions and Ideas course notebook, 515 s long. NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE ALL SLIDES, HOWEVER ALL ARE FREE FOR USE BY THEIR OWNERS – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: History of Inventions and Ideas - entire course notebook

Review for Exam notes
  • HII I Honors

Unit 1
Unit 1 NCPs
History of Inventions and Ideas
  • What it has to offer

History of inventions and ideas
  • Many thinkers have came up with ideas and
    concepts that have changed our world over time.
  • Most of the time thinkers improve on older ideas
    which those had been improved form even older
    ideas and so on.

History of inventions and ideas
  • By learning about the history of inventions and
    ideas you one day could help come up with the
    idea for the worlds next big invention based on
    older designs
  • Science has a lot to do with the History of
    inventions and ideas

History of inventions and ideas
  • To demonstrate this idea there is a project we
    can do!
  • You will need -
  • 12x12 sheet of tin foil 5 straws tape
  • You will make a boat for us to put pennies in
  • The winner has the most pennys put in

History of inventions and ideas
  • In order to make a successful design you will
    need to research what designs stay afloat and
    which ones sink
  • Then this can be compared to the current event of
    the Australian ship carnival spirit riding out a
    large storm at sea.

History of inventions and ideas
  • The cruise line that owns the carnival spirit
    says there ships were built to stay afloat in
    violent storms like this.
  • Now research your boat design so it will stay
  • Our ships such as the carnival spirit were built
    to ride out the worst storms - cruise line
  • What do you think this means?

History of Inventions and ideas
  • Write a paragraph explaining what the quote means
  • Write a paragraph about how this compares to the
    model boats and how it does not

Review of the 5 themes of Social Studies
  • August 28, 2015

In Social Studies there are five main themes!
  • History is the study if events, life, and people
    in the past
  • Any thing that happened in the past is History
    (ex. what you had for breakfast is History)
  • The reason to learn History is to make a better
  • Connection to HII We can learn from older
    inventions to make new and better ones

  • Geography is the study of earths features and
    how humans have impact them
  • We will learn about this in Unit 6
  • There are 5 themes of geography
  • Geography is important to the HII because
  • Understand where events happened on the earth
  • Understand how humans have changed the earth for
    better or worse.

  • Government the study of how Countries, States,
    Counties and Cities make laws and run their
  • There are many forms
  • Focus will be on U.S. Government
  • Important to the HII Governments have helped and
    harmed the growth of inventions, culture, and

  • Culture The study of ways of live for other
    people and yourself.
  • culture is important when traveling the world or
    the U.S.
  • Language is a part of Culture
  • Culture is important to HII Because culture is
    made up of different ideas around the world

  • Economics The way a Business or Government is
    formed and operated.
  • There are four forms of economy's
  • Business is a part of economics
  • Important of HII Because Invention's were
    marketed through economics and this is a part of

What is Social Studies and HII?
  • Social Studies is important because it teaches us
    everyday live skills like Political, Culture of
    us and others, money tools, etc.
  • HII is the study of how inventions and ideas were
    created and progressed through History
  • HII can help us improve older inventions and help
    us be aware of new ideas

Industrial Revolution
  • August 31, 2015


Industrial Revolution I.R.
United Kingdom U.K.
United States U.S.
5 ws and h
  • Who - Farmers, Towns folks (Middle Class)
  • What- Parts are made on a large scale (Factories)
  • When- Early 1800s
  • Where- United Kingdom (UK) (To start with)
  • Why- To improve the live still of the U.K.
  • How - Farmers move to the city to live

The I.R. Starts
  • The I.R. started in the United Kingdom around
    1800 when Richard Arkwright invented the water
    frame or spinning machine
  • At this time in History people were moving to
    cities for jobs which were based off the
    invention of the spinning machine
  • The reason for moving to cities was because some
    upper class people were building factories with
    new inventions they or workers had come up with

  • They paid better or had better pluses to the
    lower class that had been farmers
  • There was less competition
  • At this time in the United Kingdom began to form
    a power greater than any other country
  • The United Kingdom made laws to keep the
    inventions from being sold to other countries but
    the products could be sold

  • The reason was so the U.K. could tax the goods
    going to other Countries and make a lot of money
  • some people that worked in factories escaped to
    the United States to open their own factories
    growing the U.S. Economy
  • The I.R. Moved across europe (ex. France,
    Germany, Belgium, etc.) but did not grow like it
    has in the U.S.

  • One reason is probably because the U.S. was still
    growing and a new but large country and did not
    have as much of an economy yet.
  • in Europe however there was a problem in the
    older cities that were now quickly growing. They
    has no good way getting or disposing of fresh or
    sewage water.

  • Because of the water problem, crowded cities, and
    hard working conditions many people became sick
    and died
  • The U.S. did not have a water problem because
    they were just starting to build their water
    systems (they learned from History in Europe to
    improve themselves!) they also made laws against
    hard working conditions and had lots of land to
    build large cities unlike Europe

  • Most of the inventions were for the textile
  • Of the most important inventions was the steam
    engine. Not only was it used on trains and ships
    but was used to power for the largest industry of
    the time the textile industry
  • The I.R. Made a large impact on WWI
  • The I.R. is still happening!
  • In some countries like Haiti the I.R. did not
    really take off.

I.R. lives on
  • The I.R. is the main time period in the HII!

The Industrial Revolution Begins in the U.K.then
Life in 1800
Class U.K. U.S.
Upper Land owners (waited on hand and foot born into it) lived in the few cities Upper north and Lower south. Owned land in the South slaves
Middle most people that were in the U.K. owned land and lived there their whole live (land supplied most of their needs) however went to the towns sometimes to get things other than food. The average american owned land however unlike the British hunted, carved, molded everything and up until this time did not go to towns or cities hardly ever unlike the British.
Lower worked for the upper class paid practically nothing did not own land Immigrants getting a start on live in the newly formed U.S.
The I.R. Starts
  • The cities grow to make products on a large scale
    (not one at a time)
  • Inventions are Made.
  • People everywhere by this time can read and write
    thanks to the printing press
  • The U.K. owns colonies on six continents!
  • The sun never sets on the British empire

Why would this happen
  • People want luxury
  • Factories make better paying jobs than working on
  • Large Population in the U.K.
  • Some people still own farms to make the Natural
    Resources for the Factories to manufacture
  • New machines mean less help needed on farms

So why did this change the World?
  • The U.K. wanted to keep the inventions secret so
    they would be able to sell to the whole world and
    get really rich!
  • British pride in what they have done
  • Britain makes hard laws unlike before then
  • Some people come to the U.S. with ideas on
    Inventions and the I.R. becomes larger there.

  • Industrial Revolution - a time period where
    people invent technology and move to the cities
    of Britain where factories are located. then
    later comes to the U.S.
  • Inventions - a new, useful process, machine,
    improvement, etc., that did not exist previously
  • Nationalism - Pride of your country
  • Interchangeable parts - parts that are mass
    produced and not one of a kind so can be changed
    with other parts like them.

Industrial Revolution
  • As industrialization grew, so did world

Reasons for Population Growth
  • The medical advances of the 1800s
  • The availability of more and better food such as
    the potato which was nutritious and easy to grow
  • Canning refrigeration enabled people to take
    advantage of the great variety of food

Seeking a Better Life
  • People became more mobile due to railroads and
  • 1870-1900 More than 25 million people left
    Europe for the United States.

Reasons for emigration 1) higher paying
jobs 2) better working
conditions 3) to escape discrimination and
persecution 4) to escape famine
Seeking a Better Life
  • Others moved from the country to the city
    called urbanization

Problems with city life
  1. Houses were very close together tenement houses
    were like apartments, but they had no windows and
    were very crowded
  2. Fire was a constant danger
  3. Pollution from factories
  4. Polluted water, dirty streets

City Services
  • City govts. Tried to improve city life by
    installing closed sewer lines and improving
    garbage collection. They established police
    fire protection and set aside land for parks.
  • Central Park in New York City was designed by
    landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and
    Calvert Vaux in 1858.

Leisure Time
  • Fine arts and music became available to middle
    and working-class people in the city. City
    govts. Built concert halls and opera houses and
    art museums. Sport included soccer, rugby,
    archery, and cricket.

  • 1800s Govts. supported public schools to train
    people in citizenships and to support the
    government. Industrialists needed employees who
    could read and write. People believed education
    would improve their childrens chances for a
    better way of life.

  • 1837 American educator, Mary Lyon, opened the
    first womens college, Mount Holyoke in
  • Libraries opened as early as the 1840s in London
    and Paris.
  • By the mid 1800s, more than 500 newspapers were
    published in the U.S.

Early Inventions and Ideas Overview
  • Early Civilizations in the Middle East and the

  • Some people from the river valley civilizations
    to form other civilizations.
  • Early civilizations traded with each other.

  • Lived along Mediterranean (Lebanon)
  • Built ships traded
  • Founded Carthage in North Africa
  • Made purple dye from snail glands, expensive
  • Created a simple 22 letter alphabet to make it
    easier to keep trade records

Phoenician alphabet
  • Is the basis for the English Language

  • Lived in Asia Minor
  • (Turkey)
  • First to make gold coins
  • An idea quickly adopted by others - Cultural

  • Also known as Hebrews or Jews
  • First monotheistic religion belief in only God
  • History starts with Abraham
  • God told Abraham to move to Canaan

  • Later the Israelites become enslaved by the
    pharaoh of Egypt
  • God sends Moses to lead the Israelites out of
    slavery and back to Canaan.

  • The religion of the Israelites is Judaism.
  • Their sacred book is the Torah the 1st 5 books
    of the Old Testament.
  • Out of Judaism will develop Christianity and

Empire Builders
  • The Hittites, Assyrians, and Persians built
    empires in the Middle East
  • An empire is created when one group of people
    conquer and rule over another.
  • They had superior military weapons (iron) or
    great military strategies such as digging under
    city walls

Early American Civilizations
  • Mayas (1000 BC 900 AD) Central America
  • Aztecs (900 1521) Mexico
  • Incas (1400s 1531) - West coast of South

  • Traded with others
  • Glyphs for writing
  • Aztecs and Incas built empires
  • Calendars
  • Maya a number system that even had a symbol for

Unit 2
  • Business

Unit 2 NCPs
Principles of Business and Finance
  • Standard 1 Understanding the Role of the global

Objective PBF- 1.01
Understand Economic Systems
Topics to be covered
  • -Satisfying Needs and Wants
  • -Basic Economic Problem
  • -Six Steps of Economic Decision-Making
  • -Main types for Economic Systems
  • -Market Economy Self-Regulating Principles

Wants vs Needs
Satisfying Needs and Wants
  • What are Needs?
  • Required to live
  • What are Want?
  • Things that and comfort and pleasure to life

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • What are goods?
  • Things you can touch, and see.
  • What are services?
  • Activities that are consumed
  • Fun fact the USA economy is the largest producer
    of goods and services in the world!!

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • How do businesses use economic resources to
    produce goods and services?
  • An economic resource is also called an factors of
    production are how goods and services are
  • Types of resources
  • Human
  • Natural
  • Capital

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • Natural materials- raw materials produced by
  • Renewable- things that can be replaced and
    replenished over time (timber, solar, oxygen)
  • Nonrenewable- does not renew itself at a fastly
    enough speed to replace the used products. Some
    may take millions of years to replace. (fossil
    fuel, iron, coal.

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • Human resources- are people who contribute
    mentally, and physically to the production

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • Capital resources- The tools and equipment needed
    to produce the goods and services.

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • The basic economic problem are because of the
    limited resources available to satisfy the
    unlimited needs and wants.
  • This is called Scarcity
  • The scarcity of resources for satisfying needs
    and wants affect the choices.

Satisfying Needs and Wants Cont.
  • Economic decision making- The process of choosing
    wants among several will be satisfied.
  • Tradeoff- Process of giving up something to gain
    something else. What happens to choices in a
    trade off?
  • Opportunity cost- The value of the next best
    alternative that you didnt choose
  • What is the purpose of economic decision-making?
  • What happens to choices in a trade off?What is
    opportunity cost?

6 steps of economic decision making
Economic Decision Making
  • Economic decision making Choosing a course of
    action with many alternatives.

Economic Decision Making cont.
  • The sixs steps in this decision making process
  • Define the problem
  • Identify the choices
  • Evaluate the advantage/disadvantages of each
  • Choose one
  • Act on your choice
  • Review the decision

Define the Problem
  • A problem must be clearly defined to solve it and
    have a happy solution.
  • Ex your went tailgating last night but this
    morning you car wont turn over. What wrong?

Identify the choices
  • It is important to identify all the choices when
    making a decision.
  • You have determined these things might be wrong
  • Battery
  • Loose connection
  • Starter
  • Alternator
  • Fuel pump
  • Solenoid

Advantages/ Disadvantages
  • List and evaluate the pros and cons for each
  • You have made your pros/cons list and came up
    with options
  • Take the battery out and have it tested
  • Recharge the battery
  • Change fuel filter
  • Double check the grounds for corrosion/ loss
  • Listen for Solenoid to activate

Choose one
  • After testing the battery, and it passed
    tightening and cleaning the ground and
    connections. You determine the starter is the

Operation Economic System
  • By Autumn Baucom Block 1st

Socialist Republic of Vietnam Republic of
Cuba Bundesrepublik Deutschland The United States
of America Kingdom of the Netherlands French
Communist/ Command
"Vietnam's Flag - EnchantedLearning.com."
Vietnam's Flag - EnchantedLearning.com. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Wikipedia. Wikimedia
Foundation, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam has three branches
  • Executive branch
  • Judicial
  • Legislative-450
  • The Prime minister is Nguyen Tan Dung. Also the
    President is Truong Tan Sang is elected by the
    National Assembly and the Prime Minister is
    appointed by the president and approved by the
    National Assembly. The legislature is elected by
    popular voting.

"Economic Systems Capitalism, Communism, and
Socialism." Economic Systems Capitalism,
Communism, and Socialism. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. "Vietnam's Government." Vietnam's
Government. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. "Vietnam Profile - Leaders - BBC News." BBC
News. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Vietnam occupies a land area of 330,000 sq. km.
    The coordinates are 21.0333 N, 105.8500 E. The
    climate is characterized by strong monsoons, some
    sunlight and a high amount of rain, and very high
    humidity.Vietnam is located in the center of
    Southeast Asia.
  • China is to the north, Laos and Cambodia is to
    the west, and the South China sea along its
    coast. Vitman is a country of tropical lowlands.
  • The population of Vietnam is 93,386,630.The most
    popular language is Vietnamese. The main ethnic
    group is Kinh at 86.2

"General Information Geography, Climate,
Natural Resources Vietnam Trade Office in the
USA." General Information Geography, Climate,
Natural Resources Vietnam Trade Office in the
USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016."Vietnam." Map
/ Geography of / Map of. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • The economy of Vietnam is a developing plan and
    market economy.And its main resources is oil and
    gas. And its most popular products is
    broadcasting equipment, computers, crude
    petroleum, leather footwear, and etc. The GDP
    170.565 billion.
  • Two interesting facts about Vietnam is it is the
    33rd largest export economy, and the 73rd most
    complex economy.

"Vietnam." OEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. "Vietnam Pins Hopes on Multibillion-dollar
Oil Projects with Foreign Partners." Vietnam Pins
Hopes on Multibillion-dollar Oil Projects with
Foreign Partners. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Republic of Cuba
  • There are four types of government branches in
    the Republic of Cuba
  • Legislative - 609 members
  • Executive
  • Judiciary
  • and there is also the local governments.
  • Raúl Castro is the president and chief of state,
    and Miguel Díaz-Canel is the his vice president.
    To obtain one of these position the National
    assembly must elect you. And the legislatures are
    elected directly from the slates with permission
    from special candidacy.

"KCC Offering Trip to Cuba in February 2015." KCC
Daily. N.p., 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. "Public Service Country Profile." (n.d.)
n. pag. Web. "Cuba Government Profile 2014." Cuba
Government Profile 2014. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Bio.com. AE Networks Television, n.d. Web.
26 Jan. 2016.
Republic of Cuba
  • Cuba occupies 42,426 mi², and the coordinates are
    23.1333 N, 82.3833 W. The climate of Cuba is
    semitropical with heat, humid, refreshing winds,
    and tons of sunshine. Cuba only shares land
    borders with one country the USA. Cuba is
  • The population of Cuba is 11,075,244. The
    official language is spanish. The most popular
    ethnicity group is mulatto at 51.

"Cuba - Climate." Climate. N.p., n.d. Web. 25
Jan. 2016. "Where Is Cuba?" WorldAtlas. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. "___
Cuba." Cuba. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. "Cuba
Map - Cuba Satellite Image." - Physical. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Republic of Cuba
  • The economy of Cuba is a planned economy. The
    main resources are cobalt, nickel, iron ore,
    chromium, copper, salt, timber, silica,
    petroleum. And the Key products are raw sugar,
    refined petroleum, rolled tobacco, packaged
    medications,nickel Mattes, wheat, corn, poultry
    meat, and concentrated milk. The GDP of cuba is
    6,051.22 USD
  • Two fun facts is Cuba is number 136th in the
    largest export. Cubas top exports are to China,
    Venezuela, Spain and the Netherlands.

"Cuba." OEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Central Intelligence Agency. Central
Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Market/ capitalist
"Germany Flag Colors - Germany Flag Meaning
History." Germany Flag Colors - Germany Flag
Meaning History. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web.
26 Jan. 2016.
Bundesrepublik Deutschland/ Federal republic of
  • The branches of Germany
  • Executed
  • Legislative- 69 seat members
  • Judicial
  • Germanys president is Joachim Gauck, and the
    vice president. The current Vice Chancellor is
    Sigmar Gabriel. The head of government is Angela
    Merkel. The president is elected by a anonymous
    poll, Then the president nominates the Chancellor
    and if the members of the Bundestag agree that
    nomine states. And the head of government is
    elected democratically.

"Germany Flag Colors - Germany Flag Meaning
History." Germany Flag Colors - Germany Flag
Meaning History. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Central Intelligence Agency. Central
Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Bundesrepublik Deutschland/ Federal republic of
  • Germany is 137,903 mi². And its coordinates are
    52.5167 N, 13.3833 E. Germany is found in
    Western Europe. And shares borders with Poland,
    Czech republic, Denmark, Austria,Switzerland,
    Belgium, France, Luxenburg, and the
    Netherlands.Germany lies in a cool temperate. And
    has no long periods of heat, cold. With warm
    weather and cloudy winters.
  • The total population in Germany is 80.62 million.
    And the main ethnicity is Germany's ate
    91.5. The official and most popular language is

"Where Is Germany?" WorldAtlas. N.p., n.d. Web.
25 Jan. 2016. "Germany." Map / Geography of / Map
of. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. "Germany."
Climate of the World. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web.
25 Jan. 2016. "Germany Ethnic Groups." -
Demographics. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Bundesrepublik Deutschland/ Federal republic of
  • Germany is a mixed economy (command and market).
    The kep resources are coal, lignite, natural gas,
    iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt,
    construction materials, timber, arable land. And
    the key products are car, vehicle parts, packaged
    medications, planes, helicopters, and petroleum
    gas. The GDP is 46,268.64.
  • Two fun facts is- Germany is the 3rd largest
    export country and 3rd most complex economy.

"Germany." OEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. "Expert German Car Repair and Service in
Santa Clara, CA." Master Automotive. N.p., n.d.
Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
The United States of America
  • The main branches of the government are as listed
  • Executive
  • Legislative- 100 seats
  • Judicial
  • The President is Barack Obama, the Vice President
    is Joe Biden. And both are elected by the
    electoral college.

Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence
Agency, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. Wikipedia.
Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
The United States of America
  • The United States is 3.806 million mi². And the
    coordinates are 38.8833 N, 77.0167 W. The
    climate depends on where you are located. The
    southern states and plains are usually warmer
    than the northern states. The United States is
    located in North America, and is surrounded by
    Canada, and Mexico. The USA is in many geographic
  • The total population is 322,762,018. The most
    commonly spoken language is english. There is no
    solo main ethnicity group but the most popular is
    White American, Black or African American, Native
    American and Alaska Native, Asian American,
    Native Hawaiian

"United States State Coordinates." United States
State Coordinates. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
2016. Schlesinger, Robert. US News. U.S.News
World Report, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. Infoplease.
Infoplease, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. "United
States Map - United States Satellite Image." -
Physical. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
The United States of America
  • The Main resources are coal, copper, lead,
    molybdenum, phosphates, rare earth elements,
    uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel,
    potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum,
    natural gas, timber. And the key products are
    refined petroleum, cars, planes, helicopters,
    packaged medicaments and vehicle parts.The united
    states is a capitalist economy. While the GDP is
    16.77 trillion.
  • Fun facts- The USA is the 2nd largest import
    country and the 11th most complex economy.

"United States Natural Resources." - Geography.
N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. "United States."
OEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016. "Coal." -
Chemistry Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
"Dutch Flags (The Netherlands) from The World
Flag Database." Dutch Flags (The Netherlands)
from The World Flag Database. N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Jan. 2016. "Flag of France." France Flag and
Description. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • The branches of government are as followed
  • Executive
  • Legislative- 75 seats
  • Judicial
  • The Chief of State is King WILLEM-ALEXANDER,
    Prime Minister Mark RUTT, Deputy Prime Minister
    Lodewijk ASSCHER and Mark RUTTE heads his second
    cabinet. The monarch is hereditary meaning it is
    passed down. Of course their are second chance
    election or it can be appointed by the Prime

"Willem-Alexander Becomes New Dutch King after
Beatrix Abdicates." The Darkroom Exploring Visual
Journalism from the Baltimore Sun RSS. N.p., n.d.
Web. 25 Jan. 2016. Central Intelligence Agency.
Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • The Netherlands are 16,033 mi². And the
    coordinates are 52.3167 N, 5.5500 E. The
    netherlands are in Western Europe. Germany,
    Belgium, and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands
    is in the contiguous zone.They have cool summers
    and moderate winters.
  • The total population is 16.8 million.The most
    spoken language is Dutch, and the most popular
    ethnic is also Dutch.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 25
Jan. 2016. "Netherlands Map - Netherlands
Satellite Image." - Physical. N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Jan. 2016. "The Netherlands." Climate of the
World. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Central
Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency,
n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • The Netherlands operate a service economy. The
    key resources is natural gas, petroleum, peat,
    limestone, salt, sand and gravel, arable land.
    While the Products are Oil, machines, electronic
    parts, plastic, pharmaceuticals, medical
    equipment, organic chemicals, cars, iron and
    steel, live tree and plants.
  • In 2012 The Netherland was the 18th largest
    economy. And the Netherlands is the 6th biggest
    economy in the European zone.

"The Netherlands, Economy of the Netherlands."
The Netherlands, Economy of the Netherlands.
N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "The Netherlands."
The Netherlands. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
French Republic
  • The branches of government in France are
  • Executive
  • Legislative- 348 seats
  • Judicial
  • The chief of state is President Francois
    Hollande. And the head of government is Prime
    Minister Manuel VALLS. The president is elected
    by the majority vote. And the Prime Minister is
    appointed by the President. The Cabinet members
    are elected by the president with suggestions of
    the Prime Minister.

Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence
Agency, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "MOOC, A-t-on
Besoin Dune Plate-forme Française?" MOOC, A-t-on
Besoin Dune Plate-forme Française? N.p., n.d.
Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
French Republic
  • France is found in Western Europe and lies in the
    coordinates 47.0000 N, 2.0000 E.France shares a
    border with Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy
    and Luxemburg. And near the Mediterranean sea.
    France has four big climates depending on where
    you are. France is part tropical, The coast can
    be temperate.
  • The population is 66.3 million people. Where the
    main ethnicity group is French with 92. And the
    most popularly spoken language is of course

"Where Is France." Where Is France. N.p., n.d.
Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "France Map - France Satellite
Image." - Physical. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
French Republic
  • France is a mixed economy.With a GDP of 2.806
    trillion.The most popular resources are Coal,
    Iron ore, bauxite, zinc, uranium, antimony,
    arsenic, potash, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum,
    timber, fish. And key products are planes,
    helicopter, bagged medication, cars, vehicle
    parts, and refined petroleum.
  • Two fun facts about france is It is the 7th
    largest export in the world. And the 13th most
    complex economy.

"France Natural Resources." - Geography. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Central Intelligence
Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 26
Jan. 2016. "France." OEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan.
N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Prezi links
Unit 3
  • Geography

Unit 3 NCPs
  • Learn about using maps and where the 50 U.S
    states are

(No Transcript)
Compass Rose
  • Shows the directions on a map
  • N North
  • S South
  • W West
  • E East

Distance Scale
  • Shows the distance to scale
  • for example 500 miles on some maps might be 3
    inches long
  • It varies by map size

Map keys
  • Symbols are used on maps to show what is being
  • represented
  • Showing the real things would not only take much
    more the detail would make things unclear
  • Instead we used symbols which are explained in
  • map key

  • 6.2 - Understand the 5 themes of Geography and
    how they relate to the History of Inventions and

The 5 themes
Human Environment Interaction
5 themes of Geography
  • Place, Location, Region,
  • Movement, Human/Environmental Interaction

All places have attributes that give them meaning
and character and distinguish them from other
places on earth. Geographers describe place by
two specific definitions Physical
Characteristics The physical characteristics of a
place make up its natural environment and are
derived from geological, hydrological,
atmospheric, and biological processes. They
include land forms, bodies of water, climate,
soils, natural vegetation, and animal life.
Human Characteristics The human
characteristics of a place come from human ideas
and actions. They include bridges, houses, and
parks. Human characteristics of place also
include land use, density of population,
language patterns, religion, architecture, and
political systems.

Physical Characteristics
Those physical features about a place that make
it unique
Physical Characteristics
Where are these places??
Physical Characteristics
Where would you find these animals??
Physical Characteristics
What are some of the physical characteristics
that make Leland unique
Human Characteristics
Human Characteristics The human characteristics
of a place come from human ideas and actions.
They include bridges, houses, and parks. Human
characteristics of place also include land use,
density of population, language patterns,
religion, architecture, and political systems.
Human Characteristics political systems.
Human Characteristics Architecture
Human Characteristics
Human Characteristics
Location is the second theme of Geography.
Location describes where something is, and is
broken into two areas Absolute Location
answers the questions Where is it? Absolute
location is nothing more than a simple dot--often
identified as a grid coordinate on the surface
of the earth. Latitude and Longitude can be
used to pinpoint a location. For example, the
absolute location of New Orleans, Louisiana, is
30 degrees north, 90 degrees west. Finding
absolute location is the starting point for
geographic research.
Location is the second theme of Geography.
Location describes where something is, and is
broken into two areas Relative Location
answers the question of where a place is located
in relation to other places. For example, New
Orleans is located at the place where the
Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of
Mexico, which gives it easy access to ocean and
river shipping. Your home has a relative
location. Where is it located in relation to
schools, stores, and convenient transportation?
Absolute Location in practice
Absolute Location in practice
Not very accurate in the beginning
Absolute Location in practice
Satellite and Global Positioning Systems
Relative Location in practice
Near what city??
It is defined as an area that has unifying
characteristics. A region has certain
characteristics that give it a measure of
cohesiveness and distinctiveness that set it
apart from other regions.
Functional Region It is organized around a
node or focal point with the surrounding areas
linked to that node by transportation systems,
communication systems, or other economic
association involving such activities as
manufacturing and retail trading. A typical
functional region is Silicon Valley.
Formal Region It is characterized by a common
human property, such as the presence of people
who share a particular language, religion,
nationality, political identity or culture, or by
a common physical property, such as the presence
of a particular type of climate, landform, or
vegetation. Political entities such as
counties, states, countries, and provinces are
formal regions because they are defined by a
common political identity.
(See next slide for example)
Formal Regions within a Formal Region
Perceptual The third type of region is the
perceptual region. It is a construct that
reflects human feelings and attitudes about areas
and is therefore defined by peoples shared
subjective images of those areas. Southern
California, Dixie, and the upper Midwest are
perceptual regions that are thought of as being
spatial units, although they do not have precise
borders or even commonly accepted regional
characteristics and names.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
The theme movement addresses this question
How and why are places connected with one
another? Relationships between people in
different places are shaped by the constant
movement of people, ideas, materials, and
physical systems such as wind, plate tectonics
and volcanoes.
Movement of People Immigration/Emigration,
Urbanization, and Population. The total people
of the world is ever increasing, and they have to
go somewhere. The movement of people from one
place to another is also addressed, and the
movement of people from farms to cities, and
back again (urban sprawl) will be covered.
Movement of Land Plate tectonics,
earthquakes, and volcanoes
Movement of People
Understanding the patterns of human movement, the
causes, and outcomes of that movement, and the
process of that movement
Movement of Land
Human/Environmental Interaction
Humans have settled in virtually every
corner of the world by successfully adapting to
various natural settings. For example, people
who live in the northeastern United States use
heating units to keep their homes warm in winter
People in the southern part of the country use
air conditioning much of the year to stay cool in
the heat. The ways people choose to adapt to
their settings reflect their economic and
political circumstances and their technological
Human/Environmental Interaction
Humans have settled in virtually every
corner of the world by successfully adapting to
various natural settings. For example, people
who live in the northeastern United States use
heating units to keep their homes warm in winter
People in the southern part of the country use
air conditioning much of the year to stay cool in
the heat. The ways people choose to adapt to
their settings reflect their economic and
political circumstances and their technological
abilities. The earths Vegetation Zones,
Natural Resources, Energy Development play a
significant factor in that development.
Human/Environmental Interaction
Human/Environmental Interaction
Human/Environmental Interaction
Human/Environmental Interaction
The earths Vegetation Zones, Natural Resources,
Energy Development play a significant factor in
that development.
Human/Environmental Interaction
The earths Vegetation Zones, Natural Resources,
Energy Development play a significant factor in
that development.
  • 6.3 - Understand basic landforms

(No Transcript)
Basic notes on how landforms are created
  • Erosion carries dirt,rock,etc. from one location
    to another
  • This forms delates
  • It also can make canyons over thousands of years
  • volcanos and geysers are formed from lava
  • Mountains are formed from tectonic plates pushing
  • Valleys are formed from tectonic plates pulling
  • Earthquakes happen when tectonic plates slide
    next to each other but this is rare

Unit 4
Unit 4 NCPs
  • The major event that sparked the replacement of
    the articles of confederation was shays
  • Many states were charging high taxes to pay off
    their war debts
  • January 1787 A group of angry farmers led by
    Daniel Shays tried to seize to protest
    Massachusetts land taxes
  • Massachusetts asked the U.S. Congress to help but
    Congress didn't even have the right to!
  • Shays rebellion showed Congress that a weak
    federal government would never last
  • Only NC and Rhode Island did not approve the
  • They agreed when the Bill of Rights were added
  • In April 1789 Washington took the oath to become
    the 1st president of the United States
  • In 1791 the Bill of Rights were added to the
    constitution to give certain rights to all
  • Slavery was discussed but it was not the most
    important thing to get done.

  • The 1st Continental Congress was the first form
    of government for the 13 colonies after leaving
    the British empire
  • There was also a 2nd continental congress
  • The continental congresses served as the 13
    colonies government after the start of the
    revolutionary war in 1775 and after the
    declaration and independence in 1776
  • By 1870 all 13 states had their own constitution
  • After much debate Congress decided to have a
    strong central government with a few individual
    states rights
  • They at first used the articles of Confederation
    however it was discovered that it wouldn't work
    so the Constitution replaced it
  • Some people thought that there should be a strong
    central government others though there should
    individual states rights so they compromised

Old Government (Articles of Confederation) New Government ( U.S. Constitution)
Congress could Declare war provide mail service make treaties make money Congress could not collect taxes to pay off war debt (state run) settle trading disputes between states make certain laws over all states Congress can Collect taxes Do all things in the articles of confederation make most laws federal Congress still cant control a few smaller laws that state government decides Fact RI and NC did not improve until after the other 11 states did and after the Bill of rights were added Fact South was against more than the north usually
  • George Washington became president after the
    revolutionary war was over in the 1780s and he
    along with 65 other famous thinkers wrote the
    constitution and set up the way the government
    would work
  • Washington decided to step down as president
    after 8 years and he left more ideas we use
    today in washingtons farewell address.
  • It was not until after the Civil War that
    everything was straightened out with states
  • Today there are 3 branches of the government that
    check back and forth to see their job is being

  • There have been several time periods in which
    famous composers have life writing music that
    changed culture in all parts of the world but
    mainly Russia, United States, and Europe. The
    most famous composer of all time was Wolfgang
    Amadeus Mozart. However the most famous piece of
    Music ever written was the Ode to Joy by
    Beethoven. Though most early music was mainly
    classical and with out words with percussion
    instruments music has changed into what it is
    today. However the focus of learning about music
    in this presentation is about pre - WWI. Of all
    the time periods in History of Music the
    Classical was probably the most famous. It is not
    surprising when Mozart died the Classical period
    did as well. Early music was also comling used in

  • Composer - a person who writes music, especially
    as a professional occupation.
  • classical period - in late-18th-century Vienna
    W. A. Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. Franz
    Schubert is occasionally added to the list of
    composers from this time

  • Most of the early art in the world was done in
    Europe during the middle ages. Most of the Early
    artwork was dull and not very attractive. At this
    time period only the extremely rich could afford
    to have paintings done for them. At this time
    there was no such thing as cameras so many
    upperclassmen and Royals would send well known
    artists to paint portraits and other things for
    them. Artists also began to make sculptures out
    of clay and other materials that are still around
    today after all these years. The most common time
    when art was popular was in the Renaissance
    Period (1500-1800). Today many of the paintings
    survive in museums for us to see and enjoy. In
    the middle ages (1200 - 1500) art was full and
    boring but in the renaissance period artists
    (such as Leonardo Da Vinci) began to use more
    colour and express themselves more through their
    work. There was many famous artists during the
    industrial revolution (1800s) and today. Among
    them in the 1800s is Vincent Van Go.

  • patron of the arts - a person who supports with
    money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist,
    writer, museum, cause, charity, institution,
    special event
  • Renaissance - The cultural rebirth that occurred
    in Europe from roughly the fourteenth through the
    middle of the seventeenth centuries, based on the
    rediscovery of the literature of Greece and Rome.
    Also a time period known for its artwork

  • The history of mathematics goes back to the
    ancient years in the civilizations such as
    Mesopotamia (Babylon). It is quiet apartment that
    there was a a great deal of knowledge in the
    building of great structures that stand today
    such as the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. One of the
    earliest methods known to use today that was used
    in ancient times is the pythagorean theorem.
    Math was used in the everyday live of the ancient
    peoples especially in building the massive
    building which still stand today reminding us of
    the past. There are three major books we have
    today that help modern day mathematicians figure
    out problems that modern day people do. it is a
    great example of how we use history to help fix
    modern day problems in the world.

  • There have been several famous writers over the
    years. The United States is known for having
    manying of the worlds most beloved poets, and
    writers ever known. The united States has always
    been known for having a rich culture and that is
    expressed through things such as books. Reading
    and Writing are great past times which people can
    make a little extra money off of in there spare
    time. A few people make a living writing but it
    is not the best occupation unless you are
    discovered. Even famous poets like Robert Frost
    had a job teaching before he became large. This
    connects to Social Studies through Culture.

  • Poet - A person who writes poems
  • Writer - A person who has written a particular
  • Culture - the arts and other manifestations of
    human intellectual achievement regarded

  • Just as in Writing there has been several people
    who have wrote plays and have made a good bit of
    doing it. Plays also have a lot of culture in
    them and acting as we see on TV almost everyday
    is a huge impact on the culture today. Many
    people make a good bit of money doing it. Acting
    can be fun and is a true art that has a lot of
    English/Language Arts in it. This is a carrier
    that could be considered if you enjoy language
    arts. Drama connects to Social Studies in a few
    ways because it has a lot of Culture in it and is
    part of our everyday lives but also the Ancient
    Civilizations had Drama! Before there was TVs
    ancient civilizations used to have theatres for
    the upper class to come and watch a live
    performance. It was part of their very day live
    as going to the theatre was for us! One of the
    most famous play writers ever was William
    Shakespeare a British man that lived from 1564 -

  • Actor - a person whose profession is acting on
    the stage, in movies, or on television.
  • William Shakespeare - William Shakespeare was an
    English poet, playwright, and actor, widely
    regarded as the greatest writer in the English
    language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
    He is often called England's national poet and
    the "Bard of Avon"

  • The Scientific Revolution was a time period that
    was from the years of 1543 - 1800. These were the
    years that lead up to the industrial revolution.
    The renaissance is the time period before which
    was the rebirth of former europe which had
    disappeared after Middle ages (1200 - 1500) that
    had done away with older roman/european beliefs.
    This would start the rebirth of Church being
    combined with State as well. As always people
    begin to rebel. The Roman Catholic church stated
    that the earth revolved around the sun however
    Galileo (after a lot of experiments) stated
    publicly that the sun revolved around the earth.
    Galileo explained his experiments and the Roman
    Catholic church realised they were probably
    wrong. However the Catholic Church did not want
    this to become a example of how they points could
    be disproved so they made Galileo publicly claim
    he was wrong and sent him to house arrest for the
    rest of his years claiming he was insane. In time
    Galileo was proved correct. Many other
    scientific discoveries such as this one was
    discovered in this time. This was the time when
    really began to interested in science and more
    and more people began to believe in Evolution.

Science and Philosophers
  • Scientific revolution - was the emergence of
    modern science during the early modern period,
    when developments in mathematics, physics,
    astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and
    chemistry transformed views of society and
  • Evolution - the process by which different kinds
    of living organisms are thought to have developed
    and diversified from earlier forms during the
    history of the earth.

  • The most famous architecture in the Renaissance
    period. Remember this is the time when people
    were returning around 1200 to the former Roman
    was. In the days that the roman empire which was
    known for its famous buildings that still stand
    today. Building these wonders required lots of
    math in the days before calculators. One of the
    other great places that building was done in
    early times was in Egypt when the pyramids of
    Egypt were constructed that still stand today a
    symbol of the ancient technology that tested
    early building skills that has laste over
    centuries to stand today as one of the wonders of
    the world along with the great wall of China
    built in early times to protect China from her
    great enemies of the time. Among the artifacts
    found of ancient civilizations Buildings are some
    of the most amazing standing the same way they
    once did in years past and are probably going to
    be here for years to come. Why does it matter? We
    can learn from ancient building designs to help
    our building today!

  • Architecture - A general term to describe
    buildings and other physical structures. The art
    and science of designing buildings and (some)
    nonbuilding structures. The style of design and
    method of construction of buildings and other
    physical structures.
  • Roman Empire - Was the post-Republican period of
    the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by
    government headed by emperors and large
    territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea
    in Europe, Africa and Asia.

Early Art History
  • Prehistoric, Egyptians, Mesopotamia, Greece,
    Persia, Rome, Muslims, Native Americans

Types of Art
  • Building
  • Painting
  • Sculptures
  • Drawings
  • Tapestries
  • Etc.

Early Empires
  • Primitive people before civilizations or large
    groups of people
  • Mesopotamia and Egypt, Israel, India, China
    same time period near major rivers in the Middle
  • Native Americans believed to have migrated form
  • Persia combined most of Middle east
  • Greece conquered all of known world to them
  • Rome/Byzantine conquered Greece
  • Franks conquered West Rome
  • Islamic - Africa
  • Russia influenced by Byzantine (east Rome)

Primitive Art
  • The early art pieces we have is on caves
  • This is because of the cave men did not have a
    written language and would pass down stories
    using drawings

Cro-Magnons (Around 6000 B.C.)
  • Were early skilled French natives, and the oldest
    and best examples of primitive art was made by
  • The work from them we have is in Caves in France

  • Native tribes was united by Shi Huangdi
  • When he died he was buried with 10,000 clay
  • They also used clay to make plates
  • Unlike most early civilization's art Chinese art
    had many paintings of nature rather than the
  • It also had sculptures of the royal family, like
    most civilizations but unlike most had paintings
    as well
  • Paintings were done on bamboo usually, or early
    forms of paper in which china was the first to
    have paper

  • Calligraphy was used which was fancy letters
  • The Chinese language was made up of symbols as
  • Chinese art followed certain patterns
  • Because Chinese art is unlike most in the world
    (at that time) it is worth the most now!
  • Chinese art had little influence from other
    countries or tribes

Native Americans
  • Many carvings exist of natural parts of live
    (similar to China) but this was very rare!
  • This may support the fact that Natives were from
  • Native Americans used tools made out of stone for
    weapons and has some of the best in the ancient
  • This was used to kill large game
  • They like almost all civilizations used pots, but
    more than the others because of rich clay
    resources in what is now the Modern United States

Native Americans
  • Totem poles were used to show ranks in a family

  • https//www.youtube.com/watch?v4bJKqA26uRA
  • What civilizations art did they influence?
  • What was their large temples called?
  • What did they use clay for?
  • Buildings honored _______.
  • Kings were thought by the people and themselves
    to be _____.

  • The Egyptians were one of the earlier nations who
    did have a written language however it did not
    have letters, there were known until the
    Phoenician alphabet
  • Hieroglyphics, which was there written
    language were works of art
  • Along with this Egyptians were known for their
    buildings which still stands today

Egyptians pt.2
  • Some of the buildings still stand are
  • Pyramids of Giza
  • Great Sphinx
  • Water system
  • Most of the major construction projects still

  • Persia has some of the richest art history around
  • Persia ruled over the modern Iranian area
  • Most art in this area has patterns on rugs
  • Persians used pottery like most civilizations for
    cooking but unlike most civilizations Persians
    decorated their pots

  • The art designs on pots is called Susa form
  • Persians were the first group to learn how to use
    iron to make sculptures, which they made many
  • This was known as the early iron age

  • Sculptors carved some of the earliest forms of
    figures in mountains
  • These carvings were done in honor
  • of the king
  • Much like Ancient Egypt the writing of
  • the Persians was art

  • A majority of the art from Pers
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